Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's 3 a.m.

This is the Clinton ad that has been discussed in some of the posts.
First, do you think the ad is an effective one and second, do you think it does it's job?


sarah lambert said...

my question is why is hilary clinton up and fully dressed at 3 am? I don't think its effective sure it's ...creative i guess but i'm one of those old fashioned types so i ike seeing the commercials saying why they want to change the world not who should answer the phone at 3 a.m. So no it doesn't do its job because it doesn't talk about the important things that those campaign commercials should be.

Sarah Lambert
Human Geography AP 4
9th grade

Mr. P said... I will save the world?

sarah lambert said...

Ok so I take back what I said I thought about it a lot more and I watched the speech when she was talking about answering the phone at 3 a.m. So i take it back my bad. I understand now and i judged before i knew what i was talking about. I think the commercial IS effective I'm sorry for talking about stuff i didn't know. I still don't think that Hilary is good enough to be president but whatever.

Sarah Lambert
Human Geography Ap 4
9th grade

Anonymous said...

This ad does not even come close to doing its job it doesn not even talk about the important information that other commericals do. It is also not effective cuz it does not show a change that hillary will make for the united states.

Daniel Moss 2nd said...

This is just a backhanded ad throwing mud at Obama. They don't discuss anything, they just use an emotional appeal by talking about peoples childrens saftey. This is a poor ad, and with all due respect, i dont think Hillary will be very effective on foreign policy in places like the middle east. No offense to her, but this is an area where women aren't really respected, so no matter the experience, i believe Barack will be more effective. Besides, you gain experience during the job. And so far he has made the right votes on foreign policy, i.e. - Go to Afghanistan, stay out of Iraq and concentrate on Afghanistan etc. So with an already good record, a little experience is no problem.

Unknown said...

George Huang
6th Period

The first time I saw this commercial, I didn't hear the phrase "but there's a phone in the white house" and I thought it was a commercial for a home security company. Now that I've heard all the script, I think it is an effective advertisement because it encourages parents to first become politically active, and then to support Senator Clinton because of her experience.

Cheyenne Bell said...

I saw this on tv the other day and was supersurprised when it was clinton's. I do not think it was effective at all. i first thought it was a preview for some kind of new horror movie. It kind of falls under the category of the whole michaelmoore theory that we are being scared into doing something- like voting for Clinton. I say it's bad on her part for falling into that trap that so many politicains have already pulled on us.

Lindsay Huffhines said...

Lindsay Huffhines

That was an interesting ad. But kind of goofy, it didn't really make me say "Ooh yeah I want Clinton protecting my children!"
Actually, Obama looks more like the protector of innocent sleeping children than Hillary does. And she did have on all her makeup... at 3 AM. I guess it works for some people. Creativity points at least!

nick medina per.6 said...

Its not effective nor does it do the job because i don't get to hear the good old "i'll save the world cuz blah blah blah...." And i don't like hearing the freakin phone ringing the whole entire comercial and i'd rather have Mr. Bauma answer the phone saying, " this is the Obamaton how i help you." Still awsome.

Kayleigh Robertson said...

Kayleigh Robertson

Sure it's effective.. if she's trying to become head of the police force or something, but for president? No. It doesn't say what's really important and doesn't mean a whole lot if she wants to become president.

Kayleigh Robertson said...

Kayleigh Robertson

Sure it's effective.. if she's trying to become head of the police force or something, but for president? No. It doesn't say what's really important and doesn't mean a whole lot if she wants to become president.

BrandonChristophe06 said...

Brandon Christophe

This ad is repulsing. When I see this ad, I think about how Hillary Clinton's campaign repeatedly accuses Obama of being full of "words" and "rhetoric". This ad, didn't tell me anything about Hillary Clinton. Well yes it did. It told me that she was cheap.

It would have been more effective if it told me why I want her to be the one answering the telephone in the white house. Unfortunately it was just all around crappy.

George, Damian, and I could have done a better job. Who do you want to make you're political campaign ad at 3 a.m... Mr. Peri's 6th period students of the Clinton campaign?

I'll take the former.

Moontaker said...

this really pushes the fear element in politics,im not sure but thats not too common in liberal tactic. It certainly made me feel as though she will not be in camp david all year.

I'm Connor Mason and I approve Hillary's Message.

Ashely Ambrosio said...

ummm... i really don't think that Hilary will be up at 3 in the morning to answer that phone!! it makes sense but, it doesn't elaberate very much on the things that she should be campaining about! in my opinion it is a lame campain commercial!!!!

Grant Curry said...

That was an incredibly lame commercial, I mean, Reall, REALLY NOW, did that tell me anything about Ms. Clinton? Did it inform me why I should vote for her? All it even eluded to was that Hilary is an insomniac, and I dont know about you but thats deffinitaly who I want running the whitehouse! So no, the commercial was not effective nor did it serve it's purpose.

makenzi.cunningham06 said...

I think the ad is retarded. Why would you vote for a president based on who you want answering a phone call. I definately think political ads are more effective when they touch on the nominees platforms or personal info. And what hilary doing up at 3 am anyways... binge eating?

