Monday, February 21, 2011

China Cracks Down on "Jasmine Revolution"

BEIJING—Chinese authorities detained dozens of political activists after an anonymous online call for people to start a "Jasmine Revolution" in China by protesting in 13 cities—just a day after President Hu Jintao called for tighter Internet controls to help prevent social unrest.

Only a handful of people appeared to have responded to the call to protest in Beijing, Shanghai and 11 other cities at 2 p.m. Sunday, a call first posted on the U.S.-based Chinese-language news website and circulated mainly on Twitter, which is blocked in China.

But Chinese authorities seemed to take it seriously, deploying extra police to the planned protest sites, deleting almost all online discussion of the appeal, blocking searches for the word "Jasmine" on Twitter-like microblogs and other sites and temporarily disabling mass text-messaging services.

Ahead of the planned protests, more than 100 activists across China were taken away by police, confined to their homes or went missing, according to the Hong Kong-based group Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy.

The online protest appeal is likely to compound the apparent concern among Communist Party leaders that the recent uprisings against authoritarian governments in the Middle East and North Africa could inspire similar unrest in China. The lackluster popular response, however, demonstrates how much harder it would be to organize a sustained protest movement in a country with a well-funded and organized police force, and with the world's most sophisticated Internet censorship system.

At one of the designated protest sites—a McDonald's outlet in Beijing's central Wangfujing shopping district—a crowd of several hundred people gathered, along with hundreds of uniformed and plainclothes police, shortly before 2 p.m.

The crowd, however, consisted almost entirely of foreign journalists and curious shoppers—many of whom thought there was a celebrity in the area—along with a handful of young people who said they had heard about the protest appeal and came to watch.

The only sign of protest came from a young Chinese man who was detained by police after laying some jasmine flowers outside the McDonald's and trying to take a photograph of them on his mobile phone, witnesses said. At least two other people were detained after altercations with police, but it wasn't clear whether they were protesting, the witnesses said.

Jon Huntsman, the U.S. ambassador to China—who has been critical of the country's Internet controls—was also in the crowd but quickly left after he was identified by a Chinese crowd member with whom he was chatting.

In Shanghai, meanwhile, police led away three people outside a Starbucks outlet near the planned protest spot after they shouted complaints about the government and high food prices, according to the Associated Press. There were no reports of demonstrations in other cities where people were urged to protest, which included Guangzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan and Chengdu.

The protest appeal had urged people to "take responsibility for the future" and to shout a slogan that encapsulated some of the most pressing social issues in China: "We want food, we want work, we want housing, we want fairness!"

It came at a sensitive time, as China prepares for the March 5 start of the annual meeting of its parliament, the National People's Congress. China's leaders are also anxious to ensure social stability in the run-up to a once-in-a-decade party leadership change next year, when Mr. Hu and six other top leaders are due to retire.

On Saturday, Mr. Hu urged national and provincial leaders to "solve prominent problems which might harm the harmony and stability of the society." Some Chinese and Western analysts have argued that China faces many of the same social problems that have inspired the protests in the Middle East and North Africa, especially rising housing and food prices.

Others, however, say that China is unlikely to suffer similar unrest because living standards are generally rising faster, and social controls are much stronger, especially online. Although an increasing number of people are becoming aware of censorship and ways to circumvent it, Chinese authorities have also been largely successful in controlling the spread of information. Locally operated websites must delete any content the government deems "harmful," and companies that store user information in China must comply if the government requests access to that information.

This has often enabled authorities to quickly identify and stop organized political action before it reaches too many people, all while staying under the radar of most ordinary citizens, who aren't constantly searching for political content. It also makes heavy-handed crackdowns affecting large numbers of Internet users mostly unnecessary.

China blocks websites like Facebook and Twitter, which were used by activists in Egypt, and keeps out other undesirable foreign content, from criticism of China's leaders to information about sensitive historical events, using Web-filtering technology.

President Hu called for even stronger Internet restrictions in his speech on Saturday at the Central Party School in Beijing, which trains rising leaders.

