Wednesday, April 14, 2010


One of my favorite Uncle Jay episodes...EVER!


Joseph Waugh, 8th said...

Well, I know what I'm going to be when i grow up :) Joseph Waugh, Congressman from (insert state to which i will be living in during this time). SOUNDS WONDERFUL.

andrearamirez8th said...

hahaha! Congress Never works, or at least to Uncle Jay they don't haha i see the word recess as a whole another meaning ha funny video

Marissa Castillo 3 said...

Hahhahaha best current event post by far. That was a lot of red "x's" What do we elect them for again? lol

Brian Fuentes 8th. said...

dude you should put up more videos. That was really funny.

Anabel Reid 4 said...

Hahah! Very Funny! And.... VERY true!

Higgins C.D. said...

wow, i wish i had that many day off every year. i should run for my seat when the next elections roll around.

KateKobza8 said...

Haha, oh, the demanding lifestyle of congress. How they cope with all those days of recess, we will never know.

Brickland Easton said...

Seems to me like Congress needs to take another month off to think about why they have so many days off...

I understand that being part of Congress can be a grueling task, but, seriously? Why does one of the most important jobs in the country have so many "District Work Days?" And are they really going back home to their district? Do your job in Washington, that's why we put you there.

NatalieChapman1 said...

This video I an amazing eye opener to what and when the congressmen do their jobs. They were elected to go work for the people, and they don't even work as much ad they do. I hope that when they are at work they accomplish many things because I don't know how they could get much done with all of their "recesses."

MaggieJordan4 said...

It's videos like these that make me proud to be an american. It's a cool video because it shows the realistic side of congress. My favorite comment was probably the one about uncle jays money paying for congress' air fare to go home so often. If only it was funny enough to hide the fact that it's completely true.

MaggieJordan4 said...

It's videos like these that make me proud to be an american. It's a cool video because it shows the realistic side of congress. My favorite comment was probably the one about uncle jays money paying for congress' air fare to go home so often. If only it was funny enough to hide the fact that it's completely true.

SOC3 said...

Oh my goodness! haha that was great!
I actually didn't realize how much "work" congressmen have to do. Haha this was actually really informative all joking aside. i really didn't know how many recess's they take.

Yudi Zhang 4th said...

recess, dayoff, and

TheresaTokar3 said...

"Recess", the publics' expression in the reviling of this is most likely anger, but in mine, i give them kudos for being very creative.

lauravillalobos1 said...

I have just decided what I want to be when I grow up, thanks Uncle Jay :) in all seriousness though, that amount of "recess" is ridiculous... I never would have known that Congress play more than they work, but I guess that should've been more obvious... ahem.

Alejandro Figueroa 8th period said...

Our government is truly pathetic. I love this guy, he is criticizing beautifully. This country needs to make a lot of changes and eliminate the lazy idiots that have a leadership role in this nation

ClaudiaTorres1 said...

I think it is rediculous that we are paying our tax dollars for these so called "congressman" to go to "work" or should i just call it a payed vacation. I just think our whole government system is so corrupt, when we think they are in the office trying to think of ways to makes our lives in America better, they are just out fooling around.

Anonymous said...

That made my evening...and made me even more discouraged in our government. Remind me why we elect these people to us constituents?

And now I understand why Congress accomplishes nothing so often. Thanks, Uncle Jay.

JacobKirksey8 said...

To be fair, I think congress does deserve as much time off as they actually get, because, I think that if they were allowed to remain in session for any longer, the country would...BLOW UP! However, I do not believe that congressmen use their allocated time very wisely. For example, if one was allowed time to revisit the "homeland," then that congressperson should be doing some serious good. ( public fundraisers for worthy causes, helping the elderly, aiding the area in ways in desperately needs) But, as we see, this is often not the case...sad.

Jader11 said...

This is interesting. He does have a good point about all of this though.

Anonymous said...

wow.. my favorite blog so far! lol uncle jay makes our congress seem so lazy and stupid! they make their job seem so hard and yet they have all this time off its pretty sad!

constanceschmitz-mousavi4 said...

I'd never heard of Uncle Jay before, but I'm glad I have now.
I find it extremely amusing that half the photos in the video could've come from Girls Gone Wild.
Also, I'm very jealous that their work "year" is basically the same amount of time as one of our grading periods. Just one.
Uncle Jay is more accurate than probably 1/3 of our news stations. I think we found Fox's replacement. =]

Anabel Reid 4 said...

This clip is hilarious. I think it shows just how much our congress men and women get in terms of "benefits", and how most of it is paid for by the people. Good clip.

Katharine Glasheen 3rd said...

haha. so glad this is a salaried position paid for by tax payers. (isnt it? now that i think about it, i don't really know how congressmen are paid). anyway, sounds like a great career maybe i'll consider politics after all.