Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Saudi Usual Punishment

RIYADH (Reuters) - A Saudi court of cassation upheld a ruling to behead and crucify a 22-year-old man convicted of raping five children and leaving one of them to die in the desert, newspapers reported on Tuesday.

The convict was arrested earlier this year after a seven-year old boy helped police in their investigation. The child left in the desert after the rape was three years old, Okaz newspaper said.

International rights groups have accused the kingdom, the birthplace of Islam, of applying draconian justice, beheading murderers, rapists and drug traffickers in public. So far this year about 40 people have been executed in Saudi Arabia.

In Saudi Arabia, crucifixion means tying the body of the convict to wooden beams to be displayed to the public after beheading.

(Reporting by Souhail Karam; editing by Inal Ersan)


TrevorChilton3 said...

While this punishment may seem drastic and disgusting to Americans and citizens of most other countries, is this Saudi form of punishment really that different from lethal injection or waterboarding, things that have happened in the U.S.? The outcome is the same... death. But in Saudi Arabia, a much stronger message is sent to people that might consider committing rape or murder. No, the Saudi form of punishment isn't very humane, but its very effective.

Anonymous said...

I never realized that Saudi Arabia was such a barbaric country. I can't believe that there are still governments that would allow these extremely cruel and unusual punishments, and especially not so many of said punishments! Forty people have been executed in the past year? That's just uncivilized and ridiculous. What I don't understand is how it has gone on for so long without anyone putting a stop to it. While his crime was terrible, he should have been put in prison for life, or, if they don't have the funding and/or facility, he should have at least been exiled.

Olivia Thornton 4th Period said...

You know what they say: you get what you deserve. In America, this guy would've gone to jail and maybe, if we're lucky, been sentenced to the death penalty. No matter how cruel and unusual, beheading and crucifixion is more than appropriate. If i was up to me, he would have to be raped and left in a desert himself. In reality though, I don't know how i feel about this subject. With a case like this, it's easy to say he deserved to die but many times, the situation is totally different. I don't find Saudi Arabia's crucifixion very effective though. I don't see the point; It seems like a waste of time. But, I'm in no position to put down this country for killing this man. What can I say? It's pretty inarguable that he deserved it.

cheyennelujan3 said...

Ahhhh! I can't even imagine seeing someone getting beheaded and crucified in public no matter what they did. This is such cruel punishment even if they crime was cruel. I don't think that anyone should be beheaded in public..it is the 21st century here. But hey, that's another country and we can't really control them...even though I'm sure we will try to.

cheyenne lujan 3rd period

Abigail Ham said...

I find it interesting that only 40 have been executed. Is that the number of the ones who were caught, or all of the offenders?

If it's the former, it would make a whole lot of sense for anyone who got away with something similar to this crime to get the heck out of there, and for anyone thinking about doing the same thing to reevaluate the pros and cons of the whole endeavor.

If it's the latter, bravo Saudi Arabia for having a ridiculously low crime rate.

Carlos Rangel 4th Period said...

Well to us it can be said its an unusual punishment, but take in mind in Saudi Arabia these are different customs of punishment and to them it is the most common thing and for them sentencing a lifetime in prison over here in the U.S. could be unsual to them because they might rather wanna make the criminal walk on sand with boiling lava you know?

But still though, this particular punishment for a crime as sickening as rape and victimizing little kids should be understandable because it IS a high crime and for them drastic measures had to be taken and to them this was that measure.

Scott_Hickle_ThirdPeriod_Beast said...

The guy deserves to suffer. I may be biased against the death penalty, but this man is obviously an extreme danger to his neighbors (particularly the younger ones). I'd have to say that his punishment is substantially less than what he deserves by the "eye-for-an-eye" rule. On the topic of displaying his beheaded body: I'm torn. Yes, he did wrong, and probably deserves what he has coming, but why punish the general public? No one wants to see that (and those who do will end up there with him eventually...) I don't think the cruelty is being inflicted to the criminal in this case so much as those who unwillingly watch his punishment as it takes place.

marialbutra_03 said...