"At present, our country has an important strategic window for development, but is also in a period of magnified social conflicts," he said. Among the steps Beijing had to take, Mr. Hu said, was "further strengthening and improving management of the Internet, improving the standard of management of virtual society, and establishing mechanisms to guide online public opinion."


Ralph Molina 2nd said...

Ill have to say with this kind of censorship it would be hard to organize basically anything the government doesnt want you to. No social networking or mass texting? I mean wow they are just knocking out social communication completely. But hey i guess its accomplishing the goal. I think its funny that the china wide protest was such a bust. These chinese guys are serious about not letting people make them look bad and keeping the nation uneducated about their mistakes. Eventually the people will be able to find a way to organize protest on a large scale and then what will the government do? Are they just gunna kill everyone who protests? I guess we'll see.

Spencer Kitten 5th said...

This is just plain scary. If this happened and China responded so quickly and harshly about it, it kinda makes you wonder what we don't hear about. This is China we are talking about, one of the countries with Internet censorship, and with so much land and power who knows what goes on day to day inside the fences. It goes to show what happenes to a government as soon as the basic rights of the people are forgotten.

Efren Gomez 2nd said...

This is expected. People should not fear thier government, governments should fear its people! What more are they going to block? Facebook, twitter links with jasmine, text messaging companies? Gatherings? Authorities can only go so far. Going as far as arresting people and having them go missing is something else. I think it is scary they arrested somebody for just taking pictures of jasmine flowers... What if they just like jasmine flowers... I am glad they are scared of "Outside" help or criticism. "Hey! You messed up with controlling you people" mabe you should give them food, and jobs, and houses to buy, not mention along with a little fairness. Still it "Baffles!" me What! Are chinese authorites so afraid of!? What is calling them to this kind of action. Still they are playing with fire and they are not going to just get burned. They are going to catch on fire. Mabe this revolution is going to help them. Either way they are still coming to America (Problems in general).

Cara Kasemsri 5th Period said...

Restricting internet access in my opinion would increase the rebellious opinions and protests because it is human nature to rebel against suppression.

RhiannonMason05 said...

Of corse being born in the US gives facades on government and even the born rights someone has in a society. But actually being submerged in the culture of less forchanite propserity, we question the words of what's actually going on out there. Yes Wisconsin was flashed over our media yelling about the freedoms of democracy and communism ideals is behind a number of hyperlinks. I think that it's truely an unforchanite knowledge that I have a safe(ish) way to protest all of my ideals and in other governments its dangerous and unhelpful. And now I'm going to Tweet about it and my government can't stop me.

Julia Ho 1 said...

Given the enormous liberty that we have here, It is almost impossible for most Americans to imagine living in the sort of authoritarian government that China has. Although this movement may have had Chinese roots, it is obvious that momentum came from "activists" all over the world who are outraged at Hu Jintao's call for stricter Internet control. There were probably several explanations for why the Jasmine Revolution was unsuccessful. The article is right in mentioning that China is unlikely to experience the type of unrest that has been occurring in the Middle East and Africa because of rising living standards; however, I also think that the government's extremely harsh punishment of free speech plays an important role in the people's unwillingness to respond to the protests. Right now, I think the Chinese government functions too efficiently (albeit unethically) to worry about an uprising anytime soon. That being said, I think that exposure of these issues is a major step in the right direction toward a freer China.

Carson Wickersham 5th said...

This sounds to me like an idealistic political activist's plan for a protest failed horribly. It seems like what happened in Egypt is making people think that the internet is a useful political tool; while what happened in Egypt and what is ongoing in Libya proved that it can be, China is hardly a good place to start a people's revolution- especially using such a censored, monitored form of opinion-making.

Landon Henderson 5th said...

I cant believe such a thing is happening in china. It is things like this that make me happy that we have the right of speech in the u.s. I think that china will eventually have to allow more freedoms to its people if it does not want any trouble.

Olivia Wise 1st Period said...

China's leaders are too strict on their citizens. People should be allowed freedom of speech without fear of being arrested. The government should not block facebook or twitter just because people are posting their opinions, that is a little extreme. People have protests for a reason, so the leaders need to look into those reasons and fix things, instead of hurting the protesters and making things worse.