Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nearly Half Pay No Income Tax

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Tax Day is a dreaded deadline for millions, but for nearly half of U.S. households it's simply somebody else's problem.

About 47 percent will pay no federal income taxes at all for 2009. Either their incomes were too low, or they qualified for enough credits, deductions and exemptions to eliminate their liability. That's according to projections by the Tax Policy Center, a Washington research organization.

Most people still are required to file returns by the April 15 deadline. The penalty for skipping it is limited to the amount of taxes owed, but it's still almost always better to file: That's the only way to get a refund of all the income taxes withheld by employers.

In recent years, credits for low- and middle-income families have grown so much that a family of four making as much as $50,000 will owe no federal income tax for 2009, as long as there are two children younger than 17, according to a separate analysis by the consulting firm Deloitte Tax.

Tax cuts enacted in the past decade have been generous to wealthy taxpayers, too, making them a target for President Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress. Less noticed were tax cuts for low- and middle-income families, which were expanded when Obama signed the massive economic recovery package last year.

The result is a tax system that exempts almost half the country from paying for programs that benefit everyone, including national defense, public safety, infrastructure and education. It is a system in which the top 10 percent of earners -- households making an average of $366,400 in 2006 -- paid about 73 percent of the income taxes collected by the federal government.

The bottom 40 percent, on average, make a profit from the federal income tax, meaning they get more money in tax credits than they would otherwise owe in taxes. For those people, the government sends them a payment.

"We have 50 percent of people who are getting something for nothing," said Curtis Dubay, senior tax policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation.

The vast majority of people who escape federal income taxes still pay other taxes, including federal payroll taxes that fund Social Security and Medicare, and excise taxes on gasoline, aviation, alcohol and cigarettes. Many also pay state or local taxes on sales, income and property.

That helps explain the country's aversion to taxes, said Clint Stretch, a tax policy expert Deloitte Tax. He said many people simply look at the difference between their gross pay and their take-home pay and blame the government for the disparity.

"It's not uncommon for people to think that their Social Security taxes, their 401(k) contributions, their share of employer health premiums, all of that stuff in their mind gets lumped into income taxes," Stretch said.

The federal income tax is the government's largest source of revenue, raising more than $900 billion -- or a little less than half of all government receipts -- in the budget year that ended last Sept. 30. But with deductions and credits, especially for families with children, there have long been people who don't pay it, mainly lower-income families.

The number of households that don't pay federal income taxes increased substantially in 2008, when the poor economy reduced incomes and Congress cut taxes in an attempt to help recovery.

In 2007, about 38 percent of households paid no federal income tax, a figure that jumped to 49 percent in 2008, according to estimates by the Tax Policy Center.

In 2008, President George W. Bush signed a law providing most families with rebate checks of $300 to $1,200. Last year, Obama signed the economic recovery law that expanded some tax credits and created others. Most targeted low- and middle-income families.

Obama's Making Work Pay credit provides as much as $800 to couples and $400 to individuals. The expanded child tax credit provides $1,000 for each child under 17. The Earned Income Tax Credit provides up to $5,657 to low-income families with at least three children.

There are also tax credits for college expenses, buying a new home and upgrading an existing home with energy-efficient doors, windows, furnaces and other appliances. Many of the credits are refundable, meaning if the credits exceed the amount of income taxes owed, the taxpayer gets a payment from the government for the difference.

"All these things are ways the government says, if you do this, we'll reduce your tax bill by some amount," said Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

The government could provide the same benefits through spending programs, with the same effect on the federal budget, Williams said. But it sounds better for politicians to say they cut taxes rather than they started a new spending program, he added.

Obama has pushed tax cuts for low- and middle-income families and tax increases for the wealthy, arguing that wealthier taxpayers fared well in the past decade, so it's time to pay up. The nation's wealthiest taxpayers did get big tax breaks under Bush, with the top marginal tax rate reduced from 39.6 percent to 35 percent, and the second-highest rate reduced from 36 percent to 33 percent.

But income tax rates were lowered at every income level. The changes made it relatively easy for families of four making $50,000 to eliminate their income tax liability.

Here's how they did it, according to Deloitte Tax:

The family was entitled to a standard deduction of $11,400 and four personal exemptions of $3,650 apiece, leaving a taxable income of $24,000. The federal income tax on $24,000 is $2,769.

With two children younger than 17, the family qualified for two $1,000 child tax credits. Its Making Work Pay credit was $800 because the parents were married filing jointly.

The $2,800 in credits exceeds the $2,769 in taxes, so the family makes a $31 profit from the federal income tax. That ought to take the sting out of April 15.