I think that the rapist deserved the death sentence for what he did, but beheading/crucifixion is a bit too much. Just stick a needle in him and get it over with. The mess that that whole shindig will cause is unimaginable... All I can say is that it sucks for those in charge of clean up duty for that day.
And I can't imagine how the person in charge of the 'beheading' itself would be able to sleep at night... Just thinking about it gives me the creeps. Even those who have to witness it might get traumatized for life. Granted that it might scare off other creeps who are aspiring to be serial rapists and killers, it's still a bit too much for the majority of te population who are normal and don't have those creeper tendencies. They should think about the mental well being of their people more.

RamonaMittal3 said...

In a way, this is a good thing...kinda. It definitely shows the public what will happen if such horrendous crimes are committed and it has, hopefully, lowered the rates of crimes such as rape.

Annie Henderson 3rd Period said...

Okay. Raping five kids and leaving one in the desert to die. I think that calls for execution. Painful execution. But beheading and crucifying seems a little.. outlandish. Of course, I do live in America, where the electric chair was too much, so obviously we're not going to hang someone on a cross, dead or not. And obviously thinking about a punishment so biblical in nature being in practice today is unnerving. I'm glad they're trying to stop crime. I do think the death penalty is the best detterent. And i guess its a cultural thing.. if doing all of that can keep something so bad from occuring again then great. I just wish it didn't take that much.

JacobCauser10th said...

Wow, I'm impressed that beheadings are still used today with all the huane groups out there. *Claps* Congraduations, this is a good story to share Mr. P.
Though I think that beheading are the most humane thing we can use in LDC's, considering all the other ways of deaths are delivered.
Beheading has a long history and I personally am happy it has servived in some far-flung regions of this "modernized" world.
Of course thats just my personal feelings on that part...

CelestaNave8 said...

I do not think so! This is more like the easy way out for the rapist. It would be way worse for them if they were sent to prison [if you know what I mean]. I think it is good to publicize their "crucifixion". It is a good warning to all the other rapists and murderers out there to watch out, because Saudi Arabia means business.
If this makes their family ashamed, they should be ashamed of themselves! CHILDREN!!!! Hanging their bodies seems reasonable to me... I do not even want to know WHY their target included a three-year old children... That's just sick.

Christopher Casanova 3rd Period said...

Wow, I wonder what the punishment for treason is?
To me, this really seems absurd and sickening to publicly display a headless corpse. I don't care what the crime was, please spare me. Regardless of our crimes we all deserve the courtesy of human decency, and I'm pretty sure decapitating us and then letting the world gape in horror at our mutilated bodies would not fall under that category.
I don't really know how the world would go about dealing with this ridiculous problem but something really should be done. As much as i would love to afflict serious harm upon a child rapist, I find this punishment absolutely ridiculous. Even more startling is the fact that this kind of punishment has taken place 40 times this year.
This really just makes me wonder what's next.

VanessaTorres3rd said...

Since this is a foreign nation, I'm not surprised that they have punishments that Americans might consider "unusual". Because this is a common practice, then I believe that people who do not understand their ways really have no right to judge, so I'm trying to push aside my own moral beliefs to understand their standpoint.

It's understandable that they want to kill this man for committing such a horrendous man. It's not just a punishment, but a warning. If people saw the horror of committing crimes, then maybe it would discourage it from happening again. Harsh, maybe, but some actions are necessary, especially in this case.

Cherie Hebisen said...

Well I think that is horrible that he raped five children and left one of them dead in the desert that guy seriously needs some help. However, killing him in my opinon wont help him. I think they should have put him in an intense lock down prison. Making him stay in prison for the rest of his life will be much more worth his time and he might actually learn a thing or two.

Anonymous said...

I believe that for this case this isnt cruel at all. If the man really did rape 5 children and then leave a three year old out there to die i believe people being able to see his headless body after a beheading is only fair. A life for a life. And in this case there is more than one life. This man deserved the punishment he got.

BritniBass3 said...

Each country has its own etablishment of punishments. But most countries have the same principle behind it the punishment must fit the crime. In this case i firmly belive that the punishment did fit the crime. If someone is rude and crude enought to rape five children and leave one that is dependent on its mother out in the desert to die then this man has no right to take another breathe. I believe that the punishment that this man got he completly deserved.

Kaitlin_Reynolds_3 said...

Okay, although this sounds extremely harsh to Americans.. it's how things go there. Its cruel and unusual here, but it gets the job done there. And i know that sounds extremely cynical, but when you think about it.. some people in America would agree that the justice system in America just doesn't "serve justice". So I guess what I'm trying to say is, at least they are doing something about.. and the guy definitely got what was coming to him. Lucky for him the beheaded then crucified him.

