Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has her own interpretation of the “winning the future” theme of President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech.
“He dubbed it a “Winning The Future” speech, but the title’s acronym seemed more accurate than much of the content,” Palin wrote in a lengthy post on her Facebook page.
WTF is a profane abbreviation that has been popularized in text messaging.
Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, focused her response on attacking the Obama administration’s economic policies. She also cited frustration with the projected $1.5 trillion U.S. budget deficit, 9.4 percent unemployment rate and high home foreclosures.
“Americans are growing impatient with a White House that still just doesn’t get it,” she wrote.
Palin dissected the infrastructure, education and renewable energy programs announced in the president’s speech, calling the proposals “half baked ideas” and “recycled rhetoric.”
Echoing rhetoric used by other Republicans following the president’s nationally televised address Jan. 25 before a joint session of Congress, Palin said Obama’s discussion of making “investments” in those areas was code for “increased government spending.”
“Cut away the rhetoric and you’ll also see that the White House’s real message on economic reform wasn’t one of substantial spending cuts, but of tax increases,” she wrote. “When the President talks about simplifying the tax code, he’s made it clear that he’s not looking to cut your taxes; he’s looking for additional tax revenue from you.”
PAC Account
Palin, who has hinted at a possible presidential campaign in 2012, entered 2011 with $1.3 million in her political action committee’s bank account, Federal Election Commission filings show.
Palin raised $3.6 million last year for the PAC and contributed $463,500 from the fund to candidates during last year’s midterm election campaign. Since creating the fundraising committee in January 2009, she has reported $5.7 million in donations, including $3.8 million in amounts of under $200 apiece.
The PAC’s website last fall showed gun cross-hairs over the districts of several Democratic lawmakers, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, who was wounded Jan. 8 in a shooting spree that killed six people. Palin was criticized for the cross-hairs and for some of her rhetoric.
The Young America’s Foundation, a conservative youth organization, announced today that Palin would give the keynote address at a celebration honoring the 100th anniversary of former President Ronald Reagan’s birthday.
Palin will “reflect on the seminal speech by President Reagan, ‘Time for Choosing,’” according to the foundation’s press release, during her Feb. 4 speech at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California.
The following day, former Vice President Dick Cheney will address the group.
Haha well I do think the reference to teenage texting lingo is interesting but i think it odd that shes acting like nobody in the country understood what “When the President talks about simplifying the tax code, he’s made it clear that he’s not looking to cut your taxes; he’s looking for additional tax revenue from you.”
Really Palin? Thanks for clarifying that...
I think its ridiculous that Palin is even getting any crap from the media about the crosshairs over mrs. Giffords. That is in no way sarah palin's fault and she should be left out of it. The shooter didnt see those crosshairs and think "GOOD IDEA!!".
Taxes are bad. Really, they're atrocious. It's not like taxes pay for public schools or libraries. Pay peacekeepers that allow you to not be mugged on your way to these places or fix traffic lights that keep you from dying.. No. Maybe this is my grand $2.18 tax return talking but i feel that, just maybe, if taxes or the worst thing here in America we're not doing too terribly. Now i feel that this article expresses a 'profane abbreviation' that did in fact make me giggle, but only because of the undying love Palin has for Obama. Why else would she be poking him? We've all been to second grade, we know what love is. Why else would she being making profane abbreviations? This stab at his taxes reform and economic policies is not petty and completely unjust with his trying to make a decent structure to the frame of the White House after is was blown up from a lovely redneck, but really tons of hearts!! And Sarah while you're pointing a finger, wheres your ideas to our economy?
I think that Sarah Palin is right about the government when she says quote "Americans are growing impatient with a White House that still just doesnt get it." I belive that Sarah Palin would make an excellent candidate in the 2012 election, considering that she raised $5.7 trillion dollars in fundraising. It seems that she knows what she is talking about. I also agree with her when she says that " the presidents speed, calling the proposals 'half baked ideas'."
I'm not sure if anyone caught the comment made towards the end about Palin's cross-hairs, and how one of them was ironically over Arizona; pointing towards the injured Representative. That's some bad luck..
Anyway... Palin seemed to draw quite a bit of 'interpretation' from Obama's speech. Possibly too much and adding her own inference just to make a stand; this is not such a redeeming quality.
