What happened:
Hillary Clinton said a Democratic presidential ticket that included both her and Barack Obama “may, you know, be where this is headed,” and suggested that she would make the better candidate for the top of that ticket. Obama was cooler to the idea of a “Dream Ticket,” saying “it is premature to talk about a joint ticket . . . right now.” (ABC News)
What the commentators said before Tuesday’s primaries, the chances of a joint ticket were “somewhere between slim and none,” said Bonnie Erbe in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, but the idea looks more likely on the “morning after.” Clinton should get preference for top billing “on the basis of age," but “a reasonable price” for this concession would be to give Obama “responsibility for some major issue” and the chance to succeed her after just one term. If they can put aside “the massive issue of egos,” a Clinton-Obama ticket “could be unstoppable.” If they can’t, “there is the real possibility” that “neither one wins.”
A Clinton-Obama ticket would never fly, said Allahpundit in Hot Air. Clinton would loathe being “outshone by a vice president with ten times the appeal she has,” and Obama would never agree to “languish for eight years in a do-nothing job Hillary will only use to try to isolate him.” Besides, Obama is well positioned to be the “presumptive nominee next time” without being VP, and he’d be better off “taking the edge off that inexperience rap” by accomplishing things in the Senate.
Clinton doesn't really expect top billing—she's angling for the VP spot, said Justin Gardner at Donklephant. She knows she “can’t win this thing outright,” but she can force Obama to make her his running mate by threatening to keep bloodying him up with “her ‘kitchen sink’ strategy.” This gambit “makes even more sense” when you consider that as No. 2, Clinton can still “ride the Obama wave into the White House” the next time there’s an opening.
Obama has to accept “that Clinton has earned something” with her “millions of votes,” said Marc Ambinder in The Atlantic’s Current blog. And by adding her to his ticket, Obama would unite “both durable, distinct factions of the Democratic party” and run “full throttle” over John McCain. Obama knows he’s not “an executive,” but “Vice President Clinton” could be his de facto “prime minister, tending to Congress and health care reform and trade agreements” while he “travels and inspires and thinks.” Everyone wins, except maybe McCain.
It seems like Clinton would be the only one in favor of doing a joint ticket because thats the only way she can get into the white house. She's scared of defeat and she's going to try to get in ANY WAY she can. I'm all for Obama-&he can make it on his own.
Celesta Nave
10th grade
HuGeo 4
...This is hilarious. I thought this election year is going to be simple, Hillary wins, then that's all. I guess I was wrong. I am tired of it, already.
By: Liulinbo Yang 6th
I like Obama now that Ron Paul is out of the race, and I will end up voting for him most likely. I disdain Hillary and i would vote green party if she were to win. So she should just give up, or else she could lose some democratic votes and give McCain and others a better chance. Obama needs to be the nominee, and if he wins the nomination he will win the election. I don't even like the idea of Hillary as a vice president, but i guess its not the worst that could happen.
I believe that a Clinton/Obama would be a very influential force against McCain but there is the major problem of their egos, neither one want to succumb to the others wills, but in doing so they only strain their parties’ chances of winning.
Abigail Ham
4th period
It's a little early to decide which name comes first on the ballot. Clinton's a little desperate, methinks.
As much as I hate to say it, I think Obama's not going to get to be the candidate. I would much rather have him instead of Hillary. But if I was eighteen and had to choose between Hillary and McCain, I would choose Hillary.
I agree when they say that if they put aside the egos, the ticket can be unstoppable. I think Clinton can win this thing outright. But then you never know. There are a lot of backstabbing in politics. 2000-2008 was a Republican Era, but I believe that the next few years will be a Democratic Era.
Jiaqi Niu
HuGeo 4th
10th Grade
2nd period
obama and clinton, definitely unstoppable....but i dont think hilary will take vp. i think she wants it all and if she cant have it, she doesnt want any of it. she has to much pride and wont just accept the loss. if she stays in the race it can only hurt the democratic party....by accepting vp, everyone will be happy and obama will be the next president. to tell you the truth though, i dont like hilary much, and i personally dont want her in the white house.....maybe thats just me.
Annie Henderson
4th HuGeoAP
Well, If i was old enough to vote, I'd sit this election out.
But I think that Clinton and Obama wouldn't do too great working together. There are too many pride issues. It just wouldn't be productive. I think it's a bad idea.
Luke D'Cunha
Period 2, Government
I think that it would be weird for either one to be vice-president. I can imagine them both as president, because both have that kind of character, I think. Also, Clinton seems to really dislike Obama, and I don't think that they can work together well.
I just hope the Democrats can unite before it is too late. Joint ticket seems like it would do the trick to me.
It would be pretty cool if Clinton and Obama joined forces. I don't know how they'd work out who gets which spot though, cause it seems like neither really wants to take back seat.
