Monday, April 21, 2008



annie henderson 4th said...

Annie Henderson
4th HuGeoAP

Still creepy. And I'm a bit confused on what sort of audience this guy is getting. Because he says children, but he uses some words that I definitely didn't know when i considered myself a child. But I don't know. He's got some interesting views, but I don't particularly agree with his statement on news being dumbed down. and that the New York Times is all great. I dont think its that great. But maybe that's just me.

gillianwelch03 said...

Gillian Welch

So elitist is a good thing?
I figured he would put Obama in some kind of Muslim clothing. But he didn't, haha.
I think Uncle Jay is funny.

Mr. Perry,
I posted twice last week but did it before I saw your message you posted Wednesday (I only saw it just now), so I hope I still get credit...
but yeah.

KatherineGollahon_2ndperiod said...

well it's good to know what people mean when they say Elitist, though i just looked it up online at so this just renforced my knowlege i guess

Daniel Moss 2nd said...

I think i have to agree with Jon Stewart, that perhaps our president should be elite. If you are successful in the office he's running for, "you could have your face carved into a mountain!!" You have to think you're better, at least a little bit. It shouldn't be people the public wants to have a beer with, but someone who understands the economy and foreign policy and everything else that goes along with being the president of the "free" world. So my response to the accusations of Obama being an elitist is 'so what'..

BrandonChristophe06 said...

Brandon Christophe

I thought Uncle Jay was pretty good this week. The elitist theme was very good. I really like how he commented on the dumbed down news. It is a sad plague of American news media to cater to ratings more than relevance.

I caught the bit about the WSJ, very funny.

Ethan A said...

Most congressman are elitist, so the people running for president would be too. Even if they didnt have anything to do with the government, they would still be elitists. Mainly lawyers and doctors, definitely not in the middle class.

Unknown said...

huy nguyen-02
I admit, i also use the term elitist as a derogatory term. I think andrew jackson started the trend of the president of the people, accusing other nominees of being disconnected form the people. Now, why the media focuses on menial matters and dumbs down, we've already learned that from our government book. Television, after all, is a commercial enterprise and therefore must appeal to as many people as they can in the shortest amount of time as they can. So I guess dumbing it down appeals to more people because most of us are dumb.

a said...

Luke D'Cunha
Period 2

That was a pretty interesting video. Uncle J has a whole bunch of videos at his site, I just found out, where he explains the news. I think it's mostly for small kids, though. I wonder how much money he gets from his videos.

Tristan Holaday (3) said...

Well that's cool. I'm glad he explained what Elitist means cause I was a little lost watching the news. His accent is pretty neat as well.

AnjalieSchlaeppi06 said...

Hahaha i love the 81 years old virgin... Or the picture of Hilary Clinton as a which... Those video are just too much fun... I'm wondering if he has like a little show on TV or is it just on the internet?
Anyway, it's still funny

caseyfarmer03 said...

Hahaha. the 81-year-old Virgin. that's awesome.

So, it talks about how and why Obama has been proclaimed an 'elitist', but have either Hilary or McCain been declared one? Because I still feel that McCain is a little more elitist than Obama.

Maura Fowler 02 said...

I really like those foam, rainbow letters.

Eh... People are nuts. I think Obama is the most approachable presidential candidate thus far. Most politicians give me the same feeling that baptist church's give me. But i don't really get that from Obama.

I like this Uncle Jay dude.

Peter Young said...

Peter Young

However non-elitist Hillary and McCain may be, I have a hard time seeing either of them cracking open a beer with WWE's Steve Austin. Hillary's new proposal for a non moderated debate is a fine idea, afterwards, they can settle their differences with a round of non moderated air hockey, laser tag, or even boxing.

rachelharvill said...

rachel harvill
period 3

The Wall Street Journal was bought be fox news?! Such a shame, The Wall Street is one of the few newspapers that don't seem to put matters into a fourth grade reading level like the local Avalanche Journal does.

clarahester3 said...

hahaha. that was so awesome. i do think such an image could be damaging to obama's campaign.

Evan D said...

wow. that was interesting... I guess this guy has a whole line of stuff. Please keep posting them. I'm glad there is someone to make things simpler but he still uses alot of big words...

- Evan D 4th PER

savedraanjelica said...

Anjelica Savedra
4th period
9th grade
I like the why Uncle Jay explains the word Elitist to us. The way he used it on the presidential candidates and he explains what they are to the people. The first time i didn't know the word then he makes it more clear and easyer for us to understand. Its funny the way he explains the pope and the face he gets when he reads the letter.

Jessica Kaskie said...

I haven't ever heard of Uncle Jay before, but that was a really funny clip. It reminded me of those retarded books like Cooking for Dummies and stuff like that. By the way, who would ever name thier kid Skeeter?
Jessica Kaskie
Human Geography
Period 4

Halil Fried- 3rd period said...

HAHA. I love his wittiness. He did bring up some good points, though...

Sorry, I don't really have much else to say other than I thought the video was funny and witty!

Halil Fried
3rd period

SarahRock said...

sarah rock
6th period

hahahahahahaha :]
that is just too great.

i liked that bit about the "81-year-old virgin," then again, i am quite easily amused.

i don't necessarily agree that the news is being 'dumbed down,' it's just focusing more on things that will cause its ratings to go up. just because it keeps repeating things over and over [and over and over] again doesn't mean that it's over-simplifying the news... the media is just doing its job.

Carleen_DeArmon_Period-03 said...

Carleen DeArmon ♥
Govt 3rd Period

All of the canditates are elitist. They have more money than other people or they would not have been able to begin their campaigns. Barack Obama is no more elitist than Hillary Clinton is, and that's my opinion.

That was such an odd clip. I did not get to watch the last Uncle Jay thing, but I'm quite frightened.

ColinButler2nd said...

I like what Jon Stewart said a few nights ago about how being elitist is most likely a good thing because you would want a president who is better than you in every aspect. But yeah, pretty funny one this week.

Jake Fenter 2 said...

Hurray !!!! for Elitists and Elitism oh wait Im not an Elite
Damn it !!!!

Spencer Davis said...

You know, I honestly couldn't tell if he was seriously trying to get to small children with that video or not. I assume it was a parody, and if it was, I approve, it was pretty well done.

His points about elitism and "dumbed" down news were well done. The news indeed has been approaching ridiculously... Stupid... levels these days. We could stand a bit more factual, material, important news out there these days.