Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Cain

ATLANTA, Ga. - An Atlanta businesswoman is breaking her silence, claiming she has been involved in a 13-year-long affair with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, FOX 5 senior I-Team reporter Dale Russell sat down with Ginger White, who had a story to tell.

“I'm not proud,” White told Russell. “I didn't want to come out with this. I did not.”

White was worried a political tsunami was headed her way. So, she decided to head it off, by confessing she was involved in a 13-year-long affair with presidential hopeful Herman Cain.

“It was pretty simple,” White said. “It wasn't complicated. I was aware that he was married. And I was also aware I was involved in a very inappropriate situation, relationship.”

Ginger White says she met Herman Cain in the late 90s in Louisville, Kentucky, when as president of the National Restaurant Association, he made a presentation. She was impressed. She says they shared drinks afterwards and he invited her back to his hotel room.

“’I'd like to see you again,’” White said Cain told her. “’You are beautiful to me, and I would love for us to continue this friendship.’”

She says in his hotel room, he pulled out a calendar and invited her to meet him in Palm Springs. She accepted, and she says the affair began.

“He made it very intriguing,” White told FOX 5. “It was fun. It was something that took me away from my humdrum life at the time. And it was exciting.”

She says he gave her his newly-published book, Leadership is Common Sense, and he wrote: “Miss G, you have already made a 'big difference!’ Stay focused as you pursue your next destination."

She says during the next 13 years, he would fly her to cities where he was speaking and he lavished her with gifts. She says they often stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Buckhead and dined at The Four Seasons restaurant. She says he never harassed her, never treated her poorly, and was the same man you see on the campaign trail.

“Very much the same, very much confident, very much sure of himself,” White said, describing Cain. “Very arrogant in a playful sometimes way. Very, ah -- Herman Cain loves Herman Cain.”

When his new book, CEO of SELF, came out in 2001, she says Cain once again autographed it for her writing, "'Friends are forever! Everything else is a bonus.'"

When asked if it was fair to say the relationship is going on even now, White said, “I think it is safe to say that after this interview, that will be the end of it. Yes, we have a friendship now.”

She says the physical relationship ended about eight months ago, right before Cain announced he was running for president. But the communication did not. When we asked for any corroborating evidence, she pointed us to her cell phone contacts. One name: Herman Cain.

She showed us some of her cell phone bills that included 61 phone calls or text messages to or from a number starting with 678. She says it is Herman Cain's private cell phone. The calls were made during four different months-- calls or texts made as early as 4:26 in the early morning, and as late as 7:52 at night. The latest were in September of this year.

“We've never worked together,” said White. “And I can't imagine someone phoning or texting me for the last two and a half years, just because.”

We texted the number and Herman Cain called us back. He told us he "knew Ginger White" but said these are "more false allegations." He said she had his number because he was "trying to help her financially.”

She says she planned on keeping the relationship a secret while Cain made his run for the White House until she and her family watched reports of different women who had accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment. She says she was not surprised by the allegations, but was bothered by the way Cain fought back, attacking the woman, including during an appearance on Late Show with David Letterman.

“It bothered me that they were being demonized, sort of, they were treated as if they were automatically lying, and the burden of proof was on them,” White said. “I felt bad for them.”

We received a phone tip from someone who knew Ginger White. That person claimed Ms. White was having an affair with Herman Cain. The tipster also called a number of other national media outlets who reached out to her. White told FOX 5, she felt trapped.

“I wanted to give my side, before it was thrown out there and made out to be something filthy,” said White. “Some people will look at this and say that is exactly what it is. I'm sorry for that.”

And so she talked. Before our interview, we checked into Ginger White's background. We found she filed a sexual harassment claim against an employer in 2001. That case was settled.

We also found a bankruptcy filing nearly 23 years ago in Kentucky, and a number of eviction notices here in DeKalb County over the past six years. The most recent happened this month.

Ms. White says she has been unemployed, and she is a single mom with two kids struggling to make ends meet.


Stephanie Sutton 6 said...

