Monday, March 31, 2008

Should Hillary Quit?

What happened
A string of Democratic leaders is endorsing Barack Obama in an attempt to pressure Hillary Clinton to give up her bid for the party’s Democratic nomination. Many party insiders fear that the bitter campaign will make it harder to beat Republican John McCain in the November general election. (The Wall Street Journal)

Former president Bill Clinton, campaigning for his wife in California, said the tight primary race was “strengthening” the party. "We are going to win this election,” he said, “if we just chill out and let everybody have their say." (San Jose Mercury-News, free registration)

What the commentators said

There’s no reason Clinton should drop out as long as she has a shot, said Isaac Chotiner in The New Republic's The Plank blog, but she has nothing to gain “by an ugly, divisive contest.” The “conventional wisdom” says she has to destroy Obama to win, but the electoral math is against her unless a huge scandal derails her rival. So her smartest move is to “slow things down a bit” so that, if no "game-changer” emerges, she might have another shot in 2012.It is “insane” for Democratic insiders to try to shut down this battle, said Bill Press in The Huffington Post.

The Democratic Party “I knew loved a good fight,” and “believed in giving everyone a fair shot.” And this year “the party is blessed with two of the best candidates ever to run for president.” And the historic contest between “the first African-American and the first woman having a serious shot at the presidency” is inspiring voters like never before—why would one wish for this to end quickly?The Clintonites have clearly been “breathing the fumes of the campaign bus too long,” said Jay Bookman in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (free registration).

Hillary says she must keep fighting “on the grounds that the people are sovereign and must be allowed to have their say. Then, switching gears, she also argues that once the people have had their say, the superdelegates have the right to overturn the people's verdict in her favor.” That “convoluted argument” can only make sense to someone insulated from reality by the bubble of her own campaign.

There’s actually a good reason for Clinton to fight so hard, said Andrew Gumbel in the Los Angeles Times (free registration). America has a “long history of dogged, dirty, win-at-any-cost electioneering.” And it works, no matter how much party leaders claim that the “popular will” is their primary concern.Judging by the way they’re campaigning in Pennsylvania, said Robert Novak in the Chicago Sun-Times, it is beginning to dawn on Clinton and Obama that neither wins in a Democratic fight to the finish. Instead, they are offering voters “wonkish declarations, nearly identical from Obama and Clinton. Obama thinks he has the nomination won, and Clinton is not desperate enough to launch a suicidal last attack.”


JenniferRojas2ndperiod said...

hm...although i doubt hillary is going to win, i agree and say she should'nt drop out if she still has a shot...who knows...she might actually win. =]

4th period

sarah lambert said...

I don't think Hillary should quit. If she still wants to win why should she be the won who gives up. America is not known for giving least not without a fight. It's like what Andrew Gumbel from the Los Angeles time said in the article people will win at whatever cost.

Sarah Lambert
Human Geography Ap 4
9th grade

Abigail Ham said...

Abigail Ham
4th period

Well. Clinton should definately drop out.
First of all, I don't think people want a megalomaniac in the Oval Office determining the laws by which we (for the most part) live our lives.
Second of all, she claims to care about the people's opinions, but then proceeds to say that if she doesn't like what "the little people say", she will turn to the only people (superdelegates) that she really cares about to tell her what she wants to hear. That alone degrades the whole idea of Popular Sovereignty and the 232-year-old tradition of the Average American being able to speak their mind and be heard.
The world is just not safe in the hands of a double-standard megalomaniac. She's digging her own grave, and the people that are telling her to stay in the race are just dishing out the rope that she will end up hanging herself with.

gillianwelch03 said...

Gillian Welch

I think that although I'm not supporting Hillary, she's fought really hard so far and I think it'd be such a waste if she quit now.
I think it'd give Obama such a better chance of being our next president...but I mean, she would regret it.
I didn't even know her pulling out was a possibility. She seems like such a fighter.
It would be such a waste...

