Monday, March 9, 2009

And In Local News....

The location of Lubbock's last strip club dressed up for business once again, and this time clothing is required.

With new ownership and a new name, the Palace club opened its doors Friday on Avenue Q as a bikini bar where scantily clad women replaced strippers who once performed at the site.

The building's last two occupants, Baby Dolls and Players Gentleman's Club, had more than a few run-ins with city officials over alcohol and sexually oriented business permits, which led to the club's closure in 2006.

Leo Nathan, the opening manager of the new club, said work has been under

way for about a year to get the business running and keep the bar in compliance with all city regulations.

"We want to form our own personality as the Palace instead of the places that were here before," Nathan said. "We're going to be making some new history."

While the bar area will feature waitresses in "tight-fitting bikinis," Nathan said a family area will be set up in the building where customers can order food and sing karaoke away from the live entertainment.

"It's going to be more like a Hooters," he said.

Mayor Tom Martin, who opposed the location of the Players club within city limits, said he doesn't anticipate any problems with the new business, which he had not heard of until Tuesday.

Martin voiced strong opinions about sexually oriented businesses when the building's previous owners tried to purchase an alleyway adjoining their property in 2005. The request was denied by the city.

Players club eventually lost its sexually oriented business license in 2006 after it was discovered the owner had lied on the application. When a new owner leased the property in 2007, that application was turned down as well because of application issues.

Martin said he's sure the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission will keep a close eye on the club as it does any establishment that serves alcohol in Lubbock.

"As long as they're not a sexually oriented business, I don't have a problem with it," Martin said.

Speaking for the club's new ownership, GIO Leasing Investments Inc., Nathan said he hopes to drive up business at the bar within the next 60 days.

Having worked in adult entertainment in West Texas before, Nathan acknowledged it would be hard work to shake the stigma of the building's previous owners, though he's confident the community will understand the change.

"That's one thing I'm trying to do, right now, keep it until we figure out what level we need to get it at to stay copacetic with the powers that be," he said.


TaylorShofner4 said...

Well if it's one thing I have always dreamed of, it's finding a magical place of beer and scantily clad women where my whole family is more than welcome. Why go to Chuck E Cheese when there's Palace? Family, food, and fun! And with the Mayor's personal stamp of approval, what more reason do I need?

If a bar that features tight-fitting bikinis as a major attraction isn't categorized as "sexually oriented", then...well I don't even know what to say anymore. I'm kind of flabbergasted, especially due to the fact that this piece of trash story was on the front page of our newspaper. Leave it to Lubbock Avalanche Journal to let me know about all the hot new bikini bars in town.

amandamills3 said...

So many aspects of this article make me laugh: that the mayor had no idea this existed until last Tuesday, that he thinks a bunch of girls in bikinis isn't sexual, that "the community will understand the change" between Babydolls and Palace...what is that change exactly?...that they have scraps of cloth covering their naughty bits and you're advertising it AS A FAMILY BUSINESS?! Right...I'm so excited that we're getting some quality entertainment down here in Lubbock. Forget those disgusting, MALE chippendale dancers! We're bringing in the more moral (and much prettier) bikini squad, and plopping them down right next to O.L. Slaton Middle School.

Sometimes I think Lubbock is part of an alternate universe...

SarahEdwards1 said...

What a refreshing change in the Lubbock club scene. Seeing that there is a family-friendly (but still sexually oriented, alchohol serving) club in Lubbock brings me mirth and joy. Having employees wear bikinis, instead of the previous scandalous apparel, is a great way for the owner instantiate his business among other family friendly places such as Chuck E. Cheese's and Hooters. I am proud of Lubbock city officials for recognizing the need for reform in the local club scene: skin baring bikinis are a great compromise. Maybe this place will have great wings too!

Anonymous said...

I think that it is a good thin that the prior club was shut down those should be out of city limits like the "strip". However, this new club I am not all that sure about I would not want to take my children to this place just as i would not take them to Hooters. i think it is cool for the people that like that kind of stuff.

hayleeduke2 said...

i'm pretty sure my friends
dad use to own that. ha
Anyways why does anyone have a
problem with these places
if you don't like them, then it's
simple don't go to it. Why would you want something almost exactly like what we already have (hooter's)?? It wasn't doing any harm out on the edge of Lubbock; half of the people who live here probably didn't even know we had a Gentalmen's club. But whatever floats there boat i guess.

KatelynWatkins1 said...

