Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dems (Congress) Attack Obama on Libya


KaylinSmallwood2 said...

Personally to me I think that he is right, If we dont have enough money to even put home heating in homes in part of America we shouldnt be worried about what the other countries are doing we should be worried about what is happening here in the U.S. He makes a good point with the constitutuion and I for one completely back him up when he says that we have no right to go in and attack and spent yet another significant amount of money that the U.S. just cant afford.

Bo Wells oh2 said...

Nicely said. I must agree with the man being interviewed.. It's true that action must take place, but where do we draw the line? Medical/supply relief aid to the rebels? Or indeed go in full scale and-hey-while we're at it- drop an A bomb Here and there?

EvanDenton2 said...

Interesting how the nation seems to be at a stale-mate with this decision Obama made. I believe when you elect the president, you give him the power to make fast, informed decisions as such. Although it's not exactly constitutional, we can't argue whats been done, we have to move forward and make the best of what's already been laid ahead of us.

Audrey Allen 1 said...

I agree that the United States shouldn't be the policemen of the world. Our main priority should be providing for our own country, and that becomes more difficult to do with so much money going toward "policing". Also, we shouldn't put in effort toward Libya if effort can not be afforded to all other countries.

Cara Kasemsri 5th Period said...

I agree, Obama's actions are unconstitutional. He is also a hypocrite. Obama said himself that a president should not get involved unless there is an imminent threat, and so far there hasn't been. Obama did not get Congress's consent either. Obama should be focusing on domestic problems more than foreign.

ChrisCobos2nd said...

I think that the President should have reviewd with Congress before ordering a strike and communicated with the general people of the US of his actions and the reasons for them.

Celia Olascoaga 2nd said...

Representative Dennis Kucinich opposes President Obama's decision to send troops to Libya without permission from the congress because of the constitution, and he is right. It is not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with the President's decision or supporting Gaddafi's regime. But we all, including the President, need to follow the constitution and the laws, if we want to live in an authentic democracy. Wars involve human lives and money that belong to the country and for that reason the constitution rules the permission from the congress.