Friday, December 4, 2009


The rate unexpectedly fell to 10 percent, from 10.2 percent in October, as employers cut the fewest number of jobs since the recession began. The government also said 159,000 fewer jobs were lost in September and October than first reported.

If part-time workers who want full time jobs and laid-off workers who have given up looking for jobs are included, the so-called underemployment rate also fell, to 17.2 percent from 17.5 percent in October.

The better-than-expected figures provided a rare dose of good news for a labor market that's lost 7.2 million jobs in two years. Still, the respite may be temporary.

Job creation is expected to remain far too weak in coming months to absorb the 15.4 million unemployed people who are seeking work -- and the 11.5 million others who are underemployed. As more people begin seeking work, the jobless rate is likely to resume rising.

The report offered evidence of how hard it remains to find work: The number of people jobless for at least six months rose last month to 5.9 million. And the average length of unemployment has risen to more than 28 weeks.

Even counting last month's decline, the unemployment rate has more than doubled since the recession began in December 2007, when it stood at 4.9 percent. And the underemployment rate has jumped to 17.2 percent from 8.7 percent.

"We will need very substantial job growth to get unemployment lower, especially when the labor force ... starts growing again," said Lawrence Mishel, president of the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank.

Still, economists and investors drew hope from the Labor Department report. It said the economy shed 11,000 jobs last month -- a sharp improvement from October's revised total of 111,000. And it was much better than the 130,000 Wall Street economists had expected.

The average work week also rose to 33.2 hours, from a record low of 33 hours, along with average earnings. Economists expect employers will increase hours for their current workers before hiring new ones.

The stock market jumped and Treasurys fell in response to the reports. In midmorning trading, the Dow Jones industrial average surged 110.94, or 1.1 percent. Broader stock averages also rose.

"We've still got a long way to go, but the good news in this report provides important positive momentum," said Carl Riccadonna, senior U.S. economist at Deutsche Bank.

The increase in hours worked means employees are earning more income, Riccadonna said, which could help boost consumer spending and enable Americans to pay down more debt.
Average weekly earnings jumped $4.08 to $622.17, the report said.

Temporary help services added 52,000 jobs, the fourth straight increase. That's also positive news, because companies are likely to hire temporary workers before adding permanent ones. Total employment usually starts to increase between three and six months after temporary employment, Riccadonna said.

The economy has now lost jobs for 23 straight months. But the small decline in November indicates the nation could begin generating jobs soon. Many economists think it will happen in the first quarter of next year.

David Rosenberg, chief economist for Canadian wealth management firm Gluskin Sheff, said the 7 point difference between the jobless rate and underemployment rate is almost double the usual gap. That's an indication of how many more people are likely to be looking for work in coming months.

Another worrisome sign: The National Federation of Independent Business said Thursday that a monthly survey of its small business members showed that more companies plan to reduce employment in the next three months than plan to add jobs.

And a survey by outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas Thursday found a sharp drop in the number of companies planning to hire workers in November, compared with the previous month.

The services sector gained 58,000 jobs last month, while manufacturing and construction shed 68,000 positions. Education and health services added 40,000 jobs, and government employment rose 7,000.

The unemployment rate fell because the number of jobless Americans dropped by 325,000 to 15.4 million. The jobless rate is calculated from a survey of households. The number of jobs lost or gained, by contrast, is calculated from a separate survey of business and government establishments. The two surveys can sometimes vary.

The unemployment rate also dropped because fewer people are looking for work. The size of the labor force, which includes the employed and those actively searching for jobs, fell by nearly 100,000, the third straight decline. That indicates more of the unemployed are giving up on looking for work.

The participation rate, or the percentage of the population employed or looking for work, fell to 65 percent, the lowest since the recession began. Once laid-off people stop hunting for jobs, they are no longer counted in the unemployment rate.

Even as layoffs are easing, the slow pace of hiring is causing headaches for political leaders. The employment report comes a day after President Barack Obama hosted a "jobs summit" at the White House, where he told economists, business executives and union leaders that he is "open to every demonstrably good idea" to create jobs.

Christina Romer, the head of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, called the jobs report "unquestionably good news." She cautioned into reading too much into one month's number, noting that the data can be "volatile."