Daniel Moss 2nd said...

Hillary should drop out, because more people would vote for Barack than her as the democratic candidate so it would be a better choice for that party. The fact that the Republicans have already selected their nominee, and the democrats are 'still' fighting over theirs, is only hurting their party. They both preach change and peace but they can't even settle this problem, even though the answer is so simple. Hillary should drop out.

On the other hand, Ron Paul might go libertarian and smash on all the competition.

Lindsay Huffhines said...

Lindsay Huffhines

It does seem that Hillary is losing ground to Obama, despite his "crazy pastor" ordeal. I think she'll probably stay in the race, at least to give the voters a choice. It would be smart to lie low though, and not launch any attacks against Obama so she doesn't anger possible voters. There is always the possibility she will run in 2012 if she isn't nominated in the '08 election. Obama just has the giant fan base that she lacks, and in that front she can't seem to catch up. "Obamamania" is killing her.

Jaysie said...

...This is just endless... I have never paied attention in presidential/candidates election before, so I don't know if the election in the past years were the same as this year's. This one is just sooooooooo ridiculous. I know it going to have a lot of "hiden fights" in it, but they are more than I thought.

By: Liulinbo Yang(6)

codywilliams2nd said...

Alright. For what its worth, here's my opinion. I don't really think that what Hillary said is exactly true to Democracy. Super delegates have the right to overturn the decision of the people?.... Doesn't sound like true blue democracy to me but then again, the established system makes true democracy improbable. In the end, I think that Bill Clinton has the right idea. The Democratic party is tearing itself apart when they just need "to chill out".

Cody Williams 2nd Period

Unknown said...

huy nguyen 2nd period

Why would Hillary quit? Knowing you have a fighting chance and giving up is upstream from the rugged scrappy american spirit. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. The delegate count is still close (difference of less than a 100), if they're so intent on hillary quitting, why aren't they intent on getting obama to quit, aren't they both tearing the democratic party apart.
sure there's a point that it becomes reasonable to quit, but why do that when you can be annoying.

and i didn't put up a post last week because there were no new entries, we weren't supposed to right?

ThomasBurk2 said...

I personaly dont think that Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race. Even if i could vote I would not vote for her ,but I think that anyone who wants to run for presidency should be able to without being pressured to quit. I want to see how the rest of the race plays out and may the best man(woman) win.

Go Obama!

Carleen_DeArmon_Period-03 said...

Carleen DeArmon
Period 3

Honestly, I have no clue. Personally, I do not prefer that either one of them go on to win the election, but that is my personal opinion and one that is beside the point. Honestly, this race is splitting the democratic party in two, but I don't think any harm is being done. Most people will vote for either one, just as long as there is a democrat in the white house, and some will not vote for Clinton because they simply do not like her, so if Obama loses the democratic race and Hillary's up for final nomination they will vote for McCain.

I am not able to vote in this election, but I would not if I were, because I prefer none of the three candidates, and I cannot even choose(for different reasons) which is the lesser of three evils. Basically, I would just be voting for best smile, and where would that get the country. I mean, I know my vote doesn't count in the long-run, but what if everyone voted as if it were a Miss America Competition? Obama would probably win for all except maybe the swimsuit competition, although McCain does look so darn huggable.

I don't think there would be a valid argument for or against Hillary quitting. I just don't.

thomasmarmolejoperiod6 said... my personal opinion...yes..i think she should drop out because i am an Obama fan..i like what he says amd i like what he's about...but other than my personal opinion..i think she is great competition..if she has a chance at winning then why would she drop out? even though obama is pullin ahead she still has a good chance of winning tis (even though she isnt).

Halil Fried- 3rd period said...

First off, that picture scared me when I first pulled off the page.

Second, why should she? Even though she's behind, she still does have a good chance of winning. Plus, what's the fun of not biting your fingernails when the primary decides the main democratic nominee?!?

halil fried
3rd period
AP government

Grant Curry said...

