Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lubbock Man Linked to Terrorist Plot

LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) - FBI agents arrested a Saudi Arabian man living in Lubbock, TX, on a charge of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction Wednesday.

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20, a citizen of Saudi Arabia and resident of Lubbock, was arrested in connection with his alleged purchase of chemicals and equipment necessary to make an improvised explosive device (IED) and his research of potential U.S. targets.

According to an affidavit, Aldawsari researched various targets and emailed himself information on locations and people, including the names and addresses of three American citizens who had previously served in the U.S. military and had been stationed for a time at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, 12 reservoir dams in Colorado and California, hydroelectric dams and nuclear power plants, and a nightclub.

On Feb. 6, 2011, the affidavit alleges, Aldawsari sent himself an email titled "Tyrant's House," in which he listed the Dallas address for former President George W. Bush.

Aldawsari is expected to make his initial appearance in federal court in Lubbock at 9 a.m. Friday. Aldawsari, who was lawfully admitted into the United States in 2008 on a student visa and is enrolled at South Plains College near Lubbock, faces a maximum sentence of life in prison and a $250,000 fine if convicted of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.

According to an affidavit, Aldawsari had been researching how to construct an IED using several chemicals as ingredients. He had also acquired or tried to acquire most of the ingredients and equipment necessary to construct an IED.

The affidavit alleges that on Feb. 1, 2011, a chemical supplier reported to the FBI a suspicious attempted purchase of concentrated phenol, a toxic chemical that can be used to make the explosive trinitrophenol, also known as TNP, or picric acid.

Aldawsari allegedly attempted to have the phenol order shipped to a freight company so it could be held for him there, but the freight company returned the order to the supplier and called the police. Later, Aldawsari falsely told the supplier he was associated with a university and wanted the phenol for "off-campus, personal research." Frustrated by questions being asked over his phenol order, Aldawsari canceled his order and later emailed himself instructions for producing phenol. The affidavit alleges that in December 2010, he successfully purchased concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids, two other ingredients needed to produce TNP.

According to the affidavit, Aldawsari also emailed himself a recipe for picric acid, which the email describes as a "military explosive;" information on the material required for Nitro Urea, how to prepare it, and the advantages of using it; and instructions on how to convert a cellular phone into a remote detonator and how to prepare a booby-trapped vehicle using items available in every home.

One email allegedly contained a message stating that "one operation in the land of the infidels is equal to ten operations against occupying forces in the land of the Muslims."

Aldawsari allegedly described his desire for violent jihad and martyrdom in blog postings and a personal journal. "You who created mankind….grant me martyrdom for Your sake and make jihad easy for me only in Your path," he wrote.

"[Wednesday's] arrest demonstrates the need for and the importance of vigilance and the willingness of private individuals and companies to ask questions and contact the authorities when confronted with suspicious activities," said U.S. Attorney James T. Jacks. "Based upon reports from the public, Aldawsari's plot was uncovered and thwarted. We're confident we have neutralized the alleged threat posed by this defendant."

During a search of Aldawsari's home, FBI agents found a notebook at Aldawsari's residence that appeared to be a diary or journal. According to the affidavit, excerpts from the journal indicate that Aldawsari had been planning to commit a terrorist attack in the United States for years.

One entry described how Aldawsari sought and obtained a particular scholarship because it allowed him to come directly to the United State and helped him financially, which he said "will help tremendously in providing me with the support I need for Jihad." The entry continues: "And now, after mastering the English language, learning how to build explosives and continuous planning to target the infidel Americans, it is time for Jihad."


Jeanne Wehde 5 said...

Wow. This is kind of terrifying. Honestly, terrible things are happening all over the country so the fact that this is in Lubbock, isn't all that surprising. I am so glad that he has been apprehended and from the article it appears he is completely guilty. If guilty then I hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I hope that he can be an example for future terrorists and maybe deter them; however, if someone has their heart set on hurting people for the sake of their religion, I don't think anything will deter them . Also I can not believe the company believed that he was merely doing personal research. I hope that in the future more chemical companies will look closer into who is buying their products.

wesleywehde1 said...

It is scary to think how close this man was to Lubbock High. What if he had made a mistake and his bomb had accidentally gone off at home? Yeah. The article brings up some good points. This man's plan could have been executed had the chemical company not been as vigilant as it had. The example this company set is definitely one to follow. Bravo to them!

Anonymous said...

I just saw this CNN 2 hours ago. Aldawsari is seriously messed up. I think he claimed he was motivated by Osama bin Laden, and Osama was his greatest role model. Who would've thought Lubbock consisted of terrorists? I have to thank the chemical supplier that reported Aldawsari. If he hadn't said anything then there might have been a second 9/11 or something close.

Krishna Patel (2) said...

I can't believe how a 20 year old, college student, being so smart to be linked to a terrorist plot. This shows how the modern youngsters are deteriorating day by day. According to me i feel that the chemical supplier did a great job in informing the FBI. And i also feel that there might be other people linked with Aldawsari out here which the police hasn't caught yet. The security should be increased in all the areas where he has planned to attack on. Personally, i feel that Aldawsari should be strictly punished and further plotting should be stopped. But i felt that it was dumb of Aldawsari to send emails to himself on the stuff he was planning to do. On the whole this is a warning to the US Government to improve the security system in the states.

JenniferRojas2ndperiod said...

I think it's so scary that there was a terrorist in Lubbock. You hear about stuff like this happening in New York and California but the fact thet its so close to home...
With everything going on I think the last thing we can deal with is a terrorist. But hey now hopefull people will know what Lubbock is! Got to look at the bright side!

ThomasBurk2 said...

Thank God that the chemical supplier was sensible enough to call the FBI or we could be looking at the deaths of many innocent American lives. As much as I dislike racial profiling, shouldnt there have been some sort of watch on him from the moment he entered the country? He comes from a region and faith that loathes America and when he wanted to come and study CHEMICAL ENGINEERING; that should have raised multiple flags.

ChrisCobos2nd said...

This to me is just scary. The fact that someone was planning terrorist activities in Lubbock seems crazy to anyone who lives here. Everyone thinks that nothing would happen here and to see this is a scary reminder of what can happen and what might've happened if he wasn't caught. This brings the events around the world closer to home and makes us feel not as disconnected from the threat of terrorism.

Audrey Allen 1 said...

Terrorism is something we see in the news all the time, but it seems really distant, even when it's in our own country. Having a terrorist in Lubbock is an eye opener. We really aren't as safe as we all think we are. At the same time, it's comforting to know that even though it is not everyday that our law enforcement has to deal with terrorist, they are still able to protect us.

Shivani Daji2 said...

wow... this guy.
What is it with blowing things up?
Im glad it was difficult for him to get the chemicals he needed.
Good thing he got caught.

Carrah Osborn 2 said...

Scarry to think we have a terrorist creating a weapon of mass destruction in or own backyard. And he went to South Plains too and for years, at only 20, planned his terrorist attack! It makes me wonder how many others are lurking right around us, could even be one of our own neighbors, I guess it's a good wake up call for those who thought we would be super safe here, but I guess it goes to show you never know. It's good they at least caught the guy before he killed anyone yay Texas police! And I'm glad those chemical sellers were being safe and smart when it came to checking out the guy, I guess any other terrorist around here will have to get chemicals the old fashion way by creating it themselves, because here in Texas we ain't sellin' no chemicals to any darn terrorists!

JazminAguilar1 said...

This guy is hilarious. I love how he probably thought that he would get away with this junk. I also find it hilarious that he wrote all this stuff down, saved it in his computer, and kept an adorable diary. He's such an awful prankster. If anyone here in Lubbock knew about this before the cops did, I wouldn't be surprised if he mysteriously disappeared and was found in a ditch. You don't mess with us.

naveenchekuru2 said...

i am glad to see that our law enforcement agencies along with the FBI were able to catch this suspect before he caused a terrorist act in the u.s. however, it is also very scary and alarming to think that this was happening in lubbock of all places. it just goes to show that terrorists can be anywhere and can hide their plans so well. it gives me confidence though that we were able to catch this guy before he did anything terrible. good job to the law enforcement.

Rod Torres5 said...

Terrorism is an act caused by illogical beliefs in sky daddies and free virgins. The incident that happened in Lubbock could have happened anywhere, since people who have irrational beliefs exist everywhere. Not every terrorist has to come from some major city. In fact, many of them come from indifferent average sized cities like Lubbock. Just because some one person decided to do something crazy, it dosen't mean there's an underground armada in Lubbock.

Tiffany Nguyen5 said...

It’s frightening to learn that there has been a man living in Lubbock that has been planning out a terrorist plot. It’s very surprising that the dangerous man who is linked to a terrorist plot is a college student. I think that, because he was admitted into the United States on a student visa, there could be controversial and questions about student visas admitting dangerous people to the United States. There weren’t any other people mentioned to be associated with the terrorist plot, but I wonder if Aldawsari was working alone or not. The ways that Aldawsari attempted to make the weapons and explosives unfortunately makes it seem like, these days it is manageable to do this with the technology and sources we have.