Monday, December 1, 2008

Lessons from Mumbai

AS few as 10 terrorists armed with simple weapons tormented one of the world's most vibrant cities for three days, inflicting 500 casualties - nearly 200 of them dead.

No commandeered airliners were involved; no massive bombs, no radioactive material. All it took was one squad of committed-unto-death terrorists with assault rifles, grenades and a few rucksacks filled with explosives.

It also took sophisticated planning. The attack - on Mumbai's hotels, restaurants, main train station and a Jewish center - unquestionably involved an infrastructure behind the trigger-pullers. It wasn't locally concocted.

As Indians rebound from the shock of last week's carnage, Western media analysis remains self-absorbed, naive and breathless. Once again, commentators insist the story is really about us. It's not.

We're not the only targets of Islamist fanaticism - and we're on the far margins of this one.

Islamist extremists hate India as deeply as they hate the United States. Those terrorists didn't strike Mumbai because they couldn't reach New York (although many others would like to), but because they wanted to harm and humiliate India.

Let's examine who the terrorists were, who probably backed them, and why they committed this horrendous crime.

Who did it? The terrorists claimed to be members of the "Deccan Mujahedeen." Embarrassed that they'd never heard of such a group, "experts" dismissed what the perps themselves announced. I believe the terrorists.

The terror underworld is far more fluid than Western organizations. Our analysts want tidiness, but Islamist groups overlap and identities evolve. Alliances of convenience come together, then disintegrate. Rogue actors further complicate the mix.

The title "Deccan Mujahedeen" is just the equivalent of a US Army task-force name, assigned for a specific operation. The terrorists' deeper affiliation could lie with any number of Pakistan-sanctioned Islamist groups - or with India's homegrown Muslim terrorists, who have their own indirect connections with Pakistan.

Preliminary statements issued by the Indian government claim that most, if not all, of the terrorists were Pakistani nationals. Yet, even if proven, this does not mean that the current government in Islamabad knew of the attackers' plan. It didn't.

Pakistan's law-unto-itself Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI), a sprawling organization with deep ties to extremists, spent decades nurturing terrorists (with our blessing, as long as the Soviets were in Afghanistan). For much of the time, the rallying cry was "Kashmir!" - but anti-Western fundamentalism has infected the ISI for over a generation.

Now the current Pakistani government can't control the demons the policies of its predecessors unleashed. Islamabad does not seek a confrontation with India, but this nuclear-armed power can't control its own territory or its personnel.

So the issue isn't whether Pakistan bears any guilt, but how direct the guilt may be. And how can India respond to a nuke-armed neighbor that doesn't know what its own operatives are up to? Pakistan's barely a country - it's chaos with a parliament.

In the realms of terror, guilt is rarely clear and retaliation is infernally hard.

What causes do these ter rorists represent? Their name, Deccan Mujahedeen, captures their vision: an India once again under Muslim rule.

To us, this seems an absurd, impossible goal, as mad as al Qaeda's dream of a global caliphate. We're dealing with sometimes brilliant operators, but we're also facing dreamers whose visions are irrational by our standards.

Madness and genius are not mutually exclusive. And rational goals don't attract suicide commandos.

For centuries, the Deccan plateau was a Muslim stronghold in central India, ruled by tyrants from mighty fortresses. The subcontinent's Islamist extremists believe that Muslims are entitled to rule India again. They view the Deccan as Islam's dagger in India's Hindu heart.

For all its 900 million Hindus, India is also the world's third-largest Muslim country - just behind Indonesia and Pakistan. More than 130 million Muslims are governed from New Delhi.

Carving the new Muslim state of Pakistan from British India proved disastrous for regional Islam. Pakistan could never compete with its giant neighbor, while the Muslims who remained in India saw their political power fatefully diluted.

And neither Muslim nor Hindu activists have forgotten that 2 million of their co-religionists were slaughtered in the partition violence. Since then, sporadic outbreaks of interfaith bloodshed have plagued India, with confrontations increasing as Hindu fundamentalists take a page from Muslim extremists. (Hindu fanatics attack Christian converts, too.)

Every party has grievances, none of which can be satisfied.

What were the terrorists' immediate goals? First, it bears repeating: These attacks were not about us or our government's actions. Culling US or British citizens for special attention was a bonus, not a core objective.

The terrorists had several goals: First, they just wanted to hurt India. Second, they wanted to embarrass the Indian government. Third, they wanted to damage India's strengthening economy.

The attacks on the hotels weren't just to scare away tourists. The underlying purpose was to frighten off foreign businessmen and investors - to make India seem unstable and incapable of protecting itself.

One of the grievances shared by Islamist extremists throughout the region and Pakistanis in general is jealousy of India's remarkable progress from economic basket case to a sparkling center of yuppie consumerism.

While India remains a bitterly poor home for most of its citizens, a fifth of them have been soaring upward, while more than half have seen their lot improve. Meanwhile, Pakistan tumbles ever farther behind, unproductive, paralyzed by corruption, torn by violence - and paying a grim price for restricting schoolchildren's English-language instruction for two generations, cutting off the populace from the benefits of globalization.

Indeed, jealousy is the great unacknowledged strategic factor of our time.

Apart from being the world's largest (if raucous) democracy, India shares a trait with the United States that infuriates Islamists shamed by the abysmal failures of their own societies: India is a success story. And Allah had nothing to do with it.

What does it all mean for us? We Americans still re fuse to learn the lessons of 9/11: Evil is real, hatred's delicious and those who can't bear their self-wrought disasters are desperate for someone else to blame - and we and the Indians are it.

You can't reason with faith-drunk sadists. The terrorists who attacked New York City and those who struck Mumbai want to kill people. Slaughter is the only thing left that validates their faith.