I'm pretty sure the Obauma-Hilary ticket would be practicaly unstoppable but also i don't see neither one setting aside the egos. If there's one thing for sure, its that i do love the sound of OBAMATON!!! That sounds awsome.
Marisa Ybarra
2nd period
After the discusion in class and all the things that I have heard people say it would be a better idea for Clinton and Obama to make a joint ticket. I've so many people say that if one of them doesn't get the nominee then they're just going to vote for McCain, and I don't think that I or the rest of country can handle another republican in office. This joint ticket would just result in a McCain eating machine and the would result with a democratic white house and a guaranteed nomination for the VP so for someone its a win win situation. They need to go ahead and join together already.
Brandon Christophe
A joint ticket is definitely appealing however, I think that Obama as vice president definitely appeals to Clinton (obviously because she'd be President) because his support can help her tie up some ends of the more moderate aspects of the country that she does not necessarily attract. Obama has no reason to buy into this now that he maintains his delegate lead and is the projected winner in Wyoming.
An Obama/Clinton ticket might not be the wisest move for Obama though. It is true he needs a person with experience to offset his qualities but that person should not necessarily be Clinton due to her absurdly polarizing nature and her uncanny ability to repel moderate republicans and independents.
The argument that Clinton should be on top because of age is plainly stupid. Hopefully Bonnie Erbe was referring to experience which is a bit of a myth since since Obama has had over 20 years in public service/office. Although a joint ticket is very appealing to democrats I think it's imperative that we remember it is not only the democrats who the democratic ticket should be attracting.
i think the idea of a joint ticket sounds ideal in ensuring a democratic victory. however, i'm skeptical as to whether either candidate would be willing to step down and run as vp.
i definitely agree with liz, a joint ticket sounds nice.... especially with obama as president.
obamaton 08 fo sho
Anjelica Savedra
4th period
9th grade
I think that Obama is going to be President and Hillary Clinton should be VP. The "Join Ticket" to me i think that they should not join but then i think they should because they would be powerful. Hillary Clinton knows that she can't beat Obama, but if he doesn't join she will keep going. I think that John McCain is not going to win but right now he still the one that is know.
i think that this joint ticket thing is ridiculous. if hilary wins, and she offers him VP, then obama will take it. If Obama wins, and offers hilary it, then i think hilary will decline cause she couldn't handle working under him, with her ego. but yeah, i thought it was funny when the reporter was talking about hilary's "isolating" obama, and just the egos.
millie dorsett
period 4 human geo
10th grade
Egos play such a big role in politics. It's disgusting. In the ideal world, if fame didn't matter, I think a Clinton-Obama ticket would have happened a long time ago. What could be better? He has the popularity; she has the experience. Together they have everything to make up the ideal democratic candidate. I just don't know if it's realistic at this point. I want to hear their thoughts on the subject, and I want to hear it from them.
Tara Viswanathan
2nd period
I don't know if my other post went through, so I'll type it up again.
Egos play such a big role in politics. It's disgusting. In the ideal world, a Clinton-Obama ticket would result in the perfect democratic nomination. He has the popularity; she has the experience. It really is the way to the top for the democrats. I want to know what they think on the subject, but I want to hear it straight from them.
Tara Viswanathan
2nd Period
I think that regardless of whether or not it would actually be effective & work out in the end, a clinton-obama/obama-clinton ticket would get loads of votes.
Either one would certainly capture mine.
Samantha Gunaratna
Although I think a joint Clinton-Obama ticket would be more likely to beat McCain than just one of the candidates with another possible VP, I cannot see Clinton or Obama being satisfied with taking the back seat as VP. Personally, I would rather see Hilary tone down the ego, accept that she has a smaller chance of beating Obama, and (if Obama wanted her) join him as his VP; at this point, however, I don't think that will happen.
This conflict, like all things, can be resolved with a duel.
Clinton! Obama! Draw your swords and fight. If you can't win over each other's enormous support with words and ideology, surely a test of physical prowess will allow us to know, once and for all, who is on top. We'll do it deathmatch-style, a fight to the death, that is. Best two out of three. And when you're done, the winner will be crowned, and the runner-up will gain the spot as vice president. And hey, if you guys are fierce enough in your duel, you might sway the middle-of-the-roaders to your side, too. Few people would be willing to support McCain after seeing the dazzling swordsmanship of the Democrats. It's a win-win situation.
(Except for the candidate that gets killed. Twice.)
I believe that this idea of combining forces would be the best thing for the democratic party. However, this is only an idea, I do not believe that these two powerhouse candidates can resolve their issues to band together. Event if they did their rule would be marked by conflict.
Definately Obomaton!!
i personally think hilary clinton is insane..and would much rather see Oboma in office (if we have a democratic president). Oboma would enforce more of his own ideals, and hopefully keep a tight leash on clinton!!
