Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Old Time Politics

Rick Santorum says a fight at the GOP convention over the party's presidential nominee would be "energizing" for the party.

Campaigning in Wisconsin Monday, Santorum pressed his argument that front-runner Mitt Romney isn't the strongest Republican to go up against President Barack Obama in the fall.

The former Pennsylvania senator says a convention floor fight over which candidate should be Obama's general election opponent would be a "fascinating display of open democracy" and would encourage more Republican voters to participate.

Santorum is far behind Romney in the race for the convention delegates who will choose the nominee. He has acknowledged having little chance of winning the needed 1,144 delegates but notes Romney doesn't have them yet either.

Romney is favored to win Wisconsin's GOP primary Tuesday.


katie-bethwright2 said...

I agree with senator. This will be a perfect opportunity for the Republican Party to demonstrate their “open democracy”. I think Romney would be the best candidate to run against Obama in the fall, since he is ahead of Santorum in the race for the convention delegates.

David Yan said...

The Republican primary has become a long, dragged out death knell for each candidate not named Mitt Romney. Romney has a sizable advantage in the delegate count, yet Santorum and Gringich are both stubbornly in the race. Interestingly, Santorum's claim that Romney is not the strongest candidate may have some grounding-Romney's failure to win in the South may indicate in a lower Republican turnout in the presidential election should He win he nomination.

priyankashome6 said...

Santorum says that competition between candidates will create a better display of democracy. Santorum is really far behind Romney but he will use this tactic to try to get more votes. Romney is really far ahead though so he will probably win the needed delegates and the GOP in Wisconsin. Even though Santorum thinks there will be a fight, it won't be a close fight...

David Kelly 6th Period said...

Santorum is just trying to stir up a controversy that he can attach himself to. It is a shameful attempt to get publicity to gain support. He is far behind Mitt in the poles, so he is trying to create an argument between the two to get more news press. It is a sad attempt seeing that he is so far behind Mitt in the poles. The former Pennsylvania senator needs 1144 delegates to take over the lead. Even though Mitt does not have them yet, as he states, he is far less likely to get them than Mitt.

David Kelly 6th Period said...

Santorum is just trying to stir up a controversy that he can attach himself to. It is a shameful attempt to get publicity to gain support. He is far behind Mitt in the poles, so he is trying to create an argument between the two to get more news press. It is a sad attempt seeing that he is so far behind Mitt in the poles. The former Pennsylvania senator needs 1144 delegates to take over the lead. Even though Mitt does not have them yet, as he states, he is far less likely to get them than Mitt.

AmberCastillo1 said...

I think santorum is right an old fashion fight is just what we need it will really stir things up and me as a young soon to be voter might help bring more attention to politics and I also agree mitt still doesn't have this thing won yet don't give up santorum. There's the south of course (: Romney can't seem to get a hold on that.

AmberCastillo1 said...

I think santorum is right an old fashion fight is just what we need it will really stir things up and me as a young soon to be voter might help bring more attention to politics and I also agree mitt still doesn't have this thing won yet don't give up santorum. There's the south of course (: Romney can't seem to get a hold on that.

Bethany Ham 2nd Period said...

I agree with Santorum. It would stimulate the population's interest in the campaign as a whole, and not just the Republican nomination. People will then realize which candidate will best win against President Obama, not just beating all the other Republican candidates. This approach can be very beneficial to the Republican Party if the strongest candidate is chosen. I believe that Romney is well equipped to run against President Obama, and has qualities that can potentially declare him victorious in the Presidential election.

CatWiechmann6 said...

I agree that a floor fight would my very exciting and fascinating. I do think that it would encourage more Republican voters. I also think that Romney is going to win over Santorum.

CatWiechmann6 said...

I agree that a floor fight would my very exciting and fascinating. I do think that it would encourage more Republican voters. I also think that Romney is going to win over Santorum.

Shannon Duggan 6th said...

Santorum seems to be trying everything to win more votes for the nomination. As Romney continues to lead in the race, it becomes more and more questionable as to whether it is smart to remain in the race at all. It is unlikely that measures, even as drastic as this, would provide Santorum the needed number of votes.

Katie Boon 2nd said...

I think it is sad that people are talking about choosing a candidate based on if they think the candidate can beat Obama. That is not what our government was based on, so why is that all people care about? I mean it hasn't been that bad with Obama as president. So why then is that all people seem to want out of a Republican candidate?

Anonymous said...

I think a fight at the GOP convention might do something to help "energize" the party, but I don't think it would do that much overall. I feel like Santorum is just trying to create a buzz so he can recieve more attention. I also think that if he doesn't think he'll win, and that Romney has a better chance to beat Obama, then maybe he should consider dropping out of the race.

Robert Simpson 6th said...

Although primaries are important for choosing a strong candidate, it is now time for the republican party to begin uniting behind a single candidate. In light of this Santorum should drop out of the running if he is not able to make up some ground quickly. While Romney is in some respects a moderate, he is conservative enough to satisfy most republicans and has a good chance of defeating Oboma. For this reason conservatives should now unite and focus all our efforts on exposing Oboma for what he is and getting a conservative elected.

