Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Houston Businessman Supports ALL Local Republican Candidates

Bob Perry can't lose.

The Houston homebuilder was the single largest contributor to both Lubbock Republican primary races fighting to a close this week.

To both sides of both races.

Perry gave $20,000 each to Lubbock accountant Charles Perry - no relation - and business owner John Frullo.

He gave $15,000 to their opponents, Rep. Delwin Jones, R-Lubbock, and former Texas Tech regent Mark Griffin.

"He's the biggest donor to each of the statewide republicans, and he's working his way down the ladder, I guess, trying to be a donor in favor with every candidate," said Craig McDonald, director of the Austin-based government watchdog group Texans for Public Justice. "Looks like, in the Lubbock area, he's covering his bases."

Anthony Holm, Bob Perry's spokesman, said the donor had no comment.

The contributions to the District 84 race accounted for more than half of Frullo's more than $35,000 in reported fundraising, and about 17 percent of Griffin's more than $90,000.

House District 83 challenger Perry could trace more than 30 percent of his more than $64,000 in donations to the Houston homebuilder. And Perry remained the biggest donor in a crowded field to incumbent Jones's $121,000 war chest.

Perry's no novice at politics. The Texas Ethics Commission reports more than $22.6 million in donations associated with his name since 2000.

He was the top individual contributor in the nation in the 2004 and 2006 federal election cycles, and remained the top individual donor for Texas state races, mostly to Republicans, McDonald said.

"He's far and away the biggest Republican candidate's sugar daddy in the state of Texas," McDonald said.


Holly Myrick 1 said...

It seems like a fair way to show how you support that specific party. But, it also seems to be a waste of money, seeming that it would be more logical to support the candidate he feels would be the best for the role for which the candidate is running for. Either way, I suppose the fact that he is showing his political spirit is what counts.

Brickland Easton said...

I support Perry's decision making. Like the article says, he can't lose. Like Mr. Perry, the teacher - no relation - said, winning elections comes down to the amount of money a candidate raises. Perry is laying the foundation for a candidate to build on, and that doesn't hinder the campaign process, it makes it healthier.

andrearamirez8th said...

Perry has lots of money to give out to these political candidates. I guess if you want his support, you better be a republican.

MaggieJordan4 said...

This article goes back to the issue of who is ultimately being represented. In this case, it is one wealthy houston homebuilder. A good question might be why one person is allowed to donate such a large amount of money. By donating, Bob Perry is perfectly capable of changing an election to favor the candidate he supports. He already chose to support all republicans therefore swinging the vote from the beginning. Something seems a little unfair in all of this.

Marissa Castillo 3 said...

I love what McDonald had to say about him, "He's far and away the biggest Republican candidate's sugar daddy in the state of Texas,". Thats a huge deal and a lot of money. He definately has a side on things, Republican! I wouldnt doubt that he has lived in the south for a long time and has ancestors from the south because it seems to me that it is about tradition, he is keeping the republican candidate on top here.

Fernando Salazar 3rd said...

Wow. That is all I can say. I believe this is so representative of what we are talking about in class right now. I mean lets face it, a Republican is going to win the local races, so whoever wins is going to have a favor due to Perry, a favor which may cost Lubbockites.

Anabel Reid 4 said...

I don't see a problem with this. It may cause some problems for Mr. Perry down the line, but it's his money and he can spend it how he likes.

TheresaTokar3 said...

Bob Perry knows how to invest in a party, but does he even care the slightest bit about the runners values and their plans of action or is it just to keep Texas Republican?

Anonymous said...

I think its nice that he supports Texas Republicans. hut he should choose one person to support instead of supporting both.

Jader11 said...

This guy is all for republicans. By the amount of donations he has made, he will donate anything to make sure a republican wins.

Jader11 said...

Perry is all for the Republicans. It's a little unfair that he gives a big donation just to make sure a Republican wins. Z

Katie Beth Gallagher 1 said...

I think it's good that he's sharing his money with candadites and finding ways to help but i think that if he's giving money to a candidate as well as his opponent, he's not supporting any one cause and isn't helping any one candidate to win. He's just spreading around money. I guess to the candidate it doesnt matter if he has Bob Perry's full support, just his money.

EthanEarl3 said...