I do find it ridiculous that we may have a messier primary, within one party, than the final election. I have no doubts that by years end we will have seen a democratic win, but who will take it is still mistery. Obama's vast lead makes it seem that Hilary has no chance to take the nomination, at which time Obama would ulimately take the title of United States president. This is a democrats race.

Grant Curry
Human Geography
4th Period
9th Grade

Ethan A said...

Ethan Aleman

2nd Period

look, obama has this nomination in the bag. hilary staying in the race is only dividing the democratic voters...those pulling for hilary may not even vote in the general election, giving mccain and the republican party the clear advantage.
hilary is too arrogant and prideful to accept the loss, she should drop out, but i seriousely doubt it will happen

Ashley Cox 2 said...

just quit Hillary!...she dragging it out & slitting the party so get over the loss there's always next election & hope for vp (or probably not)...yes we can!

Amanda Betancur said...

I don't know how much truth there is to the idea that McCain can overtake wither one of the democrats. But I believe the biggest contendor would be Obama, unless McCain negated the race issues( and yes for many in the country it is a race thing) by picking someone like Powell for his V.P. Whoever wins they have a struggle ahead of them, because the supporters of the other candadite will be bitter, only one person can win, only half of the people can be appeased.

Preston Wick: 3rd Period said...

It is definitely time for a little party unity, methinks. Especially crucial now is the Pennsylvania primary, because if Clinton doesn't get an all-out, total, smashing victory, then the nomination is virtually completely out of her grasp. I hope that, by end of May, the Democrats have a candidate around whom to rally, because a divided party is a weak party in the eyes of the people.

Unknown said...

huy nguyen 02

i needed another comment to compensate for last week so here goes.

Hey hillary has a good chance for next election if she doesn't get this one don't you think? (same with barrack). I'm assuming a democrat wins this election. If not then never mind.
If a democrat does take big honcho then does that mean next year it'll be a republican assuming that it continues to alternate parties in office like it has the last three presidents--elephant-donkey-elephant. So whichever democrat loses this time would have to actually wait a minimum of 8 (considering it alternates) and a maximum of 16 years?

Maura Fowler 02 said...

No Hillary shouldn't quit.

I say this not because i want her to win but because it would benefit history if she kept pushing to win.

This is the election that will change the history of the United States of America forever. If she just dropped out..... Well honestly that's a terrible end to the story annnddd it would cause the movie they make in four years about this election to go straight to DVD.

It's important for American citizens to see two strong characters fight for change. I feel safe knowing that whoever wins really wants to be there and really wants to change SOMETHING.

HaileyHatcher3 said...

I think that there will definitely be bitterness and I don't think there's a way around it. Of course I want HIllary to drop out because I support Barack but she is still a viable candidate.

Jiaqi Niu said...

I think Hillary should not quit. If Barack Obama pressures Clinton to quit, then people would think that Obama is cheap and not up for the fight and, therefore, vote for McCain. Obama should not be too overconfident right now because Clinton is very and even took the lead before. And if she does launch a last suicidal attack, she can take the lead.
Jiaqi Niu
HuGeo 4th
10th Grade

Dylan B said...

i think that if hillary won the Dem. nomination then McCain would have a better chance at becoming president.

Unknown said...

I think Hillary has every right to stay in the campaign, but I agree that doing so is only going to hurt the Democratic Party. It is not necessarily only Hillary though, if Obama dropped out, it would help the Democratic Party as well. It is just the vicious fight between them that is splitting the Democratic Party in two. There are almost three parties now: Republican, Obama, and Hillary. The only way the Democratic Party will win in November is if somehow Obama and Hillary can bring their supporters together and fill the chasm that is splitting the party. Idealistically, I do not think Hillary should quit, but realistically (being a democrat until I make my own money), I think she should.

Tara Viswanathan
2nd Period

Celesta Nave (hugeo4) said...

