Friday, October 30, 2009

Punish the Onlookers?

RICHMOND, Calif. (CBS/AP) For two hours they watched the alleged gang rape of a 15-year-old girl outside her high school homecoming dance. They pointed. They laughed. They took pictures, say investigators. But no one among the approximately two dozen gawkers called the police.

Now it is looking like they might not face any criminal responsibility, even after four teens, so far, face up to life in prison for the rape. It is a crime in California to fail to report a crime against a child, according to the state's 1999 Sherrice Iverson Child Victim Protection Act. But the bill only applies to victims who are 14 or younger. The victim in the Richmond gang rape case is 15.

Dara Cashman, head of the Contra Costa District Attorney's Office sex crimes unit, said all is not lost and told the Contra Costa Times, a Bay area newspaper, that those who witnessed the alleged rape and did not report it could face aiding and abetting charges, if it can be proven that their actions facilitated or goaded the perpetrator. It is not clear if those charges are being considered in this case. It was not until a former student, who heard two males bragging about the attack, that police received a tip on the case. Officers found the victim semiconscious and naked from the waist down near a picnic table on the Richmond High School campus.

Margarita Vargas, who was watching television Saturday night with others at her home two blocks from the school campus, told a newspaper that she reported the assault as soon as she heard about it. The newspaper did not say whether Vargas was a student at the school. "They think it's cool," Vargas said of those gathered at the alleged rape. "They weren't raised to respect girls." Police Lieutenant Mark Gagan said that a "mob mentality" had taken over the night of the dance and that it only became worse as students spread the news, over time, that "rape was going on." "More people came to see, and some actually participated." When individuals do not offer help in an emergency situation when other people are present, law enforcement term the non-action the "bystander effect" or "Genovese syndrome."

Kitty Genovese was a 24-year-old New Yorker, who, after finishing the late shift at a Queens bar in 1964, was randomly attacked while walking home. A subsequent report in The New York Times laid out the story of 38 witnesses, many portrayed as watching the homicide from front row seats in their high-rise apartments as Genovese cried in vain for her life. "For more than half an hour thirty-eight respectable, law-abiding citizens in Queens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks in Kew Gardens," The Times article began. ".... Not one person telephoned the police during the assault; one witness called after the woman was dead."

A recent investigation by ABC News of the old case suggests that very few of the thirty-eight actually witnessed the crime. And a group of neighbors actually helped to finally catch the assailant. There's no word yet if heroes will emerge from this case. Details of the witnesses in the Richmond California gang rape case are still unclear. "I still cannot get my head around the fact that numerous people either watched, walked away or participated in her assault," police Lt. Gagan said. "This just gets worse and worse the more you dig into it." Police hope a $20,000 reward will bring more people forward with information.


user312 said...

While I don't think the onlookers should be punished, I do think the whole situation is sad. Maybe the mind set of the crowd was that someone else witnessing the event would report it and no one ended up taking the intuitive.

Deandra Porter said...

This is insane!!! The people that witnessed this horrible act should face some sort of punishment. They watched a girl get gang raped and were laughing. Did they find nothing wrong with what they were witnessing, and how could they even laugh? There is nothing funny about what happened to that poor girl.
The attackers of course deserve whatever they get but the witnesses deserve some sort of punishment as well. They could have helped stop what was happening instead of cheering on the attack. They failed to report a crime that could have been stopped.
It's just ridiculous that this happened and that people were treating it like it was a joke. There's something very wrong with these people.

Andrew Jiang 8th said...

There's no reason not to punish them. Not doing something when you easily can, and allowing such an act to happen is almost as bad as perpetrating the act itself. Of course, they should not be given life sentences, but a punishment is required at the very least to teach people that what the are (not) doing is ridiculous. As for the California state law, it seems stupid. Very stupid. Why only under 14? Why not under 18? Why is there an age on it at all? Rape is a crime that should not be tolerated in the slightest, especially under the legal age.

mariojimenez said...