Chris Lascano 4th said...

I like Olivia's thoughts on this issue. With all seriousness, this man is getting what he deserves. How long has this style of execution been practiced in Saudi Arabia? It has probably been going on for a few thousand years! I'm sure that the Saudi people have no objection to this form of punishment, and I'm sure that it sends a VERY clear message to the next person planning to rape and murder someone. It's been proven that the people in the Middle East with this public form of execution have lower crime rates than here in America. As long as there is proof, their form of execution is okay.

BenjaminRahman8th said...

This form of punishment may seem cruel and unusual to many, but it is the norm for the Saudi Arabians. The only for sure way of preventing these kinds of crimes from happening again is by death. The crime was so heinous that the punishment was very appropriate.

Isra Bashiti 1st said...

Yes he did rape 5 people and left one in the desert, but as for the punishment he got, i don't really think we can do anything about that because its a different country with different, religious beliefs. Wether the punishment was decided upon the crime, or their beliefs, I kind of agree with the punishment, because being a Muslim..if he was Muslim and did that, it is absolutely unacceptable-- for any human that is. But being a human i kind of...dont agree. Being a human, we think of his punishment as cruel and unusual, but as a country with different beliefs about punishments of any crime, its not.

Isra Bashiti 1st said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Samantha Martinez 4th period said...

Yes this may be a cruel and unusal punishment but i am pretty sure the people willl think twice before murdering or raping someone. Although the U.S disagrees with this kind of punishment it is the exact same thing as of the death penalty. These children were very young and did not deserve to die in such a manner! This is a cruel world!

Ben Hernandez Pd. 3 said...

I believe that this is not a cruel and unusual punishment especially in a place where giving lashes and stoning people to death is still used as punishment. If the Saudi government feels that this punishment suits the crime, then so be it. This man who was convicted deserves to die, he probably deserves more. I don't think it is up to people of different nations to determine whether or not the Saudi Arabian customs are cruel and unusual. They have their reasons for doing what they do and obviously it works. If only 40 out of the 28,686,633 people (<0.0000139%) have been beheaded this year, then the Saudi Arabian government is doing something right. As for the crucifying, there is no better way for society to learn than through the examples of other people's punishment. I know that I would think twice before doing anything heinous.

Daniel Berg 4 said...

This guy actually deserves worse, seeing as Saudi Arabian crucifixion is the displaying of the body after beheading. That means the offender only has to deal with being beheaded, which seems like a nice, quick way to die. For crimes of this caliber, this type of punishment is appropriate, and should actually be a little more severe. It also has an added bonus of sending a message to others who might be thinking of trying similar things.

Roman Padilla, 3rd said...

Okay, first of all, i want to say that i agree with the death penalty, but this sounds like its to far. I mean if your going to put him to death, why not do it more humanely, like without the beheading and crucifiction. why not just do it by firing squad, gas chamber, the chair, or even the needle, but not like this. all of these punishments at least keep the body intact. It said 40 people have been executed this year this way, I mean I like the way they are trying to limit crime, i just think they're are to drastic about it. I mean raping 5 kids is serious, but i think that he should have just died, not be crucified.

Kenneth Cravatt 3rd said...

Well, this certainly is a very graphic way of killing someone. It seems like over kill if you could get the death over with much faster in a simpler way. But then again I'm sure the point is not just to kill them but more importantly to get the point across that that stuff isn't tolerated. Yet this has happened to 40 people...? Maybe they need to go more hardcore. Or tone it down a little and realize that people that are crazy enough to rape small children might not care to much about death.

EmilyMargrave_8th said...

I agree that this punishment is extremely cruel, however, it is definitely effective and intimidating for witnesses. If I saw someone punished in this way I would definitely think twice before I committed the same crime.

David Huang 3 said...

I personally against capital punishment, because i think no one has the right to take over others life, we can have many ways to correct or punish a wrong man instead of taking his life away. there is always another solution beside killing, because i think the only thing can change people's mind is moral education but not punishment.

Jesse Slay (Alum.) said...

