Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Last November, Americans flocked to the polls to vote for change.

A year later, change again drove voters on an Election Day -- with much different results.
The same dynamics that powered President Obama to victory -- frustration with the status quo, economic anxieties, hope that new leadership can bring answers -- now stand as the biggest threats to the Democrats' governing agenda.

One year after Obama's resounding victory, the soaring rhetoric of campaigning has given way to the trench warfare of governing in a polarized country. The president's agenda is now backed up behind a stalled health care bill, even as the calendar prepares to flip into a congressional election year.

Yesterday's election results bring the president's obstacles into harsh focus: All three marquee races on the ballot resulted in party switches. The lesson: Change cuts in at least two directions.
"Anger is far more motivating than satisfaction," said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake. "People were hopeful for change; now they're driving change."

In Tuesday's two state governor races, independent voters who were critical to the president's winning coalition in 2008 favored Republican candidates by a 2-1 margin. And economic unease -- again, a key factor in Obama's victory -- was foremost on voters' minds, according to exit polls in New Jersey and Virginia.

The mistrust of government Obama capitalized on has only worsened over the past year. Bailouts and stimulus spending may have stopped the economy from collapsing, but voters remain unconvinced -- if not downright angry -- about the nation's economic prospects.
Those factors complicate the president's attempts to enact his ambitious agenda, which -- like most government initiatives -- require money to work.

Pollster: "Door Is Open" For Republicans

The Obama administration has sought to cast his top priority of health care reform as part of efforts to curb government spending. But the public hasn't quite accepted that argument, polls suggest.

The case is likely to be a harder sell after yesterday's results, with moderates in both parties viewing the elections as, at least in part, a referendum on the Democratic agenda.
"The public clearly weren't buying what President Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress were selling," Republican pollster Whit Ayres said. "They haven't yet latched on to the Republican candidates, but the door is opened."

Democrats sought to minimize the importance of a handful of local races. Democrats are still poised to pass a health care reform bill in the House in the coming days, and the president's political standing will get a boost with such a victory. The picture is more complicated in the Senate, where moderates hold more sway.

The challenge for Democrats will be to make the case that the change voters supported last year needs a second endorsement next year, said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., who heads House campaign efforts for Democrats. That impacts both candidate preparation and the legislative agenda.

"We need to make sure that between now and a year from now we take actions both on the campaign side as well as whatever policy efforts we need to undertake, to make sure that all those voters understand that & the success of the Obama agenda will depend on the turnout at the polls next November 2010," said Van Hollen.

But after some early victories, that agenda has come up hard against Washington realities. Aside from health care's slow crawl, a climate change bill has been shelved in the Senate, where moderates are fearful of being seen as raising taxes.

Obama Agenda Slow to Materialize Means Opportunity for Republicans

The president's efforts to wind down the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq haven't gone as planned, with Democrats emerging as some of his harshest critics on foreign policy. Other campaign promises -- sweeping immigration reform, gay-rights legislation, closing Guantanamo -- have fallen by the wayside, at least temporarily.

This has helped open opportunities for Republicans, as evidenced by the fact that the so-called Obama "surge" voters -- first-time voters who flocked the polls last year -- stayed home in large numbers in Virginia and New Jersey, both states the president carried. Independents, meanwhile, migrated to the GOP camp.

"The normal laws of political gravity have reasserted themselves," said Rick Wilson, a veteran Republican political consultant. "This means we have the opportunity to compete. You put up an A-tier candidate, and you can compete anywhere."

The GOP clearly hasn't walked through that door just yet. Democrats picked up both congressional seats that were decided Tuesday; in one of them, they won a seat that had been in Republican hands for more than a century, in upstate New York.

In that race, Democrats exploited a party fissure that left conservative activists dueling with local GOP leaders over whether the Republican candidate was sufficiently conservative. The Republican wound up dropping out of the race and endorsing the Democrat, who scored something of an upset on Tuesday.

That race stands as a lesson for some moderate Republicans about the dangers inherent in trying to rebuild the party. The temptation to drive the party hard to the right -- with a sharp focus on social and fiscal conservatism -- could splinter the GOP, said Tom Davis, a moderate Republican and a former House member from Virginia.

Lesson: Electoral Realignments Aren't Permanent

"What happens is you'll split up. You could even get a third party out of this," Davis said on's "Top Line" last week. "It's very clear neither party is popular in this country. You know, they're not electing Republicans or un-electing Democrats. That's the only way the Republicans come back. And to do that they have to have a broad coalition."

Democrats, of course, are hoping for more intra-party skirmishes that damage Republican chances. And they could take a small slice of solace in watching GOP candidates win with centrist, pragmatic messages -- even using words like "hope" and "change" in their stump speeches.

Among the lessons of the past year is one that seems to get re-learned every few years in Washington: There's no such thing as a permanent electoral realignment.

