Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gun Fears and Obama


The caller on the other end of the line Tuesday at Sharpshooters Gun and Knife store in Lubbock, was asking about a Romanian AK, which, like many other assault rifles, has become a hot commodity in the gun industry since Nov. 4.

The store is fresh out.

So what is it that has gun enthusiasts packing a gun store to the brim on a Tuesday afternoon?

"People were afraid of what Clinton was going to do," said store owner Charles Blackwell. "They're a lot more afraid of Barack Obama."

In the shadow of restrictions passed on assault rifles and other gun purchases passed in 1994, concerned buyers are coming out in force to purchase weapons and accessories they believe may no longer be readily available after President-elect Obama takes office in January.

Allen Butler, who was leaving the store after having work done on his AR-15 rifle, said any more restrictions put on the owners of such weapons would only serve to restrict the freedoms guaranteed by the Second Amendment.

"It's just going to take away from the enjoyment of owning them," Butler said. "I'd just like to see them leave it alone."

And he's not the only one.

According the National Rifle Association's Web site, gun owners across the nation fear changes in the Democratic administration will interfere with the ability of gun owners to legally use or purchase some weapons and ammunition.

One congresswoman listed on the site as being a danger to gun rights is Rep. Carolyn McCarty, D-N.Y., who advocates reviving the assault weapon ban which expired during the Bush administration in 2004.

Obama's official Web site also states the president-elect favors cracking down on ways in which guns can fall into the hands of children and criminals. It also suggests making the assault weapon ban permanent.

Alice Tripp, legislative director for the Texas State Rifle Association, said her office has received a flood of calls from concerned gun owners who don't want to see changes in the laws, especially in Texas.

"People don't like the idea of having something taken away from them," Tripp said. "That's why (assault rifles) are in such high demand."

While legislation passed at the federal level has wide-ranging effects on gun issues, Tripp said her organization works to ensure state laws don't become more restrictive than those coming from Washington.

"I expect to see more gun control legislation filed this time because the anti-gun people will be energized," she said. "As to whether the climate is such that they will pass, I wouldn't expect it."

In addition to the concerned calls, Tripp said there has been such a flood of requests for concealed and carry licenses that the state can't keep up.

"There are lots of things that the everyday, law-abiding citizens feel is an infringement on their rights," she said. "If there isn't a problem, and it's just feel-good-gun-control administration, and it only affects you and me, that won't be tolerated."

Though he said the rush on assault weapons this year has been far worse than when President Clinton was elected in 1992, Blackwell hopes Congress will have more important issues to deal with when Obama takes office.

"There's a lot bigger problems out there than people having 30-round clips as opposed to 10-round clips," he said. "The labeling of a gun as evil or assault because it's black and semi-automatic is not accurate."

And as he said that he's been working 12 to 15 hour days to keep up with the new demand, Blackwell said he believes one thing is for sure:

"Guns are going to be the hot Christmas item this year."


Mackenzie said...

Ha. I really do think that guns will be the hot thing for Christmas. I don't think Obama should pass legislation that will make it hard for anyone to get a gun, but I do think it's a wise decision to try to lower the amount of children and criminals who get their hands on guns.

Akash Mittal 4 said...

My dad was actually thinking of buying a gun for the holidays. With the holidays approaching, the crime rate is going rise. People are losing their jobs everyday, and now some of them have resorted to robbing and stealing from other people who do their best to make ends meet. Everyone thinks that since Obama has become the president elect, the crime rate is going to double. They are playing the "race card". I do not believe in any of these assumptions. He did not mention banning assault weapons, but he has expressed support for such a ban in the past. I believe that he is trying to create a safer society while imposing a few gun laws. The fact that he wants background checks,and information on dealers makes me feel a whole lot safer.

nickmarmolejo3 said...

I totally support Obama on passing a new gun control law. This girl Mackenzie from your 4th period is totally naive, the only way you can lower the amount of children and criminals who obatain weapons is to pass legislation for stricter gun distribution. No other way will be effective in any attempt. So yes, it is understandable that guns are the hot thing for the holidays. People know Obama will put in place new laws to help lower crime rates. Did you happen to purchase your own Mr. Perry?

cindymedina-3 said...

