Monday, October 26, 2009

News From England: Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer

LONG-term mobile phone users could face a higher risk of developing cancer in later life, according to a decade-long study.

The report, to be published later this year, has reportedly found that heavy mobile use is linked to brain tumours.

The survey of 12,800 people in 13 countries has been overseen by the World Health Organisation.

Preliminary results of the inquiry, which is looking at whether mobile phone exposure is linked to three types of brain tumour and a tumour of the salivary gland, have been sent to a scientific journal.

The findings are expected to put pressure on the British Government – which has insisted that mobile phones are safe – to issue stronger warnings to users.


Dylan Boyd AP Gov said...

oh wow, thats interesting. i think this is atleast reasonable cause for issuing stronger warnings. and this also makes me wonder if there are any negatives for texting as well. i heard that more people text now than call so they should also do studies on how that effects people.

David Huang 3 said...

well mobile phones are the most common way of communication and therefore the government can gain a huge amount of profits from the mobile companyies, if people stopped using the phones, the government will have a lose in income. but i think the govenment may also remind people the fact, which the cell phones are actually hurting our health. becasue i think life is more important than anything else

Abigail Ham said...

Isn't this sort of like that report about how pregnant women shouldn't stand anywhere near a microwave?...

I can understand cancer developing after years and years and years of excessive cell-phone use, but by the time the future comes around, cell phones will be so advanced that whatever cancer one might get probably won't come from cell phones and/or would be quickly diagnosed and treated with extremely advanced medical technology.

Seems to me like this is something that only time can tell or fix.

Samantha Martinez 4th period said...

If cell phones can cause brain cancer then i assume all teenagers are in for it! Teens now-a-days talk and text on thier phone very often so many teens may have a chance(if true)of gettin brain cancer including myself.

Olivia Thornton 4th Period said...

I hate these stupid medical theories about stuff like autism is caused by vaccines and dystonia is an effect of the flu shot. This is just another one of those theories that was tested a hundred times with no result and then suddenly one single experiment is done that proves everything wrong. After doing a little more research on this swedish study, I found out that it relied on mailed questionnaires and telephone interviews. In statistics, we call that a voluntary response which is usually a bad representation of the population. It's a form of sampling bias. This experiment has no basis is reality and shouldn't have been published. I'm not saying that spending 7 hours a day on a cell phone is a good thing but until an accurate experiment is done or a medical explanation is offered, I will continue to pick up my phone when it rings.

RamonaMittal3 said...

What doesn't cause cancer anymore? Whether you sit in front of a computer, you talk on a phone, not just a cell phone, or you watch TV, you are exposed to cancer. It's as if the whole world didn't know that. These scientists think that they can make some big bucks by telling society "Hey you talking on that cell are exposed to cancer right now."
I do see some honesty in this, but honestly speaking, this would take a very long time to happen (unless you are attached to your cell phone).

Anonymous said...

I think cell phones could be a cause of brain cancer, but right now it's not clear at all. There have been many studies on this subject that contradict each other. Chances are we won't be certain until a few more years pass and more data is collected, after all, cell phones started becoming popular less than two decades ago.

CelestaNave8 said...

Haven't we gone over this before? Everything seems to cause cancer these days. We want to get more exercise and participate in outdoor activities, but the SUN is killing us. So we use suns screen...which prevents us from getting sunburn, but does not protect from ultraviolet rays which cause skin cancer. DEODORANT-the aluminium in many anti-perspirants has a potential link with breast cancer. Red dye used in SAUSAGE and BURGERS can cause cancer. Certain packaged CHOCOLATES are being pulled off of shelves because cancer-causing toxins have been found in the batch of rice flour. &Now, the cell phone. Since it interacts with our brain cells, is it safe to text? Or is that going to do something to my hands...I mean, other than Enlarged Thumb Syndrom (ETS) or arthritis.

Scott_Hickle_ThirdPeriod_Beast said...