I think Hillary should quit and FOR SURE win it in 2011. She's going on very strong right now, but the chances for her in 2011 would be even better considering Obama will be through with his term and she'll be outstanding and win it. The only way that she won't win, is if Obama is REelected. Other than that...GO FOR '11 of course. :]

Celesta Nave
10th Grade
HuGeo 4

AmberAguilar3 said...

Hilary should stay in lust so that the nation is able to see the outcome. However, she keeps making "mistakes" in her campaign as we all hear on the news. All she is doing is continuing to embarrass herself and if this is happening just during her campaign; what's going to happen if she is elected president. People want her to stay in because they find it incredible that a woman is doing so well in the campaign, but that's about the only reason she should stay.

savedraanjelica said...

Anjelica Savedra
4th period
9th grade
I think that Hillary should not quit becuase she can become the first woman to become president. She should let the people speak for her and just keep fighting. If hillary keeps her cool then she can win. Hillary should just keep going a don't stop because she gots a shot at it.

savedraanjelica said...

Anjelica Savedra
4th period
9th grade
I think that Obama is going to win but Hillary gots a good change to win. I am going for Obama and he should win. Hillary could still fight to win but Obama is going to win the election. Obama rocks and Hillary doesn't and Hillary should fight and at least say she fought and not quit.

annie henderson 4th said...

Annie Henderson

my oppinion is that of she should drop out. i personally dislike her. greatly. and i dont think a woman should be president.
but i do agree with some of those commentaries. her and obabma fighting to get the presidency is rather entertaining.

schoolguy said...

Landon Henderson
pd. 4th
grade: 9

I think that Hillary could carry on but I don't think that she will win. Her repitation is what is going to get her.

Evan D said...

I'm really having mixed emotions about this election. I think Obama would win the primary because he has all the young voters on his side. Hilary on the other hand isn't the perfect president. The light shed on obama revealed some disturbing issues. I think I'm just gonna go McCain and be done with it.

Unknown said...

George Huang
6th Period

Senator Clinton should continue campaigning, though not as bitterly as she is currently doing. It would be premature of her to drop out of the presidential race, especially when considering her image for future elections. If Obama’s support continues, it’s unlikely that Clinton will be able to gain the Democratic nomination, but it’s impossible to predict if and when some scandal will destroy his popularity, so dropping out is not advisable.

PatrickMcNeill2pd said...

I don't like Hillary and I don't support Obama, but I would rather Obama beat her.

AlexWheeler2 said...

im a bit biased but i think she should quit, if she continues to run it could take away votes from the democrats

AnjalieSchlaeppi06 said...

I think it is pretty interesting to have (for once) a long, "passionated" and interesting election where we have almsot no clue who is going to be president...

Unknown said...

2nd comment:

The more and more I think about whether or not Hillary should quit, the more and more I wonder why I'm thinking about it. Ultimately it's her decision, and I don't understand why we are all making a big deal out of it. I feel like we should back off and give her a fair shot.

Tara Viswanathan
2nd Period

neelampatel said...

i think that she should drop out because she doesn't have enough delegates backing her. sure it is a good race, but it can only go on for so long and eventually someone has to win, and i think that that person is going to be Obama.

PatrickMorales-2nd said...

Patrick Morales 2nd
I think that as the aritcle says, prolonging this democratic race will most likely cause a split in the party. I find it very interesting the part about where Hilary Clinton says that every voter should have their voice heard, but then also tries to sway super delegates to vote in her favor. This goes against what the people want, which at this point seems to be Obama.

sarah lambert said...

i don't think Hilary should quit. I don't think she'd make a good president either though. But i always like to see a good competition during presidential elections. She shouldn't quit America wasn't built on quitting.

Sarah Lambert
Human Geography Ap 4
9th grade

Peter Young said...