It is amazing how quickly someone’s reputation can be ruined as soon as they try to become an important figure. To be a politician such as governor or president, you must literally be perfect in every aspect. Any tiny little black secret of your past will be dug up and flown like an advertisement banner for the public to see. So also is the predicament in which Cain finds himself similar. Once a reputation is ruined, the person has little or no shot at office or fame. However, if a celebrity were to completely fall apart with affairs left and right, drug abuse, arrest, and so much more, their future could hardly be called jeopardized. This is because they could easily come clean and release a new album or movie and be making millions just like that. These two types of people are both in the category of fame. Why then should they be judged and supported differently?

Elyssa Foshee 6 said...

Judging by the number of details and what appears to be proof of contact with Cain, Ginger's story is kind of hard to deny. I still think it would be more believable if someone else, someone not actually involved in the affair, had brought it to light, and if she were not suffering financially, but my faith in Cain has diminished, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Chris Barraza 6 said...

Another woman comes out of Cain's past and this one so far had no reason to lie about it, as she has not worked with Cain, nor did she come out with it at the start, but it seems that she was more forced into revealing her story, before the news and Cain told it first from untruthful/wrongful angles in her mind. After all of these women that have claimed to have had an affair with Cain they cannot be ignored or refuted, as Cain's reputation has taken a big hit, and there have been too many woman for Cain to really have any effect on the public with his refutations. It is surprising that Cain would run with all of these allegations that he had to have know would come out during the election, to the American people I'm positive they could not back a man who was not faithful to his wife, and was not able to tell the truth when the first allegations hit, so these allegations have had to deal a mortal blow to Cain's Presidential bid.

Julie Song 2nd Period said...

While it is a little suspicious due to her current situation (she needs money to raise her children and to probably get by better), it is also undeniable that Cain has had more than enough women either filing lawsuits against him due to his sexual harassment or general secret affairs. Many of those women seem to be in bad financial crisis but why would they only target Cain out of all the other popular Republican candidates if he didn't actually do something wrong? It also doesn't help that Cain beats around the bush on these topics (other than this one... although he does admit that they are 'friendly'). He obviously knows of his own actions and they are now coming back to haunt him.

GabrielleWhite2 said...

I can't help but feel disgusted ever time a horde of women suddenly come out with their tragic victim stories at the exact moment when a person becomes famous. What makes me angrier is when they claim they "didn't want to do it" but felt it was their "public duty" to tell the truth. Bull crap. If you were so embarassed by your encounters you wouldn't have said anything. Most likely, they're just fishing for money or their fifteen minutes of fame. Dispicable.

jake.labrec1st said...

i feel like she is lying, i believe they have been friends but why would she come out and just admit that which would not only tarnish his reputation but also hers. she's in need of money and she saw this as a quick way to get that money she needed. also the fact that the only proof she has of the affair is her friend saying that they had an affair doesnt really help her story any. in my opinion its false.

CambryBurt6 said...

With all the details that Ginger White has and the obvious contact with Herman Cain her story is more believable versus the woman who claimed to have Justin Beiber's baby but then backed out of DNA testing at the last minute. Even though Ginger White's story is believeable one must ask the question of why now? Why is she just now coming forth saying she has has a thirteen year affair with Cain? As it is stated she is a single mother struggling to make ends meet, so is it for the money for her story? Or is it for the fame? Will Ginger White be forever known as the woman who had the thirteen year affair with presidential hopeful Hermain Cain?

Piyali Chaudhuri - 6th said...

This actually seems to be Cain's fault from the beginning, and he should have thought about it when he decided to run for president, or even when his female employees complained about sexual harassment from him. Her claim seems undeniably true because of the evidence on her phone, Cain's own verification, and even from her interview on MSNBC's "The Last Word" with Lawrence O'Donnell. However, even though she claims that she verified the secret because she didn't want her side to be "thrown out and made into something filthy", which could be part of the reason, it is more likely that the reason was that either she didn't care about Cain that much, she was angry with him for some reason, she just wanted her 15 minutes of fame, or she wanted sympathy from the public so that people wouldn't look down on her.

gabrielnathan6 said...