Well, the good news is that we teens only have to worry about hand cancer, seeing as, on average, we text far more than we talk with the phone spooning our heads.
In all seriousness, it seems likely that this study will soon spark a surfeit of lawsuits against cell-phone makers. Perhaps they will be pushed to develop brain-friendly cell phones, which can't be a bad thing. I'm curious as to whether the heating was caused by the cell phone's heating battery, the cellular waves being transmitted (a microwave effect?) or just the fact that we're leaving our hands near our head effectively insulating that side of our head and building up heat.

Kaitlin_Reynolds_3 said...

With this study I would rather know how long you have to be using your phone for it to truly cause permenant damage. Is it as short as a few months, or years of using a ohone? And honestly I doubt this pertains to many teebagers, because the majority of us just text rather than actually talk on the phone. Personally some of my longest calls don't exceed 3 minutes. So until they come out with studies that show how harmful texting is, I doubt its going to catch many young adults attention.

Anonymous said...

This all to me sounds ridiculous. Everything these days can cause cancer; diet drinks, stanidng in the sun and now cell phones??? I mean i think its great the governement is giving out a warning that cell phones may cause harm but so does alcohol and drugs but people still choose to use them. Cell phones have become the way to communicate with people and if they go away then how will people survive?? Many jobs support on cell phones. Also texting messaging was a good point. I bet at least 75% of people under the age of 45 text. Can this also cause harm???? I dont think this experiment has a truthful conclusions and i will continue to use my cell phone with no real caution.

BritniBass3 said...

I repect the government giving out the fair warning about cell phones and their ability to cause cancer. However i dont think people will take this warning seriously. Today many things in society cause cancer and cancer isnt a very easliy cured disease... and since everyone knows about cancer and all of the things that go along with it i think its good that the government based off a warning. But i do not think it will be more than a warning because people depend on their cell phones and if we constantly worry about the cause of cancer no one would ever leave their house.

marialbutra_03 said...

These types of studies just goes to show that scientists have nothing better to research about. It seems like their goal is to just scare the public and it doesn't make sense to me.

Jesse Slay (Alum.) said...

Maybe cell phones do cause brain cancer but only after massive exposure. Too much of anything can kill you, even water! Regardless of if this study is true or not I will still use my cell phone just as much as I have before. The only people to worry are those who never let their cell phone leave their ear. Wait a second, cell phones have batteries that don't last forever! So unless you stay on your cell phone connected to a wall then can you get that cancer inducing exposure.

cheyennelujan3 said...

awwwesome. I love how they always tell us these diagnosis even though no one ever pays any attention. Don't they sell little things to stick on the back of your phone so you don't get like radiation in your head? And weren't those proven to be faulty. Calm down England, we aren't going to stop using our cell phones because you showed us one study. Besides everyone texts now anyways..

..:::IsaacE3rd:::.. said...

If cancer is caused by cell phones, America we have a problem! Most portions of the world rely on cell phone communication or any technologically based communication. Of course it is a fact that cellphones create heat on the brain, but so do other factors including Tv,Computers,microwaves and beanies. But if people are to scared of getting cancer my advice is that they should just add texting to their phone plans. Though texting can cause a high risk of arthritis it is a better risk than that of the brain. And if all else fails we can just enjoy the harmless act of letter writing as a form of communication.But then we would overload the mail carriers....

BenjaminRahman8th said...

This doesn't really surprise me because I've heard about cell phone radiation. I also think that this may just be a bunch of sound and fury. It all depends. If you are a heavy cell phone user and make daily calls, then this is more of an issue for you to be concerned with. For those of us who text more than we talk, it ain't so much of an issue. Warnings should be displayed and people should also use common sense such as not using a cell phone when a landline is available.

Sara H-Sabet 8th said...

However progress and multilateralism are obviously being shown through the fact that: the UN is involved in investigating the fraud, further efforts are being done to correct the mistakes, and the two major candidates are being peaceful during this process. Saying that cell phone usage can have negative impacts on your brain is really nothing new; governments ignoring studies (especially decade long studies) sounds very familiar to what happened when scientist first tried to get people to stop smoking. Whenever facts are published, that threaten people who stand to benefit from a particular product, those people always downplay the findings.

