Thursday, October 21, 2010

Marijuana Crushes Grape Profits in Cali

The most persuasive argument for legalizing pot might just be a dollar sign.

California's pot crop is worth $14 billion, according to a state report. The Press Democrat points out that crushes the wine crop which comes in at $2 billion.

Legalization would be a huge shot in the arm for plenty of ancillary industries, such as banking and construction.

Of course, there's always the possibility that the federal government would crack down. That risk might make investors too skittish to get involved. Earlier this month, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the government would continue its dangerous raids.

Some regions, such as Mendocino County, have leaned on pot agriculture as other industries dried up. It's estimated that at least half of that county's economy depends on cultivation of the plant.

The only sure thing is that there's no sure thing. Marijuana legalization is uncharted territory. Or at least, it's uncharted in this country. Other countries have managed to figure it out, but here in The Land of the Free, we've clung to prohibition.

Earlier, the state estimated that it could rake in $1.4 billion in taxes if Prop 19 passes, but they've since backed off that estimate, claiming that there are too many unknown variables. Prop 19 would allow each individual municipality to set its own pot regulations, which some detractors have said will create an unwieldy patchwork of laws. Coincidentally, most of those who oppose legalization are those who make money from prohibition: law enforcement agencies and the alcohol industry.

Meanwhile, the San Francisco Patient and Resource Center has established a gleaming treatment center for medical usage. The attractive, safe space has turned into big business, luring patients from around the city by offering extras like meditation classes, social events, and art.


Lacy Tullos 2 said...

I think that marijuana legalization in California is inevitable due to the profit available from it. Eventually, when the state is in extreme financial need, they will break down and allow it. The huge amount of money is right on their fingertips and eventually they won't be able to resist it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the federal government really will crack down. This country is in a recession and if this is a new legalized market that could help out the economy I kinda think the government should just okay it.

ShaliniJayawickrama1 said...

I think there is a big possibility that legalizing marijuana could do more good than harm. California's economy definitely needs the boost as well as our nation's. Yes, it will make marijuana more acceptable in our country but I don't think that that is necessarily a terrible thing; at least, it's no worse than alcohol is. At the moment, most people view marijuana very differently from alcohol despite their effects not being more harmful than those of alcohol.

Anthony Flores 2nd said...

i think that they should just legalize it, if it makes money then just accept, its like a lemonade stand makes 2 dollars a hour and a bar makes 100 dollars an hour. cha-ching$$$$$

Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

That's insane that pot profit is greater than wine sevenfold. This may provide enough evidence for California to vote on the full legalization of marijuana. But the opposition from law enforcement and alcohol industries may keep it just for medicinal purposes. But I guess we won't know what will really happen until the 2nd.

Maggie Duke said...

This is an issue that definetly mirrors the "wet city v. dry city" debate. There are really only two reasons it's not overwelmingly voted for: 1.) the religious people and 2.) In this case, the drug dealers; the people making money from pot being illegal. That's not to say that only fully religious people abstain from drugs and pot, I am just pointing out that no one else in the world really cares if the addicts get their mild fix(if one can PROVE pot is even addicting). Those who trully have no interest in the matter don't see the harm and therefore can be persuaded either way. As such, it seems very important, in the rough economy, the dollors pot is and could be raking in- there may not be a lot of people who strongly campaign for pot, but there are a lot of americans, politicans, druggies, or otherwise, who want to start getting us out of this huge hole we're in. If pot is able to do that... they say more power to it!

AnnaPratas5 said...

What it really all comes down to is who's making the money. If the majority can profit from legalization, then you can bet marijuana will be legalized. And realistically, those supporting prohibition are smaller scale industries than industries that support (and profit) from legalization, namely the state government.

Laura Liu 5th said...

In terms of the individual, marijuana should be banned forever and no person should be allowed to touch, smell, or see it. But in reality, when it comes to what is best for the society, legallizing marijuana will do more good than bad. Money is definitely an important factor in whether Prop 19 will be passed. California can definitely benefit from the billions of tax dollars it could potentially get from prop 19.

SarahRyburn1 said...

Obviously several different economies would be effected by the legalization of marijuana, some positively, some negatively. But I think most of the attraction to marijuana is the fact that its still illegal. Once it becomes readily available for consumers and no longer has the risk factor in buying and using it, the value of the plant would decrease. I'm sure California and other states would benefit slightly in its legalization, but the fight opponents would put up would end up outweighing the end result.

AlissiaWarden5 said...

I think the government should make all the drugs illegal. We can make money out off bu it. And if do make tons of money out of it, we get to pay less tax. And if the local sells them then we can get control of who is using drugs and how much they are having it. Its a safe and good way.