Sarah Steinmeier Period 8 said...

Regardless of an individual's position on the federal income tax brackets, it is evident that the system needs some sort of reform.In this economy, the government's decision to cut taxes instead of directly spending the revenue it is turning down has only resulted in marginal change. The more effective way to deliver money to the economy is to spend it directly and avoid personal savings; however, these popular tax cuts are placing burdens on the wealthy and giving the poor a relatively painless ride.

LucianoAguero8 said...

People are starting to play the system, and win. Tax breaks and payment to families that have made enough to live in America is a great thing.

JasonWilkes3 said...

I understand why people need tax relief. I do not understand why the government spends so much money without ever seeming to consider how we are going to pay for it. If the government didn't spend all the money, taxes wouldn't be as high and the average joe would have more money to spend. What is so difficult to understand about that?

KatieRoberson8thPd. said...

Good for Obama for making the wealthy pay up. I'm all for tax cuts to a certain extent, but it comes down to the fact that our taxes pay for the men and women who educate and protect our country. Sure "tax cut" sounds great to the masses, but if the current administration becomes too extravagant, it may hurt the country more than it helps.

Joshua Harvill 8 said...

I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with the current tax system. It is just most often not executed correctly. If you have more, you pay more. It makes sense. I think it is humerous that people complain that they made more money because they have to pay more taxes. At the end of the day, They still made more money. I do believe a little more taxes should be distributed to the extremely wealthy. The middle class is carrying the great majority of the heft and it would be nice to see a lightening of that load.

TaylorMiller1 said...

This tax system won't work for long. Its not giving equal treatment to people according to their income, it is just allowing too many people to slip through the cracks but they are still getting "compensated" for nothing? Come on..

AmandaOlivarez3 said...

In the end, paid or not paid everyone pulls the weight of other people's failures.

timothyyoes4 said...

I think that this sounds pretty fair in theory, but does it actually work out that way? I believe that for the families this works out great and i find it as a comforting tax for most of those who tend to worry about income taxes.

DavidHinojosa4 said...

Everyone who works should be entitled to pay some type of taxes thats just paying your fair share. People need to realize the government needs money to fund all the social programs and help the country grow. People who don't work or just don't contribute to society should not get any money back from the government. All they are doing is just taking up oxygen space and making others who do work help pay for them and then some. As long as you live in this country do something don't just sit around. Taxes should be paid by everyone unless you are over the age of 65 and retired or just disabled in some type of way.

phillipcammack3 said...

I'm one of the Americans that didn't have to pay income tax! Yay!

Yudi Zhang 4th said...

i think it's necessary to have tax cuts for low and middle income families and tax increase for high income families. Though tax increases for high income families, they don't realy care about the increase part amout of money. However, the tax cuts can make a huge difference for low and middle income families.

JamesD'Cruz3 said...

I personally think this is ridiculous. the government will get its money either way.this just means they are one step closer to a value added tax which could lead to us paying a 25% sales tax on certain items.

Stephen Garcia_3rd said...

I feel that everybody should pay an equal percentage of their income to federal taxes, and if anybody gets a tax break, then everybody should. That's the only way that everyone is treated equally and fairly, and if anybody whines about it, that's their problem.

Mario Parras-8th said...

Most people just do their taxes like they are required to do every year, they just try to do it on time...and if they are lucky, they don't have to owe anything

SamanthaDeLaCerda3 said...

I agree with Obama.I think we should tax the wealthy more but not excessively so

DanielleBeltran4 said...

Since I don't pay taxes this article isn't really relatable. What really shocked me though, was the amount of people who don't pay taxes. From what i've heard from others, individuals making a lot of money also get a lot of tax breaks. Which if this is true, leaves me wondering why the middle class is having to bare the burden? (again what i've been told could be totally wrong) It seems to me that the government should start worrying about the middle class as well. While i understand the need to hold back taxing those who can least afford it, i don't think we should throw money at them, it doesn't really help those that need it, and it's way to easy to take advantage of that system.

JoshGarcia1 said...

Taxes taxes taxes. some people get money back and some people have to pay a lot. I think it is all messed up and needs to be redone but i know that will never happen and there is just too many people who have a say in how it is set up and nobody these days can agree on anything so i say leave it as it is because the world is going to end in 2012 so im not going to worry about it too much. or should i?..... naw the world will end its ok.

RobertDuran4 said...

I do not think that people should be able to make a profit off of income tax credits. I think that there should still be tax credits, but there should be fewer and harder to get.

ChrisJohnston3 said...

Well I personally think not having to pay taxes would be very convenient for me.