In my ideal world there would be no guns, so situations like this would not exist and be a problem. But of course we are in the real world where we have to deal with these things. I really would not mind gun control laws. I believe that guns often end up in the hands of the wrong people. People generaly use guns to intimidate one another, harm one another, or to show and obtain power. People then are afraid of being hurt so they feel the need to go out and buy one for protection. I believe that by slowly instilling gun control laws and removing them from our lifes, we could all live more peacefuly and happily....but of I know that is not truely happening any time soon.

Mr. P said...

Nick, you should know by now that no gun is a match for my master Red Raider Ninja Skilzzz!

andrew villafranco 7th said...

In a perfect world guns wouldn't exist but this isn't a perfect world and guns are going to be around for a long time and gun owners shouldn't be worrying becauce Obama has way more important economic issues that he is going to deal with first so the rush for guns is just idiotic but i'm not for gun distribution but i think Akash is very smart in what they are saying because a lot of people love to play the race card now that Obama is the president elect but only time will tell

samanthapiercy1 said...

I completely support stricter gun control laws. Ideally, there wouldn't be guns and such an issue wouldn't matter, but in the US today, we have to face the fact that guns are dangerous. I think that making guns harder to get would go a long way in keeping those guns out of the hands of criminals and children.

Chelsea Hearn said...

i think that the gun law is a good thing it helps get guns off the street and out of criminals hands. i dont see why people are so worried about it..

Andrew Sweet 3rd said...

In the past, when gun control laws have been passed, they have had the opposite effect. None of the laws enacted to prevent criminals to get guns have succeeded in accomplishing that. There are more guns in the hands of criminals these days then there have ever been. Similar gun laws, if passed today, will have the same effect. Gun control laws just make it harder for law abiding citizens to acquire guns to protect themselves; criminals don't need to acquire a gun by walking into a store, they have many ways to get a gun. What Obama really needs to do is to enact a severe punishment for all gun crimes, and I'm sure that (if the punishment is severe enough) will drop gun crimes considerably.

han yu 4th said...

This is realy horrible law for the US.If everyone can buy a gun,then goverment couldn't control this.well,you can buy a gun to protect yourself.if you think you already have a gun and nobody will steal money or somethink from your home.I want say that's realy bad idea.Because you can buy a gun,other people can buy a gun too.Maybe he lost his job and he have no money now,his last chance is rob and steal money.He can't live in this country or in this world,he doesn't care his life.But you too????NO!!you like your life,you don't want dead.So you need give his money ,because if not he will shoot you,you just hope policeman will find him or get money back.

AND Mr.P skip your Red Raider Ninja,you should play some fun computer game ,count-strike warcraftIII or red alert3,that better than your Ninjia game.In the real life,you can't your sword fight with a gun!!

AndrewGarcia02 said...

I think that there should be a degree of gun control. Anyone who wants to get a gun shouldn't be able to. There should be more rules that people have to follow to get guns, but it shouldn't become impossible for any legitimate person who wants to get one for either protection or sporting.

ericasanchez3 said...

With the holidays coming up, the crime rate is most likely going to rise. Everyone probably thinks that just because Obama has been elected president, that the crime rate is going to double. Kinda racial. I think that he is just trying to create a safer society by creating a few gun laws.

Daniel Huff 3rd said...

Sheesh, what a mess in the U.S. as always. It's almost as if we're preparing for war against ourselves really.
Save the economy-- buy guns! Hehehe...

jorycage2 said...

i think that he should pass the legislation on guns because it will not be as much deaths and criminals.

JenniferMcCandless1st said...

I don't believe Obama should make a gun control law. I mean, it is obvious that children and criminals should not be able to posess guns, but at the same time I believe people use them for good reasons. Most of my family lives past city limits and goes out on their own land to shoot animals for their own food, and they are sure to be careful at all times when armed. I think we should make the gun license more strict, so criminals for example have a harder time getting to them.

stoney-7th period said...

i think obama should pass the legislation because some kids without license tend to get the guns and can do much danger with it. so people who only have their license can by the weapons

WadeBrown_1st said...

Guns are gonna go up.
They say the ammo will be taxed so high its practically unaffordable. I'd like to get a gun and concealed handgun license to protect myself when the invasion happens.
In the immortal words of my parents:
"We're gonna hole ourselves up in our house with our guns and our Bibles."

JenniferWang3 said...

