Wednesday, April 27, 2011

White House Releases Birth Certificate

The White House has released President Obama's long-form birth certificate, saying the document is "proof positive" the president was born in Hawaii.

The release marked an unexpected turn in the long-simmering, though widely discredited, controversy over Obama's origin. Obama's advisers have for the better part of three years dismissed questions about the president's birth, directing skeptics to the short-term document released during the 2008 campaign. But as the issue gained more attention at the state level and particularly in the 2012 presidential race, Obama said Wednesday that it was starting to distract attention from pressing challenges like the budget.

The president, who discussed the release at the White House without taking questions, said he had been "puzzled" by the enduring shelf life of the issue and acknowledged the announcement may not put the so-called birther controversy to rest. But he told the public and the media that it's time to "get serious."

"We do not have time for this kind of silliness," Obama said. "We've got better stuff to do. I've got better stuff to do. We've got big problems to solve."

He said the country will not solve those problems if people are "distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers."

The document released by the White House lists Obama's birthplace as Honolulu, Hawaii, and his birth date as Aug. 4, 1961. The hospital listed is Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. The name on the birth certificate is Barack Hussein Obama II.

Obama's presidential campaign, in response to questions raised in 2008, at the time posted a short-form version of the document on the Internet. But conspiracy theories continued to fester. They gained legs in recent weeks as Donald Trump, who is toying with the possibility of running as a presidential candidate in 2012, repeatedly and publicly questioned Obama's origin.

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer noted that what started as Internet chatter had moved into the national political debate and ended up being discussed regularly on mainstream news outlets.

Pfeiffer, on the White House blog, said the president thought the attention was "bad for the American people" and directed his counsel to request access to the long-form document from the Hawaii State Department of Health. The department granted an exception to release the long-form document "because of the tremendous volume of requests they had been getting," the White House said.

"At a time of great consequence for this country -- when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices, and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, D.C., was once again distracted by a fake issue," Pfeiffer said on the blog. "The president's hope is that with this step, we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to the American people and the future of the country."

Trump, speaking in New Hampshire, took credit Wednesday for the president's decision to release the document. He said his team would have to examine the birth certificate and questioned why the White House took so long, but indicated he wanted to move beyond the issue.

"Today, I'm very proud of myself, because I've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish," Trump told reporters. "Why he didn't do it when everybody else was asking for it, I don't know. But I am really honored, frankly, to have played such a big role in hopefully, hopefully getting rid of this issue."

The document states that Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya and that his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born in Kansas.

* How long will it take before someone claims it's a fake?


wesleywehde1 said...

I hope this will silence Donald Trump and make him stop making a fool of himself and of the Republican party. I do agree with him that it is kind of ridiculous that the Obama camp did not pull for this the first time people were questioning his origins. Then we wouldn't be reliving this debacle right now. But good for Obama to finally put this to rest! If anyone claims it is a fake, then they are ridiculous. No one would be doing this if he weren't black, yet it's just as likely that one of our previous presidents was born in a European country. America does not have a monopoly on white people, so why aren't any white peoples' birthplaces questioned? There's an obvious answer and unfortunate one too. And that is people petty enough to push these issues to the forefront of our usually serious political system are prejudiced. In my opinion, these people should not be getting the prominence they are getting.

JakeMcVicker2nd said...

Obama is absolutely correct in being puzzled as to why people hassled this issue for so long. I'm sure there are still skeptics even after all the proof that has been presented. People need to stop focusing on such trivial things and actually discuss and focus on the real issues that are happening.

Carson Wickersham 5th said...

This is ridiculous. The dude's the president.I'm pretty sure you have to have a thorough background check in order to become the freaking president. People really need to use some common sense and start paying attention to the things that matter.

MeganGellner5 said...

Three years ago, if anyone looked up Obama's birth certificate, it was on the internet for all to see. But ignorant, hard-headed people continued to press the issue because they are ignorant and hard-headed and nothing Obama does or says will ever get those people to stop with this nonsense. Now, those people will claim it's photoshopped. As for Donald Trump's blatant arrogance, I take great commfort in the fact that he will never get to the White House.

Jeanne Wehde 5 said...

Although I am not Obama's biggest fan, I feel that the people who had their heart set on believing that Obama is not a citizen is a ridiculous idea. He is our president fair and square. He would not have gotten so far in the political ladder and have violated one of the basic requirements stated by the constitution. Obama is correct. He needs to be spending his time working on fixing the economy and the budget not fighting people who are acting ridiculous. Trump needs to get a grip. He may have instigated the hooplah that caused the release of the certificate; however, all I keep thinking is how he distracted people from real issues!

Olivia Wise 1st Period said...

Obama is our president, whether people like it or not. They need to accept the fact that he is running our country and stop making conspiracies against him. He just proved that he was in fact born in the United States, and people are still not happy. They do not have to vote for or like Obama, but they need to believe the facts and get over it.