Ah, Lubbock Avalanche Journal, how you stimulate our minds with your titillating articles. (Get it? Titillating?) Hopefully I can score a job at this joint, because it looks like a classy joint....

allisonheadley3rd said...

This is absolutely ridiculous.
The only reason the mayor supports this is because he wants to be able to go to a place with his wife and look at younger more attractive women without getting into too much trouble.

Margie Tucker 1 said...

"As long as they're not a sexually oriented business, I don't have a problem with it," Martin said.
ummm last time i checked women walking around in a tiny bikini would be considered sexual. but im just saying. and like we said in class the other day, i think this city and country has bigger things to worry about like oh idk the war or economic crisis.

SavannahWood4 said...

Every time I read this, it cracks me up.

This part especially: "...a family area will be set up in the building where customers can order food and sing karaoke away from the live entertainment."

I don't wanna know about the live entertainment they're referring to. I think that the Mayor is losing his mind allowing this place and being all cool with it. This isn't Hooters; Hooters girls at least wear shirts!

"As long as they're not a sexually oriented business, I don't have a problem with it," Martin said.

Yeah, sexually oriented business. Hello! Women in "tight-fitting bikinis" are sure to be a little sexually appealing to the male customers.

This is ridiculous.

isaacpena7 said...

Woah, I remember Baby Dolls :/ My grandma always told me "NO" when I requested to go in there. :) I was at the young age of 12. Well now I am glad to hear that this strip club turned into a "Hooters" atmosphere. I think it will be great for the city and maybe people like Martin can find something else to complain about in Lubbock. I found it odd that the city of Lubbock would approve and consider an unreliable permit, says so much about the carelessness. Ha, a family room?! That would be very interesting in a building that had the reputation of BOOZE AND NAKED WOMEN. But hey, maybe after three years of waiting I can finally go into that building ;)


andrew villafranco 7th said...

When he said it's going to be like HOOTERS i laughed. It is going to very hard to shake off the stigma that comes with the land. I honestly think it won't be shaken because the city of Lubbock is very conservative and shines a very dim light on things like this. So Palace be ready because although the mayor might say he has no problem with it the opinion can ever so quickly.

jakelabrec7 said...

this is a good thing, i kinda like how there will be a family area but i kind of dont because something will probably happen. im kinda sad though because i remember seeing the gentlemans club as a kid and always wanting to go into it :(

Rachael Henderson said...

I'm so enthused that Lubbock had come to the 21st century and added this amazing feature to the small town’s history! The new Bikini Bar will be such a great addition to Lubbock I'm sure it will bring greatly needed business in these times of recession. These scantily clad women have replaced the very modest women Lubbock used to host. The family friendly area will be a huge improvement to the strip club...excuse me, I mean modest bikini bar...I’m sure Mayor Martin will probably be the first in line.

BonnieFanning1 said...

This may appear to be better than other adult entertainment facilities because it is more family friendly and features waitresses in "tight-fitting bikinis". However, I find the whole family area part awkward. I know it is supposed to be modeled after a Hooter's, but I don't think that makes it more appropriate.

StephaniePleasant4 said...

This “Palace” place is really intriguing. It’s always a wonder what people will try to do in order to make money. I mean we might just need a place like this to help our local economy. I feel that they are just trying to become another Hooters, but chances are it probably won’t work out in a couple of months. I know that I wouldn’t take my kids where half-naked women were running around, it’s kind of unsanitary and funny at the same time.

AmandaCaughron1 said...

A family friendly, bikini bar seems to contradict itself. Maybe I am missing something but since when has “live entertainment” ever been family friendly. They also bought a building that has been to strip clubs for some time that is saying something. It a strip club in disguise if you ask me.

patreaferrell1 said...

LOL more like Hooters!!! Seriously, Hooters doesn't have waitresses in tight fitting bikini's. Family friendly are to keep away from the live entertainment, that's even more funny. Moms cover your sons eyes!!!

Lauren White 2 said...

I really hope that the Palace will have a better future than the previous tennants. But I think that it really won't be like a Hooters, because you can't mix waitresses in tight bikinis and "family" rooms with karaoke.

joshochoa54321 said...

ha i dont not think that this buissenss will last more than a year. this buliding is located in a dangerours neighborhood, and the concept of this club is quite stupid, its like woman and go sit over there with your kids while we steal your husbad and get him drunk and ruin your marriage. this place is going to try to be like hooters, but more than likely they wont succeed.

HannahLambVines_1 said...

