Thursday, March 25, 2010

Death Threats Towards House Members

Many of the Democrats who voted for the health care reform bill have received death threats. Others are victims of senseless vandalism as a sign that some of the public is going a bit too far with their disagreement with the passing of the bill Sunday night.

There have been assassination threats posted on Twitter, directly referencing President Obama. At least 10 House members have voiced their concerns about their personal security.

Representative Louise M. Slaughter, a Democrat from New York, received a phone message threatening sniper attacks against lawmakers and their families.

Slaughter also reported that a brick was thrown through a window of her office in Niagara Falls.

Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat of Arizona, reported that her Tucson office was vandalized.

Not limited to phone calls and vandalism, the threats even took the form of a fax. The Associate Press reported that Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina said he received an anonymous fax showing the image of a noose.

Landmark legislation was passed on Sunday night and there are certainlystrong differences of opinion about it. However, assassination threats and vandalism are a very unhealthy sign for this "One nation under God."

It is not clear who the people are who are making threats and causing vandalism, but the FBI has stated that they are involved. However, it seems that there are also politicians who are making waves that are going to cause the further breakdown of a country that is already in the midst of an economic crisis.

This week, Sarah Palin posted her "political hit list" on her Facebook account. It is a list that includes 17 Democrats in Congress who her political action committee will work to defeat in the November elections. It's not the list that is disturbing, it's the fact that she used gun crosshairs on a map detailing who she wants ousted.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “What we want to be sure is that people know that these threats have no place in our country.”


Lakendra Mitchell 8th period said...

Oh my gosh just because people don't like that the Democrats voted for the healthcare reform bill doesn't mean that they need to die. The people that are sending them death threats and doing vandalism should be ashame of themselves because this is ridiculous. Grow up the answer is not to threaten other peoples lives just because it did not go the way you wanted it to.

Sarah Steinmeier Period 8 said...

While citizens may not agree with a piece of legislation, this opinion gives them no right whatsoever to behave in such rash and inappropriate manners. The disappointment of the American people with their representatives should and will be evident this coming November, but at the present time there is little that the citizens can do to express their disapproval other than writing placid letters explaining their respective positions. Violence and threats are never an acceptable way to express political disenchantment.

Joshua Harvill 8 said...

It can only be expected that certain groups of people will be angry when major reform is passed. The people who are acting out in anger and violence most likely feel as if their voice is not being heard by their representatives. The passing of the health care bill was hardly put to public opinion. I'm not necessarily saying it should not have been put into effect, but public opinion should be a greater factor is congress's decision making. In the end, violence should never be the reaction, but lawmakers could have prevented (at least some) it with more public auditing of what is going on on capital hill.

Anonymous said...

As much as someone really disagrees with something (especially with this health bill), I don't think that death threats are going to fix anything. It's obvious that lots of people are not happy with this bill, but I think that what those people are doing (like throwing bricks in the window) are really not necessary. There is nothing wrong with showing disapproval with something, it's perfectly legal. But when it comes to endangering someone's life, I think it's a not right to show disapproval like that.

jocelynkennedy3 said...

I think these threats speak so badly on part of the American public. The people who are doing the threatening are most likely misinformed and simply threatening based on other reasons. They have jumped on this oppurtunity and are taking it way too far. It makes me sad that we live in a country where people feel it necessary to use violence to express their opinions instead of words. I have been taught to refrain from speaking when I can't think of anything nice to say so I will not even comment on Sarah Palin's actions.

JamesD'Cruz3 said...

The people are speaking out. Americans feel they are being oppressed and may very well do something about it. The government should fear the people.

LaneLewis3 said...

Its understandable that people are extremely angry about the health bill. Alot of people are. But seriously people? This is AMERICA. You have the right to expresion and all. But CHILL. Vandalism and death threats arent going to fix a single thing. It will actually slow them down. So lets all stop being two year olds, and follow the law.

Laura Xu 8th said...

I think that it is a bit ridiculous that death threats are being made toward Representatives. I realize that there are many who do not agree with the recently passed Health Care Bill; however, they should not resort to threats and vandalism. Representatives should not have to fear for their lives simply because of a decision they made. As for Palin's "hit list," well, it's a nice way for her to get some more attention.

NatalieChapman1 said...

As a nation that is supposed to be united, this shows how broken our country has become. It is sad that we cannot inforce a new bill that is supposed to help everyone in our country without getting death threats or increasingly divide us. Violence is never the answer and especially when it is against eachother. We need to make agreements to insure the betterment of our country and not find ways the further rip us apart.

Abigail Nebb said...

I think its extremely sad that people no longer respect others view points> We as americans are granted certain freedoms that dont apply to just one group, it applies to everyone.

katie.pattillo8 said...

Thats pretty scary. People need to calm down, threatning these people wont change a thing.

TheresaTokar3 said...

obviously actions speak louder than words unless the words have to do with death or money .

SOC3 said...

This is a bit scary. Mainly for those being threatened but also just to think that there are those inside America as well as outside that are at lest willing to make threats of violence towards our political leaders. Whether those sending these threats are just doing it for the thrill or if they actuuall y have the intent to follow through isnt sure, but its still a bit worrysome none the less.

KateKobza8 said...

It's understandable that many people are upset with the health care bill, however, violence and threats aren't the answer.

JoshGarcia1 said...

