Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Marines Will Be in First Wave

WASHINGTON (AP) - New infusions of U.S. Marines will begin moving into Afghanistan almost as soon as President Barack Obama announces a redrawn battle strategy, a plan widely expected to include more than 30,000 additional U.S. forces.

Obama will try to sell a skeptical public on his bigger, costlier war plan Tuesday by coupling the large new troop infusion with an emphasis on stepped-up training for Afghan forces that he says will allow the U.S. to leave.

Obama formally ends a 92-day review of the war in Afghanistan Tuesday night with a nationally broadcast address in which he will lay out his revamped strategy from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. He began rolling out his decision Sunday night, informing key administration officials, military advisers and foreign allies in a series of private meetings and phone calls that stretched into Monday.

Military officials said at least one group of Marines is expected to deploy within two or three weeks of Obama's announcement, and would be in Afghanistan by Christmas. Larger deployments wouldn't be able to follow until early in 2010.

The initial infusion is a recognition by the administration that something tangible needs to happen quickly, officials said. The quick addition of Marines would provide badly needed reinforcements to those fighting against Taliban gains in the southern Helmand province, and could lend reassurance to both Afghans and a war-weary U.S. public.

The war escalation includes sending 30,000 to 35,000 more American forces into Afghanistan in a graduated deployment over the next year, on top of the 71,000 already there. Obama's announcement is the culmination of more than three months of debate over whether and how to expand U.S. military involvement in a war that has turned worse this year despite Obama's previous infusion of 21,000 forces.

But the numbers of fresh troops don't tell the whole story, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday. "It's what their mission is," he told ABC's "Good Morning America.""We're going to accelerate going after al-Qaida and its extremist allies. We'll accelerate the training of an Afghan national security force, a police and an army."

Obama also will deliver a deeper explanation of why the U.S. must continue to fight more than eight years after the war's start, emphasizing that Afghan security forces need more time, more schooling and more U.S. combat backup to be up to the job on their own. He will make tougher demands on the governments of Pakistan and, especially, Afghanistan, and will provide a fresh path toward disengagement.

Gibbs also promised that Obama would lay out an end-game scenario for U.S. involvement. "We want to - as quickly as possible - transition the security of the Afghan people over to those national security forces in Afghanistan," he said Tuesday. "This can't be nation-building. It can't be an open-ended forever commitment."

With U.S. casualties in Afghanistan sharply increasing and little sign of progress, the war Obama once liked to call one "of necessity," not choice, has grown less popular with the public and within his own Democratic party. In recent days, leading Democrats have talked of setting tough conditions on deeper U.S. involvement, or even staging outright opposition.

The displeasure on both sides of the aisle was likely to be on display when congressional hearings on Obama's strategy get under way later in the week on Capitol Hill.

Obama was spending much of Monday and Tuesday on the phone, outlining his plan - minus many specifics - for the leaders of France, Britain, Germany, Russia, China, India, Denmark, Poland and others. He also met in person at the White House with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

A briefing for dozens of key lawmakers was planned for Tuesday afternoon, just before Obama was set to leave the White House for the speech against a military backdrop at West Point.
The Afghan government said Tuesday that President Hamid Karzai and Obama had an hourlong video conference. Obama was also going to speak with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari.

In Afghanistan, rampant government corruption and inefficiency have made U.S. success much harder. Obama was expected to place tough conditions on Karzai's government, along with endorsing a stepped-up training program for the Afghan armed forces along the outline recommended this fall by U.S. trainers.

That schedule would expand the Afghan army to 134,000 troops by next fall, three years earlier than once envisioned.

Military officials said the speech is expected to include several references to Iraq, where the United States still has more than 100,000 forces. The strain of maintaining that overseas war machine has stretched the Army and Marine Corps and limited Obama's options.


Anonymous said...

hmm..why has it taken so long..and why do the marines get to go first..the soliders have done so much for this country..and work harder..the marines don't do as much..ppl get killed everyday more on fighting on the battlefield then on ships and boats..so the soliders work harder..hmm so why now and why marines??

Annie Henderson 3rd Period said...

I'm sure all of the war-weary public appreciates this addition of troops. Honestly, I'm all for fighting. But I had though Obama said he was going to end it all.. Oh well. I must be remembering wrong. Let's cross our fingers the Taliban doesn't get hold of any war heads. I'm sure they're thrilled about this plan.

Donnie Bryant 8th said...

Obama is just doing what he has to do to make it to the deadline. It may seem puzzling to most, but it is wat needs to be done so we don't look like sad puppies wuth our tails between our legs.

tyler scheppler _3rd period said...

im realy supprised that obama would do this. After all i thought he wanted to pull troops out faster instead he adds them. I'm accualy glad he did this because it shows our enemies that we have not given up. My cousin will be redeployed to afghanistan this febuary with his fellow Marines. God bless them

marialbutra_03 said...

I don't know why this is news to some people... Marines are always sent first in war. That is why their Motto is 'first to fight'( and Semper Fi).

Mr. P said...

The Marines are traditionally the first ones in to any major conflict in modern times due to their special training and ability to engage the enemy quickly.

I would greatly disagree with your comment that they "don't do much".
We are talking about the U.S. Marine Corp. No one does more than they do, that is a fact.

Sempre Fi