Tuesday, April 15, 2008



AnjalieSchlaeppi06 said...

I love thoses videos... just the kind of humor i like... I think we should do a class period one day just watching them... Vote for me and you'll have some more "Oncle Jay explains the news"!!!
*you think: awsome...*

annie henderson 4th said...

Annie Henderson
4th HuGeoAP

I'm not going to lie.
That kind of scared me just a bit.
And i didn't get the grasp of the word protracted.
That guy was creepy.

Daniel Moss 2nd said...

The IRS is a joke. The Internal Revenue Service is an operation that is unconstitutional and the founders wouldn't stand for it (revolution). First of all, the IRS is not part of the U.S. Treasury, so it is not a lawful organization, and so it has no right to tax us. Secondly, there is no actual act or anything that created this institution, so where is its credibility??? Income tax is an illegal operation, and I'm 100% for getting rid of it.

Chelsea Huffhines said...

These are always fairly amusing. I do like his explanation of taxes, it seems pretty right on.

And of course, like I mentioned over his last video, I appreciate how he doesn't idolize one groups ideas, and bash the other.

ColinButler2nd said...

haha i love this guy. loved the shot of the pope being screened at the airport. plus every video is made better by ricky astley.

BrandonChristophe06 said...

Brandon Christophe

What a good word for the week. "Protracted" is how I feel about news coverage concerning the Pope's visit. Anyway, on to Uncle Jay. He hit on a couple of things this week that were pretty interesting. Tiger Woods lost the Master's... that sucked.

The other thing that I thought was very interesting was the note about flying. This weekend I lost two flights and was forced into 22 hours of bus rides. What's the deal with the airlines? Do we not have enough technology to compensate for a few grounded flights. Now I know in the case of American Airlines it was like 800 or 900 a day but on a normal day... what's the deal?

Grant Curry said...

That was hilarious,
Sad thing is most full grown American adults wouldn't understand the news without that lovely breakdown.
"And maybe that's why the government chose April 15, because it's so far away from election day!"

Loved it

Grant Curry
Human Geography AP
4th Period
9th Grade

Maura Fowler 02 said...

He's go some crazy eyes.

I like how he explains taxes.
It was short but to the point. Completely true.

Really funny.

AlexWheeler2 said...

Rick Rolled by Uncle Jay?? I didnt know he was in Airplane hahaha, Explanation of taxes was spot on.

Unknown said...

Wow, i have to admit that i actually learned a lot from uncle jay.

Johanna Bauersfeld
human geography

ColtonLimmer6th said...

Colton Limmer 6th.

Well i sure do think Uncle Jay is a hero. I liked the video and how it help explain things and had some ok jokes. It was funny how the question was fake or altered but o well.

savedraanjelica said...

Anjelica Savedra
4th period
9th grade
I like the video of uncle jay it was really funny and cool. Uncle Jay really explains a lot of wat the IRS does and why people do there taxes on April 15. It explains why my parents have to there taxes. April 15 is evil and not a good but accept for the IRS they are mean. This comment is for last week sorry.

Celesta Nave (hugeo4) said...

okay, this guy FREAKS me out!
but...i think i have a WAYY better video for you to check out:



tell me what u think.

Celesta Nave
10th grade
HuGeo 4

Anonymous said...

okay this video would have been a whole lot better if that guy did not have such an annoying voice. The pope part was the funniest. but other than part being the funniest the rest of it sucked.

SarahRock said...

Sarah Rock
6th period

I can't lie... I really liked that video :D

I think that Uncle Jay did a pretty good job explaining things... i understand taxes now!

Please, note my sarcasm.

But really, it was pretty funny.

nick medina per.6 said...

This guy scares me a bit, bill nye was better than this guy. Too kiddy for me, now Mr. Rogers was the guy i watched.