Really. Come on people these acts get nothing done except for make you look childish. Little children throw things and draw pictures. There are real things you can do if you just put some effort into it instead of trying to be a bully and scare people who have there own personal security. I just dont understand the thought process of these people, maybe its because there is no thought, these are just impulsive acts.

ClaySmith3rd said...

Although I disagree with the health care bill, it is not my, nor anyone's place to make death threats and vandalize representative's property. In a republic, disagreements should be made in a civilized manner.

wilsonvillegas8 said...

It doesn't seem like anyone is completely satisfied with this bill. I don't think people should be killed over it though. I guess this is what happens when you have a partisan bill. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the people making threats are registered democrats, however.

Yashvi Shashtri 8th period said...

This is just crazy. I don't think vandalizing is going to solve the problems these people have with the bill.

zakarybalderas4th said...

This is crazy. What is wrong with some people? What will killing people over this bill really solve, It might turn Obama into a martyr considering these are real threats and not drunk redneck idiots with nothing better to do. It doesnt really matter what you think of Obama or other supporters of his bill, killing them would only throw America into far deeper levels of chaos. What sort of sadistic moron would want that.

WendyKissko1st said...

The Democratic Party should realize that a decision this big is not celebrated by everyone, and some people are genuinely angry. Some uprising should be expected, although that doesn't mean it is permissible by any means. If people want to change the situation or voice their opinions, there are definitely other ways to do so.

DanielleBeltran4 said...

The people making these threats against members of congress are acting like impudent children. I agree that there are some valid draw backs to the new health care bill, but i also know that no plan is perfect. Instead of acting like adults about their loss, the republican party leaders (such as sarah palin) are encouraging blind hatred of congress members who were simply enacting their right to their opinion and vote. Since no republicans voted for the bill these this hate is all aimed at democrats. These threats reflect poorly on the entire republican party, and makes their reasonable concerns about the health care bill seem eccentric and infantile.

phillipcammack3 said...

Palin's "hit list"? Everyone with even a little integrity knows that is the list you aren't supposed to show to the public.

DavidHinojosa4 said...

This is ridiculous really these people are helping run this country and here they are acting like kids. Come one people grow up, yea the bill passed but all this ruckus is not going to change a thing. What they need to do is threaten to drop all the people doing these unnecessary if caught and remove them from power. We live in a new day and age but really fighting with someone over "facebook" is dumb grow up don't act like most of the dumb teens who fight by cybering.

KatieRoberson8thPd. said...

this is such a new and important issue being reformed that it would have been a miracle if the dems got off without some form of harassment. But as soon as this becomes more and more familiar with the public I believe the threats will deteriorate. Someone will Always have some issue with an important decision like this, but that's just politics.

Katie Beth Gallagher 1 said...

It's really crazy that threats are showing up now. I mean I know a lot of people are really upset with the reforms and where they think the government is heading but vandalism and threats really aren't going to solve anything. If people are that upset with the government then they should be constructive and join politics to make a difference, not threaten politicians now. If you have the time and energy to make threats then you should try using that energy to make a difference if you think a change needs to be made.

Austin Jung 8th period said...

This is horrible. Just because you don't support something doesn't give you the right to threaten the people who do. Extreme conservatives need to calm down, the bill being passed is a good thing for the country, and they need to realize that the country is in good hands before they act this way. Most of the people who are freaking out probably don't even know what the bill says or will change about the health care system.

madisonmelvin1 said...

Majority of Americans disagree with the new healthcare law but making threats to kill them? That's just going too far. How bad does that look on us that we are trying to kill each other over a law? I don't like the bill personally but making threats over their lives is just not the answer.

AlexandriaPerez3 said...

This is ridiculous.even though this happened recently these people need to get over it they really think all these threats n vandalism is going to get rid of the bill,probably not,itd already passed its way to late for that non sense.this so called "One nation under god" didnt even listen to the people so in away they should expect all this anger towards them.

CaitlinCampagna4 said...

Threatening political officials is crossing the line. By some officials voting, or not voting, for health care reform they are expressing in their own opinion what they believe is best for our country and should not be punished for it.

Jamila said...

These threats are going way too far by threatening members of congress, the senate and their family members. Not only is it against our system of government, but it is unethical to threaten to hurt someone just because you don't agree with legislation they voted for. And shame on the pundits and Republican leader who are inciting violence. Leaders are supposed to be models of how to uphold the democracy, not the crazy people putting gun cross hairs over the names of Democratic elected officials, and yelling "baby killer!" at Democratic congressmen on the floor of the House.

Mario Parras-8th said...

they have the right to be concerned about their own safety. even though many people didn't like the passing ofthe bill, politicians have to take care of their safety

JakeShelby1 said...

So, I didn't agree so much with the passing of this bill. But, at least I have the ability to settle the differences and move on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not naive enough to think that nothing wrong will come of this. The truth is: we all will face the repercussions of this move, but the acts of violence portrayed in this article will only make matters worse. We will just have to roll with the punches and take a step back to analyze our own personal situations. Then, we can all move on (hopefully) by taking whatever necessary actions need be taken inorder to restore our lives to what they once were.

JakeShelby1 said...

So, I didn't agree so much with the passing of this bill. But, at least I have the ability to settle the differences and move on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not naive enough to think that nothing wrong will come of this. The truth is: we all will face the repercussions of this move, but the acts of violence portrayed in this article will only make matters worse. We will just have to roll with the punches and take a step back to analyze our own personal situations. Then, we can all move on (hopefully) by taking whatever necessary actions need be taken inorder to restore our lives to what they once were.