Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Uncle Jay Explains Congress

One of my favorite episodes!


RamonaMittal3 said...

Haha...this is great! I love this. It's ironic how some funny things can be so true. :) Thanks for such a great video!

AaronFlores1 said...

that really put into perspective how hard congress works. It's hard to believe bills even get passed. It makes me wonder, if there was less recess, would Bush have had the spare time to hunt with Cheney and accidently shoot him. hmmmm

Daniel Berg 4 said...

Well no wonder they all spend so much money on reelection campaigns...

connor frankhouser 8 said...

This video was hilarious!! Before I saw this I had no idea how easy their job seems, at least in terms of working hours. I was then shocked when i did a little research and found out a congressman takes home over 160,000 dollars.... Even though to some this may be one of the seven signs of the apocalypse life goes on and I personally have no complaint with the job congress does in their (short)time at the 'office'

Based on their sense of humor and chin hair I also think Uncle Jay may be Mr. Perry's long lost older brother

Jiaqi Niu 8th said...

Despite this guy's goofy atmosphere, he's pretty good at expaining everything. First time I've seen someone poke fun at Congress. Love the fact that Congress only works like 22 days a year. Who needs that much vacation anyways? Why don't they just go back to their beach homes and stay there. If that's really how much Congress works each year, then they should only get paid half their current salary, if not less.

Mr. P said...

I can neither confirm nor deny my relationship with said "Uncle"

Jesse Slay (Alum.) said...

Maybe someday congressmen and women won't have to leave their own homes when Congress is in session! With video chat sessions and video conferences through the power of the Internets technology could eliminate the need for them to even travel to Washington D.C. anymore! I think the future holds an even lazier congress in store for us. They make me think of the really lazy humans in the movie wall-e haha.

HannahBrooks8 said...

I can't believe that. Isn't Congress supposed to be working for the people all the time? I didn't know that included their paid vacations from our tax dollars. It's pretty ridiculous to think thats what they are up to all the time. I love not doing anything, I think I want to get into this field.

brandonluckenbach1 said...

Wow thats really shocking to me, I thought the congress has to work all the time. I remember hearing in my U.S. History class last year that back in the day Congress would double their pay and stuff like that..kinda ironic. That was funny how he said that our parents and uncles pay for the congress plane tickets.

RudyPortillo8 said...

This video made me laugh! I knew that Congress had a lot of time off, but I had no idea it was sooooo much time.

Love Patel -- 3rd Period said...

This was hilarious... really goes to show you how much congress works. Its like they are getting paid to be on 'recess'.Wait they are getting paid for that. They work like maybe a 20 days out of the 360 to work in washington, but take the rest to 'help' their constituents. GO Congress!

Ben Hernandez Pd. 3 said...

I like Uncle Jay. He explained things quite well and also managed to keep me awake. I had known previously what long grueling hours congress worked but I would recommend this video to all those who don't. I only wish we could somehow work these videos into our class time. (wink, wink) Bravo! Bravo, Uncle Jay! (and Mr. Perry)

P.S. Uncle Jay only slightly resembles Mr. Perry. I think that they may be cousins not brothers.

Annie Henderson 3rd Period said...

Okay. So I had no idea we payed for those flights. And I had no idea how ridiculous Congress is. And i kind of want to be a Senator when i grow up now.

marialbutra_03 said...

Bahahahaha. If I was any good in politics I would totally run for congress!!! Sadly, I suck at it. That would be the life though. Few weeks of work and then the rest would be spent with family and my 'constituents'.

CatWu said...

Lol...this is funny..before this i thought congressmen worked really hard..but then after watching this, their job seems easier than us going to school everyday....wow....

Kaitlin_Reynolds_3 said...

Uhm.. is this true? I think that's ridiculous. I'm really glad to know that we pay them to work.. oh about 20 days a year, or thats what it seems like. I doubt that half of those guys even work with their constituents when they go home.. but this was really funny, thanks for that.

HafsaAhmad3rdPeriod said...

Wow. I mean, I thought being in Congress would be a hard job (which, I'm sure it can be), also, if they have this much free time, how come they get paid as much as they do? I mean, no wonder they spend so much money the reelection campaigns. Anyway, this video was informative & made me laugh. Although, the guy kind of scared me a little.. haha.

SethPitman1 said...

Wake up call. haha, that cracks me up. so let me get this straight, they only work tuesday through thrusday...and have all of December off.?? sign me up!

tavindotson1st said...

wow i never really knew that congress only works less than a month out of the year. i guess uncle jay really puts it into perspective whats really going on..

Cynthia Salazar Period 8 said...

That was funny. How would have thought that congress works so hard. I mean all that flying around no wonder they need all that time off. That's American's hard earned tax dollars at work.

Christopher Casanova 3rd Period said...

I think that we should only go to school, when congressmen go to work.

I really loved how the calendar just shrunk, and shrunk and shrunk and shrunk. And I know that they really aren't going to do casework on all of those days, so why are we paying their their salaries when we get paid less than one-half as much to do ten times the work? I feel like a frat boy can accomplish more work in a week than a congressman. The real question here is how does anything get done. Pretty soon these guys are just going to be joining congressional sessions via webcast from their Caribbean villas.

Like Mark Twain said: "There is no native criminal class except Congress." Oh by the way, I loved the frame 1:43

JungwonPark3 said...

hahaha it was funny, i love uncle jay. i wish i had an uncle like him. i would learn so much things from him. hahaha!!

nitashamisra3 said...

Ha. That's hilarious. You should put up videos more often! (:
This guy really knows how to explain things. I had no idea how little Congress worked.

CelestaNave8 said...

Uncle Jay knows all!
I'm just looking forward to a permanent recess...or at least a recess like there's. Could it be that we don't give them enough bills??? Haha...