Palin resigned as governor, and did not complete her term, so she is in no place to criticize others on how they do their job. Her and her tea party followers try everything to get rid of Obama. They continue to criticize him, but they have nothing to replace the things Obama wants. They need to have their own ideas and plans if they want to get rid of Obama's.
In Obama's state of the union adress he talked about how he was going to cut spending and the spend more in other areas. It is almost embarrising to be a world power and be so indebted. This was the demise of many counrties that used to be world powers. We need to stop spending overall. Not just change what we spend on, and we definently do not need to cut military. We have a huge problem with homeless veterans and cutting their pay will not help get them of the streets. Also, the democrats were the first people to use the crosshairs in political matter. Palin was not responible for what happened in Tucson it wasnt even political. I dont think she willrun for president and if she does i dont think she will get the vote because she is to radical.
I find it very funny that Palin is attacking Obama through this acronym. She is one to talk with the drama that has surrounded her in these past years. Although i agree that "WTF" isn't the best name for Obama's program at least he is attempting to change the future. I believe politics has become a dramatic competition to see who can dig up the worse dirt. I admit I am far from a politician but from an outside point of view its pretty hilarious and immature.
It seems a little immature, to me, thas Palin brought out the WTF in the "Winning The Furute" speech. Funny? yes. Appropriate? no. She's just burying herself deeper. And the fact that she has her own reality show just doesn't seem proffesional. I don't know. She just likes to keep it interesting I guess.
First of all, the abbrieviated Winning The Future (WTF)speech name is a little inappropriate. Especially if who Palin is trying to reach out to is the future generations who know the original meaning of "WTF". Although Palin has some good points about how the Obama Admin. might be trying to raise taxes, she acts like she could really do better. I believe that when politicians have to put other people down to make themselves feel bigger, it's cheap and shows how much weaker of a politician, the politician criticizing is compared to the other politician that isn't.
While Palin has the right to do so, she has little authority to criticize Obama's policies. She can't even articulate her own policies clearly, from what I've seen in interviews and the like.
As for her re-entry into the presidential campaign, I believe she shouldn't be elected for the aforementioned incompitence in articulation of her policies. A president should convey their ideas fluidly and clearly to the public, a skill I believe Palin lacks.
People can construed everything out of anything but WTF is a Pretty stupid move for obama's reputation. I mean, how could they not see that as a problem? There's no shame in politics these days... Plain seems to be on the ball, hopefully there's some promise in her possible campaign for president in 2012. She may be radical but that could be the swift kick in the pants America needs.
Personally, Sarah Palin is not my most favorite person in the world, but she does have a good point. Many people are becoming impatient with the government, more specifically the president, saying they will fix this and that, yet nothing of what they said ever gets done. With that said, I am not saying that Sarah Palin could make everything come true but at least she is recognizing that in the past when something is said like, "our troops are coming home" that that's not always the case. I'm not calling Obama a liar because things like what he would like to have done will take time and not happen over night. As far as my point of view on who's right or wrong, I can't tell so I guess we will just have to see what's going to happen in the future.
America will see if obama's proposals will happen, and if our taxes will be increased or not.
America will see if obama's proposals will happen, and if our taxes will be increased or not.
I know "WTF," already has some negative feeling about it and it was only a matter of time someone pointed it out. From the side that Palin did it well its not like she ever liked Obama. I do not blame her for putting criticism on Obama's plan for "investments," when he is really doing a little government spending... He just likes to stray from those words because people nowadays don't like to hear "Government spending." They like to hear "Profit, Gain, AND Investment." So they know their money is not going to waste (Hopefully). In a way he is INVESTING for the future. So we can later... "Win the Future.." Now about Palin having the Crosshairs on lawyers and others also including Giffords. It was wrong but I don't think it was intentional like that. It although has scared alot of people.
I am entertained that Sarah Palin is ridiculing and taking shots at Obama. Indeed the acronym is slightly ridiculous and hopefully non transparent for obamas tax intentions, but i think that Palin will use this as her advantage if she perhaps runs for elections. Palin is practically from canada and hopefully will stay there, as for obama...change your slogan, seriously!
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