Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Who Picks You?

Thought this little quiz would be interesting to take. Just follow the instructions then respond as to which candidate was your best fit and what you thought about it.


Millie Dorsett Period 3 said...

Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson were my top canidates and i think thats cool. It's kind of interesting that like in real life you have your views and your familie's views and usually they go hand-in-hand. But the interesting part is taking like a quiz or fill out like this, and seeing how alike or different you are from your family, and which candidate's views you agree and disagree with.

Dorsett, Millie Period 4

sarah lambert said...

Sarah lambert
3rd period
9th grade

I got matched up with John Edwards. I really liked this quiz because it shows who has the same interests as you in mind. So if i was old enough to vote he would be the one i voted for.

Cheyenne Bell said...

This was incredibly interesting. I took this quiz about three times and got the same top five results-
1)Dennis Kucinich
2)Chris Dodd
3)Mike Gravel
4)John Edwards
5)Bill Richardson
I honestly don't know much about them I was going more for Hilary but this was definately an interesting and enlightening quiz.

Nolan Reyher said...

Strangely enough my top two candidates were Dennis Kucinich and Chris Dodd. I was expecting to have more in common with the top candidates like Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. However the score of Hilary and Barack was tied for me, so i guess i like them equally even though i tend to prefer Barack over Hilary. Also surprising, the candidates I got the highest scores with are the ones i know the least about.

Abigail Ham said...

Mike Huckabee, Duncan Henter, and Fred Thompson were my top canditates. They agree with what I think should and shouldn't be, like anti-abortionism and anti-stem-cell research-ism, and the amendment of classifying marriage as something between a man and a woman. But the thing is= will they keep their promises?

Abigail Ham, 4th period

Jessica Kaskie said...

Jessica Kaskie
Human Geography 4
This was a really neat quiz! I haven't heard anything about some of the canidates views, but now that I know what they are I'm anxious to see who is elected. My top picks were Kucinich, Dodd, Edwards, Clinton, and Obama. I was hoping Obama won, but now I may look more into Kucinich and Dodd.

Grant Curry said...

Well that was fun,
My top five canidates were all democratic *and within 4 points of each other on the "score"*
It was kinda cool to see which canidate most represents your views and the results web page gave a really good layout of canidates and thier respective stances on electional topics.
definitly better than any myspace quiz ive taken.

Grant Curry
Human Geography AP
4th Period
9th Grade

Ashely Ambrosio said...

I was paired with Hillary Clinton! I thought it was funny because whenever I hear her speak, I always disagree with over 1/2 of what she is talking about.

Ashely Ambrosio
4th period
9th Grade

Kali Elliott said...

My top candidates were Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter. I think it's really strange that you have separate views from your family's views, but most of the time they are the same. I'm not quite sure, but I think that might be because if you've spent your whole life learning "right" from "wrong" in your home, then you are going to automatically believe what you've been taught. I liked this quiz, but I don't understand how if I'm so against abortion, my two top candidates were pro-abortion.

Kali Elliott
4th Period

savedraanjelica said...

Anjelica Savedra
4th period
9th grade
I choose John Edwards because he agrees of what i approval and disagree of the world. This quiz will help me decide who i would vote for as a candidate.

Cassie Cummins said...

4th Period
11th grade

I thought this quiz was interesting because i have never really put myself as a republican or democrat before. Through this quiz i see im more of a democrat. Ive never really been into politics but from this quiz giving me a little insight on the candidates i know a little more about them in case i decide to vote this up coming year.

Stephen Puente said...

My quiz results would seem suprising for someone usaully "republican" in his views. It has me down as "democratic" for my current positions. I'll be eligible to vote in the '08 Election and will not cast my vote for the sake of a party's continued dominance. An educated decision is needed on part of the voter. The situations concerning hot-topics today demand our greatest attention and individual voice.

Stephen Puente (period 6)

FluorescentAdolescent said...

Sati Patel
6th Period

My Top 4 Matches
1) Dodd
2) Obama
3) Clinton

In my opinion, this quiz holds very little credibility. The quiz basically asked for yes/no answers for complex situations. The quiz claims it assigns you a candidate based on "how much you agree with their stances"--this doesn't really work in this case in that you can't even tell the specific manner in which each candidate agrees with each stance, only that they vaguely agree with the idea of the said stance. Thus being said, the results the quiz spat back out came of no shock/importance to me; given a vague outline of my political views, anyone could have easily guessed my compatibility with those candidates.

Sarah Morgeson said...

Sarah Morgeson
3rd period


I do agree with Biden, but I dont think he will be the Democratic Candidate. I will be 18 by the time elections roll around, I'm not sure if I will be voting Democrat or Republican. I need to know more about the candidates (meh too lazy lately) But this was interesting. Im really liking Edwards right now but I dont agree with what he's planing on doing in Iraq, that's high on my piority list.

Evan Denton period 4 said...

i got Duncan Hunter as my candidate. i realy enjoyed this quiz. you could state how important your answer was pertaining to a certain question.
I'm might forward this to some of my friends via email.

