Thursday, April 16, 2009

Homeland Security Warns of Homeland Terror

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republicans on Wednesday said a Homeland Security Department intelligence assessment unfairly characterizes military veterans as right-wing extremists. House Republican leader John Boehner described the report as offensive and called on the agency to apologize to veterans.

The agency's intelligence assessment, sent to law enforcement officials last week, warns that right-wing extremists could use the bad state of the U.S. economy and the election of the country's first black president to recruit members.

The assessment also said that returning military veterans who have difficulties assimilating back into their home communities could be susceptible to extremist recruiters or might engage in lone acts of violence.

"To characterize men and women returning home after defending our country as potential terrorists is offensive and unacceptable," said Boehner, R-Ohio.

The commander of the veterans group the American Legion, David Rehbein, wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano expressing concern with the assessment, which made its way into the mainstream press after conservative bloggers got wind of the analysis.

Rehbein called the assessment incomplete and said it lacked statistical evidence. He said the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by military veteran Timothy McVeigh was one instance of a veteran becoming a domestic terrorist.

"To continue to use McVeigh as an example of the stereotypical 'disgruntled military veteran' is as unfair as using Osama bin Laden as the sole example of Islam," Rehbein said in the April 13 letter.

Napolitano defended the assessment and others issued by the agency.

"Let me be very clear—we monitor the risks of violent extremism taking root here in the United States," Napolitano said in a statement. "We don't have the luxury of focusing our efforts on one group; we must protect the country from terrorism whether foreign or homegrown, and regardless of the ideology that motivates its violence."

Napolitano said the department respects and honors veterans and that she intends to meet with Rehbein next week after she returns from a tour of the U.S.-Mexico border and meetings in Mexico City.

The agency describes these assessments as part of a series published "to facilitate a greater understanding of the phenomenon of violent radicalization in the United States."

In February, the department issued a report to law enforcement that said left-wing extremist groups were likely to use cyber attacks more often in the next 10 years to further their cause.

In September, the agency highlighted how right-wing extremists over the past five years have used the immigration debate as a recruiting tool.

Between September 2008 and Feb. 5, the agency issued at least four reports, obtained by The Associated Press, on individual extremist groups such as the Moors, Vinlanders Social Club, Volksfront and Hammerskin Nation.

But the references to military veterans in the recent report angered conservatives.

"The department is engaging in political and ideological profiling of people who fought to keep our country safe from terrorism, uphold our nation's immigration laws, and protect our constitutional right to keep and bear arms," said Rep. Gus Bilirakis, R-Fla.,

Texas Rep. Lamar Smith accused the department of painting "law-abiding Americans, including war veterans, as 'extremists.'"

Indiana Rep. Steve Buyer, the ranking Republican on the House Veterans' Affairs committee, said it was "inconceivable" that the administration would consider military veterans a potential terrorist threat.


JenniScott3 said...

This is rediculous. Sure, there are some radical people living in the U.S. and could possibly be a threat, but it is way out of line to specificaly say returning veterans could be terrorist. These men and women fight for our country and deserve way more respect than that. It's known that some people who fight in wars have a hard time getting over it and have nightmares and flashbacks. Alot of the time they are never quite the same afterwards, but that is no reason to single them out and say they are a threat to this country. They deserve much more than that.

Richard Windisch 7 said...

I agree that this profiling returning military vets as potential "right-wing" extremists based on basically no information or terrorist attacks that they are watching these "extremists" for. With the exception of Timothy McVeigh, the one viable case which occured over a decade ago they have no further reason to believe that any other part of the military a insane extremists. Also the comparison to the left-wing extremists using cyber attacks is different as they only label the group as left-wing extremists, not a particular group like our military vets who were unjustly profiled and labeled potential extremists and terrorists. I don't know what Napolitano or the DHSs agenda is but I find it quite worrisome the way they are behaving and I think that this should be stopped immediately. We aren't aloud to profile for virtually any reason to try to stop terrorism, but its okay to attack our vets.

linpri2 said...

I agree i think calling the Veterans that went to war and risked their lives for us terrorist is very offensive. I think whoever said this should be very ashamed of themselves.These brave men and women went out there not knowing if they were going to come back but they were willing to sacrafise it all just so everyone here can have a safe life without having to worry about the real terrorists.

stoney-7th period said...

i think that is dumb. our veterans fought for us and yeah there are crazy people in this world but you really wouldnt think that some one who fought hard in our country..

Anonymous said...

I woul say that its really dumb. I think they the people representing our nation are just saying unnecessary stuff just to be heard and to have people worry about something so pointless. They have nohting better to do.

Chris Rodriguez 7 said...

This is really stupid. The U.S doesn't even know who to think the terrorist are these days they think that everyone is a terrorist and try to get in peoples business for so called terrorist. Then how are you going to say that people who are fighting for a county will just turn there backs on us.stupid.