He just sounds like an extremely sleazy guy. Technically, I don't think he's breaking any laws, but I don't think it's right that he's allowed to do this. You know that when any sort of homebuilding or property regulation comes up in the state legislature, he has a major say in it because he contributes so much. It makes me wonder how effective a law saying that you can only donate to candidates in your own district would be.

jocelynkennedy3 said...

This guy is ridiculous! Sure, it's great for all those he supports and great for his business but really? Wouldn't buying himself some huge billboards and advertising which party he stands for be a little less expensive? (not to mention obnoxious!) When will this man start turning down people? I mean, more power to him, since it is his money, but good luck keeping up with that paper trail too.

AllieHogan8 said...

I think this is kind of a strange thing to do. Giving that much money to every Republican candidate seems pretty outrageous. Supporting every candidate means that, more than likely, he doesn't even know each candidates' policies and stance.

Ksenia Kolesnikova 8th period said...

I believe Perry needs to pick one Republican to support instead of every single one that's running for office. He can't possibly please every one of the candidates.

LaneLewis3 said...

I think this is total bull. After all the contribution talk and expose going on durring class, ive become extra suspicious of donations. I think this guy is just trying to hedge his bets, get all his bases covered, dont say anything incriminating, and ride the wave of whatever good comes out of it. Even if thats not the case, he should have made a statement saying as such. Politics at its worst.

KateKobza8 said...

Perry uses all his money to influence the republican candidates. However, he's smart enough to donate money to both candidates, so he's always with the winning side.

Eric said...

Perry is securing his political control in the Lubbock region by financing all the Republican candidates. Perry has a foothold in every candidates bank account and therefore, their political power.

NikiParikh8 said...

Mr. Bob Perry who was born near Waco is a graduate of Baylor University. He is a home builder. His company is Perry Homes and has annual revenue in excess of four hundred million dollars. He is affiliated with the Republican Party and has made contribution to Republican Party candidates and the conservative issues. His contributions and affiliations attack democratic candidates locally and nationally.
The difference is that this time he is contributing to a campaign of multiple republican candidates. Why does he have interest in Lubbock politics? He may not have ulterior motive, but the question does arise as to why?
He is supporting both candidates running for the same seat so that he will have supported the winning candidate no matter who wins. Thus, he will have a “voice” in the government, which is a very smart business decision and 50% return on the investment. Not bad!!!

tejshri gohel 8th said...

Perry must be pretty generous to give so many donations. that's pretty nice of him.

Joseph Waugh, 8th said...

It looks like Texas found one of the reasons it is still Republican based....their getting all the money. I wonder if the elections would be different if it were the Democrats that Perry was sending the money too.

CaitlinCampagna4 said...

Bob Perry just wants to be on the in with the Republican Party. I guess $22.6 million dollars in donations within ten years is the way to do.

clarissabaker3 said...

Its the same game everyone else plays. I personally think that money could be put to better use and probably be more effective donated somewhere else.

AlexandriaPerez3 said...

Bob Perry has a very well planned strategy.even though it seems that he doesnt care about their views and only cares about the fact that they are republicans.

AaronHays4 said...

Hedging his bets, not a bad strategy. He split his power tokens between both candidates, but which does he endorse?

Austin Jung 8th period said...

Well I guess if this guy's got the money it's not a bad move. No matter who wins, he will have given them some money. His opinions will definitely be represented by somwone or other because of this

BrittanyBurks 8th said...

I find it interesting that this article refers to perry as the sugar daddy for the republican party. The amount of money that perry gives away is astonishing to me.

Alejandro Figueroa 8th period said...

haha keep giving money to the ignorant conservatives of this corrupt's exactly what we need...

RafaelZamora8 said...

I believe that it is unfortunate that the political system is controlled so totally by money. I also dont think that perry should get eleced or be such a shoe in just because of the amount of money that he has or donates.

JakeShelby1 said...

I think we need more people like this in our communities, and nation for that matter-someone who's willing to play both sides of the board and contribute to all parties without discrimination. Now even though Perry did not comment on his generosity, I'm willing to bet that he sees all the candidates fit to represent us well in Austin.

wilsonvillegas8 said...

Seems like we could save some of that money for something better. It seems like money shapes policy more than actual voting does.