Monday, December 14, 2009

War On Christmas Escalates


This is the last current event for you.

What falls below is an original masterpiece from your beloved AP Govt teacher.

I hope you all the best and I hope you have learned and enjoyed our whirlwind semester!

A sudden spark in hostilities as thrown the world into conflict this week. A Declaration of War was delivered to St. Nicholas by the Foreign Minister of Nunavut laying out the intentions of several hostile Inuet tribes to war against Christmas. Inuet tribes are accusing the jolly elf of over aggressive border movements by reindeer in the area. It is unknown whether or not these movements are tantamount to war by the international community but violence has erupted along a 2,000 mile border between the state of Nunavut and the North Pole.

St. Nicholas, Prime Minister of the North Pole has asked for the United Nations to send in peace keeping forces to the region but it is doubtful that the Security Council will make a decision before the the New Year. Most ambassadors have been implicated in a scandal involving the promises to be good and bribing of cookies and milk for presents from Santa. With the UN in an uneasy situation and most ambassadors already out of New York for the Christmas holiday, it is unlikely they will be able to return before the upcoming deadline for hostilities.

The United States is debating the possibility of unilaterally intervening in the conflict. Members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations met in a closed door meeting on Tuesday to discuss it's options. Ranking members were rumored to be discussing the use US veterans from the Iraqi war to save Christmas. With continued pressure mounting by business leaders and religious interests in certain swing states, it is likely that a joint resolution to use military force will be announced by the end of the week.


RamonaMittal3 said...

Yeah for the last blog! This year has been a blast! Thanks for the great times Mr. Perry. Have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!

Rebecca*Cox*4 said...

First of all, this is the best current event ever. Anyways. I totally am on Christmas's side and think that the U.S. should defend them. I mean hello! Who wouldn't want to fight for Christmas?!

Olivia Thornton 4th Period said...

WE MUST SAVE CHRISTMAS! The USA needs to immediately intervene and attack these dirty Inuet tribes. Who cares about the War on Terrorism! This is Christmas we're talking about! I say pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq and send these troops straight to the North Pole. St. Nicholas is counting on us, guys. We have to help him and the elfs. Otherwise, I won't get my iPhone 3G [S]. :[

Jiaqi Niu 8th said...

Either way you want to save Christmas, it's still Christmas. I don't really get the part about using US war veterans to save Christmas. However, they should use St. Nicholas and his reindeer calvary plus his elf infantry to save Christmas. Afterall, he's the "Big Man" and nobody thwarts with his holiday.

Jesse Slay (Alum.) said...

We should send all of our troops in the Middle East up to the North Pole to defend St. Nicholas' fort. Then without letting the enemies know we move his headquarters to the South Pole. Next we put in place a rapid pull out strategy for the troops to come home for Christmas and then get all of the Countries that have nukes to expend all of them towards the North pole where the enemies of Christmas are. Now nobody would have nukes and world peace begins!

TimAllison4thPeriod said...

Lol, I have to say this is the best thing I have heard since "the ribwich". What we should do is send all of our troops up to the north pole, secure the borders, and take many-a-hostage! Then we can take all of our enemies' tactical nukes and other miscellaneous missiles and load up Saint Nicholas' fort! then he could defend himself and we could pull out, returning home to our families... but only after we perfect and train penguins with lazers on their back! Merry Christmas!!! :D

Raleisha Martin 8th said...

Mr.Perry you have quite the imagination. We should not intervene on the violence in the north pole. Last year I wanted a car but santa never came through. St.Nicolas won't be so jolly once he has been overthrown. I think we should join with Nunavut.

Sarah Lambert 3rd said...

This is kind of ridiculous. This would be the worst Christmas present ever if you asked me. But people like to declare war at the worst times of the year. I just hope that our government comes back from the holidays before this becomes too too big of a deal. Poor St. Nick. I just hope we realzie what else is going on in the world on Christmas day instead of forgetting other important issues.

CelestaNave8 said...

I never expeced the words "Declaration of War" and "St. Nicholas" to be in the same sentence. A joint resolution will be more than likely announced; I mean, it is a time of peace and bringing little baby Jesus into the world. Lol.

Government has been awesome.

David Huang 3 said...

the conflicts were there and there must be people to solve it, but i dont think the over aggressive border movements by reindeer in the area will need a war and the help of united nations and thousands of troops to settle it down, sometimes people may just sit down and have a peaceful talk with each other and solve the problem in few hours without extra spendings and lives. and U.S. needs to make a clear decision weather it is necessary to send any troops or make any changes

Dylan Boyd AP Gov said...

This class was fun this last semester!! Deffinatley something ill remember. Thanks for teaching it Mr. Perry!!!!!!!!!!!

Henry Blanton 8 said...

An original materpiece indeed. Never before have I read such an eloquently composed article. Truely a joy to read.


JacobCauser10th said...

Lol, I love this post! Mr. P. you are truely a master of the pen/keyboard. If Santa uses his workshops to create snowball weaponry I am shure he can win this war. Never doubt the power of ice and snow.

Send in the penguins and seals!!!

Scott_Hickle_ThirdPeriod_Beast said...

...military force? Against Eskimos and elves!? NOOOOO!!!
What next? Reindeer hanging? Where will people draw the line?

Abigail Ham said...

I'm thinking Jesse's on to something here. The money that's spent would be better spent defending the "Prime minister of the North Pole"...bahahaha political jokes for the win!

EmilyMargrave_8th said...

Mr. Perry has quite the imagination. I have thoroughly enjoyed your class and will continue to use my gained knowledge in my decision making. :)

Caroline Henderson 3 said...

