Sunday, January 20, 2008


In a couple of weeks, we will start our unit on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights.
Tomorrow marks Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Here is the full version of the famous speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.


Unknown said...

Inspiring speech and all, and fitting that it was given in front of the lincoln memorial. Still i wonder if most of the people present realized that the revered lincoln didn't emancipate slaves to equalize human liberties but for military and economic purposes and the civil war was fought to preserve the union, not for freedom of slaves.
nonetheless, the speech is great, martin is great, great enough for us to have the day off in my opinion

Amanda Betancur said...

I've only really listened to this speech twice, once in speech class and the other today when I saw it posted on here. It's such an amazing speech, but even though there have been changes, significant changes since he uttered these words, Is there such a thing a true equality now? I don’t honestly believe so, I do believe that there are changes that have occurred but complete equality is not the reality. I don’t believe it will ever be a reality. Most people claim they have no affinity for their own races, and there are some people who truly are that way, but the reality is that the majority of people feel their race is superior they are better. The world is moving toward a state of equality but at a much slower rate than anticipated.

m_ybarra said...

This speach is very inspiring, and give me hope for a better tomorrow. But what about today? Have we really over come racism? Sure we've come a long way but in some sense people are the same. i once heard that everyone is a little bit racist, and as much as people know that its wrong i think that it is true. So with people still being some what racist i have to wonder is America ready or able to handle an African American or a women as president? Thats my favorite part about this year's presidential elections, its a lot more diverse with the people that are running. I sure that if Dr. King were alive he would be very proud to see how far our society has progressed and people are becoming more accepting.

gillianwelch03 said...

Gillian Welch

I agree.
I don't think America...or anywhere...has totally overcome racism. The world today is filled with subtle discriminations as well as not-so-subtle ones. It's so close to home that you can see it every day just walking around Lubbock High.
If it's not race, it's socioeconomic class.
We talked about it in English.

In some way or another, everyone discriminates - maybe unconsciously - against someone else, whether it be a group, a person, or whatever.

MLK's speech is powerful, yes. Inspiring? Yes.
And it has brought America far.
Maybe some day we can overcome racism and discrimination once and for all.

But not yet.

KatherineGollahon_2ndperiod said...

on Sunday Barrack Obama gave an inspirational speech in MLK jr's church, it was cool to see, and about our society and the flaws with in it, on one note he gave an example about our local justice flaws and used the Jena Justice towards those six black young maen put into jail for beating a kid almost to death. ((im not quite up to date on that story)) he also gave an example about nooses hanging from tree branches in front of a school, now freshman year i learned in gruesome detail about linching and knowing that this has actually happened appals me. we are supposed to be human beings. supposedly the "highest" intelligent life on this palnet yet we constamtly degrade strangers, our nieghbors, peers, Freinds, FAMILY and give ourselves excuses for doing it, "Oh, i didn't mean it." or "oops it slipped." but when it happens to us we nearly bounce off the walls in aggitation becuase why would they say that about me i didn't do anything to them. BS, thats what i gotta say BS, unfortunatly in this life of trivial high school drama we end up loosing who we really are in it all and go with the flow which is the WORSE thing you can do i have to say, don't be scared or ashamed to be who you are, you're that way cuz you're special. MLK jr was all about standing up for things you can't change about youself, hey! gat a dream, solidify that dream, LIVE that dream. it will all work out but our society STILL has to mature and WE are the future of this society. Scary HUH!?

nick medina per.6 said...

I really like this speech, i like the way it is told even because as he speaks its like he's painting that dream of his but yet still even today that dream is still floating around hoping to become true. I do feel that its slowly but surely getting better. You'll see people laughing at racial jokes all the time when you have mixed crowds, and i actually see that as us getting better because if those same things were said back in the MLK Jr. times then i'm sure the jokes would have ended horribly.

Anonymous said...

I can now say that ive listened to all of the Martin Luther King speech it was very inspiring. I am glad we have closer to equality as a country but we are still not seen equally. People seem to be superior to there race and yes we have allowed African Americans which is great but people still dont see them as equal and that is wrong. I hope one day every one will be seen as equal no matter there race. It is amazing how the world has changed and hopefully it will continue to change. I do not know how ever if this complete change will ever take place.

Hannah Mae said...

the speech is so inspiring & hearing it gives hope for a better future. america has come a long way from where we used to be but we are no where near total equality & i'm not sure we'll ever make it. it's sad how much hate there is in this world...

hannah thornton

3rdWilliamCrawford said...

Martin Luther King Jr. made great strides in the desegregation of America. However, he could only carry us so far. For we all know that racism still happens and as stated before, you can see it every day. It will be many, many years before our nation is totally clean of discrimination.

Priscilla Davis said...

