Monday, March 23, 2009

When Myspace/Facebook Meets City Council Candidates

Tim Rogers over at D Magazine points us to this doozy: A picture of a shirtless Chazz Redd smiling proudly as he brandishes a pair of handguns.

Redd is among the gaggle of candidates attempting to defeat District 7 Dallas City Council incumbent Carolyn Davis.

If his campaign contributions run short, perhaps Redd could score a cool $100 off his shooters the next time Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway stages a gun buyback event.

You never know when your facebook may cost you in the future....


Anonymous said...

This man was ignorant first off due to the fact that on myspace/facebook the guidlines tell you not to put any kind of weapons, pornography, ect. Therefore he should have known better even without the guidlines from these web sites. I think that if people are going to use the internet then they should be mature enough to use it.

BonnieFanning1 said...

wow.. i guess it shows that you really have to be careful what you do and what kind of pictures you take. posting questionable material on facebook really can get people into trouble. So i guess the lesson is to not take inappropriate pictures with guns..ha especially if you plan on running for city council.

Anonymous said...

It was really dumb for him to put a picture like that on facebook. Knowing that either way he was going to pay for what he did eventually.HE'S STUPID!!

jakelabrec7 said...

haha thats why you dont put stupid pictures of yourself on it...

he looks gay wearing a bracelet

diamonddavis1 said...

My goodness, what a horrible way to campaign. Seriously, what kind of message is he trying to send out to a city that is already filled with crime,... "Guns are cool, even candidates use them?" Plus, he's giving other candidates as well as our ethnicity a bad name. I hate him (joking but really don't like the guy).

patreaferrell1 said...

Come on now seriously!!! This is why white people are terrified of black people. LOl this is a bad influence on black america :( guns=violence. pictures like this could cost you jail time.

miguelsmith7th said...

I don't see how having two handguns in your hands and looking realy happy about it would convince anyone to let you keep them. I don't really have a side on the gun restrictions, but there is not anything wrong with a little bit of restriction.

Kirsten Alvarez 1st said...

People do not understand that whatever you put on social network or anywhere on the internet about yourself in general is available to everyone. So if it's going to get you in trouble at any point in your life or don't want people to see it DONT PUT IT ON THE INTERNET!

alexgorelov7 said...

how would posting a picture on facebook keep from the government taking away your guns, although im not very happy about it myself, i find no reason to take away our guns anyway...

Ezequiel Savedra 7 said...

This blog is ridiculous why would someone even put a picture of them self holding two weapons on Myspace/Facebook? I can understand the publicity they are wanting, but Actors and other "Superstars" may even do that stuff, but they don't put it on Myspace/Facebook. They put the pictures on magazines where everyone can see, but a simple website to where not many people have one.

Showing yourself off to your friends is cool, but do it to where only they can see. Be smart and not go to jail for a picture. That is more pathetic then to seeing two cars fight for a lane.

Also, pornography is another issue, but they have videos and other "legal" websites for that stuff. Why do all these things? For fun ya, but is it fun when you have to pay for the price that is so STUPID in my eyes.

ashleyledesma7 said...

I think that is really dumb
of him to even think of puttin a picutre of himself like that on the internet. Obviously he was just dumb to begin with and he should have already known what the price was after. ha.

CatWiechmann6 said...

WOW!!! I can't believe that he would put a picture like that on his myspace/facebook. He should of known that he could get in trouble for doing it.

Lauren White 2 said...

This guy is totally stupid. EVERYONE knows that if you put a picture of yourself online tons of people are gonna see it. He's an idiot.

g.i.joe nathan said...

Ha, this is the reason that if I ever run for any sort of public office I plan on deleting my facebook/myspace -not that I have any scantily-clad-gun-wielding pictures of myself-at least none that I know of....

AprilGuerrero3 said...

This guy is really dumb. I dont see how people dont realize that anything you put on the internet is going to get spread around.

Mr. P said...

I think some of you may be confused with the article.
The individual in the picture is running for a Dallas city council position.
I was joking that if he needed addition funds for his campaign, he could trade in his weapons in on of the mayors gun buy back programs that he has run in the past.

matthewcastro1 said...

Wow, i would defintely not vote for this guy. First off, would this picture make you want to vote for him? No..not me. But its pretty stupid to think, that no one was gonna see this picture, somehow someone will always find dirt on you,which would be especially on this one, since its on a social networking site...
think before you post...and decide to run for city council

AlexanderHerrera7 said...

