Sunday, February 10, 2008

And Then There Were Two

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Mitt Romney ended his presidential run Thursday, telling a conservative audience that continuing the race against rival John McCain would make it more likely Democrats would win the White House — and “in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.”

Boos rose from the audience at the mention of McCain’s name – and shocked calls of “no!” as he made his announcement. One young man in a blue sports coat grasped his head in his hands, his mouth wide open as he watched Romney on-stage.

“Barack and Hillary have made their intentions clear regarding Iraq and the war on terror. They would retreat and declare defeat,” said Romney.

“And the consequence of that would be devastating. It would mean attacks on America, launched from safe havens that make Afghanistan under the Taliban look like child’s play. About this, I have no doubt.”

The former Massachusetts governor, who conceded the mathematical odds standing between him and the nomination, told activists gathered for the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington that “I must now stand aside, for our party and our country."

As his supporters filed out of the ballroom where Romney made the announcement, many carrying his campaign signs and merchandise, a moderator mentioned McCain’s upcoming CPAC speech – drawing an immediate and sustained chorus of boos from the crowd.

“I didn’t see this coming at all,” said Pennsylvania college student Andrew Coons, holding a Romney sign under his arm. “I was completely surprised. But this was an honorable thing for him to do.”

His friend Andrew Trout added that, despite hostility from many of conservative activists at CPAC this week, John McCain had a shot at winning their support – a great deal depended, he said, on the senator’s speech later Thursday afternoon. Romney represented conservative values better than anyone else in the race, he said, but ultimately “I vote the party, not the person.”


Kayleigh Robertson said...

Kayleigh Robertson

I suppose that it was pretty "noble" for Mitt to step down, I know that a lot supported and followed him, but I personally did not believe that he had a chance. I think it's better for everyone that he has stepped down.

Unknown said...

Huy Nguyen 2nd pd
Mitt Romney didn't have a chance anyway, it was about time he withdrew. He's a true conservative in a time when many demand a radical change. His platform just isn't appealing compared to the "yes we can" attitude. I say this election will be favorable to the democrats, so Mitt was wise to lend his supporters to the more dominant candidate, McCain.

AnjalieSchlaeppi06 said...

He says that Senator Clinton is against war but isn't she FOR the war? Anyway, I'm kind of happy he is out... No offence but he didn't seem to be very profetional in his attitude, in his speech...

Celesta Nave (hugeo4) said...

It really is an honorable thing for Romney to do. If he really is giving up it for the sake of the party then its alll goood. I mean, there are always going to be better representatives so, might as well let the stronger one win the people over.

Celesta Nave
10th grade
HuGeo 4

PatrickMcNeill2pd said...

I would rather the party consolidate under one banner to win unity and the greatest shot of having a republican in office. McCain is a better choice in my opinion because although he is republican he is running on a platform of more moderate stance that will allow him to draw from a large base of voters and not just staunch conservatives.

annie henderson 4th said...

Annie Henderson
4th Period

I liked Romney. Out of everyone in the primaries, I liked him best.
I'm not too super fond of McCain.
This makes me pretty sad.
But it was a pretty noble thing of Mitt to do.
Kudos to him.

gillianwelch03 said...

Gillian Welch

Too bad. Not.
Romney knew he wouldn't win. Just like Huckabee knows he won't. Even if either of them won the Republican nomination, no way would either succeed in the presidential election.
Republicans in Washington are spreading rumors about Obama so that Hillary will get the Democratic spot, who Republicans think they can beat. UGH.
I don't think I could bear it if Hillary was to be our next president, even if she was like, the only one who supports gay marriages.
Obama will come around.

nick medina per.6 said...

I don't see anything wrong at all with a democrat in the house. We won't to keep fighting a losing battle thats already longer than WWII, our national debt won't be so high, and their will finally be some funds and programs for education and the poor. Yup, sounds pretty nice to me.

Grant Curry said...

"I vote the party not the person"

Dear god,
I fear for our country.

Either way,
I think that Romney only withdrew because he knew he was losing and had very little chance of scraping even one states vote, so he decided to pull out in hopes to run again someday. Regardless of his dropping out I still believe that this year will show a democratic victory, probably hilary. This will be an interesting year, thats for sure.

Unknown said...

George Huang
6th Period

I at least liked the way Mitt Romney debated (he has a neat voice), even if I felt his economic plans were too vague and disagreed with his support for the troop surge in Iraq. Still, although Romney has suspended his presidential campaign, he hasn't withdrawn completely or released his delegates from voting for him yet, and right now 25 delegates from Montana have to vote for him at the Republican National Convention.

Halil Fried- 3rd period said...

Personally, I'm glad Romney dropped out of the race. 1) He had no chance at winning after "Super Tuesday." 2) Romney is not nearly as literate as the other candidates. 3) Most of America is pretty prejudiced against the nobody would really take him seriously. That sounds awful...but it's true. Sorry if that offended anybody.

m_ybarra said...