Peter Young

Although Hillary comes under fire a lot (from her own party and snipers), she is still a worthy candidate for the presidency. The whole point of a democratic/republic process of election is so that anyone who feels worthy of being elected president should run for office.
Barack Obama, however, has the more powerful voice.

Spencer Davis said...

Giving up is not the right way to go for Hillary. She is still a strong candidate, i'd consider her stronger then any ticket the republicans can muster, and on that alone she should stay in the running.
However, for the best for everyone, I think they should run together. Hillary pres/Obama VP, or vice versa, I don't think it would matter. I'm pretty sure that ticket would crush any competition, and avoid a major democratic party split.
I really hope she doesn't give up on this, I still think shes a bit better choice then Obama from what i've seen. Bit more based in reality and experience, though I think Obama would do very well if he won the election as well, nothing against him.

Leslie said...

I don't think she should back out. I think more people are interested in the elections this year because it is such a tight race. It would be sad if she just gave up...

BrandonChristophe06 said...

Brandon Christophe

As an Obama supporter it is easy to say that Hillary should bow out of the Democratic primaries however, I think that she should step down for other reasons as well.

I think, contrary to Bill Clinton's beliefs, that the Clinton campaign is a divisive force in the democratic party. Simply from her campaign strategies it is apparent that Clinton does not want to win based on the issues of ability to be commander in chief. All too often the Clinton campaign has turned the race into a battle over personal issues that have no major role in Barack Obama's ability to lead the country. I think that it is odd that the media has not seriously brought up the lack of respectability in the Clinton campaign.

She's a polarizing figure that, at this point, does not deserve the nomination. Drop out... gracefully.

Chris Reynolds 2nd Period said...

Hillary shouldnt drop out of the race. She should stay in the race if democrats want to win the election. By staying in the race, Hillary and Obama gain much more media coverage, earlier in the election. So by dropping out of the race, Hillary would be allowing McCain more media attention.

Unknown said...

At this point in the race, quitting would only prove that Clinton herself did not believe in her ability to win the nomination, and thus, would mean an utter disappointment for all her supporters. If she truly believed herself to be the number one candidate for the presidency, as she has asserted throughout the race, nothing would keep her from continuing, not even the odds against her. As long as there is a chance, voters should be given a choice. By quitting, Clinton would deprive voters the security they had gained by voting for their candidate and being assured that their votes would be significant.

Keti Tsereteli
Period 4
Human Geography

Unknown said...

At this point in the race, quitting would only prove that Clinton herself did not believe in her ability to win the nomination, and thus, would mean an utter disappointment for all her supporters. If she truly believed herself to be the number one candidate for the presidency, as she has asserted throughout the race, nothing would keep her from continuing, not even the odds against her. As long as there is a chance, voters should be given a choice. By quitting, Clinton would deprive voters the security they had gained by voting for their candidate and being assured that their votes would be significant.

Keti Tsereteli
Period 4
Human Geography

caseyfarmer03 said...

I think it's sad, because neither Obama nor Hilary are helping their campaigns in the long run by fighting each other. I realize that it's necessary to win the nomination, but while they're spending time and money slandering each other, McCain is beefing up his campaign. I think that McCain might win just because the race is so close between Obama and Hilary that everyone who hates Hilary or hates Obama might end up switching parties or getting out for good.

Stephen Perl 2nd said...

I, for one, will be relieved once I know who I am voting for in November.

Stephen Perl 2nd said...

While I want Hilary to win, in the long wrong I want whatever is best for the democratic party. It's breaking my heart.

Tristan Holaday (3) said...

I don't think Hillary should give up, it's good that she and Obama are dukin' it out. That's what this country is all about; being competitive. The fear that this fight will only make it harder to beat McCain can be avoided. If the loser, whether Clinton or Obama, will back the winner in the end, thus bringing their voters to the winner, it doesn't seem like there will be much of a problem. Anyway, I hope Mrs. Clinton will stick it out.