Krishna Patel (2) said...

This is not the time to decide where our president is born. Didn't the people have questions about it when he was elected? I feel that Trump is just making a big issue for something that noone really cared for. At first they were not able to find the original document of Obama's birth certificate but now they have found it, that's ridiculous. My opinion is that this issue should just come to an end and thats the only way how Obama can concentrate on his work rather than being distracted.

RhiannonMason05 said...

When this story first came out i read a comment that said "TOOK HIM LONG ENOUGH!! WHAT DID HE NEED ALL THAT TIME FOR?!?" And my uncle said : "now we can stop calling them birthers and start calling them racists!!!". Republicans and Democrats will never see eye to eye without trying to poke the other one out..

Tiffany Nguyen5 said...

I agree with Obama that the topic of where he was born shouldn’t be such a big issue when there are so many issues that need to be handled before this one. I can see why it’s such a scandal, but at these times it is more important to forget the issue and focus on other problems. I personally think that even if Obama’s birth certificate that says he was born in Hawaii is real than it still isn’t such a big deal. It’s not something that should be focused on when there are other issues that are neglected.

Tiffany Nguyen5 said...

I agree with Obama that the topic of where he was born shouldn’t be such a big issue when there are so many issues that need to be handled before this one. I can see why it’s such a scandal, but at these times it is more important to forget the issue and focus on other problems. I personally think that even if Obama’s birth certificate that says he was born in Hawaii is real than it still isn’t such a big deal. It’s not something that should be focused on when there are other issues that are neglected.

EvanDenton2 said...

It still amazes me that the debate over Obama's place of origin is still going on. HEs PRESIDENT, people. Not just anybody from anywhere can do that. It's not like the government will just take his word on it. They obviously check into this sorta thing before hand, seeing how it's law that the president must be a domestic citizen... As for Trump, I really doubt it was all his doing. I bet Obama was just tired of all the bull and Trump was the last to sound out before they came public the the birth certificate.

Ralph Molina 2nd said...

I think it is hilarious that Donald Trump is taking credit for all of this. That guy cracks me up. He stated that his policy in the middle east would be to "Go in, take the oil, and leave." This guy is a genius! I do think that its funny that Trump is still skeptical about this. The fact that they are going to check it over carefully and try to figure out why it took so long is definitely funny. In the end though i think Obama is right. We have more important things to worry about right now than his birth certificate.

Julia Ho 1 said...

What infuriates me the most about this is Trump's glaring self righteousness. Nevermind the fact that Obama was elected and was undoubtedly required to prove his citizenship BEFORE he was elected. The fact that this is still being questioned is completely ridiculous and I can't believe Obama had to actually resort to releasing his long-form certificate. If this is Trump's way of feeling "honored", then I can't wait to see his reaction to being completely crushed in the upcoming election.

John.Michael.Frullo.1 said...

It's such a good use of time for Americans to be so concerned with whether our president was born in America or not... Honestly, people are putting so much effort into this when there are many more important problems that need our focus. The fight to receive his birth certificate should have been postponed for another day because currently there are more pressing issues on the line.

Jack Powell 1 said...

Well, that should clear up all the arguements and debates about his origins... but some people will probably say that the real Obama was smuggled out of the country and replaced by some Fascist Socialist Nazi Communist Super Terrorist Baby of Doom, or some rediculous BS like that. Point being is that it's long been proved that Obama is who he says he is, and was born where he says he was born, and this is another confirmation.

On a final note: wow, Trump is a huge narcissist.

Landon Henderson 5th said...

People need to calm down. I agree with the President, why waste time over his birth when we could debate over something important.

calvinmata1st said...

I have to agree with Obama when he says that instead of the people worrying about bigger issues like the deficit and high gas prices, they are worrying about where Obama was born. And then they wonder why in two months, the gas prices are sky-rocketing even more! It's because they are too worried about little things like if Obama is American or not! Another thing that really irritates me is how Donald Trump is saying he is the reason for Obama finally showing his birth certificate...NO! It's because no one will stop complaining about it! He doesn't deserve as much credit as he is giving himself. It's tacky and if he runs for President, he is definitely not getting my vote.

Robert Melvin 1 said...

Our country is ridiculous. When our president feels obliged to have to release his birth certificate to make some people happy we have issues. Obama was correct for saying that we have bigger problems to deal with. Get a life america, he needs to focus on other things like not screwing us seniors with our college education costs.

Unknown said...

People keep bringing up that it's fake or his origins of Hawaii are false, but mostly they do it because they want something scandalous. A scandal is more exciting than Obama being from hawaii, it's unintelligent for the people of the US. And Donald trump, for one, running for president is a terrible idea, sure he might have the popular vote because of his tv show, but does he have what it takes to run the united states? It's not "you're fired" easy.
And on the last note, I agree with Obama, let it go, it's time to deal with "serious" issues like the budget, than debating if he is from Hawaii or not. It's called get a life.