Let them punish however they want. Just because their forms of punishment seem cruel and quite different from the vapid forms of punishment here in America doesn't mean that we get to complain and try to change it. While it may seem extremely harsh it does have its benefits of course; surely one would not commit a crime without know the harsh consequences. I say just let them do things their way while we go about our own business. If they want to change their ways to achieve justice then they will do so.

phyllisgoode3 said...

This seems to be just an excuse to terrify people to keep them from speaking out against the government.
Its makes the whole country horrified and frightened for their lives which is the intended effect. It seems very barbaric. Not to mention cruel and unusual. Throw the guy in jail but he shouldn't deserve the death penalty. Much less to be displayed for all of his village like a rag doll.
This reminds me of how the Nazis hung people in the streets for helping Jews hide or Jews caught in hiding. Its despicable and a scare tactic.

Alex Rivas 8th said...

Of course this punishment seems extreme to us, but Americans must realize that we kill people too. The only difference is that we do not kill our convicts in the same manner. Who are we to judge their choice of punishments? I'm sure other countries look at the U.S. and wonder why do certain things. What this man did is absolutely horrible; I think he definitely deserves some type of punishment (preferably similar to what Olivia said).

Todrick_Gibbs_1st said...

Cruel? No! Unusual? Very! I understand that Saudi's death penalty is different from America's but come on being put on public display is completely irrelevant. Yea the guy was a nuthouse but having the body put on display doesn't make the be-headers any better that's just sick!

Rebecca*Cox*4 said...

Ok so first of all I really believe that there would be alot less crime in America if we had punishment so drastic. This is their culture and nobody should look down on it. But I bet it lowers the crime rate. It actually is very effective.

tavindotson1st said...

If you look back in Americas history it was not to long ago that we used hanging and electricution to kill criminals. Saudi Arabia has just kept the tradition alive. It may seem a little harsh, but it sure gets the point across to the people that live there.

Ronnie Woodard 4th said...

Somewhere along the line, you have to think that life inprisonment just doesnt cut it. This is one of the most grotesque and unbelievable crimes I have ever heard of, and I believe that deserves a grotesque and unbelievable punishment such as the one offered. As inhumane as this punishment sounds, I believe it is a just punishment and sends a word of caution to future offenders.

..:::IsaacE3rd:::.. said...

I think the united States death penalty and Saudi Arabia's are somewhat alike. All convicts are exposed when they die.Though we are not as severe as crucification, we do humiliate those who have done wrong. People,in the U.S, who are put on death row, suffer the same even if it is through a lethal injection. Though it may seem drastic that these people cut off heads,it seemed as a rightful punishment for that disguisting man. They have their way and we have ours, in the end justice triumphs all evil in any way, shape or form.

Deandra Porter said...

The punishment is a bit extreme but this is a different culture and it definitely gives a message. This guy deserves the punishment but crucifying him is disturbing even if what he did was beyond humane. In America none of this would happen but again, it's a different culture. It's not humane but brutal and maybe it has to be so that these guys get the message.

Anonymous said...

I'm extremely surprised at all the people who actually agree with this punishment. No matter what criminals do, if the law drops to their level, why should it have authority over said criminals?

"Thieves for their robbery have authority /
When judges steal themselves."

Jiaqi Niu 8th said...

As uncivilized and barbaric as the punishment may seem, it very much fits Hammurabi's famous line "an eye for an eye". The guy had it coming. To rape children is disgusting and he got what he deserved. Just as he humiliated the children and their familiies, he will leave humiliated by being on a wooden beam headless. It seems suitable to me because nobody who rapes children should get off easy. Plus, he'll already be dead when he's on the beam.

naomishine3 said...

Though the crimes this man committed were disgusting and horrible, beheading and then crucifying him seems cruel as a punishment. This man should definitely go to jail for life but torturing someone because they tortured someone else is hypocritical and shows an embarrassingly barbaric side of human nature. This is not to say what the man did isn't cause for severe punishment, this just doesn't seem to be the right way to go about it.

Kellen Hearn 4th said...

I think that any man that has the guts to rape children should get whatever punishment they are given, No matter how nasty and vulgar it is.

Angel Armendariz 10th Period said...

I believe that this is just an example of a different nation handling their punishments their own way. It all results in the same thing so i don't see what the big deal is. They just send a stronger message to their people so that same crime isnt repeated.

connor frankhouser 8 said...