The only phrase appropriate for something of this idiocy is "Lol." I mean, really, what more can I say? Tight fitting bikinis and karaoke? Wow... We sure are taking a step toward the future here. History is most definitely being made...

diamonddavis1 said...

One word "ewww"! How can a bar be family oriented when the waiters walk around in bikinis? I still don't see how they can stay away from being a "sexually- oriented" business if the community will still view the building as a strip joint. I find it disgusting and I'm glad the mayor isn't down for it, but then again he might be off in there with his family "having a good time!"

CortnyCognasi03 said...

I think opening a bikini bar, regardless of whether or not it has a family-fun and food karaoke area, is still ridiculous.

In all honesty, I don't know who would want to take their family to a place like this. I'm not sure I would be comfortable eating in a place where there are women walking around in 'tight-fitting bikinis'.

Although it's true that I would never go there with my family to eat or sing karaoke, Senior Day outing anyone?

Haha, just kidding.

Chelsea Hearn said...

Wow...what a blog lol

But I dont believe that if the state is having problems with this building an owners,that they should continue opening it.
They should just shut it down and move on

jessica casarez 7 said...

i think that most likely there will be new problems forming at this new club, their will that one stupid waitress that ends up knowing the wrong people, and maybe being in the wrong place at the wrong time, i don't see this new club having a spectacular life.

Ralph Molina 7th said...

HAHAHA wow this is funny!!! Who is going to take their kids to eat at a family friendly restaurant in the same place that has women in tight bikinis and was the former building of the last strip club in Lubbock??? Well then again i guess a single dad might. I think it is going to be very hard for this new owner to shake the old reputation because not everybody may know that it is a new owner. But good luck to him. Sounds like a fun place to the family friendly part of coarse........

jillchen3 said...

well. I suppose a "bikini bar" is a bit more conservative than a straight up strip club. The family area is laughably absurd though. I know it's supposed to make the Palace more family friendly and less like a shady location but I can't imagine many people who would take their children there. News like this reminds me of the Chippendales fiasco from a while back. I guess it's good that lubbock tries to keep the city so "clean", but sometimes it feels like such a sham and so hypocritical.

matthewcastro1 said...

I think its pretty funny that they are having a family oriented zone within the restraunt. Do you have to like close your eyes, as your walking past the ladies in the tight fitting bikinis as opposed to the loose bikinis. Sounds like im defintely going to take my dates there to eat for karaoke.

Kirsten Alvarez 1st said...

I think it's ridiculous to even try to call the palace a family friendly enviroment. Not really sure, but I don't think parents are going to want to have their children around girls in bikinis that are meant to be revealing.

Manuel Ordaz 01 said...

This is all to funny. I dont think its a good idea to make this place a family enviroment. The only reason they are doing this is so that they dont get introuble with the city again.

aaronbrownpd3 said...

This is pretty great. I was looking for a place to eat with my four year old niece after we go see Coraline. I bet the food is fantastic, and I really hope there's a ball pit. And who knows, perhaps my niece can get a head start on her karaoke career.

JessicaGatica3 said...

I think this new place is crazy. I really dont think this could be really a family place because girls in bikins doesnt equal family place. It is just retarted.

DanieSaldana4 said...

I give this business a few short months because Lubbock is a very conservative town. All it takes is one person to complain about this business and I'm sure some one already has a problem.

gloria sanchez said...

hahaha "not sexualy oriented" mayor martin says. what is not sexual about "tight-fitting bikinis"... nothing. how can this place be labeled a family fun, i could understand if the waitresses weren't in bikinis, but in the article tight bikinis were clearly imphasized. the owner says the area is trying to build new history, but continuing to throw the hint of sexual orientation into the "new" history is only making the Palace reclaim its old reputation of showcasing sex.

KaralynneParent4 said...

I'm sure that would be a fun family trip.
Dad packs the kids up in the car, "okay kids daddy has to go the 'bathroom' and will be back soon, whatever you do don't follow me and promise to never tell your mother we were here"
What a great city lubbock is...

katelynmcpherson1 said...

All I have to say to this one is...right on? I don't really have much of an opinion for this except that it's lubbock and this is what we are here make bikini bars with family areas...what? I get the owner trying to make it a new place...but I think Hooters does enough, and maybe having "the palace" is going over the line? I don't's lubbock and that's what makes us out of the ordinary.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

Wow thats crazy.. I wouldnt mind going to eat at the Palace a couple times. Hope there buisness picks up