Ronnie Woodard 4th said...

This seems like a story of the 80's, when cell phones were the size of bricks and people had enough hair to protect them from any harmful radiation that came from the phones. But in all seriousness, this seems like just another study to prevent the use of cell phones... Maybe its just my phone, but it tends to head up quickly when i talk on in for more than 5 minutes or so. That would lead to a logical explanation why your head was warmer after use...

RudyPortillo8 said...

I would have to see the study and make sure it was a legitimate study before I started to worry. This study sounds ridiculous and I don't think many people would ever take it serious. Besides, do you think that this is going to stop anyone from using their cell phones? No.

AndreaOlachia3 said...

Cancer this, cancer that. Everything as of late causes cancer. Okay,so cell phones are linked to tumors or whatnot but there are studies like wine is good but wait, no it isn't it's really bad. So I'm sure there are studies saying that cell phone use is the safest cancer preventing activity in the world.
I believe they should warn people but we all know we aren't 100% safe no matter what we do. Just like no matter what we do everything is a sin, or no good deed goes unpunished, CANCER will get you whether or not you stop using your phone or heating up 2 minute mac and cheese.

AndreaOlachia3 said...

Cancer this, cancer that. Everything as of late causes cancer. Okay,so cell phones are linked to tumors or whatnot but there are studies like wine is good but wait, no it isn't it's really bad. So I'm sure there are studies saying that cell phone use is the safest cancer preventing activity in the world.
I believe they should warn people but we all know we aren't 100% safe no matter what we do. Just like no matter what we do everything is a sin, or no good deed goes unpunished, CANCER will get you whether or not you stop using your phone or heating up 2 minute mac and cheese.

Cherie Hebisen said...

I agree with dylan they should do studies on texting as well, but that might be a whole nother issue like with hurting your vision or somthing. However, I think that it isnt reasonable that they are giving warnings about cell phones and brain cancer so quickly before they have proven completely that this effects everyone and anyone.

I think this is a money issue like the flu shot.. :]

Isra Bashiti 1st said...

I think this would catch people's attention that do talk on the phone alot or have a family member that does. Personally, i text most of the time and rarely talk on the phone, as im guessing most teens do, but my sister talks for that definitely caught my attention. I don't know if i would believe it strongly because it seems like everyday there is a new thing that can cause cancer. Like about 1 or 2 months ago, there was this news about how Garnie Fructis Shampoo and Conditioner can cause cancer. Although it doesnt show that much in the article, i think it has good proof but i think it needs more to get people to actually believe it. Especially that now there's a lot of things that are said to cause cancer. I believe it...or it gets me be aware of things.

Carlos Rangel 4th Period said...

Conversating all night = Brain Cancer! Another lecture for parents to give their teenaged barbie-crazed-gossippy daughter about how LONG-term mobile phone usage is a bad thing.
Crazy discovery! You know if you do think about it, it would make alot of sense. Of course i would figure alot more GIRLS would be victimized by this but hey im no doctor/specialist..But really this concerns the generation of "The Technology" since using mobile phones have adapted well into our 2nd Nature and by the way I think its cool though that somebody is looking out for the things we include in our daily lives. Anyways, this news might even scare some people into going back to the old days where they would have to walk on over to their friends (its across the block and it wont hurt) and if so, then this could cause a decrease for cell phone profit? maybe. And could lead to even protections and solutions for this "Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer" dilemna later in the future. We will have to see and in the mean time maybe people should start thinking twice about saving their money and getting the leftover minute plan in the AT&T wireless package.. *Hint* *Hint* read a book or go hang out with your buddies to talk instead of risking a brain tumor!

TrevorChilton3 said...

this is alarming news, but to the average consumer, what can you do? we cant expect every person to stop talking on their cell phone. the responsibility of fixing this potential problem needs to fall on the government. Cell phone manufacturers need strict guidelines and cell phone companies need to market theses new phones.

Henry Blanton 8 said...

Overuse of anything can be detrimental to health, rather than place restrictions on anything and everything, people should just learn to exercise some self control and use better judgement. I mean people are literally eating themselves to death every year but we aren't shutting down fast food resturaunts or placing eating regulations...

aimeeblake8 said...

I don't know what to believe about what causes cancer and what doesn't anymore. It seems like everyday there is a new warning about things causing cancer. I have seen a fee different things that claim to prevent cell phones from giving you cancer. I think it is all a matter of how paranoid you are about things like this now, because if I beleived all the claims I've heard or if I was actually concerned then I would not be able to do anything.

JungwonPark3 said...

I guess cell phones could be a cause of brain cancer, but we cant just stop talking on the cell phones. Cell phones are the most common way to communicate with other people. I agree with Roman that the scientists are just trying to make some money by telling people this.

Caroline Henderson 3 said...

It seems like everything causes cancer these days! It seems like you can't do anything without risking your life to cancer. Don't drink tea with Splenda because you could get cancer. Don't go outside because you could get cancer. Don't use your cell phone because you could get cancer. They are all a bunch of "you could"; it's a possibility. They are not facts that "you will" get cancer; it's too early in the research stage to put a definite lable on it. Right now, this all seems kind of silly.

phyllisgoode3 said...

So if cell phones give us cancer we're all screwed. Everybody has cell phones now including little kids.
However, the government does need to warn the people that they're frying their brains instead of letting them think they're safe using them. To most people it would hardly make a difference. You never think somethings going to happen to you. Maybe it'll effect you when you're older but that's soooo far away and people don't really look at the consequences.
These researchers should find out what exactly about cell phones increases your chance of cancer and then work on developing something new without that substance/substances.

Ben Hernandez Pd. 3 said...

Okay, well it is good that these scientists were able to determine what the older generations have been trying to tell us; technology is evil. However, I concur with Olivia. This research is not trustworthy especially coming from sources that could potentially be unreliable. There needs to be further studies that have genuine results with people who don't or wouldn't have any link to cancer at all. It seems that this article is a bit premature, in that it doesn't have cold hard evidence that cell phone's cause cancer. The "large population study from Sweden has shown that people who use cell phones for more than ten years on the same side of the head have a 40% higher risk of certain types of brain tumors" but they don't necessarily cause it. Let's see what pops up in the next few years, and maybe they'll find that human emotion causes myxomas.

VanessaTorres3rd said...

Well this is quite concerning, isn't it? First, I'm glad I don't talk on my cell phone much.

But more importantly, it's good that there's research being looked into this. People deserve to know that an everday electronic such as cell phones, which are crucial for some people, might have harmful side affects as they grow older. But if there IS a side affect (which I wouldn't be surprised if there was!) then the British government should definitely not continue claiming cell phones 'safe'.

However with the advancement of modern technology, one would expect to see a development in cell phones to stop the cell phone from causing it. So hopefully this case will soon be settled so plans for developing a better cell phone can begin.

Annie Henderson 3rd Period said...

If your brain lights up like that after fifteen minutes, my entire head should be a rainbow. Constantly. Cell phones have been around for a decent time, and if it were really such a bad thing, people would have noticed before now. I can get cancer by playing in the sun. I don't think my phone's going to do that much harm.

Donnie Bryant 8th said...

Thats super crazy! Doesn't really affect my life anymore since I have texting in my life :O However I was on my way to tumorville in the past. But this little bit of info is a eye catcher to say the least and will continue to grow a following.

nitashamisra3 said...

I agree with Caroline: you COULD get cancer, it's a possibility. There's no guarantee that you WILL get cancer. I'd much rather see concrete proof that talking on your cell phone causes cancer instead of unreliable studies. Plus, cell phones have been around for nearly 40 years, & we're just now realizing that they could KILL US?
Yo no se.
Sounds a little shifty to me.
So I'm gonna keep using my cell phone to converse with people, even with this alleged risk of brain cancer.

Angel Armendariz 10th Period said...