Seriously?!? I mean really.. Did this just happen.. How.. how do you just watch or participate in something this.. This vile. On top of that Only 1 out of 24 students called the police?? Really... I don’t understand how someone could just watch, Point and laugh, and even take pictures... And "It is a crime in California to fail to report a crime against a child" Why should that be a law? that as not just US citizens, but as Humans should be a Responsibility. As for the actually point of this article.. I think that the 'onlookers' should not be punished, but need to know that what they did was incredibly inhuman, and be warned. however for the student's who 'participated', I think Life in prison is way to lenient. Maybe their punishment will make, not only the ones who participated, but the rest of the students, at that school understand what they really did was wrong.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked that, even though they hadn't been raised to respect women, these kids just stood by and watched this, especially for two hours! I don't see why they wouldn't be in trouble just because she is over 14 years old; why isn't there a law that makes it illegal to not report a crime no matter what the case is? And the people who just watched from their apartments as a woman was stabbed? I understand the concept of self preservation, but calling the cops wouldn't have put them at risk whatsoever. These people need to be punished for not looking out for the members of their communities. While they should not be punished very severely since they didn't actually participate, they need to realize that by not doing anything, they allowed the crime to proceed unhindered, and that they cannot allow that to happen again in future.

bonnieblue1st said...

I think that these "onlookers" should be punished. They did nothing to stop what was going on and instead just watched and laughed. Which I think is practically participating in the rape, even if they did not actually do so. It is not right for people to watch others harm someone and do nothing about it.

Benjamin Holmes 8 said...

I think its sickening that no punishment will be administered to the onlookers. They clearly had the ability to help the girl, but chose not to. I do think that their punishment should be significantly less than those who actually participated.

Millie Dorsett Period 3 said...

I think the gawkers, as referred to, should be punished. I understand that the law says if the one being raped is 14 or under, but who is to know for certain how old someone is when being raped. they can't just go and ask. The onlookers should have told te police- for i can't think of why they wouldn't?- but the viewers should be punished. they witnessed a crime and failed to report it, like one shuould, no matter the crime.

millicent dorsett
period 3
AP government

Yesha Patel 3rd said...

They Definitely need to punish the onlookers. If someone has the audacity to stand there and watch as something horrible is going on to a victim, regardless their age, and not report anything then they just as well might be committing the crime themselves.

CatWu said...

Are you serious? They might not face any criminal responsibility??What ever the bill says, it shouldnt matter..I think that everyone should be required to report any crime. It should be a responsibility as a citizen. Its someone's life at stake. And the fact that the witnesses spread the word, and more people came to watch it and no one at all called the cops, absolutely disgusts me.

In the Kitty Genovese case, the witnesses still should've called the cops. If someone called the cops, she probably would've made it.

SethPitman1 said...

Holy Smokes! This is so intense. i cant even begin to imagine the pain of guilt i would have if i were to watch this. After the dance, were there no school security or teachers there to watch? I agree with California's rule about citizens watching suffering punishments, i think that it should be for all states. and the 14 year old minor rule..i think it should be 18. i think that every state should enforce this law, the people that just sit there and laugh have no morals, what if it were them. It would be funny to see their reaction to it. Anyway, i hope they catch who did it and the bystanders.

Elizabeth Sewell said...

Granted, in each of these cases, someone witnessed exactly what happened, and should have called the police.

However, I also think that many times, the public is scared of what might be done. Even when you're just a bystander, I think that a lot of times...we become scared of the public.

I don't know if this is the case with these people or not, but it certainly could be.

Safa Arzaghi 4th Period said...

If the onlookers did not bother to contact the police then they should be punished accordingly and not escaped unscathed. A simple call to 911 would not put the people in danger in any way and could have helped the girl who was in trouble. In such a situation, yes, hesitation is understandable to an extent, but when someone's life is in danger there is an obvious course of action. It is not essential that the person puts their life at risk to help that someone out but the simple of act of calling the authorities is a simple solution. There should be some sort of punishment for the onlookers. Obviously they are not in league with the attacker but they definitely don't deserve to be set free and not punished at all.

Anonymous said...

yes punish the onlookers. rape is a horrendous crime that shouldnt be taken lightly but onlookers were standing by and laughing? laughing?! i want to know whats so funny. they should be punished.

naomishine3 said...

I think every person who watched the rape should go to jail. I think seeing a crime and not doing anything to stop it or report it, is just as bad as committing it. I don't understand how people thought it was "cool" to see the rape and/or participate in it. How did the situation get so out of control? It's crazy that the 1999 Sherrice Iverson Child Victim Protection Act only covers victims who are 14 or younger. What changes between 14 and 15, are people suddenly let off the hook? I hope everyone who watched and didn't report the crime goes to jail for a very long time.