Huh, what do you know? With all of the press coverage of Herman Cain's sex scandals, everyone forgot that he is completely unqualified to be president. Seriously, America? Cain is only slightly less laughable than Donald Trump. The Republican candidate debates have been the greatest reality show of all time. I really wish Cain would have won the Republican nomination though, it would have made Obama's reelection that much easier.

LoniCrosby1st said...

Out of the many stories that have come out about Cain, this story seems to be the most believable, It would be more believeable if another outsider came out and confirmed the story. Cain is human like the rest of us and may have slipped up and had an affair. However, if he did it would behoove him to come out and admit it instead of lying. Lying about it could cost him his place as president. No one wants a liar running their country. If he made a mistake he should own up and ask for forgivness.

MariaHernandez2nd said...

I believe that Ginger White's story is true. It seems as if she has the evidence to back up her story that doesn't seem to stretch what could have possibly happened. Ginger White is not bashing Herman Cain or the affair that they are said to have had. As I watch the news right now they just said that Herman Cain has dropped out of the race which is suspicious but it seems like the best choice that he could have made in this situation.

Anastasia Bradatan said...

Since Herman Cain is quitting his presidential candidacy it is quite obvious that all of the sexual allegations against him are true. The level of details that this Ms. White has give all the more credibility to her case, and as we can see this was the last strike for Cain. Not only that, the fact that this women was so unstable shows how he goes after more vulnerable women,making him seem all the more grotesque.

Sabrina Idom 6 said...

It's amazing to see how quickly the media can ruin a person's image. Which is why I'm not surprised that Cain dropped out of the race. White's story does sound believable, even more so when Cain allegedly "..called [them] back. He told [them] he "knew Ginger White" but said these are "more false allegations." After having so many allegations of sexual harassment , it's hard to come back from a hit like this. I find it intriguing that even with some proof, Cain continues to deny the story, and has said before he has "nothing to hide." If he has nothing to hide, and this is story is true, why would he deny it? It just goes to show, that in this case, media trumps all.

PamelaUchebo2 said...

When Cain was thinking about running for president did he really think that all of these ladies coming out of the woodwork won't surface? If you're going to be a politician, you HAVE to make sure that your life leading up to your running for office is basically clean. All of these ladies saying that Cain sexually harassed them, are questionable at best. In this particular case, it may seem that a 13 year affair is preposterous. But there's a likelihood that it actually happened. Also, her having financial troubles don't help her coming out at this point in time either. It seems that her coming out now is strictly an ulterior motives to help her financial situation as well as get herself 15 minutes of fame just like most of the others who have come forward already. Americans take infidelity serious and this CERTAINLY does NOT help matters for Cain's presidential bid.

Chris Gulick 6th said...

This is quite the black mark on Herman Cain. With many people in modern society vying for the spotlight, I was hesitant to believe in the accusations of sexual harassment leveled at Cain early on. However, with many more women accusing Cain, and White speaking out to the media in this manner, the evidence is enough to cripple Herman's political career.

Aj flores 1 said...

I think it is so strange that all these people run for ofiice and have so many skelotens in their closets. Its as though they think it will never come out. It almost always comes out. And then they try to deny it, then bam they decide that the best thing to do is accept it. He may be a good person but he made the wrong decision, and it looks like it cost him the election.

Anonymous said...

Since Cain was accused yet again for having another affair, his chances for actually winning the election decreased. Also because of all these allegations it's greatly affecting his campaign, and this is proved by him completely dropping out of the presidential election. I just dont understand why all these women come out and inform the public about thei relationship with Cain as soon as he begins running for President. It's obvious he not taking it too well, and will now attempt to restore his relationship with his wife.

CharlesFarmer2nd said...

Herman Cain is a liar. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. That woman served only a conjugal purpose with Herman Cain. He needs to cut his losses and drop out of the campaign. His views are already a joke, and the man's habitual lying and sneaking around are not what the nation's highest office needs.