Even though this punishment may seem severe by our tame westeren standards in Saudi Arabia this is the norm.... but judging by the large numbers of people executed is not a very good deterrent. Maybe what the need is a better justice system with trial by peers, due process etc...
Sound familiar?

Angel Armendariz 10th Period said...

This punishment from Saudi Arabia seems cruel but the reasons that they would kill somebody like this are ok with me. If he's gonna sit there and rape kids no lets rephrase that rape babies then he deserves to be killed in the most punishable way their is

camdenhoeffner3 said...

You know this may sound "cruel and unusual" or whatever to some, but it sounds a lot more efficient and cheaper than lethal injection. Also. it sounds a lot less painful. I would much rather have my head shopped off than sit through the excruciating pain of lethal injection. I mean needles don't bother me, but I think a lethal cocktail would hurt a lot worse. I think he totally got what he deserved.

AndreaOlachia3 said...

Oh America how far we have come...not. Our crime rates are horrible, murderers and rapist walk the streets as if they were truly law abiding citizens. Saudi Arabia might be employing "primative" punishments but how much have we accomplished when we give our monsters trials and let them walk? Death is what we can only hope that he would've recieved here in America (if in the right states) and I am glad that in Saudi, he got what he deserved.

Love Patel -- 3rd Period said...

Wow! This is a extreme way of showing the the people of Saudi Arabia the consequences of rape and murder. But i think it that it is strong way to show the people that if they commit this type of crime they will not be tolerated. The guy got what was coming for him...

Caroline Henderson 3 said...

I want to know why this guy wasn't stopped the first time? Why wasn't he put in a prison or punished earlier this year? Just reading about his crimes made me feel a little sick. What kind of person does that? I agreee he should have been punished but I am very torn about the death penalty. To me, it would be very effective but that's probably just because I'm not used to it. It's obviously not new in Saudi if they've already executed 40 people this year. It seems like it would just be part of life over there; that's their culture.

aidanhamman3 said...

To be completely honest, I see nothing wrong with this. Its disgusting that a man could do something like that.
Its not cruel and unusual, its justice. It may be rough, but at least that means most people will think before they do something.
In my opinion I think this is another case of people butting into other peoples business.
Let them handle things their way and leave it at that.
The guy left a 3 yr old boy in the desert!!!! At the least, if they hadn't beheaded him, they should leave him to die in the desert.
Nothing is wrong with this, everyone has there way of expressing the death penalty. The Saudi way is just more violent.

Henry Blanton 8 said...

I think the death penalty was appropriate in this case, seeing as it wasn't just one child, but 5. But there is
no reason for a beheaded person to be crucified and in public display. It just doesn't seem to serve any purpose in my opinion.

bonnieblue1st said...

wow...saudi arabi sure has some interesting ways of punishing people..This guy definately has major mental issues and deserves a punishment of death. The death however should not be cruel and unsusual and he should not be left to public humiliation.

AmBeR-dElGaDo*8th* said...

Well it might be a usual punishment for them and not for us.If that's how they handle business then let them do what they do. What he did was awful and surely he deserved the outcome of the ruling.

David Huang 3 said...

personaly i against the capital punishment, because i think life is more important than anything else, no one has the right to take over another man's life, a sin can be punished by many other ways, there is always an alternative methods of capital punishment.

Donnie Bryant 8th said...

The crimes committed are vicious in its own regard, and the punishment for them is seriuos as well. The country has its own right to decide how to punish such crimes and discipline the people for committing them. People elsewhere may not agree with their decisions, but have no choice but to let the leaders of Saudi Arabia to do as they see fit.

brandonluckenbach1 said...

This type of punishment is very unusual to the United States but they have been doing for a really long time and its part of what they do for punishment. I still do think Saudi Arabia needs to become a more developed and civilized country but for what the man did he completely deserved what he got.

Pooja Patel 3rd said...

Although the majority of poeple may find this cruel and unjust, Saui Arabia has a very effective system. Plus, who in their right sane mind rapes children? No one. Raping in general is a crime in which one must be punished, and Saudi Arabia has their own methods. I don't think other countries should have a say in how another country runs their country or punishes their criminals. Every country has dfferent methods and how is keeping the man alive for the rest of his life in prison better than a "cruel and unjust" death?

SethPitman1 said...