What would be the consequences of a double ticket? 2 President? Or is it the president and the vice president who are running together?
Personally, I would like Clinton to win... But with the realatively big advance of Obama, I guess it's not going to happend. But we are in a win-win situation with those two guys... There is no "bad guy". McCain could be the "bad guy" but the is not that bad.
It's nice to have a long and interessing race for once. For me it is really interesting to understand the strange American way to elect teir president and to be able to tell my parents and my family.
I think that a joint ticket would be a good idea because I think that it will unite voters. If Obama won and made Hillary vice I think that more people would vote democratic instead of vice versa. Obama is clearly the top runner so if a joint ticket does happen I think it will be Obamaton.
Lindsay Huffhines
I think it would be a bad move for Obama to settle as Hillary's VP if it panned out liked that. He still has potential, and could possibly run again. Obama being VP would overshadow Hillary's power. It would be harder for him to pass the legislation he wanted with her in power. It would be better for him to wait and run again. On the other hand, it would be good for Hillary to have Obama, just from the view that it would be easier to beat McCain. I think that together, they could really sweep the votes. I also think that they probably don't have such awful egos that everyone assumes they do. We only see them on televised debates, where the point is to provide a clash with eachother, to show the public how their views vary. They're not supposed to succumb to the other's will so easily. But if the goal was the work together, I think they could manage that just fine.
If we did have the Obama/Hillary ticket, it would be simply amazing. Not only would the Democratic party have a sure win, but our country would have a huge change in the very near future. If Hillary does win the Democratic nomination, I really do hope she does nominate Obama as her Vice President. I'm sure the talk of Obama "outshining" her is a load of bull.
However, lately, it does seem as though Obama has been sucking up to her....hmmm....
Halil Fried
3rd period
Carleen DeArmon ♥ 3rd Period Government
It seems to me that neither one of them could stand to be the other's vp, no matter what Clinton says. Neither of them could stand to have been 2nd best, Clinton least of all, and although you could weild a lot of power as vice president, it simply does not seem likely that either would make a good vp to the other's p. I mean, who really could stand to have a V in their acronym. It's such an overused letter, I swear...
Gillian Welch
I don't think Hillary will win. I think she's scared of losing but knows that if Obama was to be part of her campaign, she'd get a LOT more votes. She's just using him. And obviously he knows that, too.
I don't like Hillary.
huy nguyen02
opinionated comments based on presumptions blah blah
the democratic party projects the delegate count for obama around the 840s and 830s for clinton. With around 40% of the delegates being super delegates, the safe assumption would be that there is none. There is no clear breakaway. The conclusion that politico came to is that: "The bottom line is that the two are virtually tied. "
So it is definitely preemptive to rule Clinton being on top as naive.
It seems that the media has favored one candidate more than the other, projecting predictions that has swayed the general public slightly, possibly creating a chain effect in creating the public image for either candidates through social influence.
Overall, I believe that a joint ticket should draw in more voters to the democratic side than repel, regardless of what the anti-hillary sentiment is saying. A compromise should be proof of candidates swallowing pride (whoever is on top, the man or the woman), a great leap for the democratic public image.
Peter Young
I think that Obama should be placed at the top of the ballot. Only when Things are Falling Apart..can a woman be on top of a man. And that Obama has a better chance of securing the nomination and the presidency.
Reference to Chinua Achebe noted.
Clinton will try and get in the white house anyway she can. She just wants reasurance that eventully she will be the first female president and she can pretty much secure it by becoming vp she would almost be secured to be next demoratic rep
Rachel Harvill
3rd period
What would the point of an election if we're just going to compromise and have both in some sort of power? I think it's all or nothing.
However, if Clinton were elected (lets pray she isn't) I'd be happier if Obama were at least VP
Well...I personally wanted to see Clinbama but it looks like it's not gonna happen. Oh well, I'm thinking that Hilary's strategy is yes to get in the White House but also to make sure the Democratic party doesn't fall flat on it's face with Obama by himself. It's a team effort guys and if you can end up voting Democrat for not liking one of the two then go back and seriously think that your vote to the Green party is a wasted one that ends up helping McCain. Good job....Bush the Third to come because people lack the depth that it's a team effort in the long run.
As unpopular as it seems, I think a joint ticket would be awesome. Esecially with these two. Clinton is so agressive with her plan and Barack is so popular, that I think they would go far. I think Clinton should lighten up, and I think Obama will forgive her for her irational comments.
If Hilary were to be Obamas running mate in the election then I believe the democratic party would be unstoppable. Honestly, I hope that doesn't happen.