This is silly. Should there even be a question of what we should do? We have to help St. Nicholas!!!

nitashamisra3 said...

I wish all our current events had been like this...
But yah, we should totally pull our troops out of Iraq for this. I mean, it IS Christmas...

Anonymous said...

I am all for saving Christmas :] Its just unconstitutional if we don't have Christmas. As for this class i will miss it deeply and the magic trick i still have not figured out till this day.

Pooja Patel 3rd said...

12boI can't believe this is our last current event, and govt was entertaining!!

BritniBass3 said...

Save Christmas!!!!! Its not just my favorite holiday its the reason America is America. I will miss this class and the music you played while we were there. i will still say hi in the hallways and see you sing in church.

Roman Padilla, 3rd said...

well, im on chrismas's side hands down, and i can only wonder what christmas will be like for the eskimoes kids, who it looks like will be not having one. I think this is a daring move, to declare war on a holiday, how would you go about it, i sure dont know. Well i hope something is done before this gets out of hand, if it can. Last of all, thanks Mr. Perry for a good semester, merry chrismas to all who read this, and goodbye.

Love Patel -- 3rd Period said...

Awesome current event...Cant believe its the last blog already. i will miss doing these blogs. Have a Marry Christmas!

Ben Hernandez Pd. 3 said...

Yeah yeah. It was a good semester. Just leave Santa alone.

Carlos Rangel 4th Period said...

Him and his sleigh and reindeer put together are an unstoppable force which create this tri-fecta of christmas awesomeness!
and Mr. Perry = The best TEACHER this world has ever known!
Im sure i speak for all the student body here. B-)
This is the best current event and will never forget how great a class government was! Thanks Mr. Perry!

Amy said...

Well I think we know some people who will be getting coal in thier stockings for Christmas! Santa and his elves luckily have a pretty good rep around the world, so backup for this crisis shouldn't be hard to find. Merry Christmas! (Oh, yeah, I just said Merry Christmas. I did not say have a pleasant "winter break")

Alex Rivas 8th said...

Ramona, that is the most lazy comment I have yet to read haha. I really didn't understand this blog.. it was quite wordy. Anyway, I guess I think the US should intervene and save Christmas.. Cuz we da best.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Jiaqi Niu 8th said...

Let's party tommorrow on Friday! Afterall, it's the last class I will take in your class... I mean party after everyone's done with the final.

cheyennelujan3 said...

Christmas is way more important than the war on terroism! We must must must pull our troops out of the middle east and go save st.nicholas!

:) merry christmas mr.perry!

Deandra Porter said...

The US has to support and save Christmas because it's the most wonderful time of the year and are they really going to let that be taken away from people? No they aren't!

This is an amazing current event.
Thanks for the great semester Mr. Perry!

Sara H-Sabet 8th said...

Definitely the best article yet Mr. Perry. I think all the other reporters have been looking in the wrong place for good stories. I think we should just wait to see what the Senate committee has to say, after all Santa can handle Arctic storms and global warming, so I think he can handle Christmas until we get back.

Ben-Jammin8th said...

Government was definitely one of my favorite classes ever! Thanks for all the wonderful knowledge you have passed on to us Mr. Perry. Happy holidays peoples and God bless!

Annie Henderson 3rd Period said...

Personally, I think St. Nick should have gone by Kris Kringle for the Prime Minister position. I feel it's more ministerly. Merry Christmas Mr. P! Let Santa spoil your kids rotten, instead of all this war nonsense.

Kevin Devine said...

Wait, didn't Yoko Ono say on the radio "War is over" a while back? Why a war on the North Pole? Christmas is a time of peace on earth and St. Nicholas needs to understand that! And Christmas has been saved too many times to count. I'm a little shaky, but then again, St. Nicholas has always prevailed in the past, like in that one foggy Christmas Eve. It's also the Inuets' fault for starting this war. Aggressive border movements by reindeer? Do they know it's Christmas time at all? I just hope this is all wrapped up and nicely trimmed with a bow by Christmas Eve. Or by Boxing Day. It really doesn't matter. (Or does it?)

But seriously, your article is very clever and funny. I'm kind of shocked that this semester has just come and gone. Government was a really fun class and I'm kinda sad that it's over. Oh well, maybe economics will be just as good.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Perry. It was an honor being your pupil.

TrevorChilton3 said...

Thanks Mr. Perry, see you next year in World Topics. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I love how everyone is getting really into this...xD Great CE.

tyler scheppler _3rd period said...

It is finaly over, thanks for every thing Mr. Perry. I actually learned something about our government. A good event to read about. Have a merry christmas

CatWu said...

Lol...amazing far my favorite!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Mr. Perry!

Anonymous said...

why do we need to attack the inuet tribes? they are probably mad that they are on the naughty list anyway.

how long has santa been around? isnt about time he should kick the bucket?

JungwonPark3 said...

The U.S. has to save Christmas. help St. Nicholas!!!:)

merry christmas, people!

VanessaTorres3rd said...

War on Christmas? Scandal? CONTROVERSY?

...Eh, what else is new?

But let it be known I fight for Christmas.

Have a very merry new year, Mr. Perry. I'll be seeing you in World Topics senior year.

Isra Bashiti 1st said...

The semester of government was awesome! Can we have it all year?! :/ Thanks Mr.Perry! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! =]

PeytonOldham1 said...

Christmas should destroy everything and rule the world. America is facing tough times people get ready for the storm as always UNAPOLAGETICLY AMERICAN