Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Talk About A Secret Service Nightmare

The Los Angeles Times has scored Obama’s first post-election newspaper interview.

What does the president-elect have to say?

Most interesting are his comments on potentially giving a speech in an Islamic capital.

“This is something that I talked about doing in the campaign and it's something that I intend to follow through on. What the time frame is, how we structure that, you know, is something that I will determine with my national security team in the coming weeks and months. But I think we've got a unique opportunity to reboot America's image around the world and also in the Muslim world in particular. So, we need to take advantage of that and the message I want to send is that we will be unyielding in stamping out the kind of terrorist extremism that we saw in Mumbai. We will be at the same time unrelenting in our desire to create a relationship of mutual respect and partnership with countries and peoples of goodwill who want their citizens and ours to prosper together. And I think that the world is ready for that message.”


Anonymous said...

What Obama is trying to do here is to restore America's image around the world. He want to mend relations with Islamic countries that are hostile to the U.S. This act, however, will probably be perceived by some as a desire to associate with terrorists. Despite this, I believe that Obama is truly trying to work toward a more unified and cooperative world. He wants to continue to weep out terrorist extremists and promote peace. And he wants to be able to do this through partnerships with other nations. Obama is trying to bring the world closer together but we must be careful in this respect. What we need to do is unify the world, not standardize. The U.S. must respect the cultures and interests of other nations and not impose its will on other nations without good reason.

AlexanderHerrera7 said...

Well he seems to have his goal set for his 1st term at presidency. So he wants to get Americas trust to everybody while getting us back on track. Will he succeed?

samanthapiercy1 said...

I definitly think that these talks with the Islamic world will be dangerous, but in the end, absolutely necessary. Obama, like the rest of the country, sees how much America's image around the world has been tarnished over the past 8 years and, from the looks of it, he is willing to go to great lengths to restore that image.

samanthapiercy1 said...

I definitly think that these talks with the Islamic world will be dangerous, but in the end, absolutely necessary. Obama, like the rest of the country, sees how much America's image around the world has been tarnished over the past 8 years and, from the looks of it, he is willing to go to great lengths to restore that image.

rubengomez01 said...

I believe that our future president has set a good goal and is going to try to unite two things that will be hard to put back together. but i know that he will do a good job and i can't wait to see what he will do for our country in the future.

KelseyClark01 said...

America's reputation with the Islamic people is spit upon. Whether or not Obama traveling to the islamic Capital is a good idea, it will inevitably put him in danger. This may be necessary to secure a long awaited union between the Islamic people and us. Although there are drawbacks and I honestly feel sorry for the secret service who have to figure this out, I believe it holds America's interest at heart to reconciliate with these people.

ClaireBurrus1 said...

Well, I think that Obama has a great idea. Giving the entire world a new image of the United States is going to be a tough job. I think that talks with islamic countries are most definitely needed. I hope he succeeds. I also hope that the rest of the world doesn't start thinking that we're trying to ally ourselves with the terrorists...

miguelsmith7th said...

He seems to have good idea of what we need. We seemed to have made a bad impression on the world and he wants to restore an image of good things and freedom. Right now i think we appear as a bully to the rest of the world, perhaps he can makes look better.

hsomepjj said...

I agree with what Rui mentioned earlier.
I also think Obama is trying to restore America's image around the world. He wants to maintain or to recover the power that America had before the terrorism in America such as "911 incident".
Obama is taking one step by step slowly. He wants the respect from other countries all around the world for America. That's what he is trying to do here.

hayleeduke2 said...

I really think that the talks with the Islamic's is going to be dangerous but absolutely necessary. I think Obama is just trying to do is restore America and what the world thinks of us. He wants and needs to mend relations with Islamic countries that are hostile to the U.S. This will probably provoke terrorists, mabey, mabey not. Disregarding this, Obama is really trying to work toward a more unified America. He just wants to promote peace and to do this through partnerships with other nations.

g.i.joe nathan said...

Giving a speech in an Islamic capital would be a very intelligent step towards rebuilding America's image on the global scale.
We need to create better relationships with Islamic countries than we do now.

Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.

JeremyTow01 said...

Obama's decision to speak in Israel is indeed risky. However, in the interest of the American people, this action is necessary. We must unite as a people in order to fully restore our global, and Obama can be the leader of this movement. I think this is good news that he is already looking toward establishing our image abroad.

Behnam Arzaghi 4th said...

I think that it is a good thing that Obama wants to extend a hand of friendship to the middle eastern countries. i often wonder whether our hostility to terrorists in those areas translates into hostility towards the countries, and im glad Obama is trying to distinguish between the two.

Yvonne Rojas 4 said...

I really think this can work... this had to happen eventually and I'm glad he's doing it now. He has really good ideas and I really hope he comes through :]

zach edwards7 said...

I believe obama wants america to be seen as a country with open arms. knowing that all presidents views usually change after in office, i think he will stick to his plans. also, we should hope for peace but world peace but due to human nature, just throwing that in there. i hope we come to peaceful terms with the middle east, bring our boys home obama!!!

Ling Y Li said...

He seems to made his first term presidency,also he wanted to get the American people trust back on the track. To talke with the Islamic world was really dangerou.Obama likes this country, he will to go to great lenghts for the country.

mirandamartell7 said...

I really think Obama is going to be a really great president. I really think he might make a couple of changes while hes president. GO OBAMA!!!!!!

Ralph Molina 7th said...

Does nobody remember 9-11? These are the same people that bombed us. Now ive heard people say that obama is going to get assasinated and i am not for that. He was elected and he should serve his 4 years, but these people that want to kill him wont even get a chance because he is going to make a speech in a place where the word AMERICA will get u killed in a heartbeat. He is our president. THEY WILL DESTROY HIM. It really scares me that our future president is being this ignorant. I would not have voted for Obama, nor am i happy he is the president elect, but he is our president and he needs to be careful.