Wednesday, December 1, 2010

China Urges Restraint In Korean Crisis

China is appealing for all sides to avoid inflaming tensions with North Korea as the United States and South Korea conclude a major naval exercise in the Yellow Sea.

But South Korean Defense Ministry officials said Wednesday they are in talks for another major exercise with the United States to take place as early as this month. South Korea is also planning its own live-fire artillery drills to take place next week.

South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted the military command saying one of the exercises would take place near Daecheong Island, located just south of the two Koreas' disputed maritime border in the Yellow Sea. North Korea launched a deadly artillery attack on another island while South Korean forces were conducting a similar drill last week, firing into waters that both countries claim as their own.

In Beijing, the official Xinhua news agency quoted Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi saying all sides should "keep calm and exercise restraint." He is the highest ranking Chinese official to comment on the crisis.

Show of force

The joint naval exercise ending Wednesday was the largest in a series of drills staged by South Korea and the U.S. in recent months. It involved thousands of sailors, 75 aircraft and 10 warships including the nuclear-powered USS George Washington.

South Korean officials said they have not yet decided on the timing or nature of the next joint exercise. They said it would come later this month or early next year.

In New York, diplomats say China is blocking efforts at the United Nations Security Council to draw up a statement condemning North Korea for its attack on Yeonpyeong island and its development of a uranium enrichment facility.

Diplomats speaking on condition of anonymity told news services that China was unwilling to permit the use of the word "condemn" or say North Korea is in "violation" of U.N. resolutions.

Early last week, North Korea fired more than 100 artillery shells at a military garrison on the island, killing two South Korean marines and two civilians and causing widespread damage. South Korea since then has reinforced its garrison and evacuated most of the island's civilian residents.

North Korean nuclear buildup

Earlier this month, a U.S. scientist said he was shown a sophisticated uranium enrichment facility in North Korea and that he had seen more than 1,000 centrifuges in operation. Pyongyang has since claimed the facility has "thousands" of working centrifuges.

North Korea says the uranium is being enriched to power a light water reactor under construction, but foreign officials fear it could be used to make fuel for nuclear weapons.

Crisis talks

Diplomatic efforts to diffuse the tension continue on several fronts.

Foreign ministers from the United States, South Korea and Japan are to meet in Washington next week, and the issue could also come up with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at an international conference this week in Kazakhstan.

Choe Thae Bok, a close confidante of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, is in Beijing for talks, and Japan said Tuesday it was sending a senior official to China to exchange views on the situation.

China is pressing for an urgent conference to be attended by China, the United States, Japan, Russia and the two Koreas. But Washington and Tokyo have shown little interest, saying North Korea must first show it is serious about giving up its nuclear programs.


AnnaPratas5 said...

Unfortunately, this looks like an opportunity for the U.S. to extend it's time spent overseas. Hopefully though, these issues that have been brewing for years can be resolved peacefully.

Weizhou Lin 1 said...

Is this gonna be re close rerun of the Cuban Missile Crisis? Maybe, I just don't see the point in the two Korea shooting at each other. To intimidate the other? Perhaps, but this goes no where. I mean its like saying I bring a knife you bring a gun I bring a rifle you bring an automatic rifle I bring a RPG you bring a missile. It just goes on and on. They need to do more talk than scaring each other to death.

Maggie Duke said...

You know that something is bad if china is the state that that is urging restraint. Oh goodness, this is really bad. Not to sound melodramatic but someone somewhere really does not like peace. First the North Koreans display this then the WikiLeaks site all but destroys surface diplomacy not only for the united States but for Russia as well. Things are heating up very fast and these next few days are going to be critical. I'm not sure that the displays of force that the United States and South Korea are demonstrating are such good ideas. They will have to be backed up. But, I still believe there is hope, however small. If China is asking for restraint and peace talks, an at least economic ally of North Korea's, and the US and South Korea think with level heads, we may just escape a hot war by the tips of our noses. But time will tell, won't it?

JessicaKaskie-2 said...

YEAH RIGHT NORTH KOREA! There is no way that they are harvesting all that uranium simply for light power. There is no way North Korea will be willing to give up nuclear means anyway, Washington.....I's North KOREA! When they fight, they are prepared, and fight dirty.

mariayasminrey5 said...

