Thursday, April 21, 2011

iPhone Tracking Your Movement

Privacy concerns raised as researchers find that iPhone saves every detail of users' movements without their knowledge

Researchers have discovered secret files on the iPhone that track user location and store it on the device, without the user's knowledge.

The log file was discovered by the University of Exeter senior research fellow in astronomy Alasdair Allan and writer Pete Warden.

The revelation has raised privacy concerns as the data that is stored is unencrypted and could easily be read by anyone having access to the phone. It could also be misused by someone if the phone is stolen.

"Apple has made it possible for almost anybody - a jealous spouse, a private detective - with access to your phone or computer to get detailed information about where you've been," said Warden.

The pair of data scientists also added Apple could not have placed the software accidently as the log file tranfers onto new devices when an old one is replaced.

They said, "Apple might have new features in mind that require a history of your location, but that's our specualtion. The fact that [the file] is transferred across [to a new iPhone or iPad] when you migrate is evidence that the data-gathering isn't accidental."

However, Allan and Warden say they have no evidence that the data is collected by Apple or anybody else.

The secret file in the smartphone contains the latitude and longitude along with a timestamp of the location of the phone. Allan and Warden created a tool which shows the data in the form of a visual map.

The researchers said the movement tracking software is exclusive to Apple's iPhones. They could not find it in Google's Android phones.

"Alasdair has looked for similar tracking code in Android phones and couldn't find any," said Warden.

"We haven't come across any instances of other phone manufacturers doing this."


Jeanne Wehde 5 said...

Wow. I had no idea that iPhones save the movements of the owner. I can't believe this was a "secret" until now. The people at Apple had to know that this was possible. I wonder why they did this? This seems like an invasion of privacy. I wonder if they can be prosecuted for invading people's privacy? As a person who doesn't own a single apple product, this makes me hesitant to buy anything in the future. I guess if I switch to a smart phone, I'll choose android.

Jeanne Wehde 5 said...

Wow. I had no idea that iPhones save the movements of the owner. I can't believe this was a "secret" until now. The people at Apple had to know that this was possible. I wonder why they did this? This seems like an invasion of privacy. I wonder if they can be prosecuted for invading people's privacy? As a person who doesn't own a single apple product, this makes me hesitant to buy anything in the future. I guess if I switch to a smart phone, I'll choose android.

wesleywehde1 said...

I knew there was a reason I don't own any Apple products. I'm sure there is at least some reason behind this and I will anxiously await the response from Apple. I'm sure that if this is indeed unnecessary then Apple will develop some kind of patch. The most disturbing thing about this article though is the fact that anyone can access this information. Previously, it was just the government and people with computer skills. Well, if I was thinking about getting and iPhone... I'm not anymore.

ThomasBurk2 said...

This is ridiculous. There is no reason that Apple should need to know were you've been in the last few days. The scientists who discovered this said that they could find no evidence that Apple is using the information, but why would they put this in their phones if they are not using it?

Carson Wickersham 5th said...

I think privacy issues stem from those lengthy agreements detailing terms and conditions when there's an update for something; no one wants to read them, and they want to use their exciting piece of tech, so they just zip through it. Apple's privacy policies have become gradually more invasive over the years, and facebook is doing something similar. I think it's clear that if people want their information secure they need to make their voice heard.

Olivia Wise 1st Period said...

The Apple company may have done this on purpose, but it is not meant to harm anyone. They probably thought it would help people in case of an emergency or another case like that. But now that people are complaining and do not like this feature, Apple should greatly consider taking it off.

Krishna Patel (2) said...

According to me i feel that this is totally wrong. I mean people have the right to have their own freedom as this is a country of total freedom. I feel the tracking software should definately be removed from the iphones before they enter any other phone. Glad to hear that it is not found in androids, as i have one. Government should take some action to increase the security for their own people

Ralph Molina 2nd said...

I don't know what to say about this. I think its a stretch to say that apple has some sort of conspiracy for which they need to know all of their users locations. I would be curious to know how long this locational software has been on the phones. Was it in the very first iphones too? or is this recent? if it is recent I would say that it is reasonable to think that apple probably just have some new features coming out that require a history of locations. But if it has been on the phones since the very first iphone and they still havent made a program that needs it then why is it there? I would wager to bet that it is nothing to be worried about at all but it is interesting because it does spark a bit of creative curiosity.

Logan Bishop 5th said...

Sam Seaborn was correct in stating that Privacy is the issue of the twentieth century. With every step of brilliance integrated into our hand held devices, another opportunity for our privacy to be breached is created. I dislike that Apple has not directly addressed this issue via data encryption and user acknowledgement. By all accounts the owner of the phone should be allowed to choose whether they want this data tracked. Considering the latest fiasco with Sony, it is beginning to sound like we pay for the privilege of using the device but do not truly "own" the item.

Kobena Pratt-Panford02 said...

