Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Lesson For Public Speakers

Last night, we witnessed an incredible moment in American political history.
Not only did a woman win the New Hampshire primary, but the woman was a former First Lady. In winning New Hampshire, she accomplished something that her husband could not do, twice.
This victory came on the heels of an African-American winning the Iowa Caucus. We have never seen a back to back situation like this ever in American political history.
To top all of that, Sen. Clinton came back from a double digit deficit in the polls to win. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, including her campaign itself, had her losing...and losing bad.

What follows is the 2nd place speech given by Sen. Barack Obama.
What I want you to take in is his ability to effectively deliver his message. This speech is being hailed as one of the best political speeches ever given on the national level. It appears to be completely off the cuff...although all politicians at this stage of the game have lived and breathed their "talking points" BUT...this is something special.
Again, regardless of the message itself, I want you to listen to the way in which the message is delivered.
For all of those out there that may aspire to a higher calling in public service, this is a great place to start!
Get out your note pad and start taking notes!

Now...let's compare that to the other parties 2nd place speech.
Do you see a difference?


savedraanjelica said...

Anjelica Savedra
9th grade
4th period
There is a difference in both speech one talks about being the troops home and the other talks about taxes. Barack Obama wants to make a difference in being the troops home and that the people need to speak there minds.
That it doesn;t make a difference what color you are or who you like but that we need to make a difference. Mitt Romney talks about how Washington trys to stop immigration and that they haven't but if he wins then he will make it happen. If one of the other candidates win then the taxes will go up and he won't to that. The things that Washington says about cahnge stuuf and has not done it but then he will and we need some body to go to Washington and change things around.

Stephen Perl 2nd said...

I think the fact that Hilary did a question and answer session instead of a speech helped her out. She answers questions a lot better than she can speak.

sarah lambert said...

all i have to say is, mitt romnet, if you ever happen to read this never say ummm, uhh, or i think. We don't want you to think we want you to know we want you to know. And Obama more power to you.
I know they will never read this.

Sarah Lambert
Human Geography AP 4
9th grade

AnjalieSchlaeppi06 said...

For the comparation I have just one word to say...


sarah richards 3rd period said...

Sarah Richards 3rd period

I don't think I have ever heard someone speak to a crowd like that before. Obama seemed like he was talking to you, not at you. He was able to let his opinions be known, but he delivered them in a way that made you agree with everything he said. He made me believe that he would really make great changes in the country if given the chance. Romney, on the other hand, seemed very flustered and caught off guard during his speech. He acted like he was accepting an Oscar! Also, he did not tell us why we should vote for him, he told us why not to vote for anyone else. To me, that's just weak. These two men's speeches are not even on the same level. Obama was composed and sure of himself, a trait most want in the leader of our country, where Romney was unsure.

clarahester3 said...

So after being captivated by Obama's speech, I could only stand to watch roughly half of Romney's. Obama delivers a passionate message from the very beginning. He interacts with crowd and responds to them genuinely. He really does create a sense of togetherness. By the end, I wanted to shout "Yes we can!" Following Obama, Romney's speech seemed irritably lighthearted.

GeoffreyNauert03 said...

Obama's speech is one of the best that I have seen in a while. He is definately a charismatic leader, and a very good orator. While Romney's speech was filled with things such as, "Uh, well, uh I would like to, um...well", Obama's speech was not only well planned but well executed as well. Unfortunately, I have not had a chance to research each candidate's views on each issue, but if the vote was over rhetoric, Obama would definitely have my vote.

Halil Fried- 3rd period said...

When I was first about to watch the two videos, to be honest I was not expecting much difference between the two. Obama has impeccable speaking/speech giving skills, which would be hard to replicate, but Romney's speech was too informal. It seems as though Romney is trying to copy Bush's "outgoing Christian style" (in his case, Mormon).

What America needs is to be taken seriously again. After the years Bush has been president, people from across the globe have looked at us in disgust. We must have a president elected that knows the boundary lines between being "too friendly." Barak Obama seems to be a good man, but still keeps a formality between him and his supporters. His speech was a perfect example of this.

On a side note, how many times did Romney repeat, "They've heard Washington say..." Come on now, we got the point!!

Millie Dorsett Period 3 said...

i think that Obama for sure spoke better than Romney. he had a way of talking to you, like you mattered and it was too you, and like sarah said, not at you. Romney was just pointing out the others "bad qualities" and nagging them, rather that telling you why you should vote for him. i thought that was stupid.

millie dorsett
human geography AP period 4
10th grade

Priscilla Davis said...

Obama presents himself in a completely different way than Romney. His speech seems much more personable, like you are having a conversation with just him. Unlike Romney's speech, Obama tried to connect with people, not just talk at them.

Priscilla Davis 12th grade
6th period government

HaileyHatcher3 said...

I must admit I'm already a Obama kind of gal, but I tried to keep an open mind when watching the two. Senator Obama's speech was well organized, delivered and received; which may lead to quite different primarys in the future. While Mitt Romney had a very "Bush-like" style, having to pause and recollect frequently. Romeny also made it a point to list past mistakes and other party's poor positions- what are you doing Mitt, not Hiliary. It may be taken as a "down-to-earth" speech, but at this point there really is no room for error. I also found it interesting that Obama was surrounded by supporters, and Mr. Romney had a good ol' fashioned 'Mitt' banner behind him.

BrandonChristophe06 said...

Obama's speech was much more effective than Romney's speech. The biggest factor that separated them was the general tone. Obama's positive and uplifting speech had you routing for him. On the other hand Romney listed several things wrong with the present state and whether or not his points were true they definitely were not something we have not heard. Which would you rather hear "Yes we can" or "No the didn't". Obama's fluid speech combined with his references to hope (Kennedy and the space race as well as King Jr. and civil rights) struck a chord with the listeners. A couple of times Romney made a "me against them" statement while Obama made a "we" statement. Obama's speech drastically overshadowed Romney's at every point. Now it is time to see if he can keep up the speeches and momentum.

Brandon Christophe
AP Government (7h)

Anonymous said...

Kasey Mohler
6th pd.

After watching both speeches Obama deserves the recognition he has recieved for his speech. He was very professional and presented his points in a very personable way. He seemed to have more of a reaction out of his audience than Romney. Romney seemed flustered and overwhelmed. They both had good points they addressed in their speeches, but the video proves that Obama clearly had a better speech.