If Clinton and Obama were to agree on a Democratic ticket that included both of them, those that ardently supported Obama over Clinton would feel betrayed by his submission, while those that supported Clinton over Obama would feel hesitant at the change. True, a joint ticket would mean an almost clear victory for the Democrats in theory, but in reality, the public would feel cheated of the choice they had (since Clinton and Obama would be running together anyway and their vote didn't declare a clear winner), which would result in a public outcry. Of course, I still doubt Obama would submit that easily, especially with victory at his fingertips.
Keti Tsereteli
Period 4
Grade 10
Human Geography
a joint ticket is kinda stupid on my part i think their would be more harm than anything good. if i was able to vote i would vote for obama but i think it will be a close tie between hillary and obama but obamam will come out on top!!!
Ashely Ambrosio
I think the better strategy in the case would be to have Obama on top of the ticket with Clinton taking the vice-president spot. Like the article says, although Hillary may have to settle on this ticket, she would practically be a shoe in for the next presidental canidate for the democratic party. I think that a dual ticket will also help to not split the party.
I like this idea of the joint ticket. It draws so much attention to the democratic party. I think that it would be better if Clinton was VP, versus Obama. Obama would be better off running again versus settling for VP if it came to that. I think that Clinton would overshadow Obama if he was her VP. And personally, I hate Hillary. I don't want to see her face up on the list of presidents. Normally I would stick to the old cliche that girls rule and boys drool, but Hillary makes me want to kill babies, and she doesn't by any means rule.
tatiana =)
i dont really like the idea of the obamaton ticket.
but i really really dont like the idea of a clinton/obama ticket.
i really would like hillary to just admit defeat
and let obama go all the way.
Definitely "Obamaton" I think that it is the only way Clinton will get in the white house, and she knows it.
Priscilla Davis
Spencer Davis
6th Period
Personally, I feel this is the only reasonable ticket. Tacking hillary on as obama's VP seems like it would hurt their chances, as McCaine is proving to be a bit tougher then we expected. But hillary with obama backing her would be unstoppable. Oooooh I hope it happens, pleaseee let it happen.
I like the way Nathan thinks. Burr took out Hamilton, so dueling has been established as a legitimate political practice. Besides, isn't the world ending on '09 anyway? Didn't the Mayans decide that? Either way...Obamwards would take my vote, even though Edwards said he didn't want to be VP. Maybe he could be persuaded?
George Huang
6th Period
The main issue is which candidate can overcome his or her ego and become the Vice President; this is perfectly understandable though, because both Clinton and Obama have devoted enormous resources to their presidential campaigns. Still, there can only be one President. I think a Clinton-Obama ticket would be preferable because Obama is only 46 years old, so there’s no need to rush him into the presidency, and because he started working in the civil service in 1997, so he could use some more experience. It’s true that Clinton may resent her VP being more popular than she, but if she held the Presidency, she would have the authority to make the reforms to healthcare that she’s been working on for decades. The President's goal shouldn't be to jealously gain popularity among the people, but to carry the people's visions into leading the country.
I dont think they are right to be each other's vp at all. They are both incredibly powerful and one's time will come.
Landon Henderson
pd. 4
Grade: 9
She already knows that she is going to lose. Why should she press on if she is going to lose to Obama. I mean it is still to early.
this might not be on topic, but i really hope clinton doesnt win because she has been caught in so many lies and makes up excuses for why she said them. I would like obama to win, but I dont know anymore.
Jessica Kaskie
Human Geo
Period 4
I really think that a joint ticket could be possible but I dont think it will since Clinton and Obama are too stubborn to unite. Their egos are too big to consider the idea.
a joint ticket seems to be like the most strategic move on their part seriously it has gone on way to long & by now you are almost looking at a split party so joint ticket it up (hillary vp of course)
Chelsea Huffhines
Although there appear to be many doubters, I think that the two could run the government fine. It's not like the United States will simply sink because one is outshining the other.
However, in terms of the happiness of America's voters, it doesn't seem like many people would be pleased with this idea. For all the Republicans, McCain would lose, to the Obama fans, Obama still wouldn't be president, and although Clinton supporters may be happiest of all, they would still have to deal with the VP getting more attention.
I agree with Annie. I don't think it would work well at all. I don't think Clinton will win anyway.
Sarah Lambert
Human Geography Ap 4
9th period
Okay...Clinton is not going to win, hopefully. Many people vote democratic simply because they are democrats and don't vote for Obama because of the things Hilary has produced about him. Even one of my high school friends said she voted for Hilary just because she was democratic and Obama voted for the wall.
As a joint force Obama and Hillary would be less effective, playing off of each other in arguments draws media attention.
Though this would solve the problem of the democratic party splitting, this would just unearth new debates. Who would take the "back seat" in the White House? I also believe that Clinton has realized that she might not win the nominee. Basically, Clinton is scared.
Billary will never become obamaton with her if your not first your last
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