Unknown said...

i say hilary SHOULD quit.
Not only is she not capable of getting anywhere near to obama, but she is also definitely incapable of correctly applying her own make up.

Johanna Bauersfeld

Kyle Cruz 3rd said...

I believe that obama has a better shot at winning, espically against McCain, im not saying there is absoutely no chance Hillary could win but i see Obama as the greater victor.

m_ybarra said...

Marisa Ybarra
2nd Period AP Government

As great of a fight this has been for all the candidates, the fact of the matter is that for Hillary to win the nomination is basically impossible. At this point her best chance is to ride with Obama and run as vice president. It will probably keep more people happy since both would be in the White House and she would eventually get the nomination. So I think that should probably quit since everything is going against her right now. Riding with Obama gives them both a better chance of a Democract in office. They both just need to go with it.

Ashely Ambrosio said...

No i don't think she should quit! if she quit then many of the people would stop watching the debates. many of the reasons that people are watching the dabates are to see obama and hillary. with out hillary there people would be less interested in what everyone else was saying because then obama would have a major lead and the campain wouldn't be very interesting!!!!
p.s. my mom and i really like the pic of hillary because it really suits her!! :)

Ashely Ambrosio
4th period

BrandonChristophe06 said...

Damian Madrid

I don't think that Hillary should have to drop out of the race. Even though Barack should be president she has the right to stay in until she drops out or loses the nomination. People should set aside what they want and just let her run a race, if she can do it cleanly.

3rdWilliamCrawford said...

Clinton still has a shot at winning the card, so there is no real solid reason for her to drop the race. However, if she loses and runs under the independent card, then this will just pull voters away from Obama. If she was to lose, then I wish the Clintons would just endorse Obama.

nathanwatson2 said...

If Clinton and Obama continue to fight each other for the nomination to the very end, in a close enough battle that people may say the superdelegates overrode the will of the voters, it clearly spells out bad news for the party. In the scenario of a Clinton victory, Obama supporters will not be so willing to suddenly switch when the general election rolls around; same case for an Obama victory.

And at this point, really, my previous suggestion is also fruitless (previous suggestion = best two out of three dual to the death between the pair). There would be endless rumors about the victor playing dirty, things like that, which would never be quelled.

No, desperate times call for desperate measures. And I, a master of solutions to such desperate times, have another failsafe solution!

Clinton and Obama meet someplace. They flip a coin, and the coinflip decides who drops and who stays. Then, the loser of the coin toss stages an elaborate death at the hands of a Republican--perhaps ol' Bush poured poison in the loser's ear while [s]he reposed in the garden, or something like that--and with his/her dying breath, [s]he calls the victory to his/her side, giving the Last Wish that the victor of the coin toss receives his/her full and unreserved endorsement to beat McCain. The party thus unified by tragedy, the victor of the coin toss goes on to win the presidency in a landslide victory, imports of high-quality rainbows, butterflies, and happiness increase by no less than 300%, America returns as a beacon of hope and prosperity to the world, life is good, and we all live happily ever after. M I RITE?

RJ Guajardo said...

I don't think Hillary should quit running because I think that both she and Obama have unique characteristics that would serve as nice changes to America's government. Like the article said, the first African-American candidate and the first female candidate is something historical that should be remembered.
I think it's good that America is beginning to accept change in their government.

Millie Dorsett Period 3 said...

I think that divisions within the Democratic party certainly do weaken the party as a whole. The Republican party is usually better about not attacking themselves from within. But then again, I don't like Hilary.

Millie Dorsett
4th period
Grade 10

ColtonLimmer6th said...

Colton Limmer 6th

I do not think that Clinton should just quit. She seems to have a very good shot at getting the vote eventhough it appears that the media is in favor of Obama. I guess we will just have to see.

kellyscott2 said...