JakeFenter2 said...

This is just like Billary(the dark lord), lets just dance around the issues, lets not answer the question, lets hope that the people of America will vote for the name Clinton. But the part I lose sleep at night about is with the current state of the union, the populas just might find the name Clinton a little too appealing.

JakeFenter2 said...

Also Billary, will eat your children at 3:00 A.M., keep your doors and windows locked and your alarm set and maybe the entrances to your children's rooms booby trapped with elaborate snares as seen in an idiana jones film

HaileyHatcher3 said...

As Senator Obama brought up in the Ohio debate, can she really only take the credit for the positive things that happened in the Clinton administration? Sure she knows the world leaders, but she's not the only one that knows the world.

Celesta Nave (hugeo4) said...


sorry wrong number.
cuz i wasn't calling clinton.
haha. i'm so rude...but i dont like clinton. i dont think she would be a very good president. even if she is awake at 3am.

celesta nave
10th grade
hugeo 4

gillianwelch03 said...

Gillian Welch

I don't even get it. It's stupid. I like Obama ads much more, but I might be a little biased.
Hillary can't even control what her husband does [in bed]. Like she can save the world.
Yeah. Right.

Carleen_DeArmon_Period-03 said...

While it might have been effective in it's message that Clinton will be ready to help anyone at any time of day or night. Or if not effective, it did convey the message.

It also had a sort of propaganda-ish appeal. The fear that any other candidate wouldn't be ready for everything, come what may 24/7; 'Plain Folks' propaganda in that she endeavours to address thoughts she thinks the 'common' people might have had (i.e. will the president be prepared, etc.).

It is a clever commercial, but at the same time could have dug deeper. Short, sweet, and to the point, and Clinton campaign did their job with it.

HaileyHatcher3 said...

Dylan B said...

I think that she is tryig to scare us into voting for her, which is wrong. I think people realize this which in turn makes us not vote for her. So i beleive that it does not do its job.

Ashley Cox 2 said...

bit creepster id say but eh its hilary... since she is all cutesy lovey & puppies im sure it swings

Unknown said...

The ad is a clever way to inform, and motivate, the public to vote for Hilary Clinton. It is, in essence, effective, since it targets a wide group of people and does so in an efficient manner. After the intake of that commercial, people begin to inquire about her campaign, upon which they become informed, and possibly, begin their support. Nonetheless, though informing does play a role in the election process, it is the candidate that is being criticized and voted on, not the methods of advertisement.

Keti Tsereteli
Period 4
Grade 10
Human Georgaphy

Abigail Ham said...

Abigail Ham
4th perdiod

Well, I suppose it would be effective... if it wasn't Hillary. That kind of thing is scary, Hillary answering the phone that decides if America will survive or not. She's too good at talking for a long time without ever actually saying anything at all. The commercial didn't say anything besides that she knows how to pick up a phone. And that's pretty good for her, I suppose. Maybe that's the kind of chore for her where she has to roll up her sleeves.
Ha, political joke. :)
Anyways, the commercial did absolutely nothing for her except for making people start to worry.

Kasey Mohler 6 said...

I haven't seen anything like this ad yet, so Hilary does get my creativity points. That doesn't mean her commercial was good...just creative. This commercial turns me against Hilary even more. Tell me something I want to hear. Like how are you better than everyone else?

a said...

Luke D'Cunha
Period 2

I think it's a stupid commercial. I don't know who would see it and vote for Clinton. I think it tries to appeal to emotion, but it doesn't. Also, children sleeping has nothing to do with a 3 AM call. Also, she says that she is the best and such, but gives no evidence.

It's a good ad for a security company, though.

Chelsea Huffhines said...

Chelsea Huffhines

This ad does convey the typical "children safety above all" aspect, the one it doesn't discuss very well though is how Clinton will be better at keeping your kids safe opposed to a different candidate.

You do stop and watch it though, so at least some more people may give her a second thought.

Preston Wick: 3rd Period said...

It doesn't really accomplish its purpose, because I haven't seen whatever speech involved waking up at 3 for the phone, and if it doesn't hook new people into agreeing with it, then the ad is ineffective. Maybe the rest of the world is smarter than I am and has both seen the speech and can follow what exactly is going on in the ad, but as far as my opinion goes, the commercial is useless.

thomasmarmolejoperiod6 said...

Hmmmm...first of have never seen this on t.v. but if i had im pretty sure i would have turned it right off and called it a night..i dnt think its effective at all..they repeat alot of things one too many times..its just..amazingly crappy..and i really dnt like how she "brags" about her experience which is why most people prefer her over obama..but this bueno. didnt do the job...and totally ineffective by me.

Ashley Cox 2 said...

better then her hillary for you & me campaign video...pretty much a joke...

Jiaqi Niu said...

The commercial is kind of cheesy. No offense. But if Hillary can actually protect us as shown in the commercial, as that safe, then it's alright.

...Don't know if Obama is going to make a commercial about Homeland Security.
Jiaqi Niu
10th Grade

Dylan B said...

Its wrong to scare people into voting for you