This crisis sounds REALLY serious and very scary. I think that the surrounding areas and United States should do all that is possible to make sure that North Korea stays to itself. If North Korea were to drop an atomic bomb, all hell would break loose and an atomic war would be on our hands. I think whatever needs to be done to stop this, should be done.

Jessica D'Cruz 1 said...

This is ridiculous y r they even fighting its just going to cause a big mess that china and the us will have to clean up and hopefully there not building nuclear stuff tho... That would b bad

Ruth_Long_5 said...

To me, this issue was always unresolved and waiting to bubble over. If not in the south then definitely in the north because history has shown us repeatedly that oppressive regimes in which the people are unhappy often, if not always lead uprisings and insurrections. To say this might seem cruel or insensitive but it sometimes takes a war and its accompanying horrors to resolve an issue. In this case, the previous assertion might be true and unless the world wishes to see WW4 there is no reason for other countries to intercede. Communism is no longer the basis of America's foreign policy and its actions should no longer be justified solely by it. Although it is undesirable to witness neighbors warring, those on the outside can only advise restraint to a certain point. Some fights just need to be fought out in order for the proceeding peace to show itself. It is only hoped that enough will survive to rebuild and then live this peace and prosperity.

maryobriant001 said...

When North Korea is already bombing South Korean land and killing South Koreans, it is not the time for the permissive, appeasement-esque attitude China is projecting. North Korea has shown no indication in the past of "calming down" in similar situations. Not that action should be imprudent or hasty, but China sounds like it sees nothing wrong with North Korea's violent attack.

Dakota Limon 2nd said...

Okay, that's really frightening. North Korea is so scary. I feel really bad that South Korea is having to restrain itself after the firing by North Korea on the island. But I think that we should all be extremely careful with this situation, or bad things could occur. And yes, North Korea should definitely give up their potential nuclear resources.

JanieMahan5 said...

This is, undoubtably, an extremely hostile situation. North Korea is causing immense conflict and, in my opinion, needs some more serious retaliation. The UN cannot let North Korea go on causing damage in this way.

Chin-lin Yu 5 said...

This is a very bad crisis. We don't know what the North Koreans are capable of with nuclear weapons. If this dispute can be resolved peacefully we should take that route otherwise we should prepare to do whats necessary to protect this country

NickZias1 said...

I find this current situation in Korea very bad. With different powerful countries taking sides, this could lead us into larger international tensions than we already have. This is also how world wars begin, but hopefully it does not escalate to that.

TannerNichols2 said...

All of this just to show the amount of power and the strength of their force? If the US steps in, which in my opinion is EXACTLY what North Korea wants and is waiting for, what is stopping them from launching every little piece of weaponry at us?

Anonymous said...

It would be good for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons attempt, especially because they obviously have no idea what they are doing. Shooting four people during a practice? Yeah, they are messing with fire and I believe that all these countries should sit down and have "how to use a weapons 101 class." I understand that they like most other countries desire to make themselves more powerful through artillery, but they should defiantly do it in the most peaceful way possible.

Tynan Shadle 1st said...

Th situation in Korea is getting bad. Something has to be done. I'm not saying that we need to start a war but the United Nations "condemning" North Korea's attack will have no effect, the North Koreans could care less what other nations think about them. President Obama tried to come to the North Koreans with open arms and this did not work, maybe its time to take some sort of action, or get out of the Yellow Sea and lay down all together. We can't afford a nuclear war but something the North Koreans might need to realize is that, they aren't the only ones with nuclear weapons.

JessicaJohnston1 said...

Well, this is the typical situation fir that area. North Korea does some crazy stuff, freaks out everyone, comes up with an improbable explanation and then continues doing said crazy stuff. Obviously the United States isn't interested, because their just ignoring the issue until North Korea gives up its nuclear programs. I can't decide if that's the smart thing to do as opposed to kissing NKs feet like South Korea and China are doing. Either way, maybe a little attention from the United States wouldhelp.

