Monday, April 28, 2008

Demography Is King


Fifty-five years ago, 80 percent of American television viewers, young and old, tuned in to see Milton Berle on Tuesday nights. Tens of millions, rich and poor, worked together at Elks Lodges and Rotary Clubs. Millions more, rural and urban, read general-interest magazines like Look and Life. In those days, the owner of the local bank lived in the same town as the grocery clerk, and their boys might play on the same basketball team. Only 7 percent of adult Americans had a college degree.

But that’s all changed. In the decades since, some social divides, mostly involving ethnicity, have narrowed. But others, mostly involving education, have widened. Today there is a mass educated class. The college educated and non-college educated are likely to live in different towns. They have radically different divorce rates and starkly different ways of raising their children. The non-college educated not only earn less, they smoke more, grow more obese and die sooner.

Retailers, home builders and TV executives identify and reinforce these lifestyle clusters. There are more niche offerings and fewer common experiences.

The ensuing segmentation has reshaped politics. We’re used to the ideological divide between Red and Blue America. This year’s election has revealed a deep cultural gap within the Democratic Party, separating what Stuart Rothenberg calls the two Democratic parties.

In state after state (Wisconsin being the outlier), Barack Obama has won densely populated, well-educated areas. Hillary Clinton has won less-populated, less-educated areas. For example, Obama has won roughly 70 percent of the most-educated counties in the primary states. Clinton has won 90 percent of the least-educated counties. In state after state, Obama has won a few urban and inner-ring suburban counties. Clinton has won nearly everywhere else.

This social divide has overshadowed regional differences. Sixty-year-old, working-class Catholics vote the same, whether they live in Fresno, Scranton, Nashua or Orlando.

The divide has even overshadowed campaigning. Surely the most interesting feature of the Democratic race is how unimportant political events are. The candidates can spend tens of millions of dollars on advertising, but they are not able to sway their opponent’s voters to their side. They can win a stunning victory, but the momentum doesn’t carry over from state to state. They can make horrific gaffes, deliver brilliant speeches, turn in good or bad debate performances, but these things do not alter the race.

In Pennsylvania, Obama did everything conceivable to win over Clinton’s working-class voters. The effort was a failure. The great uniter failed to unite. In this election, persuasion isn’t important. Social identity is everything. Demography is king.

Over the years, different theories have emerged to describe the educated/less-educated divide. Conservatives have gravitated toward the culture war narrative, dividing the country between the wholesome masses and the decadent cultural elites. Some liberals believe income inequality drives everything. They wait for an uprising of economic populism. Other liberals divide the country morally, between the enlightened urbanites and the racist rednecks who will never vote for a black man.

None of these theories really fit the facts. It’s more accurate to say that the country has simply drifted apart into different subcultures. There’s no great hostility between the cultures. Americans have a fuzzy sense of where the boundaries lie. But people in different niches have developed different unconscious maps of reality. They have developed different communal understandings of what constitutes a good leader, of what sort of world they live in. They have developed different communal definitions, which they can’t even articulate, of what they mean by liberty, security and virtue. Demographic groups have begun to function like tribes or cultures.

We can all play the parlor game of trying to figure out why Obama, a Harvard Law grad, resonates with the more educated while Clinton, a Yale Law grad, resonates with the less educated. I’d throw in that Obama’s offer of a secular crusade hits a nerve among his fellow bobos, while Clinton’s talk of fighting and resilience plays well down market.

But these theories only scratch the surface. The mental maps people in different cultures form are infinitely complex and poorly understood even by those who hold them. People pick up millions of subtle signals from body language, word choice, facial expressions, policy positions and biographical details. Efforts to rebrand a candidate to appeal to down-market voters are inevitably crude and counterproductive.

The core message is that even if you take away the ideological differences between the parties, you are still left with profound social gulfs within the parties. There’s poignancy to that. The upscale liberals who revere Obama have spent their lives championing equality and opposing privilege. But they’ve smashed the old WASP social hierarchy only to create a new educational one.


Unknown said...

True. We are more comfortable with what we know, and we so desperately despise that which we don't understand. Anything different from the norm must be wrong, or otherwise, we wouldn't be correct, at least in our minds. But with these thoughts come the conscious and subconscious repression of all that is different from us, so that we can be live and breathe the familiar. Sadly, this leads to isolation of the mind and body, geographically, socially, and of course, politically. Yet there is always a way out of that seclusion, a path of change that is ever willing to be trodden. All we need to accomplish is taking that first step. Though that is more difficult than it sounds, the broadening of mind is always worth it.

The presidential candidate that provides the most incentive to change, that sows the seeds in the minds of the people to examine themselves and question what they believe in so that other views might actually be considered, will reap the fruits of success, while the other will stand in awe of the change that will be witnessed. Yes, that sight will be one to yearn for in the years to come.

Keti Tsereteli
Period 4
Human Geography

Unknown said...

George Huang
6th Period

I agree that there is a socioeconomic division within the Democratic party; Senator Obama is having trouble with support from less-educated, poorer Americans – something that has become much more of a point of focus since his comments about arugula prices in Iowa – while Senator Clinton is having trouble with support from more-educated, wealthier Americans. However, much of the image that Obama is an out-of-touch elitist stems from McCain’s negative campaigning, as McCain’s advisers expect that Obama will be his opponent in November. Still, these barriers aren’t solid at all: I know many wealthy Democrats who support Senator Clinton.

LindseyShepherd3rd said...

I think it is true that our country is becoming more and more divided by people of different educational levels. You can even see that in our school. There are different demographics here and each group has similar feelings about education and politics. Most of the serious students are for Obama just like the blog article states. Now, the question is who will be making the decisions in the future?

Lindsay Huffhines said...

Lindsay Huffhines

This was an interesting article, ut kind of reitterated the obvious. People are more concerned with issues that are close to them, primarily money. Most people don't extensively research a candidate's views and voting record. So instead of voting because of these issues, they vote along the lines of how they've been taught: family influences sway voters more than anything else. The education division is the second most important. Higher educated people vote more, while the less educated do not. It's interesting how this has broken down in the democratic race. we'll see who wins out clinton + less educated, or obama + higher educated. Hmm.

Jaysie said...

This is a funny picture. This article is interesting. I can see the culture difference here. Subculture is a interesting thing. Because the country is so big, every part of the country all have different cultures. This is really true in China. That's why I'd lik to travel all around China someday.

By: Liulinbo Yang (6)

kellyscott2 said...

I agree that the upscale, educated liberals who support Obama have created their own hierarchy despite the fact that they have fought against inequality of that kind. And it is easy to see why Obama appeals less to blue-collar Americans when he has made a comment in a rural Iowa town about the price of arugula at Whole Foods. I think no matter how hard he tries, Obama will still lack a large percentage of the less educated, more rural vote.

danielmendoza 6th said...

With all the different social gaps out their it is going to be difficult to get everyone to vote for you. Probably the reason why people are going to vote for a candidate is of course, it is going to benefit them.