Radhika Gandhi said...

I am in favor of legalizing marijuana. It is used as medicine in many places, and would boost the economy. Yes, I understand that a lot of people would go crazy with it, but I think that most people do marijuana because its illegal. Once, the craze dies out marijuana is going to be just like any other legal drug. I completely agree with the article saying that the only opposition from legalizing marijuana is from the people who benefit from its prohibition, which is a terrible reason not to legalize something. Marijuana should be legal.

Richard Windisch 2 said...

The only reason marijuana is still illegal is that there are old ,outdated, and untrue beliefs about it's dangers to health and society that are being held onto by older generations. Also the DEA's raids and threats to continue even if California legalizes are ridiculous and as the article said dangerous. I can't understand why we continue this expensive, useless, wasteful and violent war on drugs particularly with something like marijuana which has shown to be less dangerous than both alcohol and tobacco. I think in a free and democratic country, restrictions on what we can do with our bodies need to be limited instead of increased (banning trans fats, and mcdonalds in low income areas, etc).

Aaron Rocha 2nd said...

I say legalize it!! It already has been proven to make a really big dollar sign. There really is not a big downside to this.....even poor people want to get high. Not all poor people like grapes.

TannerNichols2 said...

I see a huge help to the economy if you legalize marijuana, tax it, and sell it in specified locations, under the watch of licensed professionals. Set and age requirement just like alcohol and tobacco, outlaw it in public and make is punishable when driving. It will cut down on crime rates and it has obvious medical benefits.

ShelbeyBridgeman02 said...

You would think that during a recession they would be more willing to try anything that could help an economy. Its surprising that not everyone think its a plausible idea especially when at least a few counties have already benefitted from it. Also if they did leaglize marijuana and regulations varied, (which might be better if it was at least state regulated rather than local)just like with tobacco and their taxes, law inforcement would still be needed so this area wouldnt need worry too much about losing jobs.

BekaHarris2ndPeriod said...

I don't believe marijuana should be legalized based off of the money it brings to the state because I think that that would cause boundaries to be broken. However, I do think that if it has a true and proven medicenal value, then it can be grown in moderation for patients who qualify for its use. I think there should be a statewide set of regulation rules and not district by district.

Angelica Ramirez 2nd said...

i dont understand why marijuana hasnt been legalized all over the US yet, even just for medical reasons. if it were legal we could charge taxes on it to help government income and help pay off any state debt. tobacco and alcohol is legal. just get with it and legalize marijuana all over

Taylor Liggett5 said...

This is just another example of why making marijuana legal makes sense. If we sell it, and tax it, it could save our economy. If people were to look at this issue logically, with no biases, then they would see that.

Kaylob Aguirre 2nd said...

Wow i can not believe that pot crops rake in that much money, that is just crazy. Anyway i don't think that it would be such a bad idea if America legalizes marijuana, because people are using it anyway but in secret. Also we would make alot of money if we do legalize it because if other countries can legalize marijuana and manage we can too.

Rihin Chavda Prd-1st said...

It makes sense that legalization would really help the economy, but at the same time it would hurt multiple industries like wine, fruits etc. and legalization of pot would also bring many bad results like, increase in the amount of crime and increase in death rate. It could be legalized with a few exceptions for example, certain amounts of usage per a period of time.

Joshua Powe 1 said...

Legalizing pot will bring the state profit of california way up. Maybe instead of the main crop being grapes it will be pot. But still in the big scheme of things it really shouldnt be legalized because its just a bad idea. People using it for Medicinal Purpose are already finding there own way to get around laws.

AliFleming01 said...

the legalization of pot in this country would be good and bad. Now i dont know much about the drug but or its history, but maybe seeing as how the profit for the drug is ridicously higher than that of grapes; maybe they shouldnt legalize because really if they do it would just bring down the worth ten fold and there would not be much of a profit at the end. But then again maybe the drug wouldnt be as popular if it was legal or organizations ran by drug lords in forein countries wouldnt be so large and scary because people would just be able to smoke weed bought from local growers without danderous intentions.

john wardroup 2nd said...

i find it interesting that pot is so out there that its unknown how it will really be treated, i think we should try legalization out in California and see how it goes, like our own little experiment and hope the results are conclusive one way and follow in the "right direction" according to the benefits of pot.

MacyHogue2 said...

It seems legalizing marajuana could help the economy if it were legalized. I'm sure a lot of people who are too afraid of the law now would be more willing to spend their money in that area, and then that money would be spent somewhere else and thus the beauty of capitalism.