Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gov Calls Teachers Unions "Thugs"

TRENTON, N.J. - Gov. Chris Christie took another shot at New Jersey's largest teachers union in an interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer.

It aired last night on "World News Tonight".

"Here's what I say to them: That I believe the teachers in New Jersey deserve a union, as good as they are, and they don't have one," Christie said. "And they should start demanding to get a union as good as they are, because I believe the teachers in New Jersey in the main are wonderful public servants and care deeply. But they're union – their union are a group of political thugs."

Christie also says he has no plans to run for president because he doesn't feel ready.


Anonymous said...

I don't get what this Christie guy means when he says the teachers are political thugs. Wasn't he just talking about how they deserve such and such. If he's criticizing teachers how does he expect to get elected. No wonder he's not ready.

Carson Wickersham 5th said...

Clearly this guy has a considerable nerve, but it's possible he may be right about teachers needing a better union. Teachers in general seem to be poorly represented and this is just making that more obvious.

Tiffany Nguyen5 said...

This statement from Christie will make him unpopular and makes him more of an unlikeable character. Perhaps he could be trying to make a good point, but he is not expressing it in a good way. I don’t think its right for Christie to straight out say that the teachers union is political thugs and public servants. He needs to defend his point and say it in a better way that would make more people understand him than hate him.

JakeMcVicker2nd said...

Is it really smart to insult your states educators? I wonder if he has children and if they attend any schools these union members teach at. "has no plans to run for president because he doesn't feel ready." Yeah that or because a large amount of his educators won't support him.

Or they'll be real "thugs" and suggest they pay him for protection.
"Where's our money? Huh Christie?! WHERE'S OUR MONEY?!"

That's when they make him spend a week in the Jersey Shore house as torture.

Efren Gomez 2nd said...

Good thing he isnt running for president. For a man in power he always, consantly need to watch his words. Calling New Jersey's Union a whole bunch of "Thugs," may some truth in it but it isnt... how do we say "Mature." Maybe they just look "thug," I dont know but that is his deal between the union and himself.

Cara Kasemsri 5th Period said...

Well, that was his opinion on the situation! I'm sure he offended many people but he does support the idea of a union group.

J. Vivian said...

The idea of a political official saying thugs is just a tad bit hilarious. Though it just goes to show how modern slang is becoming a normalcy in today's society. Whether or not this is a bad thing or not will be determined by how common this issue gets. When the president or members of congress start using these new day terms then I think we will all start to worry. Especially the english teachers of America.

J. Vivian said...

It is just a little bit hilarious to see a government offical use the word thug. Though I am not entirely suprised, because the use of modern slang is becoming more and more common. But I do think when the president or members of congress start using terms such as "thugs", we should more then likely be concerned.

Troy Newsome 5th said...

Of all things, "Thugs"? Then what does that make politicians? The only thug here is the governor demeaning teachers and such. Chris Christie was put in office to find remedies for the state's budget and economy, but all he's done so far is start fights saying do what he wants or else, like calling teachers unions thugs. He needs to work on his communication skills as far as negotiating goes.

Carrah Osborn 2 said...

It's good that Christie feels that the teachers in N.J. deserve a better union. One without the problem of "political thugs". I mean if the teachers there are good and caring like he says they are then they definitely deserve a real union with real good and befits in it. Any state with astounding teachers in it deserves a good union.

naveenchekuru2 said...

I believe that educators deserve a good union and one that can represent them and take care of them. since they are public servants they have a right to get good unions to help them. I think that states trying to take teachers unions away is just wrong and that that it should be illegal to take away unions.

Jesse Lane 2nd said...

Maybe teacher unions should stop mugging people in dark alleys and tagging buildings with graffiti if they dont like being called "thugs."

Shivani Daji2 said...

Well its a good thing that hes trying to help the teachers. they do a lot for the school and students, and they deserve a union.

JackWilson1 said...