I'm looking forward to more gun control legislation. Don't misunderstand, I'm all for the right to bear arms, but I'm afraid of the possibility that somebody with no previous gun experience can just go and buy an assault rifle. Unless a person plans on hunting animals, inanimate targets, people in Kevlar vests, or animals in Kevlar vests, he should not hold an assault rifle.

OscarGuerrero_per1 said...

I think that getting guns will be alot harder when the Obama comes into office. I personally dont think that he should completly ban the right for citizens to carry guns. Its a Constitutional right to bear arms, and more than likely, Obama will try to enforce amendments to those rights. Its cool that he wants a safer America, chaos will arise if he passes these bills to ban guns. Chaos from already existing gun owners and those trying to get one. Im thinking about buying a rifle when i turn 18, with a license.

paigeallison1 said...

When dealing with gun control laws, whatever decision that is made is destined to upset somebody. At the moment, i think that gun control regulation is pretty balanced. Just leave it alone. Guns are always going to fall into the wrong hands, because if someone wants a gun that badly, they're going to get it through legal or illegal means.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

People are really ignorant, convicted felons cannot legally buy guns and children can't get their hands on them unless their parents are irresponsible. If criminals want guns they'll continue to get them illegally while law abiding people won't be able to get them, i don't know why but it seems to me that it would be a problem if only criminals were able to obtain guns. Also like is already being shown the threat of bans scare people and cause a more dangerous atmosphere so i believe that Obama would be ill-advised to make the bans.

isaacpena7 said...

Well with my good friend Andrew Villafranco, this is no perfect world. The guns will be highly wanted this year becuse these americans want to "PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS" I also heard on the news that gun prices have sky rocketed, Why are prideful americans wasting money on such things? Shouldn't they be directing their money to more useful matters such as bills? Hm no wonder so many people are in trouble with their finances.


Anonymous said...

I think that this is funny but I do think that ther should be more things that people have to do more qualifications to be able to get a gun kind of like when people apply to work for the govt. they go so deep into a persons life a persons past. I just don't think guns are good.

jakelabrec7 said...

i dont think they should pass this ban because it does violate the second amendmant and i also agree that the whole rushing out to by a gun is very idiotic because hopefully obama will fix the crappy economy before he even thinks about the gun crisis.

Dylanowens1 said...

Here in Texas our rights should, read SHOULD, be safe this has primarily been a gun tot'n state and I don't believe that will change in the near future. Gun owners should be worried though because Obama does want to completly revamp and interperet the second amendment. More power to the gun holders and the NRA to keeping gun-control legislation out of our state.

Lauren White 2 said...

I really beleive that laws and restictions for guns should be more strict. It honestly is fairly easy for really anyone to get a gun these days. And that is not a very good thing at all, it just causes all kinds of problems.

JordanGutierrez1st said...

I think that Obama should pass gun control laws because people buy these guns and who knows what they would do with them. I also dont think that Obama will be completly strict on the whole situation, to where it is extremely hard for someone to purchase a gun.

ashleyledesma7 said...

I honestly could care less about the gun issue, but as for other people that do want guns I understand that too.
Most people keep guns just to be safe and thats kind of why i think its bad that hes trying to take away the guns, because you never know what can happen. Then again all he is probably trying to do
is keep this world more safer.
Which it needs to be.
I also believe that some people are over exagerating about the gun issue. I mean its not like thats the main thing right now that he wants to do. Im sure he has other things in mind.

Hayleeduke1 said...

Yes, I do believe Obama and the democrats will indeed try to pass laws that will make it more difficult to be a gun owner. If people really need a gun that badlly i'm pretty sure they are going to get it legal or illegally. So the only problem with passing anti-gun laws is it only effects law abiding citizens, because criminals will still get guns illegally.

ClaireBurrus1 said...

I don't think that the government should pass stricter legislation on gun control. There will always be evil in the world whether we have strict gun control or not. And it's like punishing the law abiding citizens because they are the ones that will be the most affected by it. Criminals will always find a way to get ahold of weapons where as the law abiding citizens won't have a way to protect themselves.

LeenaAlSouki_1 said...

Haha, that's funny. My brother wants a gun for Christmas. I'd better hurry up and tell my dad to buy it for him! I think people are being irrational. Obama isn't going to totally ban guns; he's just going to try and make sure that dangerous weapons don't land in the wrong hands.

courtneycox3 said...

i think that Obama has so much on his hands that he shouldn't even get to any gun legislation for at least a couple of years. With everything that is going on in the economy and forign affairs i don't think that gun control and gun legislation should be at the top of his list.

Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

the fact that people are buying more guns because Obama is going to ban that assault rifle seems kind of funny. I personally don't like the idea of having guns but
I think Obama shouldn't put a ban on the assault rifle because that goes against the second amendment and that's not right. even though I'm against having guns, I really can't say get rid of all guns

mirandamartell7 said...

I really do think the gun thing is a good idea. Although it wont be happening any time soon, i think it will reduce the crime rates that for some reason have been going up. i hate having guns in this world, so many people get hurt and even die with guns being on this earth, but there not all bed they can be used for safety, to bad people use it to hurt others and throw there life down the drain so yes i do support a stricter gun control law.

Ralph Molina 7th said...

I believe that Obama is trying to do something that will only make things worse. The criminals of our nation will get guns one way or another. the only thing that making restrictions on gun laws will do is help the underground gun dealers thrive. We have a hurting economy and a war going on and he is going to spend some of his time as the president of the United States helping illegal gun dealers? Please tell me that the future leader of our country has bigger things on his mind. Also our founding fathers, who created the constitution of our country, made the second amendment so that people could bear arms. Barock Obama has no right to take away the peoples rights stated in the second amendment. If Barock Obama is going to spend his time doing these useless things, then i believe that the United States of America is in for a rough four years.

AudreyHernandez7thperiod said...

No matter what law passes guns will always be available even without a license. I think more restrictions wouldnt be smart because its only going to make people want guns more. But there are people out there that are smart enough to get a license. A license is also a good idea because people that have them atleast know how to use a gun and how to be cautious with it.

Ivan Valadez 3rd said...

Guns haven't really been a huge problem within US boundaries, the real question is, Why control guns now?. Just makes me wonder.

Meghan Taraban 1 said...

It's ridiculous how worked up these gun enthusiasts are getting about this. It's not like Obama is going to take away their right to own guns, he's just trying to make it safer for everyone, especially children. Guns are a reality in America today and they are dangerous. A few limits and restrictions will not hurt anyone.

DionePompa4 said...

Whatever you do do not take texans away from their guns! lol but seriously im not worried about Obama taking away guns because that would be violating our rights. We've lived with the bannishment of assualt weapons before so i dont see why it would be that big of a deal now.

BaiJiXie 1 said...

I think that gun control should be regulated more heavily because I am moving to new orleans and the crime rate there is terrible Obama's gun policies should be enforced

Anonymous said...

I think that obama's gun control policy wil be good for the nation. By enforcing this policy, Obama will make the streets safer for the American people. Limiting the amount of guns on our streets will lead to a decrease in the crime rate. However, this policy might also have a adverse effect. The reduction of guns will cause the development if finding loopholes in the background check system. This in turn could lead to a thriving underground gun business.

Erick Capulong 3 said...

First and foremost, lets keep in mind that this article is PUBLISHED by the Avalanche-Journal, a newspaper company from a right-winged state. I understand that to some people gun-owning is a hobby, and when people feel their hobbies are restricted, like watching monday night football, of course they're gonna be furious. However, when outweighed by the issue of crime and the importance of public safety, complaining over gun control just doesn't fall in comparison.

g.i.joe nathan said...

"Oh Boy!
I just can't wait to see if I'll get an AK-47 in my stocking this year!
Then I, just like many other people who may not know much about guns, can potentially harm myself or others!"

Guns are dangerous and should not be easy to obtain.
I am all for increased gun control.

mariimalagayo3 said...

As history shows, none of the Gun Control laws in the past have been effective in preventing criminals from obtaining guns. (The people that say that no guns is ideal made me laugh)
Obviously children and criminals should not possess guns. I don't think anyone wants that.
Criminals have other ways than walking into the store, and I'm pretty sure they use them. So this whole background check-restriction thing...I don't think it will fix anything, it hasn't before. More criminals have guns now.
I want to see really harsh punishment for gun crime.
I think that'd accomplish a lot more.

My boyfriend's buying a gun for christmas, haha.

henrylawson3 said...

i agree with paige. regulating the gun market is only going to encourage more the more legitimate gun purchasers to find other ways to get guns i.e. the black market. gun control would only create more problems and solve none.

Behnam Arzaghi 4tH said...

i think that the actual banning of any type of gun is unconstitutional. i would prefer that gun legislation would not become more strict, just because it would be more likely that a huge blackmarket gun economy would rise from that, much like with proabhition. this would basically make it so that only the criminals had guns. i dont think banning any type of gun will get us anywhere good.

AntonSoriano2 said...

This is not the smartest law i have seen. People are making assumptions that barack obama is going to raise the crime rate.

!xobile said...

i think that gun control law should be stricter, as the crime rate is increasing every day. Obama should pass the law that can restrict/limit buying guns, it will help reduce crime rate. i also favor Obama for cracking down ways in which guns can fall into the hands of children and criminals

richmond lee 1 said...

Hahahaha, some of these comments are hilarious. My favorite would be the first from Mackenzie who wants "to try to lower the amount of children and criminals who get their hands on guns."
The only way to do that (the way she worded it) is to start killing off kids and criminals.
But anyway, I don't think stricter gun control laws will really affect those who truly want to get their hands on a ridiculously high-powered rifle. On the other hand, fewer guns would mean fewer instances like Columbine. You can pretty much get the things they had from a freaking Wal-Mart. I think that should be illegal, and I don't see how anyone can disagree with that.
So I commend Obama for wanting more strict controls.
I'm fine with the second Amendment, but I really don't think the framers wrote it so that hicks today can buy AK-47s for "hunting".

ErikTough4th said...

Guns are a vital freedom to americans. Many people say we should ban guns, but will keeping them out of civillan hands stop the black market? No, the right to bear arms is a basic feedom that is something you can't take away.

Anonymous said...

I think that the process of getting a gun license should be more strict to help prevent criminals from being able to have guns. There are always going to be the people who used guns for the right reasons. However, if someone wants a gun badly enough, they will find a way to get one.

Estevan Ramirez3 said...

Its great that obama wants to keep children and criminals away from guns but to make is difficult for anybody else to get a gun is just not right.

divyavangipuram1 said...

I'll have to agree with the people that are for a stricter control of guns. Ideally, no one would need guns, but, c'mon. Having stricter gun control would hopefully keep crime rates lower...

stephanieschmidt3 said...

no matter what gun laws are passed, if someone wants a gun they will get one wether we like it or not! so i dont think it really matters what laws are passed, if soomeone really wants a gun some law wont stop them.

komalparikh1 said...

What's wrong wtih a new gun control law? I personally don't see any harm in passing a new gun law. It will just provide more security and keep more criminals off the street. What's wrong with that? Crime rates will go down and citizens can feel somewhat more safe.

bushbenjamin01 said...

sorry mr. perry, that last comment was from me, i didnt realize somebody else had logged into the gmail account on my comp.

Gun regulation is simply sensible. The majority of crimes that occur in the United States involve either alcohol, firearms of a combination of both. The purchase or consumption of alcohol by persons under 21 is regulated by law, therefore the regulation of firearms seems like a reasonable follow up. Though many people feel that owning a handgun or firearm gives them a heightened sense of security; they seem to forget that handguns account for the majority of crimes that occur in the U.S. A story in the news recently told of an 8 year old who murdered his father and father's friend. Gun regulation can keep firearms out of the hands of children and prevent senseless murders such as these.

eliseodeleon1 said...

I think that passing stricter gun control laws would help lower crmie rates. Having stricter gun control laws would make streets safer and hopefully lower the crime rates in troubled areas. I realy don't understand why so many people are rushing to obtain guns. I know that guns can provide security for some people, but unless you really need it there really isn't any reason to own one. Passing stricter gun legislation would help keep guns away from people that realy have no use for them.

Michael Johnson 4 said...

I personally don't see a point to buying an assault rifle. If you were to hunt with a weapon with that power, it would not just kill the animal, it would completely destroy it. One pull of the trigger lets out (atleast it does in video games) about 3 bullets, and with the power that rifle can put out will destroy the animal. It ruins any sport that was in hunting. So, I completely support a permanent ban on assault rifles. Also in the movie "Bowling for Columbine" (yes, I realize it is biased) there is a clip of Chris Rock doing stand-up. In his stand-up he suggests that raising the price of bullets to a very large amount ($5000, if I remember correctly) so few can afford to buy bullets and therefore can't buy the bullets to kill others. This made me laugh, and as I thought about it, it occurred to me that this may not be that bad of an idea. Why not raise the price on certain bullets? Like the ones that aren't used for hunting.

chriszias 3 said...

I don't think Obama should ban guns just because it interferes with the second amendment and I think evry American should own a gun.

JeremyTow01 said...

I honestly do not see a need for a semi-automatic rifle in Lubbock Texas. I cannot understand people's need to tote their weapons as a compensation for their insecurity when the "great rapture" comes.

Don't the negatives outweigh the positives? Haven't enough people been slaughtered from getting their hands on guns? Call me a tree hugger, but I see no point in citizens wielding semi-automatic.

If you lived next to a drug cartel, in a slum or in a urban setting I'd understand. But when you live in Lake Ridge, Lubbock Texas and you're afraid that "them people" well be storming your house, I'm pretty sure you're just being naive and you have been playing too many video games.

AustinRittenberry4 said...

I have to agree with Nick from 3rd period. I think more stern restrictions are almost a requirement for guns. America is definitely one of the most violent countries even compared to countries that have way more violent histories such as say Russia maybe. I think if there are not any gun restrictions there should at least be media restrictions, because personally I think that's to blame.

katiehaukos04 said...

I believe that the gun restrictions are a good thing for America, because it keeps the guns out of the hands of the criminals and keep the streets safe. On the other hand, if the restrictions are placed then there will be a rush for guns, and the black market will be producing many more guns. So, things could get worse, so I guess we will see when Obama takes office.

TanliSun01st said...

I think this gun-act is a good addition to the already made policies protecting the American people from violent crimes and robbery. Although people claims to feel safer with a shotgun or a rifle in their closet, the reality is exactly the opposite. Obama's policy still allows you and I to own a handgun, which in most cases, is more handy and practical in emergency situations. People may claim that their second amendment rights were violated and that the founding fathers did not mean for this country to bear this path, but the political and social situations 250 years ago is much different from the society of today. We need to put our desires and needs behind ourselves and contribute to a greater need of urgency.

By the way, Yuhan, did you really just tell mr P to play warcraft?? hahahaha

jack shen 1 said...

I like to see the u.s go back to the goodold frontier time when shooting guns were as common as breaking breads. People carrying guns on street; people buy guns for entertainment; people give guns for Chrismas presents... But one thing, back in the old days they don't have ak47's.

hsomepjj said...

it doesnt make any sense in any of these assumptions. he doesnt get rid of the assault weapons. And he wants the checks and info. of the dealers. it doesnt make any safer for civillians

alexkoontz1 said...

I think Obama is right in putting gun restrictions on the public. The majority of people are in fact responsible enough to carry guns, but few really know when to shoot. It puts their morals into test whenever they have the ability to do something harmful and gain control by sacrificing someone else.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

no i dont think that obama should pass it he has a lot more things he has to get done when he gets the office in january.

Ling Y Li said...

In pass, the U.S. government had the gun control law for passed.But not big deal for some already thing happen. Like Virginia Tech the shot. that happen was after the Virginia Tech passed the gun control. Also there was a another happen in Silicon Valley ,CA. there was a guy who was the computer engineers, just about last twoor three weeks, he was lost his job, then about this week he was shotting his boss, let we leave out the economic things out, just think about the gun control. The federal government passed the gun control law, it means everyone can buy the gun, then all the happen were happen under this law. This may be the terrible law. Maybe.

reneesparza01 said...

I don't think it is right to pass some sort of law to enforce stricter gun controls. People want guns for their protection. If you don't wanna get shot then don't break into a house or do something dumb that will get you into some mess haha.

reneesparza01 said...

I don't think it is right to try to enforce a stricter gun law. Some people want to use guns for their protection. If people don't want to get shot then they shouldn't invade other peoples property or make them feel threatened haha.

Yvonne Rojas 4 said...

I think they should have more control over the laws about guns because lately I've been hearing some really horrible accidents and it can be prevented. Not anybody should be able to handle a gun unless properly trained or SOMETHING.

MarianneMullen3 said...

I support gun control laws and so should the rest of America. I would type something really deep and thoughtful but this tech game has just really sucked the life out of me. :[

WinifredConrad1 said...

My question is... why do people NEED assault rifles? OH NO, you can't have your sawed off shotgun for obliterating baby animals... poor you.

Obama was right, people ARE too wedded to the ideas of god and guns. Whatever, maybe I'm a little cynical and jaded, but I don't see what it is with Americans, especially in Texas, when it comes to this sort of thing.

Why is a ban on assault weapons so terrible? Do you need an *assault* weapon to exist happily? No.

Ugh. People are disgusting. They're so convinced that Obama is really some kind of evil, ethnic dictator who wants to destroy the constitution that they're doing stupid stuff like this.

There are no words... gah.

AlbertoAguilar3 said...

Obama becoming president and making changes on gun control doesn't bother me too much. People are getting upset about nothing, so what if he makes a few laws that prevent people from having 30 round clips opposed to 10, or taxing ammunition. If he makes laws outlawing any one to buy assault rifles, then people should be mad but all he is trying to do is make it a safer environment. So people need to stop worrying, everything will be ok.

taryahhereford7 said...

i think it's good that obama is trying to pass a legislation on guns. it prevents young adults such as i, from getting into danger.

Ashley said...

Honestly, I think gun control is the least of our worries. But that doesn't mean things aren't going to change. Stricter gun control laws may not be such a bad thing. It's something to think about.

joshochoa54321 said...

im a man of peace, but at some times people need guns to protect themself, not to go on a killng spree. but i do not think that Obama will do anything about guns for a while, because we have bigger issuses going on in the country. but for all the people that heve guns

joshochoa54321 said...

im a man of peace, but at some times people need guns to protect themself, not to go on a killng spree. but i do not think that Obama will do anything about guns for a while, because we have bigger issuses going on in the country. but for all the people that heve guns

zach edwards7 said...

The average Texan owns eight guns. you can't take away that right, especially from a Texan. it"s unamerican. the second ammendment is part of the ten original rights given to americans when the constitution was first created to swing the vote of the anti-federalist. they were rights to take away power to ensure an equilibrium between strong central gov. and strong state gov.. barrack obama has no right to take away a right given to americans that lets us have a feeling of trust in our government. peronally, i don't think that congress will pass it due to the fact that it interferes with what is stated in the constitution." if the government ruling the people at one point becomes a threat to it's people, the people shall overthrow it and create one that fits the times".please barrack, don't take away our rights!!!

Sarah Moore 2 said...

Ok this is a tiny tiny issue,guns are bad and children shouldn't play with them yadi yadi yah. But, adults who have fully devolped brains and relize the concequence can play with guns they have the right too. But I also believe that controling the gun use and controling who is sane enough to buy them isn't a bad thing.

hsomepjj said...

The crime rates are not gonna be rising higher just because Obama is elected as the president of America. Crime rates will be same as when others were presidents.
there is assumptions that "rates will be rising, because president's an African-American".
it doesnt make any of senses.

miguelsmith7th said...

If Obama wants to make it harder to buy guns then go ahead. I don't think that it should be that big a deal. I think it will actually help the crime rate in America.

dillonbates3 said...

I think that most people are freaking out a little to soon, when Obama takes office he is going to have more pressing issues than gun control(like the economy and foreign affairs may happs?). And as for as the people who want guns to illegal for anyone other than law enforcment to have, thats just dumb. If you look at Switzerland, who has no restrictions on guns, their crime rate is pretty low, i remember reading about some guy who tried to break into a house over there and got blown in half by the owner. Im not sayin that we should just make as easy as buying groceries, i dont really have a problem with a few more restritions on guns as long as we can still own them and afford them im fine with it. I think that if they want to cut down on crimes comitted with guns then they should make harsher punishnments for the people who break the laws. theres my 2 cents, take it for what its worth.

Caitlan Marie said...

I've read articles that joke that if Obama provides gun control laws, then Texas will secede. I'm pretty sure that people are so focused on the negative aspects of gun control, that they are forgetting the positives. Most people carry a gun because they feel like it will protect them from dangerous criminals. Chances are that if someone breaks into your house, or decides to rob you on the street, they'll be carrying a gun, not as a form of protection for themselves, but as a symbol of power and control. If you just happen to have a gun, and you are being attacked by someone who has a gun as well, then your weapon of choice probably won't help unless you attacker has just pick up a gun for the first time, and you are incredibly experienced with firearms. Guns rarely provide an actually form of safety. If gun restrictions are passed, there are other methods people can use to protect yourself. But in light of all of this, I'm sure the second amendment will be untampered with and Texans will still be able to keep their precious guns underneath their mattresses.

Anonymous said...

i think that the gun law is a good thing, because it keeps guns off the streets.