No really favoring any sides here because i think that everyone has some good ideas about what to do for the country, I really think that Romney shouldn't have quit his run for the nomination. Right now the Democratics are getting all the attention because they have two people trying to be the first something for the presidnecy. With less candidates its makes the race just to get the nomination spot less competative and less exciting. We need more excitment in our lives.

Gabriela Hernandez 2nd Period said...

Romney is giving up because he believes he'll spilt the vote of the Republicans causing the Democrats to win that's pretty lame. It shows that he quits and that he also believes the party is better then standing up and fight for what you believe in individually. this shows the hug flaw in the democratic system today: parties. The last statement says “I vote the party, not the person.” What the heck people? By voting for the party, Americans are no longer looking at each issue and it's importance. Their thing becomes "well most of his views are what the party agrees and well i want to be in the winning party...." well if we had people acutally deciding on what they wanted instead of bandwagoning wouldn't everybody win if the candidate did what was best for the people? Serioiusly guys vote because it means something to you if you want to join a club i'm sure the United Knitters of America are looking for applicants

schoolguy said...

Landon Henderson
Pd. 4th
Grade 9th

This is news to me. I didn't know this. Well I guess it was the right thing to do concerning the campaine.

Ethan A said...

2nd Period

When i hear people say "i only vote democratic" or "i only vote republican" i can't help but think to myself how stupid that is. I believe a vote should be based on judge of character and the candidates point of views on important subjects, not a blind decipleship of a certain party. But then again, those faithful followers are the foundation of the political parties. So even though i think they are retarded, they keep the campaigns striving.

Daniel Moss 2nd said...

I was not a fan of Romney so im glad he dropped out actually. However, i can understand why his supporters and fans would feel let down. Im expecting to feel let down when Ron Paul eventually calls it quits, but hopefully he'll stay in, and maybe just run libertarian or something. Romney does make a good case when he says that he's just making it easier for the democrats to win. Hillary should listen to this advice and drop out as well. I feel pretty sure that Obama will win it all.. But if not, then its Ron Paul all the way.

Ron Paul - 2008

Daniel Moss

AlexWheeler2 said...

"They would retreat and declare defeat,” said Romney."
Why are people like Mitt so scared of admitting that we were wrong?

also, people like this,
“I vote the party, not the person.”
make me angry, that is exactly what is wrong with American politics, these guys will vote for anybody with the correct label with no regard to the persons values or agenda.

Anonymous said...

I am really dissappointed to see Mitt go. That is who I was pulling for, but I guess its really time to stop the fighting on the Republican side and see where we go from here.

Whatever happens in the future is going to happen is going to happen...

Jiaqi Niu said...

I think he made the right decision regarding what party will have the next president. Although there would have been a good chance that the Republicans would have won even if he had stayed in the run. He was probably playing safe. I for one thought he was going till the end.
Jiaqi Niu
HuGeo 4th
10th Grade

Unknown said...

huy nguyen (2)
i posted a comment earlier, but I don't know if you accepted it as a legit post.

I still stand by what I said, Mitt Romney dropping out of the race is the best thing to have happened so far in the race for republicans. Regardless, this election will be in favor of the democrats for they offer change in their platforms as opposed to the repub's conservatism.

PatrickMorales-2nd said...

Patrick Morales
I think that Romney dropping out of the race will more than likely boost McCain into winning the Republican nomination, and if the Republican party has a chance of beating either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, this was probably the right thing to do on Romney's part. The fact is, now that the Republican party can back a single canidate, they can focus on tackling the major issues like the war in Iraq which will definitely be a topic of debate between both parties. This is sort of a mixed blessing for Romney's conservative supporters.

Chris Reynolds 2nd Period said...

Now the race seems tied to only three people, and the democratic party holds two of those three. This seems to put the democratic party in favor of winning the election.

nathanwatson2 said...

In AD 2008, election was beginning.
Huckabee: What happen?
Campaign manager: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Huckabee's secretary: We get signal.
Huckabee: What !
Huckabee's secretary: Main screen turn on.
Huckabee: It's you !!
McCain: How are you gentlemen !!
McCain: All your delegate are belong to us.
McCain: You are on the way to destruction.
Huckabee: What you say !!
McCain: Your campaign has no chance to survive make your time.
McCain: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....
Huckabee's secretary: Captain !!
Huckabee: Take off every 'miracle' !!
Huckabee: You know what you doing.
Huckabee: Move 'miracle'.
Huckabee: For great annoyance.

Hey, Huck, time to throw in the towel.

Eh? Huck? Going to drop yet?


Silly Huck, who are you kidding?

g.a.b.e. said...