The first time I ever heard this speech was in the fourth grade, and to be completely honest it did not effect me quite the same way it did just now. It saddens me to think that as far as we've come, we still have so long to see full equality for people in the world. This speech is amazing and insightful and makes me hope that with each day this world will become a better place.

Maura Fowler 02 said...

I just recently heard a joke and it's quite
offensive... I'm going to tell it to you.

Why do black people only have nightmares?

Because the last one who had a dream got shot.

It's a terrible joke... Funny, but terrible. But the
worst part about this joke is that it's true.

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, he fought for it
and lost his life. No one since then has filled his

Why did people stop? Why hasnt any as dedicated as
King, someone willing to lose their life for the cause
come forward and match his efforts or even double

The Last African American who caused a Nation wide
revolution died and suddenly everyone else decided,
"Oh all good things must come to an end sometime". If
someone had picked up imediately where King Jr. left
off who knows how much more advanced we'd be today on
equal rights and such. Why did Martin luther King jr.
have to be the "this is as good as it's gunna get"

It's sad to watch this speech because it feels as
though that was the last day in american history where
THAT MANY PEOPLE were so emotionally moved to change
the corruption.
I wish so badly for someone as equally ambitious as
Martin Luther King Jr. to do the same for my

All i've been offered as far as ambition goes for my
generation is George Bush's "WE'RE GOING TO WAR

It's wrong. I wish that joke was wrong. But it's the
absolute truth.

The End.

Kayleigh Robertson said...

Kayleigh Robertson
6th Period

This speech is very inspiring, it gives me goosebumps! I hate that the world, especially America, has not gotten over being racist. Just because someone has different color skin doesn't mean that you are superior or that you can treat them any different than you would treat a friend. We are slowly moving toward a racist free country, but the rate that it's going at is sickening.

Evan D said...

Its kind of strange how LISD didn't get this holiday off. it was such a major event in american history. His speach has inspired many for their beliefs. Racism is such a controversial topic, i don't believe every one will ever agree to settle these disputes, but we can try!

Evan D said...

Its kind of strange how LISD didn't get this holiday off. it was such a major event in american history. His speach has inspired many for their beliefs. Racism is such a controversial topic, i don't believe every one will ever agree to settle these disputes, but we can try!

-Evan D 4th period
ps: finaly got it to work...

HaileyHatcher3 said...

I don't think there is any society that has ended racism , but I do believe that we can thrive with a female or african american president. I don't believe though, that the old racism is the main factor now. Just stop look and listen and see how racism has altered from then to now.

Unknown said...

Chelsea Huffhines
4th Period, 9th grade
Human Geography

I'm not sure if my first comment that I made on this article was ever published because my computer kept freezing so to make sure, I'm going to leave another one like my original comment.

The first four words of MLK's famous speech have been permanently etched into the minds of millions of Americans, as his entire speech leads the way for defeating racism.

I'm not sure if racism will ever end, because as long as there is hate, there will be racists. However, our country has progressed so far in the decades since his famous speech that, like what many other students were saying, Dr. King would be proud.

Even if racism continues to exist, America will continue to become more accepting. Having Obama be a major candidate is another sign of this ongoing battle.

savedraanjelica said...

Anjelica Savedra
9th grade
4th period
Mlk made this speech for blck people to have the same rights as white people. He wanted freedom of slves,buses, and places. He wanted equal rights for everyone no matter what race they were.

Millie Dorsett Period 3 said...

i think that his speech is very inspiring and sometimes gives me hope, but i don't think that we are living in full equality. alot of people discriminate against a peron, or some from that group. i agree with gillian that racism is not free from ammerica and that maybe one day in the future, we might overcome it.

millie dorsett
perry period 4
human geography AP
grade 10

KatherineGollahon_2ndperiod said...

this is in regards to maura Fowlers post.
you're right in a sense. that joke seems true, people say it you laugh and later you think about it and it just feels like the truth except you're wrong. some one DID step up after King jr. died his name was John F. kennedy. all the way Kennedy had supported King's movement and dream speech, he died as well for believing in that and a few other ideals that eventually just seemed to become comonsense over the years. but you're mostly right there really hasn't been any one from a MINORITY who has come to fill MLK's shoes, but its bound to happen. and this just makes me wonder. does that men he is in OUR generation, in OUR lifetime will that happen. guess we'll have to wait and see.

brock said...

An amazing speech from and amazing man, and it is very inspiring
Thanks to him we now get the day off

Gabriela Hernandez 2nd Period said...

Wow!!!! so I'm pretty sure I've never heard the whole speech before in my enitre life just little tidbits here and there. The power, the emotion, the eloquancy, everything was amazing!! Martin Luther King Jr. is truly one of those people that was just extraordinary in history. Everything he says is true and factual it's wonderful. As great as his efforts were, we as Americans still have quite a ways to go on the elimination of prejudice and bias based on being different. King was a great lead in the right direction hopefully we can honor his memory by continuing it to see his dream come true.