Friday, December 9, 2011


How many of the political ad concepts can you find in the newest Perry web ad?


CambryBurt6 said...

Rick Perry uses the political concept of name calling , when he attacks President Obama by saying he'll "end his war on religion." Perry also uses the political concept of transfer when he uses the imagery of gays serving openly in the military , but children not being able to serve openly in the military.

Haylee Duke 1st said...

At least he is trying to make a comeback. Although he probably won't get far, a spot has opened up: hence Cain's suspension. Hopefully Ron Paul will fill that void.

Ron Paul 2012

Sabrina Idom 6 said...

Perry is definitely using plain folks by making him look like an all-American man plus his appeal to Christians. He's using name-calling on Obama's war on religion. Then there's the unfair card-stacking between gays in the military compared to openly celebrating Christmas and praying in school. That's all I'm going to say about this.

Patricia Sayson 2nd Period said...

At the most, 3.

Plainsfolking: Perry states the trait that he is Christian to appeal to the Christian people and make them feel like he is a part of them.

Name-calling: He's accusing of Obama waging a war against religion, an attack that had no factual evidence backing it up, making it a personal attack.

Card-stacking: He was appealing for the Christians and going against gays by making an comparison of gays being able to be in the army while Christian children are unable to openly celebrate Christmas and pray at school.

LoniCrosby1st said...

I find this to be downright blasphemous. Aren't all men supposed to be created equal? Why would we want someone representing us that won't find all of the country to be equal? I stand fully against anyone who discriinates against gender, sexuality,class, or religion. That is not what America was built on.

AndrewRogans2nd said...

I thought this country was progressing with this issue. Most of the country I suppose, for Perry to go the religious route and compare gays serving in the military being equivalent to children being "allowed" to pray in schools in ridiculous. Im sad to be living in Texas.

Ariel Juarez 6 said...

First, I have to say that this ad is absolutely terrible. As if I needed another reason to dislike little Ricky.
Second, the most obvious concept I see in this ad is the plain folks concept. Perry is casually dressed as your average all-American man. Who wouldn't want to vote for that belt buckle? He then goes directly to the religion card, basically "I'm a Christian just like you". He uses the word "our" multiple times, "our children", "our religious heritage", emphasizing the "one of us" concept.
I'd also say that the ad uses Transfer, with the choice of music in the background. The softness of the music highlights the Christian theme of the video, so calm and gentle. Just like Perry (unless you're a homosexual in the military).
Lastly, I'd say Perry uses Name Calling when he says that he will "end Obama's war on religion". He portrays Obama as an enemy of religious values and customs, and of course makes himself the hero. He's saving Christmas, y'all.

markgurrola2 said...

name calling, common folk, and card stacking. this ad annoyed me... he shouldn't bring religion into this, but that's my opinion.

joshochoa1 said...

I've seen some crazy things in my life, but I honestly believe this has to be one of the most ignorant things I've even seen. Perry's campaign has very little support and his campaign funds a dwindling. By putting out an ad like this, I feel that he seriously jeopardize his campaign.

joshochoa1 said...

I've seen some crazy things in my life, but I honestly believe this has to be one of the most ignorant things I've even seen. Perry's campaign has very little support and his campaign funds a dwindling. By putting out an ad like this, I feel that he seriously jeopardize his campaign.

Max Levine 2nd said...

Rick Perry's latest campaign ad will be the end of his name in the running for president. He has shot himself in the foot, while trying to appeal to the heavier-conservative christian community. He has outraged almost everybody in the United States with this campaign ad, by saying that he is very strongly against equality to homosexuals... even when they would throw their life on the line so that we can be safe. He constantly tries to ride the Christianity bus with the hopes that people will only pay attention to his religious beliefs, and not his politics. His crude analogies about homosexuals serving in the military will cost him loads of support, which he cannot win without. Not that Perry had a huge chance anyway, but his hopes for appealing to the nation have been kissed goodbye. (Un)fortunately, whenever Perry opens his mouth, he makes a mistake, and this time there's no redemption.

Anonymous said...

Bandwagoning (im a christian), Plain folk (in the pew every sunday), Emotional appeal (our children) and would his promise to end the "war on religion" with kids not celebrating Christmas and praying in school be a glittering generality? If so, then that too.

Anonymous said...

Bandwagoning (im a christian), Plain folk (in the pew every sunday), Emotional appeal (our children) and would his promise to end the "war on religion" with kids not celebrating Christmas and praying in school be a glittering generality? If so, then that too.