All the complexity of counterterror operations comes down to three essential requirements: Superb intelligence, ruthless determination and tremendous patience.

Intelligence helps you find the enemies you need to kill; determination means you kill them - and patience means accepting that even a successful fight will take decades, if not generations.

The horrific attacks in Mumbai had nothing to do with the Bush administration. They didn't even have anything to do with India's current government. Those horrid strikes were about the catastrophic, homemade failure of the cultures that produce Islamist terror and the blood ecstasy to which terrorists are addicted.

Ralph Peters' latest book is "Looking for Trouble: Adventures in a Broken World."

What effect do you think these attacks will have on the United States?


Akash Mittal 4 said...

I'm starting to believe that the Indian government is run by monkeys. The Indian terrorist attack is going to have a direct impact on the American government. America's economy, the idea of having a nuclear war, and the threat of a attack similar to India's are all impacts upon America. America is going to have to be on high alert after this attack. The threat of having a similar attack on American soil is quite high. Also, the "friendship" between US and Pakistan is going to be affected. If the US government does not take action, the relationship is not going to be pretty.

KelseyClark01 said...

I really liked this article. It shows how love and hate can affect the world and that they definately do. I agree that the U.S would probably assume that the attacks were targeted at us, even though it's more a matter of terrorists hating everyone who's not them and reaches success through other means than Islam. "Slaughter is the only thing that validates their faith." They are so full of hate and jealousy that it consumes them. They focus all of their energy on preventing the happiness of others to the point where they prevent the happiness of anyone around them.

Anonymous said...

i thnk that the U.S. may try to prepare now any attacks that me be to come. In such ways as, the airport may get more strict. Maby more Americans will stop and think about what is happening in the U.S. and begin to worry. on the other hand, maby nothing will change at all untill something happens to the U.S. personaly again.

HenryEkwaro-Osire1 said...

I think that this catastrophy might change some people's minds about the war against terrorism. Lately, many american's have been impatiently calling for the removal of our troops from the Middle East. Now after seeing that extremists are still at large, people will probably start thinking that it might be better to not pull our troops out for the time being.

shababsiddiqui4 said...

I think Ralph Peters is underplaying the historical aspect of the situation, and unfairly expurges Western roles from the reality of the situation. Although he alludes to the past Pakistan-India predicament, he does not do a fair job in elaborating on it. Pakistani disdain has less to do with outright, compulsive jealousy. Instead, there is a history of Pakistanis feeling as if they have been cheated by developed nations who have constantly chosen India as their haven, and have consistently denied Pakistan opportunities to develop because of stability concerns. The truth is that India is not much more stable politically than Pakistan, yet they have been selected for business ventures over Pakistan. The United States is no exception. While it acts as an ally to Pakistan, it does so only so only because Pakistan's proximity to Afghanistan, thus creating a military understanding. Economically, India has been the American ally since the 1950s. Many Pakistanis will cite religious discrimination as the primary reason for this partisanship.

Although acts of violence on civilians and general populations can never be morally or ethically justified, they can be properly interpreted if we view them objectively. Peters article fails to give us an honest opportunity to judge the situation for ourselves.

AlexanderHerrera7 said...

They might be planning on trying to do the same thing to us. They did this to either ruin india's economy or to show the world what they are cappable of. This shows that they are willing to risk everything they have to feed their blood lust. They let jealousy take controll of their minds to create distruction like this and 9/11. This may effect the thought of them trying to attack again on American soil. Hopefully I'm wrong and this will never happen to the United States.

amber obregon 2 said...

I think that the this is a perfect reason to keep our troops in the Middle East and it may not be good for them to be up there but its for the best i think

paigeallison1 said...

well now that we all know what constitutes as terrorism (yay for first period discussions)...

America is going to be on a very high guard security wise. If things get ugly between India and Islam, that could mean a very dangerous nuclear war. This is also going to hurt the American economy since India's economy is also weaker.

Andrew Sweet 3rd said...

I believe that this attack will bump up our (the US) efforts to fight terrorism. This event may change many people's minds about what to do in Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe pulling out the troops won't be such a great idea. I'm sure the US will intervene in some way by either sending troops over or getting involved in the investigation. Who knows, maybe this attack will have some follow-up attacks, on India or the US. I'm sure this event made us even more aware of the impact these terrorist groups have on our lives, and how so few people can create so much damage.

jorycage2 said...

I think that if Indian government was better that this probably would'n have happen. I think tis made America really realize that if we don't make our economy better this could probably happen to us.

Hayleeduke1 said...

I think the way the terrorist attacks will effect the United States is that the American businesses that are in India will start making their security more strict. If the attacts continue I think the businesses will start looking for safer countries to move to, and other American businesses that wanted to go to India will choose otherwise. Also since America is already on shakey ground with Pakistan, because of the allegde attacks inside the Pakistany border by our troops. I believe that America will start looking at putting economic sanctions on Pakistan unless the government starts cracking down on terrorism.

linpri2 said...

I think that this is a wake up call for India.This shows that they need to get a better handle on their security and be better prepared for things like this. I dont think India was in any way prepared for this they just always figured if anyone was gonna be attacked it would be America and now they see that just like that they are the ones being attacked. Its just sad that lives had be taken away for them to realize it.

linpri2 said...

I think this is a wake up call for India and that they need to get a better handle on they're security.I dont think India was in any way prepared for this. They figured that if anyone was gonna be attacked it would be america. Now they can realize that just like that they can be the victims of a terrorist attack. I just think its sad that lives had to be taken away before they realized it

linpri2 said...

I think this is a wake up call for India and that they need to get a better handle on they're security.I dont think India was in any way prepared for this. They figured that if anyone was gonna be attacked it would be america. Now they can realize that just like that they can be the victims of a terrorist attack. I just think its sad that lives had to be taken away before they realized it