Michael von Ende-Becker 6 said...

I honestly don't think a floor fight would swing voters in a different direction at this point; I believe it's just too late in the game for someone like Santorum to catch Romney. 1,144 delagates is quite a few Santorum.. Good luck with that.

AmberCastillo1 said...

I think santorum is right an old fashion fight is just what we need to stir things up and me as a young soon to be voter I think this might bring more attention to politics. I also agree mitt doesn't have this thing one yet don't give up santorum. You still have the south mitt can't seem to get a hold on that.

TrevorSmith1st said...

It is interesting to me that their saying that a floor fight about who should be the republican nominee would be energizing. I wouldnt think that it would be, but then again it would show open democracy like they stated in the article.

LoganBloodworth1st said...

A closer race for the republican position could actually be good for the party. In the younger generation not many people care too much about who represents either party, which means less voters and less voters means they don't care who wins. So maybe a actual political fight may interest more people into watching the political campaigns.

Stewart Bell 6 said...

When Santorum says that Romney isn't the strongest Republican to go up against President Barack Obama, he is simply not stating the whole truth, if the truth at all. Santorum and Romney, being both thoroughly more conservative than past Republican candidates, simply do not have the support needed from the community as a whole to gain an edge over Obama who has the support of a much less conservative generation. Whether Romney is or is not the strongest candidate to run against Obama is irrelevant if Obama clearly has most of the support. They would need a small miracle to overcome this, even if they did stop messing up their own campaigns.

MaehaliPatel6 said...

Chances are, Santorum isn't going to become Obama's opponent. He simply hasn't done enough to secure the nomination. Romney will most likely win the nomination, but against Obama, it's likely that he will fail. Sure, Obama still has a lot of controversy. For the most part though, Obama is still supported by most Americans and I just don't see Romney winning against him.

BrittanyDonahoo1 said...

I think that it is typical that Santorum is saying that Romney isn't the strongest to go against Obama since they are both running against each other for a spot for president. Also, a comment like that is normal since Santorum is quite a ways behind Romney in the running.

Tiara Price 6th Period said...

I think Romney is most likely going to win the nomination against Santorum. I'm not highly knowledgeable about the political race, but from what I do know, Santorum is not a candidate that many people express interest in. On the otherhand, even though Romney will probably be running against Obama, he will have to find a way to overcome the numerous Obama supporters that currently populate America and that may prove to be a daunting task.

graceyweaver2 said...

Santorum is so out of luck with his campaign that the only maneuver he has left is to bash the opponents that are in the lead and remind republicans that there are other candidates. His chances of winning the GOP candidate are hopeless but Santorum keeps on going.

Andrew Garcia 02 said...

Rick Santorum just wants to stay politically relevant. If he doesn't win this nomination, he is just going to use this next debate as why he should get the nomination. He's also trying to appeal to a wider voting demographic by "returning to old politics."

ChristopherBryand1 said...

I wonder who is going to be a worthy opponent for Obama. It says that Santorum is far behind Romney in the race. But Romney is not very good. I think obama should be president again because  he did not hurt this country. He could make a change, maybe.

AdrianaAguilar2 said...

I agree that this year's election has been exciting because of the division in votes among Republican candidates. But after the past few primaries, I believe Romney has pulled ahead to gain the most popularity among Republican voters. It will be interesting to see if Republicans come together to support a single candidate in the end or let Obama have a second term.

karishmadaji2 said...

Of course Mitt Romney is definetly not the strongest Republican. Even though Obama was already a president,however he knows more than Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is favored to win Wisconsins GOP.

Hannah Gurrola 2 said...

In my opinion, Rick Santorum's strategy of arguing who would be the best candidate for Obama's opponet, is the best he can do right now. It is unlikely that he wins Winconsin's GOP primary so he has nothing to lose. It would definitely bring attention to him and might be an effective strategy, that like Santorum said, could possibly encourage more Republicans to vote.

Kristen_James2 said...

It is logical that Santorum has not publicly quit his campaign for the Republican candidate but realistically the GOP nominee position is as good as won. Trailing by over one thousand delegates indicates that Romney is the clear winner. If Santorum truly has the Republican Party's best interest in mind when he says that "a fight at the GOP convention over the party's presidential nominee would be 'energizing' for the party" then it is not overly wasteful and pointless to continue the fight for the position. If instead this claim is Santorum's last plea to stay in the running than his attempt is wrong as well as pointless and he should quit before the margin between him and Mitt grows even larger.

Winter Chambers 2 said...

Santorum simply saying Romney is not the best is not, in my opinion, the best way to get voters. I know Santorum has said more about Romney than just this one comment but it seems that Santorum is running out of issues on his own platform. Santorum should give less attention to his opponent and begin to worry more about his standings in the different elections occurring. Knowing you are not a strong candidate shows your lack of ability to run the country.

Kenia Nevarez 1st Period said...

A fight at the GOP convention over the party's presidential nominee would be "energizing" for the party. Everyone is fighting with who ever they can, this is bringing a lot of publicity. Witch is what they want. They want attention and that's exactly what they are getting. They want to make people want to know what's going on and why. By doing so the party will be energizing like they wanted it to be.