Rachel_poole_4period said...

this is rediculous, how could someone stand by and watch as one of their fellow classmates is raped? The onlookers should deffinately be punished, they should have called the police or have at least tried to stop the attacker. If someone had seen a person going into a school with a bomb and they didn't call the police and it was discovered later that they had seen the bomber before hand, the person would have been punished severly for his failure to aid in the prevention of a crime. It should be the same no matter what the situation, if someone's life is put in danger. The 15 year old's life was in danger but just because she wasn't 14 or younger none of the onlookers were punished. That just doesn't seem right to me.

HafsaAhmad3rdPeriod said...

I think that the onlookers should be punished. I mean, it's not like they were in a situation where, if they had called the police or ran for help that they would put themselves in danger. There were no guns or any other weapons involved (that i know of) so I don't see why someone couldn't have called 911 or ran inside to the dance to call a teacher or someone for help, I don't think any of the witnesses have an excuse to not have helped, and should therefore be punished in some way.

SadafSiddiqui3 said...

This story makes me sick. I am disgusted that a 15 year old girl was raped at her homecoming. I am disgusted that people joined in as they found out about it. But most of all, I am disgusted that none of the onlookers did a single thing to stop it. None of them called the police. None of them tried to prevent the deed. They all did NOTHING. Governmental law or not, this act goes against the laws of a human being. How can good law-abiding citizens stand and watch someone get raped? How does that not MAKE you want to do SOMETHING? Even if the action doesn't do anything, a normal human being should have some kind of heart to try to prevent a heinous crime from happening. No one's asking them to jump in. But at least call for help. I really can't comprehend it. Maybe I'm missing something but the idea of watching rape sure doesn't strike me as something fun to do. And it's not as if you're calling the police to report your neighbor for being extremely loud. That's something people hesitate about since, for one, it's not a real crime, and secondly, they don't want their neighbors to know they made a complaint. Here, the people wouldn't suffer in any way by taking action. They may have to testify in court but if you can stop the potential death and definite scarring of a fifteen year old girl, isn't it worth it? I'm sure no one can stand and say that the rape that occured was yes, I think that the onlookers should be punished, at least to an extent. After making sure they did witness it of course. I think the law is dumb to apply until fourteen years of age. How is a 15-year-old any different? In fact, why does it matter that it has to be a crime against a child? As a human being, isn't letting evil occur almost as bad as committing the evil? Some would argue yes. I agree. Innocent bystanders are never truly innocent.

tyler scheppler _3rd period said...

this is messed up a 15 yr old girl getting gang raped at her high school homecoming dance. the surprising thing is that it happend on school grounds. The people that just watched on as it happened are screwed up. they have some issues. i know it would be hard to catch the people who wittnessed the crime and did not say any thing about it. one question i would like to ask is, WHERE WERE THE TEACHERS OR CHAPERONES AT THE DANCE, HOW COULD THEY LET THIS HAPPEN?

EmilyMargrave_8th said...

Yes! Punish these onlookers, these bystanders. They did absolutely nothing to help the innocent girl being raped just as the other witnesses did nothing to help the women being murdered. In the case of the young girl being raped, the onlookers even added "fuel to the fire" of the rapists. "More people came to see, and some actually participated." This was cruel of them so they should receive punishment. Who gets to say that a child is no longer protected at the age of 14? Who gets to say that it's okay for citizens to just watch horrible crimes occur without helping, without at least calling the police?? Yes, they should be punished.

EricClark8th said...

Just because she was 15 doesn't give them the right to not punish them. No matter the age you are just sitting there boosting these attackers mentality to do it even more. Now that little girl is gonna be scared the rest of her life, looking over her shoulder to see if she's gonna be victimized again. These spectaters should be given life in prison for doing such a thing, they think its cool to sit there and watch a girl be raped what kinda crap is that. They wouldn't think it was so cool if a beloved one was raped and a crowd just stood there and watched, laughed, participated, they'd wanna punish these people for such things so why didn't they help...Give them life without parole!!!

EricClark8th said...

Just because she was 15 doesn't give them the right to not punish them. No matter the age you are just sitting there boosting these attackers mentality to do it even more. Now that little girl is gonna be scared the rest of her life, looking over her shoulder to see if she's gonna be victimized again. These spectaters should be given life in prison for doing such a thing, they think its cool to sit there and watch a girl be raped what kinda crap is that. They wouldn't think it was so cool if a beloved one was raped and a crowd just stood there and watched, laughed, participated, they'd wanna punish these people for such things so why didn't they help...Give them life without parole!!!

EfrainDuarte3 said...

I believe that the onlookers should be punished. Those who participated are being punished, so why not those who saw. If someone decides to stand there while some innocent person is being raped they should be man enough to call and report it, not just make fun and take pictures.

