Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Barack the Barbarian

CHICAGO - Conan the Barbarian became the governor of California. Now President Barack Obama has become Barack the Barbarian.

A new comic book series is due out this summer featuring a familiar look-alike who becomes president of Kickassistan.

In "Barack the Barbarian: Quest for the Treasure of Stimuli," published by Devil's Due, the loincloth-clad president battles with a woman of the north who wears glasses and a wolf's fur cape.

Here's how the publisher's website describes the issue:

"From a far away land rises a mighty hero. The son of peasants from two different realms, the one known only as Barack protects the people of Hope Kingdom at all costs. Watch as he takes on the likes of Boosh the Dim, Red Sarah and Cha-nee the Grim in this hilarious first issue!"

Another issue shows the Barbarian battling with an Ann Coulter-ish woman, "The Harpy of the Elephant Tower," in a skimpy bikini.



jacobirwin01 said...

I thin that this comic book is a bad idea, because, personally, I don't like how the president is doing things. So I don't think that making a hero in a comic book that is based off him is a good idea.

Lauren White 2 said...

WOW That is really sad/pathetic. Do people actually read crud like that? Like seriously, how retarted is this, really retarted thats how retarted it is.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

this is really hilarious, The one known only as Barack, Cha-ney, Sarah the Red, Boosh the Dim. I love the names, this sounds as if it could be quite a funny parody of the actual events in our govenment, only time will tell for sure but just from the little blurb about it, this comic sounds quite funny.

DevinKoemel-2 said...

well i don't know if they'll see the captain again but this should tell them that they need to provide some sort of on ship protection

Jayse Hulett 4th said...

I'm a little bit of a fan of the Age of Conan series, and this looks like it will be great. I definitely plan on checking this out.

Will_Jeffery_03 said...

Firstly...SAY WHAT?! Secondly WHY?! Then finally I laugh at peoples ability to try to solve their problems with skantly clad women and violence.

MenakaYadav3 said...

This is...weird.
Funny-ish, but weird. I don't see the point to making these comic books, but if someone is willing to be extremely corny and make them then hey! I say go for it.
I like: Kickassistan
I dislike: the bikini-clad lady who eerily resembles sarah palin..(haha but i know see what The Palace means by "tight-fitting" bikinis..)

AnaMendoza1 said...

This seems so silly.
I wish life were a comic.
Life would end happy.

jakelabrec7 said...

i would so go buy this comic... it looks hilarious

TaylorShofner4 said...

Certainly an interesting choice of comic book topic. Certainly a good idea as well. This will hopefully draw many more minors into the modern political culture. Either that, or isolated comic book geeks will stay isolated comic book geeks. But this kind of comic book appeals to every American, so I can see this becoming very successful. Kudos for being creative.

CortnyCognasi03 said...

I guess the group making this comic have a little extra free time on their hands.

Seriously, who would have thought of this? I'm not sure if I will take the time to read it this summer but maybe there will be a decent sized fan club.
Personally, I think it's hilarious. Way to use your imagination, Devil's Due.

And, one more thing, what is up with all the bikinis this semester? Oh, and Palin is a sexy beast. ;)

taryahhereford7 said...

i think this is rediculous its obviously meant to be funny but its not to me. its disrespectful to the president. but then again everyone makes fun of the president.

brookemccallon3 said...

Yes please! I think is exciting and encouraging that such a large majority of our country backs the president a hundred percent. Not only that, but they trust his intelligence and decisions and he brings hope to a country that so desperately needs it.

MeredithFields3 said...

Haha, well that's pretty ridiculous. I'm interested to see how many people are actually going to buy a copy...maybe they will eventually turn the comic book form into a movie once the following becomes big enough...

AlexisMarkwell3 said...

Boosh the Dim .. Heh Heh Heh.

But what's up with all the skimpy tight - fitting bikini stuff lately?

This is interesting, to say the least ...

But I really wonder how Barack feels about being characterized as a Hope-defending-barbarian.

amandamills3 said...

Ha ha. I am not that into comics but I see myself looking into this. : D I need to find out Sarah Palin(oops I mean Red Sarah)'s secret to looking like that. She looks like one of our very own Palace superstars. Maybe they should invest in capes and gloves too...we could add a cape onto the bikini t-shirt and everything.

CatWiechmann6 said...

WOW!!! Thats pretty funny. Barack the Barbarian. It has a ring to it.

Chris Shute 1 said...

HAHAHAHA this has got to be the most awesome thing in presidential history!! This way, even if Barak's time in office goes down the toilet due to whatever, the kids who would read this comic and turn 21 in 2012 will still think he's bada** enough for their vote. Plus the guy could use a beefed up personality somewhere, seeing as how he looks weaker than me.

aaronbrownpd3 said...

I'm speechless. I don't even read comics, but I can tell you now, I will be purchasing this, as it is vital to my life.

aaronbrownpd3 said...

OH MAN, Kickassistan!

Anonymous said...

wow people do some of the most creative thing. they can make something funny nout ofn anything. this actually sounds cool i think it is time put to good use. but Barack a Barbarian i dont know. also, is the girl on the picture supposed to be Michelle. wow

Ralph Molina 7th said...

This is simply hilarious. Only in the great country of the United States of America can you come out with a comic book about political figures. I also think that is a funny and creative idea to publish. I cant even imagine all the success that this author is going to have from just this one issue. If he keeps coming out with these things people are going to buy them and then this guy is going to be rich. Barack the Barbarian... wow you can bet that i'll be getting that and reading it.

Jeffrey Killeen 5 said...

this is just weird. i can't even think on what to call this. it's pretty cool that. It's pretty cool that he is a Barbarian but still... no comment.

mirandamartell7 said...

Hahahahaha o wow thats crazy!!! Lol i would love to read that comic! I wonder about people sometimes,omg im soooo gonna read this comic!!! I cant wait till it comes out :)

katelynmcpherson1 said...

This is hilarious. I think that who ever came up with this is a huge smart ass and should be awarded for it. Maybe even Obama will get in to reading this, and we'll have to see what ends up happening in the end. Right on.

KaralynneParent4 said...

wow! i may die laughing. i wanna read that.

WillJohnston4th said...

What are the evil minons that Barack battles? How does Hilary fit into this? Is Biden or Hilary the sidekick? Is gtmo the evil citadel of Cha-nee? What happened to the Obama chia pets?

andrealuker4 said...

One) I don't think barbarians had glasses
Two) I'm sure she is very cold in that outfit
Three) Wow, she looks just like Tina Faye
Four) I really doubt that this comic series is really going to be that funny, but is going to have overly blunt, uncreative, and politically biased jokes. Oh, that and bare women.

KodwoPanford03 said...

I think it's really cool to see the President as a character in different forms of media as well as being referred to (in a positive way) in things such as shows or music.

jillchen3 said...

wow, this is too funny. They would draw a picture depicting sarah palin that way. It's a bit strange thinking about president obama fighting bad economy in a loincloth but im sure everyone will get a good laugh from these comics.

Anonymous said...

This is so awesome! I especially like the references to Ann Coulter and Conan O'Brien. I think the comic book series is a good distraction for wildly enthused political activists who lived on Gallup poll for nearly a year. This comic series gives them a way to relive the campaign months that is still fresh on their minds. I think Republicans should come up with their own comic McCain and Able...or not

hayleeduke2 said...

this is kinda funny in a weird way.
it sounds like something you would read mr. perrry ha.. (:

amber obregon 2 said...

wow...thats pretty funny how they would make a comic of the president, but then again what have they not made of him.