Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tibetian Monks and the $$$$

These days, nobody seems to doubt that the U.S. dollar will lose its status as the world's reserve currency. To watch the financial news channels you would think that the dollar-yuan relationship is so unstable that the only question is whether it will be Ben Bernanke or Chinese monetary authorities who will determine the details of the breakdown.

Perhaps the dollar won't surrender its anchor role so soon. And perhaps that loss, if it comes, will happen because of events that take place nowhere near men in suits at a central bank. Maybe the answer to the dollar's riddle can be found in the cellphone photo image of a Tibetan monk in crimson and orange squaring off with a Chinese soldier.

Two economists at Deutsche Bank AG, David Folkerts-Landau and Peter Garber, and a colleague, Michael Dooley of the University of California at Santa Cruz, are making the case that the dollar will remain an anchor. Their research concedes that the old dollar order, that of Bretton Woods, may be past. But it suggests we are in a second order, a Bretton Woods II, one that can be surprisingly stable.

The Deutsche Bank argument starts with facts on which we all agree. The Chinese regime made a deal with its people: It would give them jobs and cars. The people would allow the regime to stand.

The Chinese leaders used exports to drive the growth that created those jobs. Their success put upward pressure on their own currency. To keep its own workers' exports cheap, the Chinese government resisted that pressure and intervened heavily in exchange markets, snapping up U.S. Treasuries.

Wile E. Coyote

Years ago, commentators began saying that Chinese monetary authorities would soon abandon the dollar for other currencies -- the euro, say. Such statements are based on the belief that the most important number in the world was the U.S. current account, which was in deficit, i.e., unbalanced.

Shortly, the rest of the world would realize that the U.S. bought more than it sold and withdraw its cash from the debtor. Paul Krugman of the New York Times calls this the Wile E. Coyote moment -- when you fall because you suddenly realize that you are past the cliff's edge and are standing on thin air.

Somehow, that realization hasn't come. The reason, the Deutsche Bank scholars say, is that other numbers are more important than the current-account deficit. Indeed, that deficit may be a good thing.

``Contrary to almost universal opinion, successful economic development is powered by net savings flow from poor to rich countries,'' they wrote.

Race With Time

A number that does matter is the real interest rate in the U.S. and elsewhere, lower than it would otherwise have been because of Chinese growth and demand for dollars. Today, Americans can borrow more than they once expected thanks to China. Bernanke's predecessor as Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan, wrote about this in the Financial Times this week.

Another key number in the Deutsche Bank story is the Chinese government's growth target. That's important because the authorities are in a breakneck race with time.

There are still more than 100 million unemployed or underemployed Chinese workers to whom the regime has yet to deliver the promised employment. The authors calculate that it will take the regime many years to create jobs for those people. In that period, the Chinese need dollar-denominated capital to fund such an expansion.

If that government ceases to generate stupendous growth each year, those underemployed people will start joining demonstrations in places like Tibet, they will begin to find Internet censorship intolerable, and will think more about challenging Beijing.

Olympic Lifesaver

American and European mayors see hosting the Olympic Games as a good way to get fame and some pricey infrastructure for their cities. Beijing sees the games as a lifesaver, the greatest advertisement ever made for a nondemocratic regime's commitment to its side of a jobs contract.

What could break Bretton Woods II? Politics. In the U.S., new protectionist laws passed by angry Republicans and narrow- minded Democrats could shut out imports from places like China, and the Chinese would no longer have any use for their dollar deal.

In China, the monetary authorities could lose their race against time. After all, in the past decade, instances of demonstrations or other forms of public unrest in China have risen tenfold.

A new regime in Beijing might pull the country left, and confiscate or redistribute all that new wealth. The old anti- capitalist laws are probably still on the books. Or new leaders -- the monks -- might make democracy, or even religious faith, a priority.

Ethnic Chaos

Or China might recede into years of ethnic chaos. In any of these cases, the new Chinese government won't be forced to deliver the same growth, and therefore won't spend commensurate energy tending the dollar.

This is just a sketch, but you get the point. Watch Bernanke, watch the European Central Bank, watch the Chinese authorities -- but also watch the rest of the country. The flash of orange in the robe of the monk is important enough to change the picture for the greenback.


Unknown said...

Huy Nguyen 02
In response to the falling value of the dollar, I remember learning in economics that inflation of the dollar is good during times of recession, but I don't know enough economics to know why it's true.
The olympics is not only bringing good publicity to China but also inducing positive responses from the chinese government. They've already enabled several acts to clean up the air pollution and making beijing nicer (with great progress too). I saw this video on youtube, the first person i know who is anti-freeTibet.
much is propaganda i'm sure, but a well done video nonetheless.

AnjalieSchlaeppi06 said...

Well then, thanks China because when i arrived in the us, the 5th of August, I paid 1.22francs for a dollar... Now i pay 0.99 francs... I'm going to go shopping...

Grant Curry said...

Well China has always had issues with its currency so there is no suprise there, what I think is important is that the US dollar is RAPIDLY losing value. Our economy is in the trash, and not even for a good reason, we've over spent on a war that will bring us nothing, and America, as well as half of Americans are in debt. People need to watch thier Suze Orman, People first, then money, then things. Less things, more money; more money, less debt; less debt, better economy! AND CHINA WONT BE DOING BETTER THAN US!

Grant Curry
Human Geography AP
4th perido
9th grade

SarahRock said...

well, i know that the dollar being worth less is supposedly a good thing in a recession, but first of all - we're not in a recession just yet, so it's not a good thing. second of all - maybe if america wasn't spending all of it's money on this war, we wouldn't be in so much trouble and our economy could actually make some progress.

just saying.

Unknown said...

George Huang
6th Period

If the Chinese government fails to fulfill its promises and the Chinese people join demonstrations against the government, the Chinese government may then stop keeping its currency artificially cheap, increasing American exports to China. This would help balance the US trade deficit, but then again China correcting its trade surplus too quickly could aggravate the credit crisis. Either way, I agree that it’s necessary to watch the actions of the people, not just those of federal leaders.

Amanda Betancur said...

Wow it's crazy how entangled our economy is with so much of the world. Our onw time isolationist country is so far from that stance,especially when it comes to the economic world. Our dollar is deflating and that will not hurt only the US but countries around the world.

Priscilla Davis said...

The American economy is trouble, along with tons of Americans in huge debt. The war, which millions and millions of dollars is going to, is not helping the situation at all either. No wonder the value of the dollar is falling...

Priscilla Davis
6th period

Abigail Ham said...

Abigail Ham
4th period


Is there any possibility that the US will get out of this recession?

Unknown said...

It really is kind of scary seeing fast the US dollar is losing value.
I agree with Grant,
"Less things, more money; more money, less debt; less debt, better economy!"
haha i couldn't have said it better myself.

Johanna Bauersfeld
Human Geo AP
4th period

Peter Young said...

Peter Young

The Chinese are doing so many things to make sure that China looks good and clean to the rest of the world. Chinese car drivers are given even or odd license plates, and are only allowed to drive on even or odd days, taxi drivers are forced to attend 2-year english classes; just for face.

I like Huy's video- Tibet should pipe down.