Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Nuke Plants

The White House is optimistic about climate change legislation in Congress and hopes an announcement to jumpstart the nuclear power industry will appeal to Republican skeptics, a top adviser to President Barack Obama said.

The Obama administration will announce on Tuesday an $8.3 billion loan guarantee to help Southern Co. build two reactors, helping to invigorate the nuclear power industry after nearly three decades in which no new plants have been built.

Carol Browner, Obama's top energy and climate adviser, said she was hopeful about progress on energy and climate legislation that is currently stalled in the U.S. Senate.

"I'm always optimistic, as is the president," Browner told Reuters Insider in an interview.

"We're working hard, and we're encouraged by the conversations that are going on. Obviously this is very important legislation and we're going to do everything we can to make it happen," she said.

Browner noted that Republicans, many of whom oppose the climate bill, would take note of Obama's efforts to reach out on the issue of nuclear energy.

"We also hope that Republicans and others, supporters of nuclear (power), will take note that the administration is prepared to provide leadership on issues that are important to solving our energy future and creating a different energy future," she said.


Brickland Easton said...

I think nuclear power is an excellent step toward alternate energy sources. It's cleaner, and much more efficient. We need to get off the oil standards and move on to better alternatives. Moving toward nuclear power opens the door to hydro-electric, wind, and geo-thermal energy.

KateKobza8 said...

I like the idea that Obama is open to providing energy for our future. New nuclear power plants are good in that they don't contribute to greenhouse gases, however they involve radioactivity which would remain in our environment for an unknown length of time.

JamesD'Cruz3 said...

It is about time that someone other than a Republican brought this up! Nuclear power is safe and clean. Thank you Mr. Obama. See, you can do good every now and again...

Marissa Castillo 3 said...

My knowledge of nuclear power plants is limited, i will admit that, but thats a lot of money to throw down, especially at this time of recovery.

zakarybalderas4th said...

That is alot of money, but it is worth it for a clean power source. Global warming is getting bad enough as it is. If only nuclear power were more accessible than it currently is then we wouldn't be so depedent on more enviromentaly destructive sources. Nuclear power an potentialy help solve global warming and energy cisis. So keep up the good work Obama administration.

RobertDuran4 said...

I think the United states should definitely build more nuclear reactors. Nuclear power is a very efficient, clean energy source that the Unites States should utilize more.

Laura Xu 8th said...

Hopefully Republicans will realize the importance of a nuclear power industry and allow the legislation to be passed. We cannot continue to rely on fossil fuels for energy, so we must find new sources. Nuclear power does have certain drawbacks, yet that is the case for all other energy sources as well. As long as safety regulations are followed, nuclear plants could provide America with a viable and efficient energy source.

MaggieJordan4 said...

It is wise of the Obama administration to focus on the nuclear power industry for awhile. Focusing on something other than healthcare will be a good change for our country. The republicans should be pleased about the $8.3 billion investment and this will hopefully help current relations.

IshanJayawickrama4 said...

I think its good that we are trying to make nuclear energy a cleaner source of energy. however i dont think we should be spending so much money in a source of energy that seems like it will become obsolete in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! More chances of a zombie infestation!!! I'm a lil too much excited about this...

JoshGarcia1 said...

I'm going to say that nuclear energy is the way to go. It is better for everybody. Wait cant these things blow up? That's the only drawback that and nuclear waste. Those are the only bad points, wait these are good targets for terrorist attacks ok those are the only drawbacks. Wait these things run off of uranium which is limited...ok maybe this isn't the answer to all of our problems but it is a good start right?

wilsonvillegas8 said...

Nuclear power is a clean and safe energy source, as long as the waste is properly taken care of. There isn't a safe way to get rid of nuclear waste and I don't think anyone has created a container that will last long enough for the waste to decay to a safe level. We need to find some way to reprocess nuclear waste. There isn't going to be a carbon free world, but investing in nuclear energy is sensible. I don't think the United States should put all of their eggs in the nuclear energy basket, however.

KimberAdcock1 said...

I am all for finding better ways to get energy... I really don't know much about nuclear energy. As long as it dosnt cause nuclear war or hurt anybody I'm perfectly happy with it!

KimberAdcock1 said...

I am all for finding better ways to get energy... I really don't know much about nuclear energy. As long as it dosnt cause nuclear war or hurt anybody I'm perfectly happy with it!

NikiParikh8 said...

President Obama’s proposal to build nuclear reactors for energy is a step in the right direction. Increasing energy derived from nuclear reactors will certainly reduce our dependence on foreign oil and improve our security. The nuclear reactors that are used to generate electricity do not emit green houses gases. This should help reduce global warming. France had learned its lesson many decades ago. It derives 75% of its energy from nuclear reactors because of its long standing policy based on energy security. Other benefits that France has exploited are exports of technology and fuel. We could do the same and reduce our trade imbalance in our favor. Construction of new nuclear reactors will also create many skilled and unskilled jobs and reduce unemployment our country is facing in this economic downturn. We have the nuclear reactor technology and it can be easily implemented. Let us join our president in his effort to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, make our country safer and obtain electricity by the most eco friendly means.

EthanEarl3 said...

It's great that we are making small steps toward getting more of our power from renewable energy sources, but there is a reason a nuclear power plant hasn't been build in the US for 30 years. Though better than fossil fuels, nuclear power does have its fair share of problems, and there are far better and safer energy sources. I normally don't take sides, but I don't really see why Republicans are getting in the way of energy reform. If you're going to agree to nuclear power, you might as well agree to all forms of clean energy. Even if one doesn't believe in climate change, it just makes sense to go to renewable resources if for nothing more than to make the US independent of foreign oil.

constanceschmitz-mousavi4 said...

I don't know much about nuclear power but I do know it's much cleaner and more efficient. Although it does have drawbacks, I'm pretty positive almost everything does now, especially energy resources. I think as long as we're aware of the possibilities and have plans for them we'll be fine. Stop draining Earth and move toward the nuclear option. =]

JakeShelby1 said...

Like many readers so far, I agree that Nuke power is the way to go. Figures on fossil fuels are a bit sketchy, and will continue to be until there is nothing left. My issues with Nuke power are: safe storage of waste, and the chance of a catastrophic incident. Of course, like with all things, you've got to take the good with bad and just hope the bad won't out-weigh the good in the end. So, with nuke reactor technology, I think the pros definitely outweigh the cons in the long run.