Trevor's right, its no different. Thats the way they do things there. I agree, he should be beheaded. Actually, he should be raped 5 times, left in the desert for a day, then be beheaded. The crucifixion will get a subliminal message across of, oh dang, i dont wanna rape anyone. so yeah, more power to ya Saudi's.

AmyFillipp3 said...

Culturally, we would be aghast at a multitude of punishments that other countries practice. We can't change every country's values and beliefs because we think them odd. I'm not for the death penalty, but they have their own laws and their own ideas of how to handle crime. It could go both ways. People have issues with how we should go about decreasing crime in the US, but then distress over how Saudi Arabia keeps their crime minimal.

Kevin Devine said...

I would agree with these international rights groups' opinions on the matter if the crime this man was executed for was a small, petty crime. But this man sexually assaulted five children, and he left one of them (a three-year old!) for dead in the desert. In my humble opinion, that makes him completely deserving of his punishment. What these international rights groups need to understand is that a crime of that caliber would result in execution in some parts of the United States. I somehow see why they're objecting to these executions in Saudi Arabia, since this form of punishment seems unjust and brutal. But, like Trevor said, is it any better than whatever forms of punishment we're using now?

HafsaAhmad3rdPeriod said...

I think that the man deserved what he got. Although i don't think that it should have been displayed publicly, I understand why its necessary, and if that's what it takes for Saudi Arabia to control crime then by all means they should do it. I think it's just considered unusual because its different than what we're used to.

Cynthia Salazar Period 8 said...

The guy got what he deserved. The punishment is cruel I'm not going to lie but if the crimes are this bad then it's appropriate. If the guy robbed a place then yeah thats wrong. What he did was horrible and that form of punishment is right. It might prevent other people from doing the same thing and then less crimes like that might occur.

Anonymous said...

The punishment is cruel, it may come in effect and make a change amd make a huge difference. It may change the outcome in people's actions and things that they do or believe. So in other others the punishment is different, by it will help with what is going on in the world.

CatWu said...

Whether or not this punishment is cruel, this man deserves it. No child deserves to be raped. Because of this, their lives have been changed forever. They will never know a normal life without the memories. I think this man should be castrated and then crucified. He shouldnt even deserve to go to hell with his 'important' part. Death would be too easy as a punishment. Better yet, castrate him and give him life in prison. He deserves it for what he did. Let him live, and let the guilt kill him.

nitashamisra3 said...

Death is still death, whether in the form of an injection or beheading somebody. This guy deserved what he got, even if it was in a not-so-typical way. Americans may look down on it or disagree with it, but we do the exact same thing here, no matter how you look at it.

EfrainDuarte3 said...

I believe that Saudi Arabia's treament is far beyond the extremes of cruel and unusual when it comes to this case. Yes this man did commit several horrendous act but this doesnt account as to why this man has to go through crucifixion and bedeading. Forty people is just far too many people to have died by execution for probably crimes with lesser offense than of this one is just too cruel

Isaac Cortez 8th said...

I believe that the man deserves to be executed. I cant imagine a better sentence for him after what he did to those innocent kids. Its not cruel and unusual punishment its JUSTICE. How do you think the kids that survived will live now? They must forever bear that horrific memory of what that man did. Yeah we can say he deserves a second chance but will the victims get a second chance to recooperate from the rape? No, and the only justifiable way is death. The public display of his death is a way to say, hey we are not going to tolerate these perverted action and will send a message to all other sick and twisted people. Here in america, child rapist only suffer what seems a mild punishment while the victims struggle to continue their normal lives. Therefore he should be beheaded and crucified not only to justify the rape but also to send that message of intolerance to such behavior.

NathanSlaughter3 said...

Well I think the Saudi's got their point across that this in unacceptable. But as far as whether is the punishment is cruel my view is you should be able to handle what you dish out. I've grown up with the phrase if your old enough to give a lick your old enough to take a lick. So if this guy wants to go out raping kids he deserves whatever is given to him.

AngeloRosendo4thPeriod said...

wow thats pretty brutal :]
that guy deserved that punishment though, and people have to take into consideration that customs are alot different in other countries.
what i wanna know is, how "caning on the buttocks" was thought of, its so random.

AaronFlores1 said...