Also, in response to the photograph:

Rihin Chavda Prd-1st said...

in this matter I think America should definitely stay neutral. no need to be involved in this, and it's cool that China is blocking efforts at the United Nations Security Council to draw up a statement condemning North Korea for its attack on Yeonpyeong island and its development of a uranium enrichment facility.

Laura Liu 5th said...

I think a serious conference on peace is definitely needed. The situation between North and South Korea is tense and should be handled very carefully. Nuclear weapons are a REALLY BIG DEAL. It's so dangerous and there's a lot of potential for disaster. America, China, Japan, Russia, and the Koreas really need to try to work out a peace settlement as soon as possible.

Rachel Naasz 2 said...

It's pretty ridiculous that we are still having to deal with North Korea. They keep getting stronger and more violent as the years go on. Due to todays modern technology they are able to develop more elite forms of weapons. Looking at how far they've come they aren't about to give it up anytime soon like their nuclear programs so the U.S won't take a serious intrest until then.

AliFleming01 said...

I truely feel that the two Koreas are unfortunately QQQQQQQ heading to war with one another. If they do this will definitly cause a serious blow for both sides but South Korea the most. Although the problems between these two countries (or are they really still concidered as one? IDK) are probably never going to be completely solved, the rest of the more powerful countries have to do the best to their abilities to try and hold off any attacks from eith side, especially North Korea with the threat of them having nuclear bombs. maybe we will jusst have to wait and see how this story plays oout but i really hope (but this is just how optimistic Iam) that this will all end peacefully without any more blood shed.

caitlinmills1 said...

I think that North Korea is a serious threat right now. They are obviously armed and even fairly dangerous. I do not think that anyone should take immediate action against North Korea but i don't think that we should just simply sit idly by so as not to "inflame tensions." I think it will be seriously regretted if we choose to do nothing to warn or stop North Korea. It seems they are up to something and from the evidence it isn't something good.

Katy Rendon 2nd said...

North Korea will not vacate its nuclear weapons for it is their advantage over South Korea. North Korea wants to be the domineering power, and will stop at nothing to gain what they believe is rightfull theirs. This includes displaying violence, and attacking South Korea. By North Korea continuing to house neclear components, they are making sure that they are a force to be reckoned with.

Radhika Gandhi said...

I hope North Korea abandons nuclear weapons! Kim Jong II is flat out insane, in my opinion. Although, I do not think Washington should get so involved in this matter. While Tokyo on the hand, should be paying attention to this as it's in their sphere of the country. I do agree that China should be involved in this as it is a close by country and it's also communist like North Korea. The news given to me by this article, is slightly pressurizing but not that much.

Anonymous said...

I think that the United States cannot get into other countries' business. Why must we be the police of the world when we have an economic recession and another with Al Qaida? I believe the best thing to do is stay out of it.

Anonymous said...

I think that the United States cannot get into other countries' business. Why must we be the police of the world when we have an economic recession and another war with Al Qaida? I believe the best thing to do is stay out of it.

MacyHogue2 said...

I think war is an evil the world will never be free of, but I am glad there are efforts being made to stop this one from getting worse. The United States often gets involved in conflicts across seas that we may or may not should be a part of, but at least somebody is doing something to care for the rest of the world by trying to protect them from nuclear bombs.

jordanpharr1 said...

Wow. this is a lot of scary news. i really think that both sides need to have their own testing centers pretty far away from each other. and i REALLY think that noth korea needs to not have nuclear weapons. thats dangerous for everyone, not just south korea. im actually really shocked that the south didnt attck when the north killed some of their people... i really just hope this dwhole thing odoesnt go out of contorl and turn into a real problem.

Bre Casey- 1st said...

China is like the puppet master of north korea and they are clearly pushing for the conference so they can express their opinions on the situation at hand. The diplomatic efforts on the situation are clearly not helping. They should have the conference to talk things out.

Kaylob Aguirre 2nd said...

I believe that all of the countries that are involved involved in this meeting should keep a close eye on North Korea, because right now they are saying that there using nuclear power for underwater construction but they might very well be using it for something far more dangerous.

Bryce Yancey period 1 said...

wow north and south Korea are like two mischievous two year old siblings who cant stop fighting and when one gets knocked down it retaliates by shoving the other harder and china and the US are like the parents. hopefully with age they will learn to "appreciate" each other.