Teacher unions are necessary,but they are a little to powerful and ergo make it difficult to fire teachers that do not teach well or are a threat to the children they teach. I don't think that this statement will work out well for Christie.

calvinmata1st said...

I think that the word "thug" is a little too harsh of a word for a teacher. The two words just don't go together in my mind. Anyways, I have to agree with Christie because teachers are a major part of the world. They are the ones that practically build the future and prepare children for the world that awaits them. So whatever kind of union he is talking about, the teachers deserve it!

Unknown said...

He wanted the teachers to create a union, I think it'll be a good idea, they should if they're good. And he used the word thugs? Sure they would have power, but using the word thugs was a little unintelligent, just saying. I'm glad he decided not to run for president.

ChrisCobos2nd said...

I think that he is right and that teachers should be able to have unions because theyre doing a great job. They should get the care that they deserve. ANd i think he is just a swell guy.

Celia Olascoaga 2nd said...

The teachers should all get respect, because they do so much for. People aren't understanding how important they are.

DebbyRogers2 said...

It's really sad that New Jersey's governor is resorting to name calling. Perhaps if Texas had teacher unions, their pay wouldn't be one of the lowest in the country. Teachers are over worked and under payed and unions are very useful in helping them get decent wages and working conditions.

Audrey Allen 1 said...

Maybe he would be more prepared to be president if he took an English class. I suppose it's possible the pressure got to him and made him impossible to understand. It's possible he has a good point, it's just impossible to tell what it is.

RhiannonMason05 said...

My Dad teaches six grade after completely several years studying to teach social studies and he feels lucky to even have a job. I think that unions should have qualities that derive from thugs. They know what they want and they wont stop until they get it. Obviously the teaching profession needs to throw some fists in the air. Even if i take this as a compliment i doubt this Governor does, and seeing the lack of funding for education and the administers i don't understand why he's not running in the Presidency Campaign..

Olivia Wise 1st Period said...

Teachers are very important members of the United States. They teach young people the things they need to know to lead this country. Without them, our country could fall apart. They are very underpaid and deserve more. They have the right to form a union if they want.

EmmaLehtinen1 said...

What is it about their union that could constitute the title of 'thug'? If Christie thinks that the teachers union should be reformed or changed in some way, I think he should specify, and offer suggestions for a compromise with the union. Pointing fingers and name calling won't get anything done...

BrittanyGarza2 said...

I think this man has lost his marbles. He just said two contradicitng phrases. Obviously he feels teachers are good to society and are very helpful, but maybe he doesn't see how much the union will affect them. I think he should just leave them alone, because they are fine the way they are. How can he call their union a group of political thugs if they don't even have a union set up? I think Chrisitie is lying about caring for teachers, he just wants to look good for the people.

Andrew Cook 5th said...

The issue of unions is actually one that has really interested me lately especially with all the news about it. In my opinion, the purpose of unions has been outlived. Unions were created to help those on the bottom of society "mostly factory workers" achieve a better standard of living by not only fighting for fair wages but also better working conditions. However, these lofty beginnings have fallen to levels of bullying industries and companies into paying workers and granting concession on scales that just aren't feasible, and especially considering the economic straights we are in today, this isn't a good thing for our economy at all. It has gotten to the point where workers actually enjoy more benefits and higher salaries than do those in higher positions such as managerial positions because the workers who are members of a union can bargain with more power for those benefits, and the money must come someone. Right now we live in a society that hates wrongdoing. If ever a factory were actually at such bad conditions or paid such bad salaries they would be sued before they could blink an eye. Ultimately, unions have served their purpose and it is now time for them to leave-at least for now- because they are causing more harm than good.

Jack Powell 1 said...

Calling a union of teachers thugs is a particularly unwise political move; teachers do what they do because they want to help the children, the so-called 'future' of America. No matter how he tries to sugarcoat it, he called a group of teachers who simply want a fairer deal in exchange for their time and effort a group of 'thugs.'