Although I am getting a little impatient to know who the Democratic candidate will be, it is also really exciting to have two potentially history-making options battling it out. I don't necessarily agree that dragging the process out will divide the party and make it harder to beat McCain, because there have always been the people who are firm supporters of the Democratic party in general as well as those who will only back their prefered candidate.

danielmendoza 6th said...

It seems that Hillary should stop campaining and just calm down. Obama has the lead and there is little chance for her to win. Hillary was running so that the people can have there say, but when she saw they were in favor of Obama then she tried to get help from the superdelegates and that does not reflect well for her. She is just hurting the democratic party and making a lot of trouble for Obama.

JakeFenter2 said...

Billary will never surrender her non existent chance at the throne her dreams of Hail to the Chief blindly driver her foward even if it means to burn every bridge along the way or cripple the democratic party in the coming election

clarahester3 said...

i think that hillary should quit to increase the democratic chance of winning the presidency. i do believe that having them both run is to mccain advantage.

clarahester3 said...

p.s. is the idea of them running together out?


rachelharvill said...

i definitely think that hillary should drop out. it would best for the democratic party.

rachelharvill said...

one more comment for extra credit???

obama! yes we can!

Jessica Kaskie said...

It's funny how at the beginning of this campain pretty much everybody liked Hillary Clinton, but not anymore. I guess it's from all those lies she has been caught in. Plus her ideas on health care. She still does have a shot at winning, but I really don't think that she will.
Jessica Kaskie
Human Geo-4

SarahRock said...

Just because there's a lower chance of her winning the election doesn't mean that Clinton should give up.

I'm more of an Obama fan myself, but Clinton shouldn't drop her campaign just because people are saying that she isn't going to win.

That's practically screaming "sore loser."

a said...

Luke D'Cunha

(Mr. Perry, my computer was not working on Saturday, and I had no access to an internet connection. Could you please excuse me this one time, and accept this blog post. Thank you so much.)

I think that Hillary should seek alternatives to the presidency, such as planning to be Vice-President or something. This, I think, will help unite the Democratic party, and save money and energy.

LindseyShepherd3rd said...

Though i don't support Clinton, I think that her dropping out would show a side of weakness or failure on Clinton's part. So even though i REALLY want Obama to get the nomination.. I think both candidates should fight it out till the end

Lindsey Shepherd
3rd Gov.

Unknown said...

Wow. There are so many Obama supporters! (not that I'm against him - I just don't know my stance yet)

Do people want Hillary to quit to save the democratic party in this election, or do they want her to quit simply because they hate her? haha. Shouldn't the big picture issue come before personal input? I don't know. The issue seems to biased. If we could replace Hillary and Obama with Democratic Candidate A and Democratic Candidate B and look at the situation out of context, I feel like most people would agree that Hillary should stay in the race. I think it's interesting to see how difficult it is to examine a situation while thinking without bias.

Tara Viswanathan
2nd Period
last 6 weeks
1st week!

Preston Wick: 3rd Period said...

Someone who is interested in furthering the ideals of the Dems would say yes, she should quit, because it would unify the party earlier and allow for a stronger attack on the conservatives in November. However, from an individualistic standpoint, she should not back down, because she is still a viable presidential candidate. It all depends on the point of view.

Cheyenne Bell said...

Hillary should NOT drop out. She and Obama, although different, are very unique. I get the impression that she is an incredible fighter too. I must say that I am quite shocked by how many people are so against Hillary. Because she is a woman? hmmmmmm isn't this America? I don't know Obama is great too.

Cheyenne Bell said...

Okay....maybe she does have insomnia... but...should we give it a chance?

gillianwelch03 said...

Gillian Welch

I think Hillary knows what's coming and I think she knows that maybe she isn't going to get the nomination...but I think she's fought too hard.
I don't want her to win though.

a said...

Luke D'Cunha
Period 2

I came across this essay by a law professor who says that Hilary and Obama can both be president by sharing the office--and this is perfectly constitutional. Together, they can share the office for 16 years. Thus, I think that Hilary and Obama should think about this.