Efren Gomez 2nd said...

Hahaha... This topic isn't funny anymore. To me now I don't think it matters anymore whether he is a citizen or not he has done tremendous things in the white house so far. The stock market because of him has been great and he is finally getting money to flow throughout the United States because everyone was thinkin' "Save, Save!" The Birth Certificate joke on google saying "Its Official," in crayon is pretty funny but then it gets old pretty quick. Still Trump wants to be a "Punk," and call it out like a "Trump Card" whenever it feels convient for him so he can look "cool" isn't gonna pass by. Obama has been pretty serous about everything he has been doing in the house and Trump just wants to petty name calling games. Thats why nobody likes him anyways.

EmmaLehtinen1 said...

Wow. You'd think that official proof of birth in the US would be a requirement for candidates for President. I agree that there are more important issues at hand, but if the birth certificate thing was so unimportant why not get it out of the way at the beginning?

Audrey Allen 1 said...

The birther issue may have been ridiculous, but it could have easily been prevented if Obama's birth certificate had been presented in the beginning. There was no need for the conspiracy to take such a strong hold.

Andrew Cook 5th said...

Really my reaction to this is, well it's about time. In this issue Obama's team is either reacting very very poorly, or there is something that is amiss having to do with this issue. Honestly, the second rumors started to surface concerning where Obama was born, this document should've been released by Obama's team. My question is, why wasn't it? And their response to this is very poor. For a second let's do assume that this is perfectly legitimate. Even in that scenario all the administration has done by releasing this so late is let permanent questions surface. I will personally always wonder "why didn't Obama release this proof the second anything surfaced to get rid of the issue?" And I am sure that that is a question raised by many people in the US. And also the president's reaction to all this isn't helping things. Basically telling people that this isn't an important thing we should just forget about it and move on is the worst thing he could've done to put the public's doubts to rest. I would say most people in America would consider whether or not our President is legally our president or not as an important thing that shouldn't be just brushed aside as it seems he is doing. Ultimately it doesn't matter if the birth certificate is real or anything because the most important thing it has done is open the door for these doubts. And besides, even if he wasn't born in Hawaii, it doesn't matter. If this is all some big conspiracy then you can bet that the government is going to win. Personally I believe it is legitimate, but I believe that the Administration's handling of this debacle has made it much worse for Obama in the long run.

JenniferRojas2ndperiod said...

WOOW. haha it made me laugh when Trump said he did it because of him. Seriously this guy only wants publicity! Anyway, I think it's dumb that people put so much thought into Obama's origin. I highly doubt whoever cheks to see if they're from here would let him slide. It's a silly topic to even think about. But hey....they need something to talk about right?

StaciFrentress2 said...

I cant believe that this is still an issue. It's stupid. I get the problem about maybe not being born in the United States, that's not what is stupid. It's the fact that people believe that the birth certificate posted during his campaign was faked. I'm glad that he got on to the media for their "silliness" because I believe that is exactly what this is. I really hope that no one in the near future will start this again but of cource someone will because they want to be the center of attention.

ChrisCobos2nd said...

Im glad that the issue is over..hopefully for good. I think the president was right in saying that it was a stupid silly issue that distracted the American people from real issues.

Troy Newsome 5th said...

Good lord, we've been on this for how long? We should move on from this like Obama said; we have other problems that could use some solving. Maybe we can lower gas prices, get people back to work, and try to stay out of wars. We're always working for our government, it's time they worked for us. It would be just great if our government would do something beneficial for the U.S.

Jesse Lane 2nd said...

Well thats good. I'm glad to know the president was born in the u.s., and not some other country like minnesota or something.

ThomasBurk2 said...

Its about time that Obama released his long form birth certificate. The whole "was Obama really born in Kenya" was simply hogwash. There is no way that so many people involved in Obama's life could have kept a secret like that and frankly it was getting annoying to hear this story so often.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why Obama didn't show people his birth certificate the first time someone questioned his birthplace. Maybe it took him 3 years to make this fake one? Ha..
Even if the birth certificate is fake (probably isn't) anyone with enough money (presidential candidates) can probably get a legitimate fake birth certificate made that no one will know is fake except the few people that made it.

Matthew Avery said...

I completely agree with Obama's statment. We are facing a budget crisis, natural disasters, and a shaky economy. the least of our worries is where obama was born, we should just take stock in the fact he is in office and we should all be working to support progress in congress and the governemtn to pull us through thses hard times. this debaucle is similar to worrying that your closed matched while you were being mugged! and that is all I have to say.

Logan Bishop 5th said...