Katherine Jeffery said...

Katherine Jeffery
6th Period
12th Grade

I got matched up with Clinton and Obama. I thought the quiz was reasonably accurate because those are the two that I am leaning towards. It was interesting that there were some candidates that I didn't agree with anything they did, obviously they aren't getting my vote.

AlanLopez said...

So I took the quiz and I Barack as my top choice! Definitely voting for him

savedraanjelica said...

My top two presidential candidates were John Edwards and Hilary Clinton. I really don't know much about either of them, but this quiz, like Millie said, is interesting because you can compare and contrast your views to those of your peers. Also the quiz matches you with someone who has the same or similar views and outlooks.

Anjelica Savedra
4th Period
9th Grade

Amy Tesch said...

After watching all of the presidential debates so far, I had concluded that my opinions and beliefs lied the closest with those of Edwards and Obama, this qiuz proved other wise. At the top of my list were Kucinich and Richardson; maybe I am more liberal than I give myself credit for. I also think that to let a quiz like this determine the outcome of my vote would be naive of me. As we have seen in history half of electing someone is there personality. Its pre-mature to say what I think over a computer generated quiz.

Amy Tesch 6th and 7th

Gizmo said...

Well, unfortunatelyi I have never heard of my top two matches; Duncan Hunter, and Ron Paul. i was, however, grateful for this Quiz because I havent actually made up my mind about who i will be voting for and it opened my eyes to some of the candidates other than Hillary, Obama, and Thompson.

-Austin Moore

Stephen Puente said...

My quiz results were very informative. Dennis Kucinich and Chris Dodd were my top two. I didn't know I had so many of the same postions on issues. The quiz is a very useful tool to young voters, easy and accessable.

Stephen Puente -Period 6

l a u r e n said...

My top three were:
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Dennis Kucinich

I liked this quiz. I found it humorous that my top two are people I am not for. I do like Dennis Kucinich though. I didn't like how the death penalty question was a yes or no question,because I am very indecisive about it.

Lauren Gonzales
3rd period

Samantha Reid said...

Duncan Hunter, Mitt Romney, and Rudy Giuliani were my top 3 candidates. That was definately interesting to take, especially to learn that the candidate that I agree with the most is one that I haven't heard of!

courtneypeterson said...

My top three candidates were Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson, and John Edwards. I have to somewhat agree with the results, simply because John Edwards was on my top, and I do agree with him on many issues. However, I don't really like Dennis Kucinich and Bill Richardson. I thought the questions were easy to answer, which made the results accurate.

Mollie Marie said...

Mollie Garza
U.S. Government
6th period
My top candidate was Edwards. I really liked this quiz because I'm not as in to politics as otheres and I didn't really know who I wanted to vote for. Now I kinda have an idea of which candidate has the same ideas as me and make a more educated vote.

Unknown said...

Chandra Carpenter
3rd Period
12th Grade

My top results were:
1) Dodd
2) Obama
3) Clinton

This quiz was obviously not something to base your vote off of, but it did match your opinions with candidate's basic stances, which is helpful. Too bad my top match, Dodd, has almost no chance.

Unknown said...

My 2 top candidates were John McCain,
and Rudy Giuliani. Altough the latter is in favor of gay marriage (a supbject i am firmly against), he agrees with my opposition to Stem Cell research and Abortion, two very important issues i believe should not be ignored. And as for McCain, the only opinions he has that i agree with are on immigration and federal assistance to further the study of ethanol energy sources.

Johanna Bauersfeld,
grade 11
4th period
Human Geography

Paddy said...

Patrick Gutekunst
6th Period
US Government

I took this Quiz several times and thought a lot about the questions. These are my top 3:

1.)Chris Dodd
2.)Barack Obama
3.)Hillary Clinton

Although this Quiz is not very detailed I think it is very good so you can get an idea who to vote for. If I could vote I would probably not base my vote only on this quiz but it is definitly something to consider and these results were pretty much the same I thought might be the right hoice for me. Interesting is also that the first half of my results are democrats and the second republicans =)

Celesta Nave (hugeo4) said...

Mitt Romney was my guy. Its amazing how what i think is what an "important person" thinks. I guess if i could vote, this would be the guy. :]

sarah lambert said...

i came to see u this morning and i think i might have found one of the reasons why my grades say this one is missing because i am in 4th period but i accidentally put third period. SORRY!!!!! I am still missing another one though.

Sarah Lambert
Human Geography AP 4th period
9th grade

Stephanie said...

Stephanie Garcia
6th Period
12th Grade

My top 3 were

John McCain
Hilary Clinton
Barack Obama

I thought this was some what accurate because I do like the views of John McCain, but I thought I would lean more towards Obama since he is more non-conservative. I guess I still will be voting for Obama next year :)

Unknown said...

my top three were John McCain, Rudy Juliani, and Ron Paul. Three people who i am deffinately not against, especially Ron Paul. But what i found most interesting was that Hillary was in the bottom three, which is good because i am firmly against her