Thursday, February 25, 2010

Religious War on Brink in Haiti

Haiti's supreme voodoo leader vowed "war" on Wednesday after Evangelicals attacked a ceremony organized by his religion honoring those killed in last month's massive earthquake.

The attack on Tuesday in the capital's sprawling Cite Soleil slum came with religious tensions rising, as Protestant Evangelicals and other denominations recruit in the wake of the earthquake that killed more than 200,000.

"It will be war -- open war," Max Beauvoir, supreme head of Haitian voodoo, told AFP in an interview at his home and temple outside the capital.

"It's unfortunate that at this moment where everybody's suffering that they have to go into war. But if that is what they need, I think that is what they'll get."

The quake also left more than a million homeless and left much of the capital and surrounding areas, in this Caribbean nation of more than nine million, in ruins.

Police said a pastor urged followers to attack the ceremony, resulting in a crowd of people throwing rocks at the voodoo followers.

Rosemond Aristide, police inspector in Cite Soleil, said he has since spoken with the pastor, who agreed to allow voodoo ceremonies to take place there.

However, Aristide could not explain why no arrests were made nor provide further details.

Beauvoir claimed hundreds of Protestant Evangelicals along with other people they hired attacked the ceremony, causing a number of injuries.

About half of Haiti's population is believed to practice voodoo in some form, though many are thought to also follow other religious beliefs at the same time.

The religion -- whose practitioners often use the vodou spelling as opposed to the Westernized version -- is deeply rooted in Haitian culture.

A voodoo priest named Boukman has been credited with setting off the country's slave rebellion in the late 18th century.


Eric said...

Instead of declaring war against each other, intensifying the already dismal situation in Haiti, both religions should focus on improving the current social and economic conditions afflicting Haitians today. Set aside the differences in religion and help your fellow Haitians.

Anonymous said...

wow i think its sad that people cant practice their religion freely without being put in harms way. they should be allowed to practice the ceremony freely. i also think that we dont need anymore religious wars in the world.

MichaelHarper1 said...

What a sad commentary on the world we live in that in the midst of such a loss of human life there is talk of impending religious war. Can you really be suprised, though? Haiti has a long history of political instability and the government remains ineffective in restoring any sort of order. Chaos and corruption rules and conflict was bound to arise. I just wonder what role the US will play in events to come.

andrearamirez8th said...

It is very sad that the people of Haiti have attacked each other like this. I believe that there should be arrests for the attacks that have been made. Each religious group should be able to practice their beliefs and grieve or celebrate the lives of those that they have lost. The people of Haiti are in a very hard time right now, and this sort of suffering can either bring the good or bad out in people. It's sad that it was this type of outcome.

BethanyRatliff3 said...

This 'Evangelical' group is going against everything Christianity is based on by their violent attack on the voodoo ceremony. Violence is absolutely not what the Haitians need right now, much less the religious war that is brewing from this incident.

timothyyoes4 said...

I dont think after a loss of two hundred thousand lives there needs to be any more bloodshed. These voodoos and priest should not argue at a time like this. The country needs to focus on reconstruction not tearing it farther apart.

BreonneDavis1 said...

I think that in a place with such distruction already, something like a religious war should be an issue. The evangalists shuold respect other relgions even if it goes against their beliefs. The law should enforce them not being able to disturb their ceremonies. All of these different groups should becoming together to rebuild Haiti not causing more conflicts and hardships for the people of Haiti.

Holly Myrick 1 said...

Though it does seem rational to get that upset about being attacked at a religious event over a most terrible situation, I wouldn't think there need be war on such a matter. So many have already been killed, hurt, and had everything taken away. Why create more violence in stress among a nation that is need of strength and unity more than anything at the moment?

TaylorMiller1 said...

You would think that in desperate times, such as these in Haiti, would make people see that everyone is hurting and everyone needs peace right now. I don't really understand why these people attacked unarmed haitian citizens.

BrittanyBurks 8th said...

I think that it's unfortunate that the preacher decided it was a good idea to urge his followers to attack the voodoo followers. This clash of religions will always be presentin some form or fashion. Religious people go to extreme, oten unnessary, means to furthur their religion. It is sad and wrong but present.

ClaudiaTorres1 said...

I think declaring war right after a huge earthquake is something they really dont need. They are still sensative to all the losses and grief they went through with the earthquake and declaring war isn't helping anything. I think they just need to all come together despite of what they believe in to help build their land back together.

Yashvi Shashtri 8th period said...

This is very sad. The people of Haiti need food, shelter, and medical help. War is the worst thing for to have at this moment.

Abigail Nebb said...

I think it's sad that followers of jesus who taught about peace and love attacked the followers of voodoo just because they hold different beliefs. They are coming into a foriegn country to help people in need and in order to be successful they have to realize that not everyone is a protestant Christian. I don't however think it's right of the head of the voodoo community to declare "war" on the Christians even If they were in the wrong. They should sit down and try to resolve this in a peaceful manner.

LaneLewis3 said...

That country has been hammered recently, it really doesnt surprise me that this is happening. People over there are at the breaking point, and bad things are going to happen until everything gets better which will be a long time from now.

KimberAdcock1 said...

it is sad that it had to come to war. it makes us very thankful to live in a nation where we have freedom of religion.

katie.pattillo8 said...

I think its awfull for them to start a "war" among themselves when there is already so much suffering.

lauravillalobos1 said...

It's sad that a religious war is fixing to break out as Haiti has just experienced two of the world's most horrible earthquakes. Whether the Protestant Evangelicals agree with the Haitian's practice of voodoo, there are many more practical options for voicing their opinions. Max Beauvoir and his followers should also attempt more pacifistic means of achieving said justice. Yet from a more realistic point of view, Haiti will only terminate this religious tensions through violence.

Brickland Easton said...

I think Evangelicals are taking severe advantage of the Haitians while they are "knocked down." If the Evangelicals only went to Haiti to convert the people, then they went for the wrong reasons. The Haitians need help rebuilding what they lost, they don't need help deciding on what to believe in.

Stephen Garcia_3rd said...

It's just despicable that anyone would openly attack another's religious ceremony. Everyone and anyone should be able to practice whatever religion they want aside from any involving human sacrifice or other torturous practices.

clarissabaker3 said...

In a time when Haiti is so crippled from the earthquake a war like this is enevitable but also a dilema they don't need. The emotional atmosphere along with the conflict between the two religions makes this war an almost certainty especially with the law enforcement being so damaged that they can't prevent it. A war like this will also sadly ensure a longer and harder recovery road for Haiti.

RuthD'Cunha3 said...

Religion values peace and acceptance. It is disappointing to see these religions start a war so soon after the earthquake. At a time like this, Haiti does not need more problems, violence, and deaths.

SamanthaDeLaCerda3 said...

Right now, hati does not need to have a religious war. The population is already devestated after the quake, if a war were to break out now, i+ not sure the hatians would survive.

DanielleBeltran4 said...

I don't know why this man thinks a religious war is the answer to the problem. Again the point is being missed that people are still homeless and in need of aid. This should not be a religious issue, and it's hard for me to have sympathy now when the voodo religion is attacking someone else. Let's get back to the important issues like distributing aid.

KiaRahnama4 said...

i don't understand how this is a violation of any kind of law. i mean people have the right to set different requierments for the people they want to hire, cause they're the ones apying you. that means you're suposed to do what they tell you to do. it's not anybody's problem that scarf limits the apportunities of muslim ladies.

Alejandro Figueroa 8th period said...

This is so sad. Terrible timing for a war. The earthquake was such a disaster and the last thing Haiti needs is a war right now. I hope this changes soon.