"We have seen the economic recovery in the sense of GDP growing again, we have seen stabilization in our financial markets," she said in an interview with the Associated Press. "I think this could be a sign that that is finally getting to the job market."

Democrats in Congress are considering legislation that would extend jobless benefits for those who have run out and help the unemployed pay for health care coverage. Those measures could cost up to $100 billion.


Carlos Rangel 4th Period said...

Man, people are just giving up on jobs because some businesses aren't looking forward to helping the economy! They should all supply more jobs at least more part time to help stimulate a better employment rate. But its so much because viewing one side, employment has a good reviews and unemployment or laid off workers looking for jobs are getting better but another just slams that and says the exact opposite! Look i think its safe to say we need to give this a little more time to call shots on where employment rates are really going because at some levels its going good but at others its pretty iffy. Also, i don't really think giving jobless benefits to pay for health care coverage will help that's just me because it would only create MORE debt and that is the LAST THING we need right now. What we need is to create more jobs for the jobless! That is the key.

TimAllison4thPeriod said...

It's good to know that our government is trying to decrease the overall unemployment rate and increase the number of jobs. As our nation is still in the red, we should be focusing on the people paying taxes and trying to earn a living. If they have the money they need to be happy, then they will spend more and our economy will surely elevate into a Bull market. Yay!

Elizabeth Sewell said...

I thank God that we live in Lubbock, Texas. We have been living in a terrible economy, and I think that we are all incredibly lucky. All over the country families are dealing with both parents losing their jobs, and not knowing how they are going to put food on the table. Yes, there is some of this here, but not nearly as much. 99% of the teenagers I know are not only blessed enough for both parents to have a job, but the teenagers themselves do. Now this doesn't we don't have other problems, but this is a big deal today. I mean think about when the last time someone older than 21 took out your groceries. It doesn't seem like a big deal to us, but if we were living somewhere else, this might not be true.

Its awesome to hear however, that this situation as a whole is looking up.

Andrew Jiang 8th said...

I like how people seem to be getting worked up over a .2% decrease in unemployment rates and a .3% decrease in underemployment rates. Alright, so it's an improvement. But the sheer number of people that are still unemployed is staggering, and I don't think we should be celebrating until we can get unemployment back down to 5% at the most. While I'm glad that the number of jobs is increasing, I'm not confident that temporary job positions that some people have will be enough. We need permanent sources of income

Jesse Slay (Alum.) said...

While the unemployment rate is decreasing the number of individuals giving up on looking for a job is increasing. This is a bad sign and there needs to be some sort of legislation passed to get the unemployed back on their feet and out looking for jobs again. Furthermore Americans are becoming more frugal and are spending their money more wisely. The number of people out shopping on black Friday was higher than in previous years yet the amount of spending was lower. It will be interesting to see how the economy turns out for the first quarter of 2010.

Chris Lascano 4th said...

I'll admit that this is a good sign for america, but what time of year is it? It's the holidays and everyone spends some amount of money during the holidays. Store owners also need to hire extra help during the holidays. I'm not saying that this increase isn't a good thing, but I'm guessing that it may drop again after Christmas is over.

ARamirez8 said...

The decrease in jobs is shocking to most people, but at the same time it is very encouraging for those with jobs to keep them. Since the recession's beginning in December of '07, unemployment has doubled and this is HUGE for our economy. Not having money to spend is putting more and more people in a unsatisfying place; and with the holidays here things are even more risky and gives our economy an even lower statis. The longer this continues the bigger the hole we put ourselves in.

Connor Wilmeth 4th said...

With the highest jobless rate in America since the early eightes and the failed promise of a peak of 8%, the Obama administration in is a bind on showing figures of an increase in the workforce. With the lack of data on peoples who have given up on trying to find a job the real unemployment rate could be as high as 15% showing no real improvement in the workforce. While GDP may rise slightly the lack of a consumer workforce does not give the gross domestic product any energy to truly drive forward. The federal government needs to steer away for looking for solutions for individual workers, instead slashing corporate income taxes, capital gains taxes, and restrictions on small buisinesses to really drive forward job creation. Job creation is in the hands of the private sector, not in the hands of the beltway, history has proven time and time again, tax cuts provide incentive and increased federal revenue.