This issue has gone on for far too long. The fact that Donald Trump is taking credit for solving an issue that he himself created is just inane, similar to an arsonist taking credit for putting out the fire they started. I do hope that America, and this "birther" movement, can get beyond this subject and move onto more important issues. He would not have been elected if he was not a U.S. citizen. We have a whole government apparatus selected on capability rather than public appeal that checks these issues. I hope in the future people will start to care about the bigger issues.

naveenchekuru2 said...

I still cant believe that this is news. He is our president and a citizen of the u.s. people were unhappy that he didnt release it, but now that he has they are still trying to disprove it. it is ridiculous. our government has better things to do than to worry about this.

BrittanyGarza2 said...

I really think this whole birth certificate thing really got out of hand. I mean, do you really think the white house would allow Obama to enter in ccongress if he wasn't an american citizen? I understand that americans are worried about another terrorist attack happening, but come on people, you voted for this man...I also think we shouldn't worry over somethimg minor like a birth certificate, but rather our economy and the budget.

JackWilson1 said...

The fact that origin of birth is even a qualifying factor to run for the presidency bothers me because of all the Americans born over seas, but the fact that the American people still have doubt that Obama is a natural American bothers me more because it shows America's lack of faith in itself; if Obama wasn't born in American then he wouldn't have been allowed to run for the office.

RandallVillegas2nd said...

I realize that a president must be born on American soil, but i believe the whole issue about Obama being born here is blown a bit out of proportion. First off even if he wasnt born here, per say, he was raised he from an age so young that it would have almost no relevance to the presidency. Secondly, I do not see it being a big deal because it is not as if he has sabotaged our country even if he is moving at a slower pace than most that voted for him expected. I also think Donald Trump if a bit fool of himself. Just because he had the money and the resources to look into Obama's birth certificate does not make him the problem solver of the century. He also needs to stop acting as if he wanted to help Obama because he was originally criticizing him for his unclear place of birth not trying to help the situation

JazminAguilar1 said...

I think this whole situtation was dumb and pointless. I don't think it really mattered that he showed everyone his birth certificate. I'm sure someone in the world is going to make a huge deal about how he tried to prove his origin. It won't be long until someone else brings up that the certificate "is fake". I feel like this was sort of a way to gain more people that were suspicious of him not being American, but that is irrelevant since they're probably still suspicious.

Btw. I left Prom early because I realized that it was Saturday and I didn't do my blog. Awesome. Thank you, Mr. Perry. This is how important you are to me.

BrandonCruz2 said...

I think it's dumb that people made this such a big deal. We do have much bigger issues to deal with than the birth place of our already-elected president. By claiming that he had accomplished this, Trump seems that he is interested in unimportant topics.

Cara Kasemsri 5th Period said...

The American people should be more concerned with more important issues that are affecting them, than tumors about a birth certificate. Americans should trust the government would have done a full background check on obama before his presidency

Ryan Hedgcoth 1st said...

I think this is good, because it will shut all the people up who think that Obama wasn't born in the US. Although it is really sad that it had to come to this. I don't have patience for poeple who actually believe that Obama wasn't born here.

But, it's probably only a matter of time before some stupid Republican starts saying that its false.

KaylinSmallwood2 said...

I think that Barak Obama should have been happy to show the American people his birth certificate before now. This issue has obviously been around for some time now it is a wonder why he didnt release it when he was running in the 2008 presidential race. He should have shown it the first instant that this issue was brought up. Why did he wait until now to show it? I agree that Americans have kinda been taking this whole thing overboard but how hard could it be to show a picture of his birth certificate to prove he lived in the U.S. There might be a lot more important things going on right now but I would have shown mine just so these crazy theories would stop. I know someone will eventually come up with the theory that it is a fake birth certificate but whoever does just wants to start more drama in the government.

Kobena Pratt-Panford02 said...

-Dang, we don't have anything on this guy... What are we going to do?
-Hmm, we should start a rumor that he wasn't born in the U.S. that should get people to not like him!
-...That sounds like the dumbest idea ever.
-Trust me, it'll work.
And for some odd reason, it did. Why did this rumor even gain so much support in the first place? Whatever though, it got cleared up.

Carrah Osborn 2 said...

Well, the document seems rather real to me, so I guess he's a real American. I didn't know he was like a Barrack Obama II, or that his mom was born in Kansas! But that's kinda cool too. I'm glad we know the truth about who he really is for sure now. But he was right when he said it is a kinda a silly issue, but I'm glad us Americans can put it behind us now and focus on more important issues.

Ralph Molina 2nd said...

I saw a youtube video yesterday that downloaded the certificate from the official whitehouse website and put it into adobe. They then showed all sorts of areas that the government changed the birth certificate.. you could tell because when you zoom in extremely close to the image you can see that pen leaves a bunch of different colors of black and grey while the things that were added on the computer were all one solid black color. It was extremely obvious that things were added and removed from the birth certificate.

here is the link: