Thursday, March 31, 2011

Obama Approval Rating at All Time Low...Again

President Barack Obama’s approval rating and prospects for reelection have plunged to all-time lows in a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.

Half of the registered voters surveyed for the poll think that the president does not deserve a second term in office, while 41 percent say he does. In another Quinnipiac poll released just four weeks ago, 45 percent said the president did not deserve reelection, while 47 percent said he did.

The decline in support for a second Obama term comes as his approval rating has dropped 4 percentage points since early March, landing at 42 percent – a record low – in the poll released Wednesday. His disapproval rating has risen from 46 percent to 48 percent.

The downward shift may in part be the result of dissatisfaction over U.S involvement in Libya, with 47 percent of those surveyed saying they oppose it. By a margin of 58 percent to 29 percent, registered voters said that Obama has not clearly stated U.S. goals for the mission.

The poll as conducted March 22-28 and surveyed 2,069 registered voters. The error margin is plus or minus 2.2 percentage points.


wesleywehde1 said...

Interesting poll!
I agree with the writer of the article about the poll that the "war" in Libya is the main reason behind the low approval rating of Obama. The quotation marks around war say it all! We really don't know if this is going to turn into another War or Terror or Operation Iraqi Freedom or if it's almost over already. And this makes me, and most everyone else, nervous.

JakeMcVicker2nd said...

I blame all the hype he gained while he was running for president for this.

The man is not perfect and the people are getting what they voted for. It is admirable that the American voters did take a leap of faith with him. It is sad though that people are turning on him though. He only has so much power, if people took an 8th grade history class they would know this. I don't blame him for anything and I think he's just doing the best he can. The American people need to quit with the band wagons.

ThomasBurk2 said...

While I agree with America being involved in Libya, I do not like how Obama has not given a clear and concise plan for dealing with Ghadafi's reign. And seeing as the NATO is mostly American, Obama has merely changed the name from America to NATO.

Bo Wells oh2 said...

I don't see this as being a huge threat to obama and his campaign.. A few polls a year before serious campaigning, midst an international affair can't be too reliable

StaciFrentress2 said...

I understand that the problem with Libya has probably shifted the views of a lot of voters but he has done other good things. The unemployment lowered, not by much but it's more then any other president has been able to do yet. Well, we shall see if people decide to vote for him or not when the time comes.

Rod Torres5 said...

With "keeping your people informed" one of the primary points of leadership. It is no wonder his ratings have gown down. He has speeches about what we plan to do but rarely does he speak of "what is the purpose of us being here/there.

J. Vivian said...

I find this article to be a rather harsh and unsatisflying. To to me it is very unfair for Obama to be so low in support because of how hard of a time he's having cleaning up the mess that was there when he came into office. It isnt right to not give him the benifit of the doubt and let him serve another term when he really has done well considering the problems he's faced. That is just my honest oppinion and I really think the statistics in this article should be looked at closely and should influence those who once fully backed Obama; because obviously there are those people who believe he was the right man to be president or he'd of never made it into office.

ChrisCobos2nd said...

I think that Obama's public reputation can be greatly approved by just communicating better with the American people. I'm sure he will realize this and after doing so see good improvements on his rep. Most people are just confused as to why we need military action in Libya, especially since we are already deployed elsewhere and need to conserve and use our money intelligently.

Shivani Daji2 said...

well if Obama wants to win then he needs to get his act together and prove to the people he is capable of doing what he has to do to be president.

ShannonCarr1 said...

Its pretty surprising that his ratings could drop that quickly, and although it was just a small majority that gave input it will be interesting to see how the rest of voters react to his new proposals.