Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gingrich Says He's "Conservative Alternative" to Romney

Newt Gingrich, who not long ago was urging his fellow Republican candidates to avoid tearing one another apart in pursuit of the party’s presidential nomination, took a new approach on Monday by explicitly declaring: “I don’t claim to be the perfect candidate; I just claim to be a lot more conservative than Mitt Romney.”

With his candidacy on the rise, Mr. Gingrich opened a three-day campaign visit to South Carolina and warned Republicans to be suspicious of candidates who “adopt radically different positions.” It was a fresh glimpse into the sharpening tenor of the nominating fight as the first round of voting begins in five weeks.

“We think there has to be a solid conservative alternative to Mitt Romney,” Mr. Gingrich told WSC Radio in Charleston, S.C. “I’m the one candidate who can bring together national security conservatives, and economic conservatives, and social conservatives in order to make sure we have a conservative nominee.”

He added, “I wouldn’t lie to the American people. I wouldn’t switch my positions for political reasons. It’s perfectly reasonable to change your position if facts change. If you see new things you didn’t see – everybody’s done that, Ronald Reagan did that. It’s wrong to go around to adopt radically different positions based on your need of any one election, then people will have to ask themselves, ‘What will you tell me next time?’”

Mr. Gingrich seemed to be making a not-so-veiled reference to how Mr. Romney’s positions on abortion, gay rights and other issues have evolved over the years. He said that he believes he and Mr. Romney “can have a very serious race” in the weeks ahead.

The comments from a radio interview on “Charleston’s Morning News” were among the sharpest words that Mr. Gingrich has used yet to describe Mr. Romney. Mr. Gingrich’s campaign swing through South Carolina comes a day after he received an endorsement from The Union Leader, the largest newspaper in New Hampshire, in an editorial that said Mr. Gingrich was not a perfect candidate.

“I think that’s right,” Mr. Gingrich said. “I think anybody who is honest about it knows that no person except Christ has ever been perfect.

“I don’t claim to be the perfect candidate. I just claim to be a lot more conservative than Mitt Romney and a lot more electable than anybody else.”


derrickwheeler2 said...

personally i like gingrich because he speaks his mind no matter what and that a president we need. one who wont change his views just because its a popular thing so if he is elected we know exactly what we r going to get

Kenyan Burnham 6th said...

I am not quite sure that Gingrich is wise for saying anything positive or negative about any other candidate, but his tactic toward being openly honest and analyzing what he is saying, and in fact knowing what he's saying to the point that he doesn't get on the defensive is impressive, to say the least. He is at least going to be know as a good human being.

Rohit Mittal said...

I'm not really sure about that. I agree that Gingrich is more conservative than Romney. But is that the only platform he is running? The thing I noticed when I helped campaign in Lubbock is that people only vote conservative for the fun of it. Its pathetic. I think that for the conservative position, Romney is the best one because he does change. Unlike Gingrich, Candidates need to be moderates to see other perspectives. I don't believe in Gingrich will be able to help our country if any foreign issue comes up, or even when we are threatened by default again because he won't do anything the democrats are trying to push.

Tyler Schovanec 2 said...

I find this very hypocritical. Suddenly, Gingrich gains some support, and while he hasn't adopted "radically different positions", he now finds it acceptable to tear and attack his fellow republican candidates.

A.J. Herrera 1st said...

Personally Gingrich is just speaking the truth about everything which we need so we can have their trust. He seems like the person that won't change his views so he seems like a good presidental candidate. The people would want a candidate that is honest compared to one that isn't.

BethanyWilson2ndPeriod said...

I agree with Gingrich when he says that candidates shouldn't change their posisitons just for one election, and that consistency is very important. However, Romney's views changed over years, likely due to new information that has come about over time. Gingrich's honesty is admirable, and he is only being open with the voters.

Haylee Duke 1st said...

Gingrich is vastly more conservative than Romney. Romney moral core is that of a liberal's. Romney created a healthcare system which is strikingly similar to ObamaCare. Also, years back, Romney declared himself "pro-choice" which is a common liberal platform. However, Romney now declares himself as "pro-life" just so he can stand a chance in the republican primaries. While Gingrich is more conservative than Romney, Paul is more conservative than Gingrich.

Ron Paul 2012

Taylor Wenner 2nd Period Govt said...

Gingrich does seem to be the most electable if he gets the nomination He seems to be the only one that could talk his way successfully out of most situations that the Obama administration could put him in, unlike Cain.
Romney on the other hand does oscillate between stands, on an issue, to suite his political career. If all he's going to do get the presidency but not take charge of it, then he doesn't deserve the position. The presidency isn't about pride or perks, it's a position of leadership and I don't see Romney stepping up.

Brianna Rocha6 said...

Gingrich has very right to say what he has to say. It's better that he speaks his mind rather than just holding it it. He is not one to favor what everybody else wants he just does what he wants and goes with it, so personally I think he's intresting and I do like him. Yeah it was wrong and probably not the right way of attacking the other canidadte rather it be positive or negative but I mean at least he said what needed to be said in his opinion.

tarahread1 said...

I don't like how gingrich doesn't fully support his fellow republicans but I do appreciate his honesty. An honest president is good for America but loyalty is important as well.

jamesmccandless6 said...

Gingrich's campaign strategy seems to be changing as the election draws nearer. He appeared totally committed to banding all republicans together to defeat Obama. Now that he's risen in the polls, he must feel that he has to distinguish himself from the others. As Bill Clinton said recently, Gingrich is a smart man who plans his next move. It looks as if he will be a formidable contender once the primaries roll around.

Nathan Muniz1 said...

Gingrich speaks his mind. Think he is a good person and he tells people what's on his mind. He doesn't jump on the defensive which is good.

Cheyenne Richardson-6 said...

I respect the fact that he is firm in his beliefs and asserts that he will only change if the facts change. He will not evolve according to popularity. I dont think he should say anythihg about Romney because it will in fact be a good race.