Well that's just creepy. Why would they give the phone the ability to do that? They speculated that Apple might have new features in mind that required that, but i would think they'd include something like that in an update or something of the sort. Big Brother's watching.

Audrey Allen 1 said...

It's a little scary to know that our location can be tracked without our knowledge. Anyone with access to your phone could know everything you've done for the time you have had the phone, and even if everything you have done is completely innocent, it is still nice to have privacy.

John.Michael.Frullo.1 said...

The locations tracking and movement aspect of the iPhone is a tool that has been increasingly integrated into different apps. In Facebook, you are now able to "check in" at places with your phone, or you can see where you took some pictures using different tabs in the photos app. However, having a constant log of a person's movements and time frame without the approval through an app is alarming. We're not sure where Apple is going with this yet, but based on the transfer of the logs, showing that it is not an accident, this could warrant further investigation.

EvanDenton2 said...

Wow. This is kinda freaky, like Big Brother is watching. Apple is obviously planting seeds to further it's Plot of global domination. It would be interesting to see how this would hold up constitutionally. An obvious invasion of privacy is apparent but does is it law-breaking to monitor people's movements?

EmmaLehtinen1 said...

I can understand an app to track your whereabouts, but the device itself tracking you, what was the reasoning for it? Without telling people, anyway. Personally I think if they had something like that they shouldn't hide it unless they have something to hide, which makes it pretty suspicious = P

EmmaLehtinen1 said...

I can understand an app to track your whereabouts, but the device itself tracking you, what was the reasoning for it? Without telling people, anyway. Personally I think if they had something like that they shouldn't hide it unless they have something to hide, which makes it pretty suspicious = P

BrandonCruz2 said...

The fact that people are just now realizing this is ridiculous. Each time the iPhone needs to use locating services, it asks if you want to use your current location. How else would it know where your current location was unless it was tracked? It wouldn't.

Shivani Daji2 said...

Well, that sucks like hardcore. Unless you dont have anything to hide its alright but
the whole privacy being invaded doesnt seem to fun! hopefully the iphones can fix that.
they havent found anything for the androids yet, so thats good!

Jesse Lane 2nd said...

It's a good thing I dont have an iphone. And even if I did, people would see the only places I've ever been are my house, various orphanages, homeless shelters, and any other places that I can do my share of charity work...and double daves.

StaciFrentress2 said...

That's cool and weird at the same time. You would think with this software that the phone company would be able to help anyone who has had their smart phone stolen but they don't. I personally have no problem with my phone 'keeping tabs' on me, it's not like I do anything anyways so they don't get much. I can see where the privacy problem arises but it is only a problem if people know about it. It is just a very touchy subject that could go one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

While this maybe just a security measure for the phone its also another example of how easily the american public is allowing themselves and their privicay to be manipulated. We automatically jump at new technology without considering the results.

Troy Newsome 5th said...

Wow, this is both fascinating and scary at the same time; making it unique because it stores the info on the iPhone. I'm sure Apple will find some way to play this off seemingly cool as if there's logical reasoning behind it. This is just another instance of big brother. We have enough stuff keeping track of us, and now this? One more reason not to buy an iPhone.

DebbyRogers2 said...

I'm appalled to think my iphone is tracking every movement I make. I understand it might be useful whenever someone's phone gets stolen or lost, but was that really the only reason Apple made this feature? I wouldn't be bothered so much if everyone would be capable of deleting the history of where they've been if they wanted.

Celia Olascoaga 2nd said...

It is surprising what technology can do. Computers were created mainly to facilitate calculations but with time there is such amount of information and possibilities with different softwares that sometimes privacy is violated. If we leave our information in our computers, iphones, ipods etc. we can loose control about who can gather this information.

naveenchekuru2 said...

i think that this is not an invasion of privacy because only certain people can find out where you have been. also you have to lose your phone or someone has to steal it in order to track where you have been. this should not be a concern it can actually be usefull.

elenahernandez2 said...

This is scary. I think it is different than how they tap the phone to find terrorists. This is a company that had a lot to do with our economy since they have so many products and so many stocks for those products. It's scary to think what could happen if this company fell into the wrong hands seeing how the iPhones are becoming the mass majority of phones Americans use, and whoever owns this company would pretty much have a tracking device for everyone in American without them even knowing.

Nathan Rangel 1 said...

I have many comments to say about this article and I will first start off with saying that I can't believe these two scientist, or anyone else who is baffled by this discovery, find it somewhat disturbing that an iPhone can keep records of where you have been and even at what time. Personally, I've always had in the back of my mind that the world we live in today uses the word freedom lightly and that someone could "watch" me. Also, I have noticed that lately there are articles coming out that have to deal with ones privacy and how the government can access it at any given moment. I don't find anything wrong with the government using my information for their records or whatever because I have nothing to hide and think of it as the government is only trying to protect their citizens. As long as I am not being harmed in any kind of way I don't feel like anyone is invading my privacy. Back to the point I think that depending on who you are and what type of person you are you will react differently to a situation like this.