Saturday, December 8, 2007


One of my favorites singing one of my favorites best.
I remember the morning of his death.
Such a tragic day.


FluorescentAdolescent said...

Sati Patel
6th Pd. Government

Neil Young is an interesting character...he always sounds like he's about to cry in my'll probably shoot me on tuesday for saying that. I don't know how this relates to government. Maybe because of Lennon's crazy Peace Campaign that had no foundations? Or maybe becaues Lennon was just a cool guy in general.

courtneypeterson said...

I absolutely love John Lennon and all his music. It's so inspiring.

I was actually watching a documentary on him the other day, and it went into the details of his death at the end.

It really made me wonder if the world would be any different if he was still alive. What changes could he have made? Especially now, with the Iraq war.

I wasn't alive when he was, so it's hard to convince those who are older to believe me when I say he's one of my heros. I truly look up to him.

sarah lambert said...

I am pretty sure that John Lennon is my hero. He was the heart of the Beatles. I know there was no question i just wanted to leave a comment anyway. Imagine is one of the most powerful and beautiful songs ever written. I am a huge fan of the Beatles! The fact that Mark David Chapman would shoot the greatest Beatle of all time almost makes you want to go out to buy anti-depressant medications. And the let's sleep for peace thing he did was brilliant. I mean who would want to shoot this man. John Lennon was the greatest and such a simple person. He was ust a sincerely good person. And imagine if you actually listen to the words of the song it almost makes you want to cry. So just thought ya'll ought to know a little bit more about the greatest Beatle of all time.

Sarah Lambert
Human Geography AP
9th grade

sarah lambert said...

o and i'm pretty sure i like John Lennon singing this song better.

Cassie Cummins said...

Ah i absolutely love The Beatles and especially John Lennon! Imagine is one of my favorite songs. I actually started listening to the beatles a long time ago because of my teacher she always found some kind of meaning for her teaching out of their songs so we would listen to them in class.

Unknown said...

Chelsea Huffhines
Human Geography AP
4th period
9th grade

This is a beautiful and inspiring song. And peace is always good, as well as sharing the world and having no hunger, but I don't agree with him saying no religions, heaven, or hell. I personally don't want to simply "cease to exist." Plus, then your sins would not be forgiven... although in his "perfect world" can people sin?

Whatever the case, it is a good song, sung by a good man, yet there is no way EVERYONE will ever be able to live in complete harmony. And as for having no possesions, I suppose that's why the song is called Imagine.
But, that's just my opinion.

annie henderson 4th said...

John Lennon.
There's so much you can talk about when it comes to that man.
I'm not gonna get into that.

And Neil Young?
He's pretty cool too.

Imagine's a good song.
It made me kinda sad though.

Cool beans.

Annie Henderson
4th pd Human Geography AP

Abigail Ham said...

Abigail Ham
4th period
9th grade

I'm sure John Lennon was a nice guy, but I don't like his style. If he stood for peace and things like that, then I like his style but not his singing style. I prefer coffee-house-slightly-whispering-smoky voices. (Like Imogen Heap in "Sleep"-very good song. Don't know what she's saying, but very good.)
Anyways, that's just my opinion.

nolan reyher said...

John Lennon’s death truly was tragic. He impacted the lives of many people with his music and his campaigns for peace. If he was still alive today, his campaigns for peace could have impacted the war in Iraq greatly.

Flip121 said...

its sad that someone would kill a legend... John Lennon inspires people all of the world even today... Even China had imagine playing! He is definitely someone who helped transformed a entire generation and could have inspired mine if he had not been shot...

Robert Marshall
3rd Government
Senior 08

Jessica Kaskie said...

I don't think I was alive when he died, but I know that a lot of people really loved him and his music. I like thier songs because a lot of them have to do with things going on in that time period. That's probably why so many people missed him and his messages. I mean, come on, they are still popular with all thier merchandise nad c.d's!
Jessica Kaskie
h.g. period 4

savedraanjelica said...

Anjelica Savedra
9th grade
4th period
I love John Lennon's songs and the Imagine song was just so beautiful and it almost made me cry. It was a tragic day when he died. I think nobody can ever sing the song like he did. John Lennon was such a cool guy and singer.

agnes conrad said...

I like A Perfect Circle's cover of Imagine. And in my opinion.... Logan Arrant looks like John Lennon. (Especially with his hair out of his face.) Completely.

Unknown said...

Imagine the world that Lennon envisioned? that would be something i would like to see.
I really have'nt researched him that much exept for a speech I did about him last year. Like all humans he had flaws but his message was sound and from the heart. Neil Young does sound like hes about to cry!!! HA HA

Cheyenne Bell said...

Ha Ha I started this song and within a few seconds I had both my dad and mom in the room singing along. John Lennon was a crazy cool guy it makes me wonder who would want to shoot such an amazing person.

l a u r e n said...

I don't love John Lennon and he's not my hero or anything but I do appreciate his music and I completely agree with him about war.
I like Neils' take on the song "Imagine" too! Very good!

Lauren Gonzales
3rd Govt.

Keti Tsereteli said...

Imagine is a beautiful song! It does just what the title suggests: it evokes your imagination. Although everyone understands that a 'perfect' world can never exist, isn't it calming, soothing to imagine? To me, this song does not mean to convince its audience that a 'perfect' world can exist. It simply means to elucidate those characteristics, those traits of the world that we so desperately, and sometimes unknowingly, strive for. It sparks hope in times of despair, its greatest accomplishments. So yes, Imagine is a beautiful song...

Keti Tsereteli
Human Geography AP
10th grade

annie henderson 4th said...

Oh yeah. I gotta say, I disagree with Sarah. John wasn't the heart of the Beatles. At all. That was Ringo. And George was somewhat of the soul, a binding force, alongside Ringo. John was the genius, and Paul was the brains. I think thats a common misconception- that John was "the heart" of the Beatles. Or at least, a common misconception for my generation. But ask nearly anyone who lived through that era, and they'll disagree. It was Ringo Starr.

Just had to say that.
It was kind of bugging me.

Annie Henderson, again.

Unknown said...

I thought his death was pretty intersting.

John Lennon was shot four times in the back by Mark Chapman who had asked the former Beatle for his autograph only hours before he laid in wait and killed him.

Chapman pleaded guilty to gunning down Mr Lennon and is currently serving life in Attica prison near New York. In October 2004 he failed for the third time to secure his release.

He said he had heard voices in his head telling him to kill the world-famous musician.
what a weirdo.

Johanna Bauersfeld 11th grade
Human Geography
4th period.