Ashley Balderrama 1 said...

I don't think its right for everyone to just turn a blind eye and not take much intrest in what is taking place. I mean to tell someone that you're going to pay no attetion to them until they're sreiuos is like saying your not going to stop a bank robbery until they prove thy're actually going to rob it. Its not smart

JafferSamad1 said...

Nuclear warfare is very serious. I think that China is doing the right thing in trying to have peaceful solutions for this serious situation right now. I think that the demonstrationso are dangerous in themselves and that North Korea would be very dangerous if they decide to use their nuclear weapons. Diplomatic resolve is very important if we are have safety for ourselves and other nations.

Richard Windisch 2 said...

I Dont understand why China is so insistent on protecting North Korea and refusing to allow It to be said that they are in violation of UN regulations. Honestly N. Korea is kind of scary due to their unpredictable nature and possession of dangerous weapons. I think that something should be done to control the rogue North Korea.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope this is all worked out. People always get so touchy when it involves communism....

Lacy Tullos 2 said...

North Korea and nuclear weapons are a very bad combination... Uranium to power a light water reactor? I mean come on, they can come up with a better excuse that that.

Angelica Ramirez 2nd said...

i dont understand the point of this ongoing war, neither sides are benefiting from it. Its another ridiculous way that the united states wastes tax dollars on an unnecessary war

Lia McInerney2 said...

Man, this whole thing is a mess. At least they're attempting to have some peace talks about all this, but who knows how those will end up. Hopefully some progress on this isssue will happen. I just hope no more lives are lost over this.

Joshua Powe 1 said...

U.S not responding to the invite to the conference is a good thing. The koreas need to show that they are interested in first giving up their nuclear program but also fixing its problems with china. If the U.S. go in to fast and show to much interest we could get pulled into something we dont want to or need to be in.

AlissiaWarden5 said...

Mr.Perry. You haven't put anything new on. So i was wondering if we need to blog.... ya... thats it...

Laura Liu 5th said...

I'm really glad that nothing disastrous has happened since I last posted. North and South Korea are still where they are geographically and there's been no intense nuclear warfare.

Rihin Chavda Prd-1st said...

"China is pressing for an urgent conference to be attended by China, the United States, Japan, Russia and the two Koreas." is a good move, but as it says Washington and Tokyo arent yet ready because of North Korea's lesser interest in the giving up of nuke programs. War is never the answer, it isn't even clear to me what the war is about, but they should talk it out just like in the show West Wing when they talk the Kashmir conflict between india and pakistan

AdamEscandon1st said...

I think North Korea should think about and actually show action in giving up it's nuclear programs in order to make compromise with everyone else. This will make it a easier for the United States as well as other nations. I'm sure that if North Korea did so, the "stress" on the United States would decrease and it would be better for us

Aaron Rocha 2nd said...

Looks like something is stirring up. It wont be long before these 2 casualties become thousands. Someone really needs to step in and control this chaos.

Logan Bishop 5th said...

First comment to make sure everything is working...

I find it interesting that China still attempts to support N. Korea even after Wikileaks exposed private diplomatic communications that effectively stated annoyance as to the actions of their neighbor. It is understandable that China would have sought an ally in its sphere of influence back when the world was divided on the lines of Communist/Capitalist, but in a day and age where the the general population finds more satisfaction in economic fulfillment over military might, it seems strange to forgo denouncement of a nation that seems all to willing to start a nuclear conflict. I guess the true question is whether this is just a baring of fangs to show that business is as usual during the exchange of power, or if this is just the first movement in a path that leads to a greater conflict.

Spencer Kitten 5th said...

Appealing to all sides does not make you neutral, just a fence-sitter that does not want to end up on the losing sidd of a battle. Tensions are escalating, and with the Koreas so close to the Chinese border, China will have to take some course of action at some time or another. I'm not insisting on any act of war, but China will begin to be seen as more of an enemy of the "western" world if it continues to decline any course of action in response to the events taking place. We need to watch what China does carefully over the next few years to be prepared for any major actions they may take in the future at least.