Maybe I'm just cruel but i think they guy deserved to have his head cut off. He raped FIVE children. Not one,not two,FIVE! And, he left a kid in the desert! As Americans,we're too soft;that's why crime rates are so high in the U.S. The pervert had his head cut off in front of EVERYBODY;that's what i call an example. It seems revolting to Americans because that's not the way we do things. We'd much rather give his a nice cell to live in for a few years. If it were my little brother or sister who was raped,i'd sleep much better after seeing the guy's head cut off. My sympathy is not towards him,but to the children.

SadafSiddiqui3 said...

I know that the punishment may seem barbaric and cruel but in my opinion, this guy had it coming to him. I'm very conflicted on my views of the death penalty and I think it varies case by case. In this case, however, clearly the guy deserves to die. I'm not trying to be coldhearted but seriously? How do you let some one rape a 3 year old kid and live? I think the number one thing that's controversial about the death penalty is that huge numbers of innocent people are killed every year in the name of "justice." However, if Saudi officials are positive that this man was the criminal, then I believe the punishment is no greater than the crime. I do have to oppose to the displayal, though. I guess they want to prove a point but I just find that sickening and unnecessary. Shouldn't death be enough of a message? Also, the fact that the crime was rape is a huge factor in determining punishment in a country like Saudi Arabia. It's not an issue to be taken lightly there. Not saying that it should be or is taken lightly anywhere else, just saying that Saudi is a beyond conservative country and to even mention it is highly taboo. For someone to not only commit it, but to violate small children, is about as bad as it gets over there. Yes, to us, the punishment may seem vile and terrible but you must keep in mind the other factors associated with the fact that it occurred in Saudi Arabia. And I'd imagine a punishment like that does influence others to not commit such heinous crimes.

kaileeking3 said...

Is this really necessary?
..I honestly don't know.
This man should receive the death sentence for his heinous actions without questioning. But a public crucifixion? Jeeze louise. It does give an incredibly stern warning to those psychopaths out there who are thinking about breaking the law..but is it really appropriate? It's not my place to question Saudi Arabia's customs, but this practice seems a little too inhumane for my taste.

Yesha Patel 3rd said...

Well punishment here and there are very different there it isn't considered cruel and unusual but here of course it is. But I believe someone that can do that type of crime and the punishment given by Saudi shouldn't be considered cruel and unusual here but it is Different places different beliefs.

Cesar Grave 8th said...

I really don't see anything unusually cruel with this punishment, the result of being beheaded is the same as lethal injection. I do agree that doing it in public might be kind of cruel to the person being punished, but I don't think they will mind in the end.

JungwonPark3 said...

its just horrible that he raped five children and leave one in the desert. i think the punishment fit the crime. he killed a child. he just left a child to die in the desert.. that is just freaking cruel. so i think he deserves his punishment.

andi™ Paredez_1 said...

As an American, I am appalled by the thought of crucifixion and beheading. I am accustom to the offenders receiving the death penalty or prison without the possibility of parole. However, this is Saudi Arabia and the rapist knew that the monarch maintains the old traditions of Islamic law, "Injustices against humans is an injustice against God." The government adheres to the extremes of their religion and the man violated them. The international groups have a right to be appalled but they cannot change the foundations of such a religious country. The man died as expected to in Saudi Arabia and will never harm another person again. I respect that the country has a completely different way of life but apparently it works for them. That being said, I will also remain on the monarch's side for as long as they continue to export our oil because Heaven knows I don't get paid till next week!

andi™ Paredez_1 said...

As an American, I am appalled by the thought of crucifixion and beheading. I am accustom to the offenders receiving the death penalty or prison without the possibility of parole. However, this is Saudi Arabia and the rapist knew that the monarch maintains the old traditions of Islamic law, "Injustices against humans is an injustice against God." The government adheres to the extremes of their religion and the man violated them. The international groups have a right to be appalled but they cannot change the foundations of such a religious country. The man died as expected to in Saudi Arabia and will never harm another person again. I respect that the country has a completely different way of life but apparently it works for them. That being said, I will also remain on the monarch's side for as long as they continue to export our oil because Heaven knows I don't get paid till next week!

Millie Dorsett Period 3 said...

I think i would agree with the punishment to the man. When you think of what he has done and the pain caused and the crime that has occurred, it is okay. He deserves to suffer and posts a threat to society.