I believe this is a money issue. Do they seriously not have anything else to research? I mean i guess this can be true in some ways but cell phones are needed, why scare the public?

Raleisha Martin 8th said...

I think while it will shock counsumers greatly I do doubt that it will decrease the usage of cell phone use. Cigarettes and Alcohol have been proven to give us cancer definately, but people still drink and smoke like theres no tomorrow. I doubt the government will even intervene with cell phone usage. I think it's irony and punishment for the gluttony of heavy cell phone users.

aidanhamman3 said...

If this is true half the teen population just gritted their teeth and said oh well.
I have heard lots of stories like this before actually but the most similar was that it only killed brain cells.
I think it would take lots of years to develop cancer. I mean there are still cases where people believe that cancer and other deceases are hereditary. If so, how does magnetic waves do that? I think that its a bunch of lies. I need more then a picture to be convinced.

Until then, im using my cell phone every day.

AlexandriaOlivarez8 said...

Whether this is found to be true or not i think it is kinda interesting. I know a bunch of people who constantly talk on the phone all day and if this is true is does sort of worry me. But then on the other hand teenagers have been using cell phones for i don't know how many years now i mean don't you think this might have shown up in the past already?

Love Patel -- 3rd Period said...

i looked into this and found the 10 highest radiation cell phones...

1.Motorola V195s
2.Motorola Zine ZN5
3.Motorola Rival
4.Kyocera Jax S1300
5.Motorola VU204
6.RIM BlackBerry Curve 8300
7.Nokia E71x
8.Pantech Matrix
9.LG Rumor 2
10.RIM BlackBerry Bold

so if you use one of these 10 phones you better stop talking on it or you might just get brain cancer ;)

brandonluckenbach1 said...

I think you will only have health problems from cell phones if you are constantly using it. After all, too much of anything can be harmful. If this truly is a problem, cell phone companies should develope cell phones that give off less radiation.

Amy said...

I think that everyone has at least some cancer conspiracy theory. I've heard that everything from Sweet N Low to heated plastic causes cancer, so generally I'm very skeptical. Personally I believe this cell phone study, though. Maybe this is just my conspiracy theory, but the thermographic images seem like reasonable data for further investigation.

HannahBrooks8 said...

wow. I always thought this was a big myth. Though they seem to have real scientific evidence, I still think it's a far fetched idea. Did they take into consideration that the people tested may have a family history of brain tumors, or cancer, or what ever? It may have nothing to do with it but I'm in statistics and if they do not have a random sampling, there are too many extraneous factors that will contribute to the outcome. It may sound silly but i would rather have a cellphone and take life as it goes, instead of not having one in fear of brain cancer. They just need to test it on MythBusters. They know everthing. :)

Roman Padilla, 3rd said...

Cancer, it's everywhere in was in diet coke, it was in water, it was in the suns rays, and now it's in our phones. So, what im saying is, that the probability of getting cancer from your phone is the same as getting it from anywhere else in the world. So this isnt going to get much attention from anyone, except scientist who need something to do. Like Abigail said, technology is advancing very quickly, and soon, they'll have a solution for this and all the other cancers, making this small chance of cancer insignificant. Besides, alot of people don't talk on thier phone anymore, its all texting, so no harm there.

AmBeR-dElGaDo*8th* said...

Yeah I guess it's more than likely that it could happen after a large amount of time. So alot of people are doomed! Oh well thats why there is now texting so be safe and just text instead of talk on the phone.

Alex Rivas 8th said...

Well this is dumb. If cell phones are truly harmful to everyone's health, then the gov't wouldn't allow for cell phones to be manufactured. People do need to quit being glued to their phones though...

Kenneth Cravatt 3rd said...

Anything in large amounts is going to have some bad results at some point.I think that unless you're walking around with a cell phone stuck in your ear then you should be fine and cancer-free. People who use cell phones in reasonable amounts should be okay.

Kellen Hearn 4th said...

Well now days people have texting, and i think texting is more commly used than actually talking on the phone, but i dont think its that serious. If so watch out teenagers!!!!