That was a weird picture, who would be stupid enough to put somethin online like that? He is :P

Hayleeduke1 said...

Uhm this man is a little
ignorant. If he wanted to run for
any kind of office he shouldn't have put that picture on his facebook/myspace. Like Chantel said, "the guidlines tellyou not to put any kind of weapons, pornography, ect." Mabey he should wise up and delete the things he doesn't want people seeing before runing next time.

Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

there are many things wrong with this picture.
1. this guys shirt is off
2. this guy is holding not one but two handguns
3. A city council member has a facebook
These things combine and determine Chazz Redd's future. I think that this guy is an idiot for doing this and putting this on his facebook. The only reason someone would do this is to show off and it's not a good thing to show off. Pretty much this picture is saying i can hold two handguns and have my shirt off at the same time.

MenakaYadav3 said...

Wow, I hate to go all Mr. Woody on this one, but I think it actually calls for it...If you don't want to something to end up on the internet, um, don't do it! Posting anything on facebook, myspace, and youtube is fair game nowadays and people really have to be cautious of their actions and even words. Teenagers have to be weary of people posting pictures of them getting drunk or doing stupid things, and apparently politicians need to be weary of people posting pictures of them handling shot guns? I'm actually glad that this picture surfaced when it did, I'm sure the citizens of district 7 wouldn’t be too happy with themselves if they elected this man to city council only to find out later that his two favorite toys are lethal..haha.

baylessdrum3 said...

moral of the story? Don't post something stupid on the internet, especially if you are running for public office. And I certainly did not want to see that lovely picture-

aaronbrownpd3 said...

That picture is pretty fantastic. Reminds me of my renegade days back in the eighth grade. But seriously, that was an incredibly stupid thing to do.

Rachael Henderson said...

Wow...well I've decided, I am definitely voting for him now! I think it was so great of him to tell America that guns are cool use them and take pictures of yourself and put them on the web! This guy was so stupid to put a picture like this on facebook/myspace where anyone could see them! The first thing I was told when applying for jobs was to make sure there was nothing incriminating on my facebook (I know, hard to believe I was clean). Still you don't ever put something on the "internets" that could possibly hurt you later. I love that our authorities are so responsible!!

KatelynnDabbs_1 said...

people dont seem to realize its called the world wide web for a reason. if you post stuff its out there for ever. go by the if you r grandma shouldnt see it you shouldnt post it.

Margie Tucker 1 said...

hahaha this is pretty funny and that pic should be one of his campain pics. and put some tacky slogan under it. you know put it on a billboard so everyone driving on the freeway can see he would be a good pick b/c he not only is one tight man yet knows the laws and programs the city has/offers.

AntonSoriano2 said...

Why would you put a picture of yourself on that facebook/myspace. Wow... i guess he is getting the publicity he wanted.

amber obregon 2 said...

He was just being dumb putting a picture like that on. so he may have to face the consequences.

Sarah Moore 2 said...

You would think that someone would be smarter than this. But as you can they are not. With all the stupid pics that people put up despite warnings and the consequences others have suffered because of things like this they still do it. Things like this remind you to think before you do stuff.

ChrisHidalgo01 said...

People fail to realize that when content on the internet, it's out there, even if you delete it. This goes for Youtube too, ever tried clicking the drop down arrow "statistics and data" just to find out that your video has been posted on 17 different sites. Pertaining back to the blog, it is just plain ignorance when people post every picture they have on the internet. Redd is no exception of the idiocrity.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

This is retarded why would you even put such a dumb picture like that... why would a person running for city council even have a facebook/myspace.

micahrivera3 said...

Either way the guy is an idiot. He should know that image is everything. Especially considering what he's trying to do. I think he did it on purpose. There is no way he can be that dumb and try and run for city council..or can he..dun dun dun!

cheyennehernandez4 said...

haha. i think this is funny. IT is true though that more and more employers are checking facebooks and myspaces to see what kind of person you are off the job. This guy made a dumb move. Politics is all about how you are preceived by the public and what are people going to think when they see this picture of him.

AmandaCaughron1 said...

You would think that not putting pictures like this on your facebook or myspace would be common sense, especially if you are in the middle of a campaign. By putting pictures online you would have to know that it is available for everyone to see.