The prevailing sentiment -- and perhaps the most powerful electoral force -- has less to do with either political party than it does with anxiety over the status quo.

"There's definitely an anti-incumbent mood out there that's palpable," Celinda Lake said. "That bodes worse for the Democrats, because we have more incumbents. It's bad for both parties, but it's worse for the Democrats."


Sarah Lambert 3rd said...

Well obviously the change that Obama promised isn't coming as easily. If the democrats still want the people to vote with change and hope in their minds, then they better be prepared to find out that the change they want is to find hope in a new leader. It is, however, still Obama's first year. I know America wants immediate results but some of these things take time. The main thing Obama promised was healthcare reform so that of course is the first thing he will try to deliver whether it stalls other issues or not. He still has 3 years to go and i don't think he's planning on croaking, resigning, or getting impeached. A lot of things can happen for better or for worse during that time period.

Andrew Jiang 8th said...

I think some people are taking this a little out of perspective. We're in the middle of a war right now, of course things are going to be really, really wacky. The Bush Administration caused a couple tons worth of problems, and Obama and co. is trying to fix them. Whether or not it's working, and if they're just making our situation worse, is another question altogether. People are never going to be satisfied with what they get. Someone will always be able to find something to complain about. Obama is trying his best, and i'm confident that what people say about his is almost identical to what people have said about every wartime president. The government, despite all of the jokes we make about its impotence, is capable of fixing our problems. We just need to give it some time. How much time? That I don't know.

Benjamin Holmes 8 said...

I think a little more patience is needed in waiting for change. The contry is in a tight spot and people need to realie that this is going to be difficult and will take time. However, it would be nice if the government could try to multi-task and worry about more than just the heathcare bill.

Colleen Blanton said...

From what we have learned about parties in the last week, it looks like both parties are having trouble gaining a wide range of support. If a third party emerges could it gain enough support to actually compete or will the people still be in a limbo? When people don't like what is going on they want change. They voted for Obama because they wanted change. Now no one is supporting what needs to be supported to produce this change so people are unhappy and want something different. But they don't want what they experienced in the past four years. This is why I think a legitimate third party may emerge.

Colleen Blanton said...

From what we have learned about parties in the last week, it looks like both parties are having trouble gaining a wide range of support. If a third party emerges could it gain enough support to actually compete or will the people still be in a limbo? When people don't like what is going on they want change. They voted for Obama because they wanted change. Now no one is supporting what needs to be supported to produce this change so people are unhappy and want something different. But they don't want what they experienced in the past four years. This is why I think a legitimate third party may emerge.

user312 said...

The creation of a new major political party would be interesting for this country. While both sides address current problems, the lack of real solutions to them is making the public apathetic. I think we are about to see the rise of some very unique ideas on how to run the nation.

PeytonOldham1 said...

its kinda funny how this "change" that was pomissed has hapned its just people cant realy see whats going on theyr blind to this one with extremists sorounding the white house its just scary what all they are coming up with i mean realy you had and have people like cass susteen VAN JONES who was forced to resign because he was to extremist they have an agenda for change its just not the change that was promised its a change that no one realized its a change that will alter this nation in more ways than one its astonishing that they can do it right under everyones noses but as long as they have the media to attack fox and those who oppose this change then the people wont stop it, they will attack anyone who opposes them they wont stop until the hidden agenda is done people need to stop thinking this is just a conspiracy theory and actualy look at the facts... actualy do some resarch for your self come up with your own oppinion this nations changing beter figure out which side you stand on... UNAPOLOGETICALLY AMERICAN

Safa Arzaghi 4th Period said...

The party system is a major contributor to the way the United States relies on democracy. The disagreement and shift of power is necessary for keeping the nation from being controlled by one central group of people. The changes are what keep the political system that runs the United States modern enough to deal with dilemmas of new era. We may even be on the verge of new political parties. The United States has not always been under the power of Democrats and Republicans. Before that, there were the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Maybe the United States needs a shift in views to compensate for the changes in modern society and to deal with new dilemmas.

Anonymous said...

how is anger more driving than satisfaction?
i dont see why theres this shift in politics. i feel like people are acting like they wanted what obama had promised to do during campaign to happen overnight. how can they tell that he sucks at his job already? if there are a bunch of republicans elected to be in congress soon i think we'll just be in a gridlock.

ARamirez8 said...

So everyone knows that the change obama has promised still hasnt actually happened. i mean we'er in the middle of a war right now and may still be in for the next couple of months and plus, but i mean seriously after bush's presidency anyone coming into office is going to struggle. its goong to take time to get through all this mess, but someone has to step up and clean the mess. its just a matter of time before everything obama has promised will actually happen, but we as a people need to stand behind him and know things will change, just give it time.