Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

Today would have been my dad's 77th birthday. He was a great man. He was a husband, a farmer, a deacon in the church, a Marine, a politician, a bull rider, 143 pounds of full West Texan. He died the summer before my freshman year of high school so I was not able to fully appreciate everything that he tried to teach me. Some lessons have been learned long after he was gone.
Bob Wills is one of them.
My dad loved Bob Wills. He would play this music all the time. When I was a kid, I was much more into "rock and roll" to appreciate the musicianship that Bob Wills represented. Talk about the Mozart of the 20th Century. He singlehandedly created a new form of music, baked in the hot panhandle dirt of Turkey, Texas. I'm glad I finally got it.
Thanks dad. For all of it.


KatherineGollahon_2ndperiod said...

i'm really sorry about your dad Mr Perry, i know how it feels to loose a family member you are really close to so i sympathise with you alot an i think it's sweet that you commemorate his birthday, thats really cool

Celesta Nave (hugeo4) said...

Aww...we should've sung him Happy Birthday! He could hear it if we sing loud enough :)

&That is a good song. Your dad had some tase.

Celesta Nave
10th grade

a said...

Luke D'Cunha

Dear Mr. Perry,

My computer was not working almost almost all last week. Could you please excuse the lateness of this post? Thank you so much. I will not post late again.

Anyway, I know someone in high school who lost his mother. It hurts a lot to loose a parent at such an early age. During freshman year you must have been only 14 or 15. I'm sorry to hear that.

Your dad seems to have lived a fulfilling life, though. He must have made the best use of the life he had.

schoolguy said...

Landon Henderson
Pd. 4
Grade 9

I understand how you felt. My grandmother died when I was in the 6th grade and I never got to like what she did for me.

Daniel Moss 2nd said...

Sorry man.. I bet he was a really great guy. I can dig his taste in music too, kind of old school blues sound. Stevie Ray Vaughn without the drugs kind of sound.. More mellow i guess. Its not my kind of music but i can definitely appreciate it.

Ashely Ambrosio said...

i am really sorry for your lose. i agree with celesta, we should have sung him happy birthday!! its good that you still celebrate his birthday even though he is not here! i know someone that their parent passed away and they don't do anything to remember them!! i know thats really...SAD!!!

Jaysie said...

I am sorry to hear that. I love my father. I learned a lot from him. He likes Erhu(Chinese violin) music. He knows how to play Erhu, too. My favorite Chinese instrument is Erhu.

By: Liulinbo Yang(6)

JenniferRojas2ndperiod said...

Well you learned from and appreciated your dad for as long as you could. Its tought to losed a loved one, especially at a young age. And remembering a day like his birthday would mean a lot. =]


Unknown said...

No word of sympathy is strong enough to vanquish such pain. Those who have not experienced it could not imagine the true anguish, but people, especially those genuinely concerned, still try. Human compassion at its best.

Words are just words; yet sometimes, they are far more.

Keti Tsereteli
Period 4
Human Geography

annie henderson 4th said...

So, you're coolness is genetic.

He sounds like he was a pretty fantastic dad, Mr P. You're a lucky guy, to have had him as long as you did.

gillianwelch03 said...

Gillian Welch

My birthday is tomorrow.
I'm excited.

Chelsea Huffhines said...

Chelsea Huffhines- 4th

This was very nice, Mr. Perry.

Carleen_DeArmon_Period-03 said...

That's sweet Mr. Perry. He sounds like a great man.

Alexander Bruce said...

For my grandpa it was Chet Atkins...

And I drove through Turkey once. No wonder a lot of his songs are "blue".

This is Phil, btw. I just use this account for commenting.