Tuesday, February 19, 2008

LHS Young Democrats

Disclaimer: This is not in any way manditory or required to be a part of my class

A few years ago, we had a very politically active group of students at LHS on both sides of the political spectrum. There is no doubt that this also describes many of you right now. Due to some outside issues, these clubs are no longer allowed to function as "official" organizations but they can still organize and be active in other ways.

With the current political climate in the Lubbock, Texas and the United State as a whole, there is no better time to revive these organizations. I think with the event in our own gym this past weekend is proof that many young people are very interested in getting more active in the process.

So with that said, I am more than willing to be the "unofficial" sponsor of the "unofficial" LHS Young Democrats. It is my hope that those out there that may not align with the Democratic agenda to seek out a teacher that would be willing to do the same for the Young Republicans.

Here are some ideas that I have been tossing around:

1) Volunteering Opprotunities

2) Phone banking

3) Block Walking

4) Socials

5) Meeting Candidates

6) Working at Local HQ

7) Working on State and National Campaigns

8) Debating the Issues

The last point I think is especially important. This is another reason why I believe it is SOOOO important to have a Young Republicans group as well on campus. I think it would be great to have some sort of debate schedule between the groups over their candidates issues.

So, if you are interested in being a part of the "Unofficial" LHS Young Democrats, please respond to me via this blog. If you know students outside of this class, especially underclassmen, please let them know and have them come see me. I've already had several calls from both national campaigns looking for volunteers!


Preston Wick: 3rd Period said...

Hey, if this is planning to work on Obama's campaign, I'm in. Early voting tomorrow afternoon! Everyone who's 18 needs to vote!

AnjalieSchlaeppi06 said...

I would be of course really interested in this! I lived with an exteme republican host mother and after 6 month, i couldn't do it anymore and i change family...
Hope this will happend... i know Halil Fried will probably be interested...

Abigail Ham said...

Abigail Ham
4th period

That certainly sounds exciting, and I would like to be in that group. HOWEVER, if any of this includes supporting Hillary, I'm out, because Hillary is a one word joke.

Grant Curry said...

Completely interested

follow up info
greatly appreciated

Grant Curry
9th grade

caseyfarmer03 said...

hey, I'm in. too bad I can't vote for myself. who knows, maybe all of us youngsters can sway some decisions?

a said...

Luke D'Cunha
Period 2

I think that this would be a great club. It would help youngsters from LHS to understand politics a bit better. It would also give a greater insight into the issues of today, which is very important. Additionally, the participants would get a first-hand experience with presidential elections and such.

However, I don't want to join, because it sounds like a bit too much work.

Ashely Ambrosio said...

that sounds amazing!! i would love to do that!! i have some friends that would love to join as well. i would have to make sure that it didn't interfere with my band schedule....:)

HaileyHatcher3 said...

I'm in,

I'm already a 'Texas Precinct Captain' for Obama, but I haven't started volunteering yet. If anyone wants to help make calls I really want to go in to the offices and start working.

I'm totally up for this "club".

Evan D said...

Wow. this does sound like an intersesting idea... I would have to be on the republican side though. I will try to see if i can find a teacher to "unofficialy" support us. I do like Obamas views over Hilary's though. We'll see how the election turns out.

Halil Fried- 3rd period said...

Hmm...I like how I was mentioned. Anjalie was right, though! I would really love to know the details of the "Unofficial" LHS Democrats club!! Anything to get a Republican out of office... :]

Cheyenne Bell said...

This sounds like a great idea. Can people outside of the class join?

Daniel Moss 2nd said...

This is pretty cool, but I don't really have one party im die hard for. I would probably sway republican because im more monetary minded than fiscal but i wouldn't have voted for bush. It just depends on the Candidate. How about an " LHS Young Ron Paul supporters" though, i would be in that.
or young libertarians etc.

Jessica Kaskie said...

I think that would be a great club to be in because mnay student are relly interested in polotics but can't do anything because they are minors. I would join but I slready have a lot of work and frankly, I'm not that interested in social study classes anyway. However, I think it is a good idea because it gets students involed in the community. So huge props for all the members!!! :)
Jessica Kaskie
Human Geo 4

clarahester3 said...

i would definitely be interested.

this will be my first year to vote, and i'm excited to take part in this historical election.

KatherineGollahon_2ndperiod said...

hey im just adding this out there. my grandfather found a website all about the power of one vote and i read it and was BLOWN away at all of the instinces in history that ONE VOTE changed/caused the flow of history to take the path that it did and land us where we are today. here's a bi from the website that i personally find powerful:

On November 8, 1923, members of the then recently-formed
revolutionary political party met to elect a leader in a Munich,
Germany beer hall. By a majority of one vote, they chose an
ex-soldier named Adolph Hitler to become the NAZI Party leader.

to check out more on the subject here's the website:

so there it is.... DEFINITELY CHECK IT OUT!!!

Period 6 Bradley Bremer said...

I think its a great thing to get the younger crowd more involved. Younguns these days are so overstimulated with fancy pants electonics and the internets its hard for them to find things like this interesting enough to participate.