I think it was a humbling move to step down from his campaign and ask his supporters to now turn their attention to McCain. I don't know if it will be enough though. With Baracks ever growing popularity and Bill Clinton visiting Lubbock High School in order to give Hilary's fans what they need to hear, McCain is in for a tough battle if he is to be elected as the GOP representative.
I saw you in the gym Mr. Perry!!!

Gabriel Quinteros-2nd Period

danielmendoza 6th said...

Too bad for Mitt dropping out of the race. I wasn't a supporter of Mitt and after hearing his goodbye speech I am glad I didn't. It seemed to me that he was just trying be dramatic and bash Obama and Hillary in a attempt to make some people think he shouldn't have dropped out claiming that if you support Hillary or Obama you support the terrorists. It is because of this that I don't like Romney who will just bash his opponent because he is going down anyway.

Dylan B said...

I think thats a very brave and honorable thing that Romney did. I wouldve done the same thing if it meant less votes for Hilary and Obama.

Jessica Kaskie said...

Oh wow! Like Andrew said that was completely unexpected. I can understand where Romney is coming from, but I still wouldn't have dropped out of the election if I were him. He has let all the money for merchandise and commercialism down the drain. But kudos for Romney basing his decision, not on himself, but what he believes will better the country.
Jessica Kaskie
Human Geography-4

savedraanjelica said...

Anjelica Savedra
9th grade
4th period
I think that Mitt Romney should not drop aut of the race and yes it was a big shock for eveyone knowing that he was droping out. He thought he was not going to win but i thought he got a god chance of winning. I am sorry i was late my computer got shut off.

SarahRock said...

Sarah Rock
6th period

I don't think Romney ever stood a chance at winning. In my opinion, it was a good decision on his part to step down.

Stephen Perl 2nd said...

He may not have had a chance, but all it is doing is making it easier for the republican party to remain united while the democrats are split between hilary and barack.

Lindsay Huffhines said...

Lindsay Huffhines

According to NPR, Mitt Romney wasn't raising enough money to continue in the presidential race. His funding was way behind that of the other republican candidates, and far behind Hilary and Barack's. He realized his chances of winning the nomination were slim, especially with the Christian majority of America rejecting his Morman beliefs. America is gung-ho for a Black guy or a woman to win the office, but not so much for a different religion. Mitt Romney couldn't have stood up against Obama, with his charisma and catchy speeches. Obama has America written all over him, while Romney jsut seems like a business man.

neelampatel said...

I think that Romney did the right thing by stepping down, because I personally dont think that he could have won. Some people pretend that religion doesnt matter in the government, but it really does. Since Romney was a Morman, it would be highly unlikely that her could have won the nomination, because there are too many conservatives who want a Christian in office.

JenniferRojas2ndperiod said...


Leslie said...

I think it was honorable for him to back out at this point. He wasn't going to win, so it was only right that he backed out. Now McCain has a better chance.

Anonymous said...

he was not a strong canidate any ways he was doing the right thing by stepping down and supporting the stronger mccain, this election is all about the democrats right now any ways.

JakeFenter2 said...

Defeat, sweet sweet defeat for romney. The world needs change, not stoic conservatism( is that a word) and change will come under the banner of obama. Mccain had his nomination on lockdown until his revalation with a lobbyist, did Mitt throw in the towl too soon.

Ashely Ambrosio said...

i agree with everyone else that Romney didn't have a chance but.. that was a very honorable thing for him to do! it is good that he backed down though because it was very obvious that he wouldn't win! there were somethings that i agreed on with him but i am leaning more towards Obama!! i don't know what i would do if Hillary became president.........and even though i liked Mitt Romney he isn't as good of a speaker as the other 2, 3 if you count McCain(who doesn't have much of a chace either) as everyone else has stated it was about time that he backed down!!

Peter Young said...

Peter Young

Maybe Huckabee should follow suit, unless he wins all the rest of the USA, along with Canada, Mexico, and all of Latin America, he's probably not going to win the nomination.

Spencer Davis said...

Spencer Davis, 6th

Mmm, despite all assumptions toward other intentions, i'd say it actually was somewhat of a noble stand. It seems he actually does feel that strongly about his side of the issue, and, even though he really had no chance anyways, to drop out as a final attempt to see your views through it rather noble to me.

We'll see what happens next. Honestly I think republicans just have no hope, unified or not, it's simply a matter of rather it will be Hillary or Obama at this point.

Ron Paul all the way though.

Spencer Davis said...

Hmm... To me, this seems a rather noble attempt, despite possible assumptions made towards more nefarious intentions. He seems to hold his standards highly enough to sacrifice his own personal success (Even though he really didn't have a chance at this point) in the hopes of seeing even parts of his ideas make their way to washington. I respect that in any person.

However, at this point, it pretty much seems like a democratic race. Will it be hillary, or will it be obama, we'll know pretty soon I guess.

Ron Paul all the way though. 4 srsly.