In Genovese's case the same ethics should apply, because if people didn't do anything while a murder was occuring it just comes to show how heartless a percentage of Americans are.

camdenhoeffner3 said...

If you can stand there and watch one person rape another person, or several people rape that one person, you are SERIOUSLY messed up in the head. I know that all those gang-banging things are popular, everythin from a three-some to a full out sex party, but I think we all no the difference between a girl screaming, "Oh yeah baby." and a girl screaming bloody murder at the top of her lungs.
I think they should definitely be tried for something. Maybe aiding and abetting, and maybe something else, but the point is, they have to learn that encouraging a crime is wrong. If doing hard time is what it takes, then so be it because mommy and daddy obviously aren't. If they would have killed that poor girl, there would be even bigger problems; they would be acessories to a murder.
This just makes me sick to think that if I, or one of my friends, was being raped, that most likely everybody would just watch and laugh and stare. No one would bother to help me or call the police. What has our society come to that teenage boys, and men even, have to rape, or watch someone else rape, an innocent girl to get their kicks?

Molly He said...

Bystanders should be held accountable for what they are doing, which is nothing. Something of the sort happened during WWII; the citizens just stood by and watched as Jews went on death marches. But European citizens were afraid for their lives, too. The Nazis did not go soft on those who helped the Jews.

The situation here is different, though. They were not threatened with their lives, "they laughed. They took pictures." It is within our citizen duties to alarm authority when harm is done on others and these people did not fulfill their obligation, and thus should be punished according to the law.

AngeloRosendo4thPeriod said...

i believe the law enforcement has the right to include and prosecute the witnesses of this incident. the age limit for the Sherrice Iverson Child Victim Protection Act should be raised to ensure the safety of younger children. the "bystander effect" or "Genovese syndrom" are not a good enough excuse for not abiding and informing the officials.

nathanwilliamsthree said...

This is disgusting. How does a person watch a girl being overpowered and gang-raped, and not feel the slightest inclination to put forth some kind of assistance? Every one of those bystanders should be ashamed of themselves, and I can only hope that there is some law that they can be prosecuted under.

AaronFlores1 said...

This is astonishing. So many people witness a girl being raped and they do nothing about it. There should not be an age limit on the law of someone witnessing a crime and not calling law enforcement. It's rediculous that the person has to be under 14 for it to be illegal for bystanders to not call the police. The girl was only 15 and the witnesses are not getting in trouble.
It's horrible that nobody called the polce and that some even joined in.

Roman Padilla, 3rd said...

What is wrong with society today. If someone is being harmed or hurt in anyway, you try and help them or at least call the authorities. How can these kids stand there and watch some innocent girl get raped and actually join in on the action. The act says that its illegal to not report a crime against a kid fourteen and under, but i think these kids should go to jail, it only would have taken one person to stop it all, but none of them did. I hope they can get the kids for aiding and abeeding charges, so that they will at least pay something. Oh my gosh, it is just so amazing and new to me that this kind of thing can happen, at a school homecoming dance no less. I believe personal that these kids need to be locked up or disciplined in someway.

TimAllison4thPeriod said...

This is just one of those cases where, in my head, everyone even watching as an innocent bystander is guilty of the crime. They did nothing! How do you think the girl getting raped felt? It is extremely unfortunate that the law said "under 15"... I can't believe that no one is getting any kind of punishment at all, just because she was 15! I mean what the hell? Just because she is a year under the law does not mean that those standing by shouldn't be punished, because they weren't part of the crime! Even if they didn't participate physically, they were there watching... Laughing, even worse! It is like people watching porn, which with anyone under 18 is seen as child pornography, which people will get arrested for owning or watching! That means all of those bystanders committed a felony! All of them should be jailed or at least punished for the terrible event they witnessed that night. Punish the morally flawed and why not just kill them? Dear God, we have plenty of psychos and screwed up people in this world... We need to start cracking down. Express no tolerance and maybe we wouldn't have so much crime and need to even deal with stories of this nature.

kaileeking3 said...

The onlookers are 100% guilty. Even though these students are young adults, they have to attain a certain level of pure common sense. What is humorous about a girl being phyically assaulted in front of her peers? Nothing. Any one of those students could have contacted help; not even the police necessarily. They should absolutely be held accountable for their failure to act. What if the victim had been their friend, sibling, or better yet, themselves? In the words of Edmund Burke, "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing."