Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Uncle Jay 4/11


Efren Gomez 2nd said...

Well this is a gret way of dumbing down the government's budget problem for the common man. Its so great and funny its really insulting. Althou it does explain the deficit.

Efren Gomez 2nd said...

Nice funny video that dumbs down topics that the common American cannot understand is a comic way that seriously should offend most of us but it doesnt. By the way if Donald Trump ran for present i would not vote for him.. he would just fire a whole bunch of people... The only good thing about him is that he is loaded.

EvanDenton2 said...

Haha I believe this man knows what he's talking about. Witty, politically unskewed, older, and tech-savvy. He's good at putting things in perspective. The fact that congress is paid with the budget they decline to fix, the chances of Trump becoming president, Obama being a Jedi... Interesting stuff. I'll have to get his hilariously titled DVD.

Jack Powell 1 said...

While I appreciate and like the humor of this video, the actual content is hard to take seriously. I feel as if he's just mocking the government, but he isn't actually drawing attention to the problems at hand; just his mockery of them.

Jeanne Wehde 5 said...

This is a bit strange. I honestly don't really know what to say. I have to say that because I don't know the logistics of Congress, it appears that many people were acting less than adult-like; however, I could be wrong. Also, I agree that Trump probably won't run for president and that his stunt is merely for publicity for the newest season of apprentice and his various other businesses.

Carson Wickersham 5th said...

Y'know, I think this dude may be kinda bitter about his government. And while he makes some valid points (albeit in a somewhat strange way), I don't think anyone could've really expected a drastic change in the budget with the Republican/Democrat split we're seeing now in Washington.

Troy Newsome 5th said...

This Uncle Jay guy is a real character. Really good 3 minute video. Those "adults" sure know how to get things done. What, with their cutting of 1.6 trillion to a mind-numbing 1.5 trillion over six months? How do they do it? Anyways, even though it's most likely a huge publicity stunt, it's scary to think of what Trump would be like as president, as much as he likes to throw his weight around.

wesleywehde1 said...

Uncle Jay is annoying. He is kind of condescending. "Big news for little minds." Turned me off immediately. Plus, fake news about Donald Trump's running mate isn't even big news. But, if that makes him feel important fine.
The government shutdown news and the budget news are very important, but he needn't shout about them. He is right when he is so frustrated with the fact that the legislators were still going to pay themselves and serve themselves while almost leaving the rest of the government high and dry. Luckily ad thankfully, this did not happen.

Celia Olascoaga 2nd said...

It looks like Uncle Jay is criticizing different public people, "adults" including Pres. Obama for not behaving responsibly. He mentions Charlie Sheen for not being mature enough. Finally he refers to Donald Trump as a candidate for President recommending to run with Huckabee and Sara Palin. But i think Uncle Jay is not being serious about most of these.

JackWilson1 said...

Uncle Jay has brought up some very important issues that many adults have with the government. Unfortunately my opinion is that the behaviors Uncle Jay has mentioned will never stop because politics is who gets what when and how and the people who make the rules get what they want(to a degree) first.

Unknown said...

Can all news be like this? After all, its fun AND educational. Also, it's nice to have someone there to make you feel less crappy about your government.

Oh, and what is "A great kid is great news" supposed to mean?

Julia Ho 1 said...

Can all news be like this? After all, its fun AND educational. Also, it's nice to have someone there to make you feel less crappy about your government.

Oh, and what is "A great kid is great news" supposed to mean?

Logan Bishop 5th said...

This man is amazing...just brilliant.
Well, I agree with him in general about the budget issue. The whole fiasco has become far too politicized and proves to be a dangerous showdown in terms of keeping the country strong. I doubt that this fact will change anytime soon, but fingers are crossed.
And I completely agree with the Donald Trump issue. That man running for the White House will usher in an era of extremely bad foreign policy and hair-dos.

gpennell said...

Just fyi, I'm commenting as I'm watching the video.

The beginning is annoying. I hate adults. Just kidding. This guy is pretty hilarious. Even though I agree with some things that he's saying, I don't believe that a YouTube vlog sarcastically targeting youth is appropriate. I'm all for stating your opinion, but the way he did this was a bit too far. He could have handled the situation better.

Matthew Avery said...

I find Obamas flippant actions disconcerting. Especially when Libya broke loose and he wasnt even in the country. I personally already have to pay quite a large sum to uncle sam in income tax and i can say right now that the fact that they cant decide on a budget when we(the hard working citizens) must sit back and watch how they bicker over the money which we a re painfully parting with is very upsetting. Also, people fully need to understand that donald trump isnt going to run for president, he just wants major publicity and yet another title to his name. Trump doesnt care at all for the american working class and would rather rip us all off even more just to make some extra bucks and gain a little more power.

John.Michael.Frullo.1 said...

In this video, Uncle Jay uses satire to make points about the government officials and their actions. He acts like he is hosting a children's show and talks about "adults", but he uses this term in a mocking way. He says that these adults are so "adult" that they do not have to follow their own rules, commenting on their behavior and how it should not be accepted. His mocking comments on the "adults" serve to point out certain problems evident in society.

J. Vivian said...

It is honestly sad that this video is pretty darn acurate. The "news" addressed in this video is presented in a childish way, but it does clarify things for those who cant make sense of the "adult" news. It just makes me laugh that this is how idiot proof the news can actually be, it just is made much more complicated by people who think to much. As for the facts in the video the one that stuck out to me the most was the whole Trump running for president. It is so sadly true that if he finds the right running mate he could win the presidency. :/
This is just a sad sad fact about popularity running politics in societly today.

Anonymous said...

My name is Jay.
Uncle Jay really summed things up. "Adult," haha.
I think I might keep up with Uncle Jay's videos. They're pretty funny and informative.

Ryan Hedgcoth 1st said...

first off, I can totally understand being frustrated at the government, because there are a lot of politicians who give politics and government alike a bad name. But I feel like this guy's sarcasm isn't doing the government any justice. I mean, government is a difficult process, especially in America.